72 resultados para planetary rover

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Position estimation for planetary rovers has been typically limited to odometry based on proprioceptive measurements such as the integration of distance traveled and measurement of heading change. Here we present and compare two methods of online visual odometry suited for planetary rovers. Both methods use omnidirectional imagery to estimate motion of the rover. One method is based on robust estimation of optical flow and subsequent integration of the flow. The second method is a full structure-from-motion solution. To make the comparison meaningful we use the same set of raw corresponding visual features for each method. The dataset is an sequence of 2000 images taken during a field experiment in the Atacama desert, for which high resolution GPS ground truth is available.


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A critical requirement for safe autonomous navigation of a planetary rover is the ability to accurately estimate the traversability of the terrain. This work considers the problem of predicting the attitude and configuration angles of the platform from terrain representations that are often incomplete due to occlusions and sensor limitations. Using Gaussian Processes (GP) and exteroceptive data as training input, we can provide a continuous and complete representation of terrain traversability, with uncertainty in the output estimates. In this paper, we propose a novel method that focuses on exploiting the explicit correlation in vehicle attitude and configuration during operation by learning a kernel function from vehicle experience to perform GP regression. We provide an extensive experimental validation of the proposed method on a planetary rover. We show significant improvement in the accuracy of our estimation compared with results obtained using standard kernels (Squared Exponential and Neural Network), and compared to traversability estimation made over terrain models built using state-of-the-art GP techniques.


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Motion planning for planetary rovers must consider control uncertainty in order to maintain the safety of the platform during navigation. Modelling such control uncertainty is difficult due to the complex interaction between the platform and its environment. In this paper, we propose a motion planning approach whereby the outcome of control actions is learned from experience and represented statistically using a Gaussian process regression model. This model is used to construct a control policy for navigation to a goal region in a terrain map built using an on-board RGB-D camera. The terrain includes flat ground, small rocks, and non-traversable rocks. We report the results of 200 simulated and 35 experimental trials that validate the approach and demonstrate the value of considering control uncertainty in maintaining platform safety.


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This article presents an approach to improve and monitor the behavior of a skid-steering rover on rough terrains. An adaptive locomotion control generates speeds references to avoid slipping situations. An enhanced odometry provides a better estimation of the distance travelled. A probabilistic classification procedure provides an evaluation of the locomotion efficiency on-line, with a detection of locomotion faults. Results obtained with a Marsokhod rover are presented throughout the paper


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This work aims at developing a planetary rover capable of acting as an assistant astrobiologist: making a preliminary analysis of the collected visual images that will help to make better use of the scientists time by pointing out the most interesting pieces of data. This paper focuses on the problem of detecting and recognising particular types of stromatolites. Inspired by the processes actual astrobiologists go through in the field when identifying stromatolites, the processes we investigate focus on recognising characteristics associated with biogenicity. The extraction of these characteristics is based on the analysis of geometrical structure enhanced by passing the images of stromatolites into an edge-detection filter and its Fourier Transform, revealing typical spatial frequency patterns. The proposed analysis is performed on both simulated images of stromatolite structures and images of real stromatolites taken in the field by astrobiologists.


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For a planetary rover to successfully traverse across unstructured terrain autonomously, one of the major challenges is to assess its local traversability such that it can plan a trajectory to achieve its mission goals efficiently while minimising risk to the vehicle itself. This paper aims to provide a comparative study on different approaches for representing the geometry of Martian terrain for the purpose of evaluating terrain traversability. An accurate representation of the geometric properties of the terrain is essential as it can directly affect the determination of traversability for a ground vehicle. We explore current state-of-the-art techniques for terrain estimation, in particular Gaussian Processes (GP) in various forms, and discuss the suitability of each technique in the context of an unstructured Martian terrain. Furthermore, we present the limitations of regression techniques in terms of spatial correlation and continuity assumptions, and the impact on traversability analysis of a planetary rover across unstructured terrain. The analysis was performed on datasets of the Mars Yard at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, obtained using the onboard RGB-D camera.


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It is well recognized that many scientifically interesting sites on Mars are located in rough terrains. Therefore, to enable safe autonomous operation of a planetary rover during exploration, the ability to accurately estimate terrain traversability is critical. In particular, this estimate needs to account for terrain deformation, which significantly affects the vehicle attitude and configuration. This paper presents an approach to estimate vehicle configuration, as a measure of traversability, in deformable terrain by learning the correlation between exteroceptive and proprioceptive information in experiments. We first perform traversability estimation with rigid terrain assumptions, then correlate the output with experienced vehicle configuration and terrain deformation using a multi-task Gaussian Process (GP) framework. Experimental validation of the proposed approach was performed on a prototype planetary rover and the vehicle attitude and configuration estimate was compared with state-of-the-art techniques. We demonstrate the ability of the approach to accurately estimate traversability with uncertainty in deformable terrain.


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Outdoor robots such as planetary rovers must be able to navigate safely and reliably in order to successfully perform missions in remote or hostile environments. Mobility prediction is critical to achieving this goal due to the inherent control uncertainty faced by robots traversing natural terrain. We propose a novel algorithm for stochastic mobility prediction based on multi-output Gaussian process regression. Our algorithm considers the correlation between heading and distance uncertainty and provides a predictive model that can easily be exploited by motion planning algorithms. We evaluate our method experimentally and report results from over 30 trials in a Mars-analogue environment that demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and illustrate the importance of mobility prediction in navigating challenging terrain.


