17 resultados para Urbanismo y planificación urbana
Existe una estrecha relación entre bienestar y escala urbana. Considerando una combinación ponderada de indicadores socioeconómicos y ambientales tenemos que las Aglomeraciones de Tamaño Intermedio (ATIS) grandes (entre 400.000 y 999.999 habitantes) poseen el mayor nivel de bienestar, seguidas por las ATIS medias (entre 50.000 y 399.999). Las ciudades grandes (más de un millón de habitantes) recientemente se ubican en un tercer escalón. Cruzando la escala urbana y la región se evidencian mejor estas diferencias. La mejor conjunción corresponde a las ATIS medias patagónicas, mientras que la peor es la que reúne a las ATIS medias del Nordeste Argentino (NEA). Es decir que, más allá de la jerarquía urbana como factor de diferenciación, también deben considerarse los contextos regionales para intentar dimensionar más ajustadamente las diferencias del bienestar en Argentina. ABSTRACT A very close relationship exists between well-being and urban scale. If we consider a weighted combination of socioeconomic and environmental indicators, we find that bigger middle-sized cities (ATIS in Spanish) of between 400,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants have the highest level of well-being, followed by middle ATIS, or cities, of 50,000 to 400,000 in population. The largest cities, those with a population of more than 1,000,000 ranked third. However, these differences are better evidenced by crossing urban scale and region. In other words, beyond urban hierarchy as a differentiation factor, the regional context must also be considered to more accurately gage differences in well-being.
This essay analyzes on the origin and impact of the amendment process currently undertaken by the Cuban government authorities considering it as the result of --what I call-- super structural imbalance. Such imbalance is caused by the application of the System for Management and Planning of the Economy. To our judgment, the process of amendment both structurally and super structurally conforms the new phase in the construction of the Socialism in the island from a coherent point of view to what it has been until now as a political constant of the revolution: the vindication of the human being as the promoter of its historical reality.