314 resultados para tendon healing

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Bone, tendon, and cartilage are highly specialized musculoskeletal connective tissues that are subject to injury and degeneration. These tissues have relatively poor healing capabilities, and coupled with their variable response to established medical treatments, produce significant morbidity. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of regenerating skeletal tissues and therefore offer great promise in the treatment of connective tissue pathologies. Adult MSCs are multipotent cells that possess the properties of proliferation and differentiation into all connective tissues. Furthermore, they can be gene modified to secrete growth factors and utilized in connective tissue engineering. Potential MSC-based therapies for bone and tendon conditions are reviewed in this chapter.


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Collagen synthesis inhibition potentially can reduce adhesion formation after tendon injury but also may affect cutaneous wound healing. We hypothesized that a novel orally administered collagen synthesis inhibitor (CPHI-I) would substantially reduce flexor tendon adhesions after injury, without any clinically important effect on cutaneous wound healing. The experiments were performed in a rat model with an in-continuity crush injury model in the rat hindfoot flexor tendon to provoke adhesion formation. Assays of dermal collagen production and the rate of healing of an excised wound were performed to assess cutaneous wound healing. Animals in the treatment groups received CPHI-I for 1, 2, or 6 weeks and were assessed at either 2 or 6 weeks. The work of flexion in the injured digit was reduced in the CPHI-I-treated animals compared with control animals, (0.188 J versus 0.0307 J at 2 weeks, and 0.0231 J versus 0.0331 J at 6 weeks) The cutaneous wound healing rate was similar in all animals, but dermal collagen synthesis was reduced in the treated animals. The CPHI-I seems to reduce tendon adhesion, and although collagen synthesis was reduced in cutaneous wounds, CPHI-I did not retard wound healing.


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It has previously been found that complexes comprised of vitronectin and growth factors (VN:GF) enhance keratinocyte protein synthesis and migration. More specifically, these complexes have been shown to significantly enhance the migration of dermal keratinocytes derived from human skin. In view of this, it was thought that these complexes may hold potential as a novel therapy for healing chronic wounds. However, there was no evidence indicating that the VN:GF complexes would retain their effect on keratinocytes in the presence of chronic wound fluid. The studies in this thesis demonstrate for the first time that the VN:GF complexes not only stimulate proliferation and migration of keratinocytes, but also these effects are maintained in the presence of chronic wound fluid in a 2-dimensional (2-D) cell culture model. Whilst the 2-D culture system provided insights into how the cells might respond to the VN:GF complexes, this investigative approach is not ideal as skin is a 3-dimensional (3-D) tissue. In view of this, a 3-D human skin equivalent (HSE) model, which reflects more closely the in vivo environment, was used to test the VN:GF complexes on epidermopoiesis. These studies revealed that the VN:GF complexes enable keratinocytes to migrate, proliferate and differentiate on a de-epidermalised dermis (DED), ultimately forming a fully stratified epidermis. In addition, fibroblasts were seeded on DED and shown to migrate into the DED in the presence of the VN:GF complexes and hyaluronic acid, another important biological factor in the wound healing cascade. This HSE model was then further developed to enable studies examining the potential of the VN:GF complexes in epidermal wound healing. Specifically, a reproducible partial-thickness HSE wound model was created in fully-defined media and monitored as it healed. In this situation, the VN:GF complexes were shown to significantly enhance keratinocyte migration and proliferation, as well as differentiation. This model was also subsequently utilized to assess the wound healing potential of a synthetic fibrin-like gel that had previously been demonstrated to bind growth factors. Of note, keratinocyte re-epitheliasation was shown to be markedly improved in the presence of this 3-D matrix, highlighting its future potential for use as a delivery vehicle for the VN:GF complexes. Furthermore, this synthetic fibrin-like gel was injected into a 4 mm diameter full-thickness wound created in the HSE, both keratinocytes and fibroblasts were shown to migrate into this gel, as revealed by immunofluorescence. Interestingly, keratinocyte migration into this matrix was found to be dependent upon the presence of the fibroblasts. Taken together, these data indicate that reproducible wounds, as created in the HSEs, provide a relevant ex vivo tool to assess potential wound healing therapies. Moreover, the models will decrease our reliance on animals for scientific experimentation. Additionally, it is clear that these models will significantly assist in the development of novel treatments, such as the VN:GF complexes and the synthetic fibrin-like gel described herein, ultimately facilitating their clinical trial in the treatment of chronic wounds.


