74 resultados para possible hydrothermal vents

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Titanium dioxide nanocrystals are an important commercial product used primarily in white pigments and abrasives, however, more recently the anatase form of TiO2 has become a major component in electrochemical and photoelectrochemical devices. An important property of titanium dioxide nanocrystals for electrical applications is the degree of crystallinity. Numerous preparation methods exist for the production of highly crystalline TiO2 particles. The majority of these processes require long reaction times, high pressures and temperatures (450–1400 °C). Recently, hydrothermal treatment of colloidal TiO2 suspensions has been shown to produce quality crystalline products at low temperatures (<250 °C). In this paper we extend this idea utilising a direct microwave heating source. A comparison between convection and microwave hydrothermal treatment of colloidal TiO2 is presented. The resulting highly crystalline TiO2 colloids were characterised using Raman spectroscopy, XRD, TEM, and electron diffraction. The results show that the microwave treatment of colloidal TiO2 gives comparable increases in crystallinity with respect to normal hydrothermal treatments while requiring significantly less time and energy than the hydrothermal convection treatment.


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The aim of this work was to investigate ultrafine particles (< 0.1 μm) in primary school classrooms, in relation to the classrooms activities. The investigations were conducted in three classrooms during two measuring campaigns, which together encompassed a period of 60 days. Initial investigations showed that under the normal operating conditions of the school there were many occasions in all three classrooms where indoor particle concentrations increased significantly compared to outdoor levels. By far the highest increases in the classroom resulted from art activities (painting, gluing and drawing), at times reaching over 1.4 x 105 particle cm-3. The indoor particle concentrations exceeded outdoor concentrations by approximately one order of magnitude, with a count median diameter ranging from 20-50 nm. Significant increases also occurred during cleaning activities, when detergents were used. GC-MS analysis conducted on 4 samples randomly selected from about 30 different paints and glues, as well as the detergent used in the school, showed that d-limonene was one of the main organic compounds of the detergent, however, it was not detected in the samples of the paints and the glue. Controlled experiments showed that this monoterpene, emitted from the detergent, reacted with O3 (at outdoor ambient concentrations ranging from 0.06-0.08ppm) and formed secondary organic aerosols. Further investigations to identify other liquids which may be potential sources of the precursors of secondary organic aerosols, were outside the scope of this project, however, it is expected that the problem identified by this study could be more widely spread, since most primary schools use liquid materials for art classes, and all schools use detergents for cleaning. Further studies are therefore recommended to better understand this phenomenon and also to minimize school children exposure to ultrafine particles from these indoor sources.


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A systematic study of four parameters within the alkaline hydrothermal treatment of three commercial titania powders—anatase, rutile, and Degussa P25—was made. These powders were treated with 5, 7.5, 9, and 10 M NaOH between 100 and 220 °C for 20 h. The effects of alkaline concentration, hydrothermal temperature, and precursor phase and crystallite size on the resultant nanostructure formation have been studied through X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and nitrogen adsorption. Through the correlation of these data, morphological phase diagrams were constructed for each commercial powder. Interpretation of the resultant morphological phase diagrams indicates that alkaline concentration and hydrothermal temperature affect nanostructure formation independently, where nanoribbon formation is significantly influenced by temperature for initial formation. The phase and crystallite size of the precursor also significantly influenced nanostructure formation, with rutile displaying a slower rate of precursor consumption compared with anatase. Small crystallite titania precursors formed nanostructures at reduced hydrothermal temperatures.


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Delirium is a disorder of acute onset with fluctuating symptoms and is characterized by inattention, disorganized thinking, and altered levels of consciousness. The risk for delirium is greatest in individuals with dementia, and the incidence of both is increasing worldwide because of the aging of our population. Although several clinical trials have tested interventions for delirium prevention in individuals without dementia, little is known about the mechanisms for the prevention of delirium in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The purpose of this article is to explore ways of preventing delirium and slowing the rate of cognitive decline in early-stage AD by enhancing cognitive reserve. An agenda for future research on interventions to prevent delirium in individuals with early-stage AD is also presented.


