676 resultados para surface defect recognition

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM), a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is performed to study the single-crystal copper nanowire with surface defects through tension. The tension simulations for nanowire without defect are first carried out under different temperatures, strain rates and time steps and then surface defect effects for nanowire are investigated. The stress-strain curves obtained by the MD simulations of various strain rates show a rate below 1 x 10(9) s-1 will exert less effect on the yield strength and yield point, and the Young's modulus is independent of strain rate. a time step below 5 fs is recommend for the atomic model during the MD simulation. It is observed that high temperature leads to low Young's modulus, as well as the yield strength. The surface defects on nanowires are systematically studied in considering different defect orientations. It is found that the surface defect serves as a dislocation source, and the yield strength shows 34.20% decresse with 45 degree surface defect. Both yield strength and yield point are significantly influenced by the surface defects, except the Young's modulus.


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Based on the molecular dynamics simulation, plastic deformation mechanisms associated with the zigzag stress curves in perfect and surface defected copper nanowires under uniaxial tension are studied. In our previous study, it has found that the surface defect exerts larger influence than the centro-plane defect, and the 45o surface defect appears as the most influential surface defect. Hence, in this paper, the nanowire with a 45o surface defect is chosen to investigate the defect’s effect to the plastic deformation mechanism of nanowires. We find that during the plastic deformation of both perfect and defected nanowires, decrease regions of the stress curve are accompanied with stacking faults generation and migration activities, but during stress increase, the structure of the nanowire appears almost unchanged. We also observe that surface defects have obvious influence on the nanowire’s plastic deformation mechanisms. In particular, only two sets of slip planes are found to be active and twins are also observed in the defected nanowire.


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Large-scale molecular dynamics simulations are performed to characterize the effects of pre-existing surface defects on the vibrational properties of Ag nanowires. It is found that the first order natural frequency of the nanowire appears insensitive to different surface defects, indicating a defect insensitivity property of the nanowire’s Young’s modulus. In the meanwhile, an increase of the quality (Q)-factor is observed due to the presence of defects. Particular, a beat phenomenon is observed for the nanowire with the presence of a surface edge defect, which is driven by a single actuation. It is concluded that different surface defects could act as an effective mean to tune the vibrational properties of nanowires. This study sheds lights on the better understanding of nanowire’s mechanical performance when surface defects are presented, which would benefit the development of nanowire-based devices.


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Materials used in the engineering always contain imperfections or defects which significantly affect their performances. Based on the large-scale molecular dynamics simulation and the Euler–Bernoulli beam theory, the influence from different pre-existing surface defects on the bending properties of Ag nanowires (NWs) is studied in this paper. It is found that the nonlinear-elastic deformation, as well as the flexural rigidity of the NW is insensitive to different surface defects for the studied defects in this paper. On the contrary, an evident decrease of the yield strength is observed due to the existence of defects. In-depth inspection of the deformation process reveals that, at the onset of plastic deformation, dislocation embryos initiate from the locations of surface defects, and the plastic deformation is dominated by the nucleation and propagation of partial dislocations under the considered temperature. Particularly, the generation of stair-rod partial dislocations and Lomer–Cottrell lock are normally observed for both perfect and defected NWs. The generation of these structures has thwarted attempts of the NW to an early yielding, which leads to the phenomenon that more defects does not necessarily mean a lower critical force.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out to investigate the defect’s effect on the mechanical properties of copper nanowire with different crystallographic orientations, under tensile deformation. Three different crystallographic orientations have been considered. The deformation mechanism has been carefully discussed. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive to the defect, even when the nanowire’s crystallographic orientation is different. However, due to the defect’s effect, the yield strength and yield strain appear a large decrease. The defects have played a role of dislocation sources, the slips or stacking faults are first generated around the locations of the defects. The necking locations have also been affected by different defects. Due to the surface defect, the plastic deformation has received a large influence for the <001>/{110} and <110> orientated nanowires, and a relative small influence is seen for the <111> nanowire.


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Based on the embedded atom method (EAM) and molecular dynamics (MD) method, in this paper, the tensile deformation properties of Cu nanowires (NWs) with different pre-existing defects, including single surface defects, surface bi-defects and single internal defects, are systematically studied. In-depth deformation mechanisms of NWs with pre-existing defects are also explored. It is found that Young's modulus is insensitive to different pre-existing defects, but yield strength shows an obvious decrease. Defects are observed influencing greatly on NWs' tensile deformation mechanisms, and playing a role of dislocation sources. Besides of the traditional deformation process dominated by the nucleation and propagation of partial dislocations, the generations of twins, grain boundaries, fivefold deformation twins, hexagonal close-packed (HCP) structure and phase transformation from face-centred cubic (FCC) structure to HCP structure have been triggered by pre-existing defects. It is found that surface defect intends to induce larger influence to yield strength than internal defect. Most importantly, the defect that lies on slip planes exerts larger influence than other defects. As expected, it is also found that the more or longer of the defect, the bigger influence will be induced.