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Transverse spin relaxation rates of water protons in articular cartilage and tendon depend on the orientation of the tissue relative to the applied static magnetic field. This complicates the interpretation of magnetic resonance images of these tissues. At the same time, relaxation data can provide information about their organisation and microstructure. We present a theoretical analysis of the anisotropy of spin relaxation of water protons observed in fully hydrated cartilage. We demonstrate that the anisotropy of transverse relaxation is due almost entirely to intramolecular dipolar coupling modulated by a specific mode of slow molecular motion: the diffusion of water molecules in the hydration shell of a collagen fibre around the fibre, such that the molecular director remains perpendicular to the fibre. The theoretical anisotropy arising from this mechanism follows the “magic-angle” dependence observed in magnetic-resonance measurements of cartilage and tendon and is in good agreement with the available experimental results. We discuss the implications of the theoretical findings for MRI of ordered collagenous tissues.


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The healing process for bone fractures is sensitive to mechanical stability and blood supply at the fracture site. Most currently available mechanobiological algorithms of bone healing are based solely on mechanical stimuli, while the explicit analysis of revascularization and its influences on the healing process have not been thoroughly investigated in the literature. In this paper, revascularization was described by two separate processes: angiogenesis and nutrition supply. The mathematical models for angiogenesis and nutrition supply have been proposed and integrated into an existing fuzzy algorithm of fracture healing. The computational algorithm of fracture healing, consisting of stress analysis, analyses of angiogenesis and nutrient supply, and tissue differentiation, has been tested on and compared with animal experimental results published previously. The simulation results showed that, for a small and medium-sized fracture gap, the nutrient supply is sufficient for bone healing, for a large fracture gap, non-union may be induced either by deficient nutrient supply or inadequate mechanical conditions. The comparisons with experimental results demonstrated that the improved computational algorithm is able to simulate a broad spectrum of fracture healing cases and to predict and explain delayed unions and non-union induced by large gap sizes and different mechanical conditions. The new algorithm will allow the simulation of more realistic clinical fracture healing cases with various fracture gaps and geometries and may be helpful to optimise implants and methods for fracture fixation.


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The fracture healing process is modulated by the mechanical environment created by imposed loads and motion between the bone fragments. Contact between the fragments obviously results in a significantly different stress and strain environment to a uniform fracture gap containing only soft tissue (e.g. haematoma). The assumption of the latter in existing computational models of the healing process will hence exaggerate the inter-fragmentary strain in many clinically-relevant cases. To address this issue, we introduce the concept of a contact zone that represents a variable degree of contact between cortices by the relative proportions of bone and soft tissue present. This is introduced as an initial condition in a two-dimensional iterative finite element model of a healing tibial fracture, in which material properties are defined by the volume fractions of each tissue present. The algorithm governing the formation of cartilage and bone in the fracture callus uses fuzzy logic rules based on strain energy density resulting from axial compression. The model predicts that increasing the degree of initial bone contact reduces the amount of callus formed (periosteal callus thickness 3.1mm without contact, down to 0.5mm with 10% bone in contact zone). This is consistent with the greater effective stiffness in the contact zone and hence, a smaller inter-fragmentary strain. These results demonstrate that the contact zone strategy reasonably simulates the differences in the healing sequence resulting from the closeness of reduction.