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Motion planning for planetary rovers must consider control uncertainty in order to maintain the safety of the platform during navigation. Modelling such control uncertainty is difficult due to the complex interaction between the platform and its environment. In this paper, we propose a motion planning approach whereby the outcome of control actions is learned from experience and represented statistically using a Gaussian process regression model. This mobility prediction model is trained using sample executions of motion primitives on representative terrain, and predicts the future outcome of control actions on similar terrain. Using Gaussian process regression allows us to exploit its inherent measure of prediction uncertainty in planning. We integrate mobility prediction into a Markov decision process framework and use dynamic programming to construct a control policy for navigation to a goal region in a terrain map built using an on-board depth sensor. We consider both rigid terrain, consisting of uneven ground, small rocks, and non-traversable rocks, and also deformable terrain. We introduce two methods for training the mobility prediction model from either proprioceptive or exteroceptive observations, and report results from nearly 300 experimental trials using a planetary rover platform in a Mars-analogue environment. Our results validate the approach and demonstrate the value of planning under uncertainty for safe and reliable navigation.


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Terrain traversability estimation is a fundamental requirement to ensure the safety of autonomous planetary rovers and their ability to conduct long-term missions. This paper addresses two fundamental challenges for terrain traversability estimation techniques. First, representations of terrain data, which are typically built by the rover’s onboard exteroceptive sensors, are often incomplete due to occlusions and sensor limitations. Second, during terrain traversal, the rover-terrain interaction can cause terrain deformation, which may significantly alter the difficulty of traversal. We propose a novel approach built on Gaussian process (GP) regression to learn, and consequently to predict, the rover’s attitude and chassis configuration on unstructured terrain using terrain geometry information only. First, given incomplete terrain data, we make an initial prediction under the assumption that the terrain is rigid, using a learnt kernel function. Then, we refine this initial estimate to account for the effects of potential terrain deformation, using a near-to-far learning approach based on multitask GP regression. We present an extensive experimental validation of the proposed approach on terrain that is mostly rocky and whose geometry changes as a result of loads from rover traversals. This demonstrates the ability of the proposed approach to accurately predict the rover’s attitude and configuration in partially occluded and deformable terrain.


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Considering the wide spectrum of situations that it may encounter, a robot navigating autonomously in outdoor environments needs to be endowed with several operating modes, for robustness and efficiency reasons. Indeed, the terrain it has to traverse may be composed of flat or rough areas, low cohesive soils such as sand dunes, concrete road etc... Traversing these various kinds of environment calls for different navigation and/or locomotion functionalities, especially if the robot is endowed with different locomotion abilities, such as the robots WorkPartner, Hylos [4], Nomad or the Marsokhod rovers.


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Considering the wide spectrum of situations that it may encounter, a robot navigating autonomously in outdoor environments needs to be endowed with several operating modes, for robustness and efficiency reasons. Indeed, the terrain it has to traverse may be composed of flat or rough areas, low cohesive soils such as sand dunes, concrete road etc. . .Traversing these various kinds of environment calls for different navigation and/or locomotion functionalities, especially if the robot is endowed with different locomotion abilities, such as the robots WorkPartner, Hylos [4], Nomad or the Marsokhod rovers. Numerous rover navigation techniques have been proposed, each of them being suited to a particular environment context (e.g. path following, obstacle avoidance in more or less cluttered environments, rough terrain traverses...). However, seldom contributions in the literature tackle the problem of selecting autonomously the most suited mode [3]. Most of the existing work is indeed devoted to the passive analysis of a single navigation mode, as in [2]. Fault detection is of course essential: one can imagine that a proper monitoring of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity could have avoided the rover to be stuck during several weeks in a dune, by detecting non-nominal behavior of some parameters. But the ability to recover the anticipated problem by switching to a better suited navigation mode would bring higher autonomy abilities, and therefore a better overall efficiency. We propose here a probabilistic framework to achieve this, which fuses environment related and robot related information in order to actively control the rover operations.


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This paper studies receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (RAIM) algorithms and performance benefits of RTK solutions with multiple-constellations. The proposed method is generally known as Multi-constellation RAIM -McRAIM. The McRAIM algorithms take advantage of the ambiguity invariant character to assist fast identification of multiple satellite faults in the context of multiple constellations, and then detect faulty satellites in the follow-up ambiguity search and position estimation processes. The concept of Virtual Galileo Constellation (VGC) is used to generate useful data sets of dual-constellations for performance analysis. Experimental results from a 24-h data set demonstrate that with GPS&VGC constellations, McRAIM can significantly enhance the detection and exclusion probabilities of two simultaneous faulty satellites in RTK solutions.


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In the future we will have a detailed ecological model of the whole planet with capabilities to explore and predict the consequences of alternative futures. However, such a planetary eco-model will take time to develop, time to populate with data, and time to validate - time the planet doesn't have. In the interim, we can model the major concentrations of energy use and pollution - our cities - and connect them to form a "talking cities network". Such a networked city model would be much quicker to build and validate. And the advantage of this approach is that it is safer and more effective for us to interfere with the operation of our cities than to tamper directly with the behaviour of natural systems. Essentially, it could be thought of as providing the planet with a nervous system and would empower us to better develop and manage sustainable cities.


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The unusual behaviour of fine lunar regolith like stickiness and low heat conductivity is dominated by the structural arrangement of its finest fraction. Here, we show the previously unknown phenomenon of a globular 3D superstructure within the dust fraction of regolith. A study using the recently developed Transmission X-ray Microscopy (TXM) with tomographic reconstruction reveals a highly porous network of cellular voids in the finest dust fraction aggregates in lunar soil. Such porous chained aggregates are composed of sub-micron particles that form a network of cellular voids a few micrometers in diameter. Discovery of such a superstructure within the finest fraction of lunar topsoil enables a model of heat transfer to be constructed.