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Titanium dioxide thin films with a rutile crystallinite size around 20 nm were fabricated by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) aided with an electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma. With annealing treatment, the crystal size of the rutile crystallinite increased to 100 nm. The apatite-forming ability of the films as deposited and after annealing was investigated in a kind of simulated body fluid with ion concentrations nearly equal to those of human blood plasma. The results indicate that ECR aided PLD is an effective way both to fabricate bioactive titanium dioxide thin films and to optimize the bioactivity of titanium dioxide, with both crystal size and defects of the film taken into account.


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2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) is one of the most commonly used nitro aromatic explosives in landmine, military and mining industry. This article demonstrates rapid and selective identification of TNT by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) using 6-aminohexanethiol (AHT) as a new recognition molecule. First, Meisenheimer complex formation between AHT and TNT is confirmed by the development of pink colour and appearance of new band around 500 nm in UV-visible spectrum. Solution Raman spectroscopy study also supported the AHT:TNT complex formation by demonstrating changes in the vibrational stretching of AHT molecule between 2800-3000 cm−1. For surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy analysis, a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of AHT is formed over the gold nanostructure (AuNS) SERS substrate in order to selectively capture TNT onto the surface. Electrochemical desorption and X-ray photoelectron studies are performed over AHT SAM modified surface to examine the presence of free amine groups with appropriate orientation for complex formation. Further, AHT and butanethiol (BT) mixed monolayer system is explored to improve the AHT:TNT complex formation efficiency. Using a 9:1 AHT:BT mixed monolayer, a very low detection limit (LOD) of 100 fM TNT was realized. The new method delivers high selectivity towards TNT over 2,4 DNT and picric acid. Finally, real sample analysis is demonstrated by the extraction and SERS detection of 302 pM of TNT from spiked.


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The effect of mechanochemical activation upon the intercalation of formamide into a high-defect kaolinite has been studied using a combination of X-ray diffraction, thermal analysis, and DRIFT spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction shows that the intensity of the d(001) spacing decreases with grinding time and that the intercalated high-defect kaolinite expands to 10.2 A. The intensity of the peak of the expanded phase of the formamide-intercalated kaolinite decreases with grinding time. Thermal analysis reveals that the evolution temperature of the adsorbed formamide and loss of the inserting molecule increases with increased grinding time. The temperature of the dehydroxylation of the formamide-intercalated high-defect kaolinite decreases from 495 to 470oC with mechanochemical activation. Changes in the surface structure of the mechanochemically activated formamide-intercalated high-defect kaolinite were followed by DRIFT spectroscopy. Fundamentally the intensity of the high-defect kaolinite hydroxyl stretching bands decreases exponentially with grinding time and simultaneously the intensity of the bands attributed to the OH stretching vibrations of water increased. It is proposed that the mechanochemical activation of the high-defect kaolinite caused the conversion of the hydroxyls to water which coordinates the kaolinite surface. Significant changes in the infrared bands assigned to the hydroxyl deformation and amide stretching and bending modes were observed. The intensity decrease of these bands was exponentially related to the grinding time. The position of the amide C&unknown;O vibrational mode was found to be sensitive to grinding time. The effect of mechanochemical activation of the high-defect kaolinite reduces the capacity of the kaolinite to be intercalated with formamide.


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Microsphere systems with the ideal properties for bone regeneration need to be bioactive, and at the same time possess the capacity for controlled protein/drug-delivery; however, the current crop of microsphere system fails to fulfill these properties. The aim of this study was to develop a novel protein-delivery system of bioactive mesoporous glass (MBG) microspheres by a biomimetic method through controlling the density of apatite on the surface of microspheres, for potential bone tissue regeneration. MBG microspheres were prepared by using the method of alginate cross-linking with Ca2+ ions. The cellular bioactivity of MBG microspheres was evaluated by investigating the proliferation and attachment of bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC). The loading efficiency and release kinetics of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on MBG microspheres were investigated after coprecipitating with biomimetic apatite in simulated body fluids (SBF). The results showed that MBG microspheres supported BMSC attachment and the Si containing ionic products from MBG microspheres stimulated BMSCs proliferation. The density of apatite on MBG microspheres increased with the length of soaking time in SBF. BSA-loading efficiency of MBG was significantly enhanced by co-precipitating with apatite. Furthermore, the loading efficiency and release kinetics of BSA could be controlled by controlling the density of apatite formed on MBG microspheres. Our results suggest that MBG microspheres are a promising protein-delivery system as a filling material for bone defect healing and regeneration.