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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been widely investigated for their clinical use in bone repair and it is known that a suitable carrier matrix to deliver them is essential for optimal bone regeneration within a specific defect site. Fused deposited modeling (FDM) allows for the fabrication of medical grade poly 3-caprolactone/tricalcium phosphate (mPCL–TCP) scaffolds with high reproducibility and tailor designed dimensions. Here we loaded FDM fabricated mPCL–TCP/collagen scaffolds with 5 mg recombinant human (rh)BMP-2 and evaluated bone healing within a rat calvarial critical-sized defect. Using a comprehensive approach, this study assessed the newly regenerated bone employing microcomputed tomography (mCT), histology/histomorphometry, and mechanical assessments. By 15 weeks, mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2 defects exhibited complete healing of the calvarium whereas the non- BMP-2-loaded scaffolds showed significant less bone ingrowth, as confirmed by mCT. Histomorphometry revealed significantly increased bone healing amongst the rhBMP-2 groups compared to non-treated scaffolds at 4 and 15 weeks, although the % BV/TV did not indicate complete mineralisation of the entire defect site. Hence, our study confirms that it is important to combine microCt and histomorphometry to be able to study bone regeneration comprehensively in 3D. A significant up-regulation of the osteogenic proteins, type I collagen and osteocalcin, was evident at both time points in rhBMP-2 groups. Although mineral apposition rates at 15 weeks were statistically equivalent amongst treatment groups, microcompression and push-out strengths indicated superior bone quality at 15 weeks for defects treated with mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2. Consistently over all modalities, the progression of healing was from empty defect < mPCL–TCP/collagen < mPCL–TCP/collagen/rhBMP-2, providing substantiating data to support the hypothesis that the release of rhBMP-2 from FDM-created mPCL–TCP/collagen scaffolds is a clinically relevant approach to repair and regenerate critically-sized craniofacial bone defects. Crown Copyright 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Achilles tendon has been seen to exhibit time-dependent conditioning when isometric muscle actions were of a prolonged duration, compared to those involved in dynamic activities, such as walking. Since, the effect of short duration muscle activation associated with dynamic activities is yet to be established, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of incidental walking activity on Achilles tendon diametral strain. Eleven healthy male participants refrained from physical activity in excess of the walking required to carry out necessary daily tasks and wore an activity monitor during the 24 h study period. Achilles tendon diametral strain, 2 cm proximal to the calcaneal insertion, was determined from sagittal sonograms. Baseline sonographic examinations were conducted at ∼08:00 h followed by replicate examinations at 12 and 24 h. Walking activity was measured as either present (1) or absent (0) and a linear weighting function was applied to account for the proximity of walking activity to tendon examination time. Over the course of the day the median (min, max) Achilles tendon diametral strain was −11.4 (4.5, −25.4)%. A statistically significant relationship was evident between walking activity and diametral strain (P < 0.01) and this relationship improved when walking activity was temporally weighted (AIC 131 to 126). The results demonstrate that the short yet repetitive loads generated during activities of daily living, such as walking, are sufficient to induce appreciable time-dependant conditioning of the Achilles tendon. Implications arise for the in vivo measurement of Achilles tendon properties and the rehabilitation of tendinopathy.


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Objective: To investigate the acute effects of isolated eccentric and concentric calf muscle exercise on Achilles tendon sagittal thickness. ---------- Design: Within-subject, counterbalanced, mixed design. ---------- Setting: Institutional. ---------- Participants: 11 healthy, recreationally active male adults. ---------- Interventions: Participants performed an exercise protocol, which involved isolated eccentric loading of the Achilles tendon of a single limb and isolated concentric loading of the contralateral, both with the addition of 20% bodyweight. ---------- Main outcome measurements: Sagittal sonograms were acquired prior to, immediately following and 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after exercise. Tendon thickness was measured 2 cm proximal to the superior aspect of the calcaneus. ---------- Results: Both loading conditions resulted in an immediate decrease in normalised Achilles tendon thickness. Eccentric loading induced a significantly greater decrease than concentric loading despite a similar impulse (−0.21 vs −0.05, p<0.05). Post-exercise, eccentrically loaded tendons recovered exponentially, with a recovery time constant of 2.5 h. The same exponential function did not adequately model changes in tendon thickness resulting from concentric loading. Even so, recovery pathways subsequent to the 3 h time point were comparable. Regardless of the exercise protocol, full tendon thickness recovery was not observed until 24 h. ---------- Conclusions: Eccentric loading invokes a greater reduction in Achilles tendon thickness immediately after exercise but appears to recover fully in a similar time frame to concentric loading.


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Successful repair of wounds and tissues remains a major healthcare and biomedical challenge in the 21st Century. In particular, chronic wounds often lead to loss of functional ability, increased pain and decreased quality of life, and can be a burden on carers and health-system resources. Advanced healing therapies employing biological dressings, skin substitutes, growth factor-based therapies and synthetic a cellular matrices, all of which aim to correct irregular and dysfunctional cellular pathways present in chronic wounds, are becoming more popular. This review focuses on recent advances in biologically inspired devices for would healing and includes a commentary on the challenges facing the regulatory governance of such products.