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Berridge's model (e.g. [Berridge KC. Food reward: Brain substrates of wanting and liking. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 1996;20:1–25.; Berridge KC, Robinson T E. Parsing reward. Trends Neurosci 2003;26:507–513.; Berridge KC. Motivation concepts in behavioral neuroscience. Physiol Behav 2004;81:179–209]) outlines the brain substrates thought to mediate food reward with distinct ‘liking’ (hedonic/affective) and ‘wanting’ (incentive salience/motivation) components. Understanding the dual aspects of food reward could throw light on food choice, appetite control and overconsumption. The present study reports the development of a procedure to measure these processes in humans. A computer-based paradigm was used to assess ‘liking’ (through pleasantness ratings) and ‘wanting’ (through forced-choice photographic procedure) for foods that varied in fat (high or low) and taste (savoury or sweet). 60 participants completed the program when hungry and after an ad libitum meal. Findings indicate a state (hungry–satiated)-dependent, partial dissociation between ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ for generic food categories. In the hungry state, participants ‘wanted’ high-fat savoury > low-fat savoury with no corresponding difference in ‘liking’, and ‘liked’ high-fat sweet > low-fat sweet but did not differ in ‘wanting’ for these foods. In the satiated state, participants ‘liked’, but did not ‘want’, high-fat savoury > low-fat savoury, and ‘wanted’ but did not ‘like’ low-fat sweet > high-fat sweet. More differences in ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ were observed when hungry than when satiated. This procedure provides the first step in proof of concept that ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’ can be dissociated in humans and can be further developed for foods varying along different dimensions. Other experimental procedures may also be devised to separate ‘liking’ and ‘wanting’.


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Since its initial proposal in 1998, alkaline hydrothermal processing has rapidly become an established technology for the production of titanate nanostructures. This simple, highly reproducible process has gained a strong research following since its conception. However, complete understanding and elucidation of nanostructure phase and formation have not yet been achieved. Without fully understanding phase, formation, and other important competing effects of the synthesis parameters on the final structure, the maximum potential of these nanostructures cannot be obtained. Therefore this study examined the influence of synthesis parameters on the formation of titanate nanostructures produced by alkaline hydrothermal treatment. The parameters included alkaline concentration, hydrothermal temperature, the precursor material‘s crystallite size and also the phase of the titanium dioxide precursor (TiO2, or titania). The nanostructure‘s phase and morphology was analysed using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), dynamic light scattering (non-invasive backscattering), nitrogen sorption, and Rietveld analysis were used to determine phase, for particle sizing, surface area determinations, and establishing phase concentrations, respectively. This project rigorously examined the effect of alkaline concentration and hydrothermal temperature on three commercially sourced and two self-prepared TiO2 powders. These precursors consisted of both pure- or mixed-phase anatase and rutile polymorphs, and were selected to cover a range of phase concentrations and crystallite sizes. Typically, these precursors were treated with 5–10 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solutions at temperatures between 100–220 °C. Both nanotube and nanoribbon morphologies could be produced depending on the combination of these hydrothermal conditions. Both titania and titanate phases are comprised of TiO6 units which are assembled in different combinations. The arrangement of these atoms affects the binding energy between the Ti–O bonds. Raman spectroscopy and XPS were therefore employed in a preliminary study of phase determination for these materials. The change in binding energy from a titania to a titanate binding energy was investigated in this study, and the transformation of titania precursor into nanotubes and titanate nanoribbons was directly observed by these methods. Evaluation of the Raman and XPS results indicated a strengthening in the binding energies of both the Ti (2p3/2) and O (1s) bands which correlated to an increase in strength and decrease in resolution of the characteristic nanotube doublet observed between 320 and 220 cm.1 in the Raman spectra of these products. The effect of phase and crystallite size on nanotube formation was examined over a series of temperatures (100.200 �‹C in 20 �‹C increments) at a set alkaline concentration (7.5 M NaOH). These parameters were investigated by employing both pure- and mixed- phase precursors of anatase and rutile. This study indicated that both the crystallite size and phase affect nanotube formation, with rutile requiring a greater driving force (essentially �\harsher. hydrothermal conditions) than anatase to form nanotubes, where larger crystallites forms of the precursor also appeared to impede nanotube formation slightly. These parameters were further examined in later studies. The influence of alkaline concentration and hydrothermal temperature were systematically examined for the transformation of Degussa P25 into nanotubes and nanoribbons, and exact conditions for nanostructure synthesis were determined. Correlation of these data sets resulted in the construction of a morphological phase diagram, which is an effective reference for nanostructure formation. This morphological phase diagram effectively provides a .recipe book�e for the formation of titanate nanostructures. Morphological phase diagrams were also constructed for larger, near phase-pure anatase and rutile precursors, to further investigate the influence of hydrothermal reaction parameters on the formation of titanate nanotubes and nanoribbons. The effects of alkaline concentration, hydrothermal temperature, crystallite phase and size are observed when the three morphological phase diagrams are compared. Through the analysis of these results it was determined that alkaline concentration and hydrothermal temperature affect nanotube and nanoribbon formation independently through a complex relationship, where nanotubes are primarily affected by temperature, whilst nanoribbons are strongly influenced by alkaline concentration. Crystallite size and phase also affected the nanostructure formation. Smaller precursor crystallites formed nanostructures at reduced hydrothermal temperature, and rutile displayed a slower rate of precursor consumption compared to anatase, with incomplete conversion observed for most hydrothermal conditions. The incomplete conversion of rutile into nanotubes was examined in detail in the final study. This study selectively examined the kinetics of precursor dissolution in order to understand why rutile incompletely converted. This was achieved by selecting a single hydrothermal condition (9 M NaOH, 160 °C) where nanotubes are known to form from both anatase and rutile, where the synthesis was quenched after 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 hours. The influence of precursor phase on nanostructure formation was explicitly determined to be due to different dissolution kinetics; where anatase exhibited zero-order dissolution and rutile second-order. This difference in kinetic order cannot be simply explained by the variation in crystallite size, as the inherent surface areas of the two precursors were determined to have first-order relationships with time. Therefore, the crystallite size (and inherent surface area) does not affect the overall kinetic order of dissolution; rather, it determines the rate of reaction. Finally, nanostructure formation was found to be controlled by the availability of dissolved titanium (Ti4+) species in solution, which is mediated by the dissolution kinetics of the precursor.