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Based on the molecular dynamics (MD) method, the single-crystalline copper nanowire with different surface defects is investigated through tension simulation. For comparison, the MD tension simulations of perfect nanowire are firstly carried out under different temperatures, strain rates, and sizes. It has concluded that the surface-volume ratio significantly affects the mechanical properties of nanowire. The surface defects on nanowires are then systematically studied in considering different defect orientation and distribution. It is found that the Young’s modulus is insensitive of surface defects. However, the yield strength and yield point show a significant decrease due to the different defects. Different defects are observed to serve as a dislocation source.


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Nano silicon is widely used as the essential element of complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and solar cells. It is recognized that today, large portion of world economy is built on electronics products and related services. Due to the accessible fossil fuel running out quickly, there are increasing numbers of researches on the nano silicon solar cells. The further improvement of higher performance nano silicon components requires characterizing the material properties of nano silicon. Specially, when the manufacturing process scales down to the nano level, the advanced components become more and more sensitive to the various defects induced by the manufacturing process. It is known that defects in mono-crystalline silicon have significant influence on its properties under nanoindentation. However, the cost involved in the practical nanoindentation as well as the complexity of preparing the specimen with controlled defects slow down the further research on mechanical characterization of defected silicon by experiment. Therefore, in current study, the molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are employed to investigate the mono-crystalline silicon properties with different pre-existing defects, especially cavities, under nanoindentation. Parametric studies including specimen size and loading rate, are firstly conducted to optimize computational efficiency. The optimized testing parameters are utilized for all simulation in defects study. Based on the validated model, different pre-existing defects are introduced to the silicon substrate, and then a group of nanoindentation simulations of these defected substrates are carried out. The simulation results are carefully investigated and compared with the perfect Silicon substrate which used as benchmark. It is found that pre-existing cavities in the silicon substrate obviously influence the mechanical properties. Furthermore, pre-existing cavities can absorb part of the strain energy during loading, and then release during unloading, which possibly causes less plastic deformation to the substrate. However, when the pre-existing cavities is close enough to the deformation zone or big enough to exceed the bearable stress of the crystal structure around the spherical cavity, the larger plastic deformation occurs which leads the collapse of the structure. Meanwhile, the influence exerted on the mechanical properties of silicon substrate depends on the location and size of the cavity. Substrate with larger cavity size or closer cavity position to the top surface, usually exhibits larger reduction on Young’s modulus and hardness.


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Here we report an ultrasensitive method for detecting bio-active compounds in biological samples by means of functionalised nanoparticles interrogated by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). This method is applicable to the recovery and detection of many diagnostically important peptidyl analytes such as insulin, human growth hormone, growth factors (IGFs) and erythropoietin (EPO), as well as many small molecule analytes and metabolites. Our method, developed to detect EPO, demonstrates its utility in a complex yet well defined biological system. Recombinant human EPO (rhEPO) and EPO analogues have successfully been used to treat anaemia in end-stage renal failure, chronic disorders and infections, cancer and AIDS. Current methods for EPO testing are lengthy, laborious and relatively insensitive to low concentrations. In our rapid screening methodology, gold nanoparticles were functionalised with anti-EPO antibodies to provide very high selectivity towards the EPO protein in urine. These “smart sensor” nanoparticles interact with and trap EPO. Subsequent SERS screening allows for the detection and quantisation of ultra trace amounts (<<10-15 M) of EPO in urine samples with minimal sample preparation. We present data showing that the SERS spectrum differentiates between human endogenous EPO and rhEPO in unpurified urine, and potentially distinguishes between purified EPO isoforms. The elimination of sample preparation and direct screening in biological fluids significantly reduces the time required by current methods. Antibody recognition against a variety of biological targets and the availability of portable commercial SERS analysers for rapid onsite testing suggest broad diagnostic applicability in a flexible analytical platform.


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The binding kinetics of NF-kappaB p50 to the Ig-kappaB site and to a DNA duplex with no specific binding site were determined under varying conditions of potassium chloride concentration using a surface plasmonresonance biosensor. Association and dissociation rate constants were measured enabling calculation of the dissociation constants. Under previously established high affinity buffer conditions, the k a for both sequences was in the order of 10(7) M-1s-1whilst the k d values varied 600-fold in a sequence-dependent manner between 10(-1) and 10(-4 )s-1, suggesting that the selectivity of p50 for different sequences is mediated primarily through sequence-dependent dissociation rates. The calculated K D value for the Ig-kappaB sequence was 16 pM, whilst the K D for the non-specific sequence was 9.9 nM. As the ionic strength increased to levels which are closer to that of the cellular environment, the binding of p50 to the non-specific sequence was abolished whilst the specific affinity dropped to nanomolar levels. From these results, a mechanism is proposed in which p50 binds specific sequences with high affinity whilst binding non-specific sequences weakly enough to allow efficient searching of the DNA.