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Earlier studies have shown that the influence of fixation stability on bone healing diminishes with advanced age. The goal of this study was to unravel the relationship between mechanical stimulus and age on callus competence at a tissue level. Using 3D in vitro micro-computed tomography derived metrics, 2D in vivo radiography, and histology, we investigated the influences of age and varying fixation stability on callus size, geometry, microstructure, composition, remodeling, and vascularity. Compared were four groups with a 1.5-mm osteotomy gap in the femora of Sprague–Dawley rats: Young rigid (YR), Young semirigid (YSR), Old rigid (OR), Old semirigid (OSR). Hypothesis was that calcified callus microstructure and composition is impaired due to the influence of advanced age, and these individuals would show a reduced response to fixation stabilities. Semirigid fixations resulted in a larger ΔCSA (Callus cross-sectional area) compared to rigid groups. In vitro μCT analysis at 6 weeks postmortem showed callus bridging scores in younger animals to be superior than their older counterparts (pb0.01). Younger animals showed (i) larger callus strut thickness (pb0.001), (ii) lower perforation in struts (pb0.01), and (iii) higher mineralization of callus struts (pb0.001). Callus mineralization was reduced in young animals with semirigid fracture fixation but remained unaffected in the aged group. While stability had an influence, age showed none on callus size and geometry of callus. With no differences observed in relative osteoid areas in the callus ROI, old as well as semirigid fixated animals showed a higher osteoclast count (pb0.05). Blood vessel density was reduced in animals with semirigid fixation (pb0.05). In conclusion, in vivo monitoring indicated delayed callus maturation in aged individuals. Callus bridging and callus competence (microstructure and mineralization) were impaired in individuals with an advanced age. This matched with increased bone resorption due to higher osteoclast numbers. Varying fixator configurations in older individuals did not alter the dominant effect of advanced age on callus tissue mineralization, unlike in their younger counterparts. Age-associated influences appeared independent from stability. This study illustrates the dominating role of osteoclastic activity in age-related impaired healing, while demonstrating the optimization of fixation parameters such as stiffness appeared to be less effective in influencing healing in aged individuals.


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Over the past ten years, minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) for the fixation of long bone fractures has become a clinically accepted method with good outcomes, when compared to the conventional open surgical approach (open reduction internal fixation, ORIF). However, while MIPO offers some advantages over ORIF, it also has some significant drawbacks, such as a more demanding surgical technique and increased radiation exposure. No clinical or experimental study to date has shown a difference between the healing outcomes in fractures treated with the two surgical approaches. Therefore, a novel, standardised severe trauma model in sheep has been developed and validated in this project to examine the effect of the two surgical approaches on soft tissue and fracture healing. Twenty four sheep were subjected to severe soft tissue damage and a complex distal femur fracture. The fractures were initially stabilised with an external fixator. After five days of soft tissue recovery, internal fixation with a plate was applied, randomised to either MIPO or ORIF. Within the first fourteen days, the soft tissue damage was monitored locally with a compartment pressure sensor and systemically by blood tests. The fracture progress was assessed fortnightly by x-rays. The sheep were sacrificed in two groups after four and eight weeks, and CT scans and mechanical testing performed. Soft tissue monitoring showed significantly higher postoperative Creatine Kinase and Lactate Dehydrogenase values in the ORIF group compared to MIPO. After four weeks, the torsional stiffness was significantly higher in the MIPO group (p=0.018) compared to the ORIF group. The torsional strength also showed increased values for the MIPO technique (p=0.11). The measured total mineralised callus volumes were slightly higher in the ORIF group. However, a newly developed morphological callus bridging score showed significantly higher values for the MIPO technique (p=0.007), with a high correlation to the mechanical properties (R2=0.79). After eight weeks, the same trends continued, but without statistical significance. In summary, this clinically relevant study, using the newly developed severe trauma model in sheep, clearly demonstrates that the minimally invasive technique minimises additional soft tissue damage and improves fracture healing in the early stage compared to the open surgical approach method.