2 resultados para Colon (Anatomia) - Câncer - Prevenção
em Biblioteca de Teses e Dissertações da USP
According to the last global burden of disease published by the World Health Organization, tumors were the third leading cause of death worldwide in 2004. Among the different types of tumors, colorectal cancer ranks as the fourth most lethal. To date, tumor diagnosis is based mainly on the identification of morphological changes in tissues. Considering that these changes appears after many biochemical reactions, the development of vibrational techniques may contribute to the early detection of tumors, since they are able to detect such reactions. The present study aimed to develop a methodology based on infrared microspectroscopy to characterize colon samples, providing complementary information to the pathologist and facilitating the early diagnosis of tumors. The study groups were composed by human colon samples obtained from paraffin-embedded biopsies. The groups are divided in normal (n=20), inflammation (n=17) and tumor (n=18). Two adjacent slices were acquired from each block. The first one was subjected to chemical dewaxing and H&E staining. The infrared imaging was performed on the second slice, which was not dewaxed or stained. A computational preprocessing methodology was employed to identify the paraffin in the images and to perform spectral baseline correction. Such methodology was adapted to include two types of spectral quality control. Afterwards the preprocessing step, spectra belonging to the same image were analyzed and grouped according to their biochemical similarities. One pathologist associated each obtained group with some histological structure based on the H&E stained slice. Such analysis highlighted the biochemical differences between the three studied groups. Results showed that severe inflammation presents biochemical features similar to the tumors ones, indicating that tumors can develop from inflammatory process. A spectral database was constructed containing the biochemical information identified in the previous step. Spectra obtained from new samples were confronted with the database information, leading to their classification into one of the three groups: normal, inflammation or tumor. Internal and external validation were performed based on the classification sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Comparison between the classification results and H&E stained sections revealed some discrepancies. Some regions histologically normal were identified as inflammation by the classification algorithm. Similarly, some regions presenting inflammatory lesions in the stained section were classified into the tumor group. Such differences were considered as misclassification, but they may actually evidence that biochemical changes are in course in the analyzed sample. In the latter case, the method developed throughout this thesis would have proved able to identify early stages of inflammatory and tumor lesions. It is necessary to perform additional experiments to elucidate this discrepancy between the classification results and the morphological features. One solution would be the use of immunohistochemistry techniques with specific markers for tumor and inflammation. Another option includes the recovering of the medical records of patients who participated in this study in order to check, in later times to the biopsy collection, whether they actually developed the lesions supposedly detected in this research.
A infecção por papilomavirus é a principal causa de desenvolvimento de neoplasias intraepiteliais cervicais (NIC) e câncer do colo do útero (CCU). Estudos epidemiológicos têm demonstrado que a persistência do genoma viral encontra-se associado a variantes moleculares específicas de papilomavirus humano (HPV) de alto risco. As moléculas HLA de classe II têm um importante papel na resposta imune. Associações entre HLA e CCU ou infecção por HPV tem sido demonstrado em diferentes populações. O nosso objetivo foi verificar se a variabilidade de HLA-DRB1 e DQB1 estavam associada ao CCU e NIC III em mulheres de Belém, uma população formada pelos 3 principais grupos étnicos humanos e uma área de alto risco para o CCU no Norte do Brasil. Foi investigada a existência de diferenças na distribuição de alelos HLA entre mulheres com CCU e NIC III portadoras de diferentes variantes de HPV-16 e mulheres citologicamente normais. Os genes HLA DQB1 e DRB1 foram tipados pelo método de PCR-SSO em 95 casos e 287 controles de mulheres com citologia normal atendidas em um centro de prevenção do colo do útero na mesma cidade. As variantes de HPV-16 foram tipadas por sequenciamento de um fragmento da região controladora do genoma viral (LCR). O polimorfismo na posição 350 do gene E6 foi tipado baseado em um protocolo de hibridização em pontos, para identificar a alteração na posição 350T→G. A magnitude das associações foi estimada por odds ratio (OR) e os respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC), ajustados para potenciais fatores de confusão. Uma associação positiva foi observada entre CCU e os haplótipos DRB1* 150 l-DQB1*0602, DRB1*04-DQB1*0301 e DRB1*1602-DQB1*0301. Ao contrário, DRB1*01-DQB1*0501 mostrou um efeito protetor. Os alelos DRB1*0804, DQB1*0402 apresentaram efeito protetor contra positividade por HPV. O alelo DQB1*0502 e o grupo DRB1*15 foram positivamente associados. Os nossos resultados mostram que as associações positivas de DRB1*1501 e DRB1*1602 podem ser atribuídas a variantes asiático-americanas quando comparado a variantes européias. O risco conferido a DRB1*1501 foi encontrado associado tanto a variantes E6350G quanto a variantes E6350T, entretanto, o maior efeito foi devido às variantes E6250T. A associação positiva de DRB1*1602 foi significativa somente no grupo de mulheres positivas para E6350G. Estes resultados estão de acordo com a composição étnica da população estudada bem como um maior potencial oncogênico de certas variantes. Nossos dados sugerem que a contribuição dos alelos HLA na susceptibilidade genética ao CCU difere de acordo com a distribuição das variantes de HPV em uma dada região geográfica ou grupo étnico.