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Abstract During a survey of faba bean viruses in West Asia and North Africa a virus was identified as broad bean stain virus (BBSV) based on host reactions, electron microscopy, physical properties and serology. An antiserum to a Syrian isolate was prepared. With this antiserum both the direct double antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) and dot-ELISA were very sensitive in detecting BBSV in leaf extracts, ground whole seeds and germi nated embryos. Sens it i vity was not reduced when the two-day procedure was replaced by a one-day procedure. us i ng ELISA the vi rus was detected in 73 out of 589 faba bean samples with virus-like symptoms collected from Egypt (4 out of 70 samples tested), Lebanon (6/44) , Morocco (017), Sudan (19/254), Syria (36/145) and Tunisia (8/69). This is the first report of BBSV infection of faba bean in Lebanon, Sudan, Syria and Tunisia. speci es i ndi genous to Syri a were Fourteen wild legume susceptible to BBSV infection, with only two producing obvious symptoms. The virus was found to be seed transmitted ~n Vicia palaestina.


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Hollow micro-sized H2(H2O)Nb2O6 spheres constructed by nanocrystallites have been successfully synthesized via a bubble-template assisted hydrothermal process. In the reaction process, H2O2 acts as a bubble generator and plays a key role in the formation of the hollow structure. An in situ bubble-template mechanism has been proposed for the possible formation of the hollow structure. The spherelike assemblies of these H2(H2O)Nb2O6 nanoparticles have been transformed into their corresponding pseudohexagonal phase Nb2O5 through a moderate annealing dehydration process without destroying the hierarchical structure. Optical properties of the as-prepared hollow spheres were investigated. It is exciting that the absorption edge of the hollow Nb2O5 microspheres shifts about 18 nm to the violet compared with bulk powders in the UV/vis spectra, indicating its superior optical properties.