499 resultados para molecular size

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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We present a mini-review of the development and contemporary applications of diffusion-sensitive nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques in biomedical sciences. Molecular diffusion is a fundamental physical phenomenon present in all biological systems. Due to the connection between experimentally measured diffusion metrics and the microscopic environment sensed by the diffusing molecules, diffusion measurements can be used for characterisation of molecular size, molecular binding and association, and the morphology of biological tissues. The emergence of magnetic resonance was instrumental to the development of biomedical applications of diffusion. We discuss the fundamental physical principles of diffusion NMR spectroscopy and diffusion MR imaging. The emphasis is placed on conceptual understanding, historical evolution and practical applications rather than complex technical details. Mathematical description of diffusion is presented to the extent that it is required for the basic understanding of the concepts. We present a wide range of spectroscopic and imaging applications of diffusion magnetic resonance, including colloidal drug delivery vehicles; protein association; characterisation of cell morphology; neural fibre tractography; cardiac imaging; and the imaging of load-bearing connective tissues. This paper is intended as an accessible introduction into the exciting and growing field of diffusion magnetic resonance.


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We read with great interest the article entitled “Enhancing drugs absorption through third-degree burn wound eschar” by Manafi et al. [1]. The authors addressed the concern of poor penetration of topically applied anti-microbials through burn eschar and detailed the improvement of this penetration by penetration enhancers. Here, we would like to report the poor penetration of a topical agent into the viable deep dermal layer under burn eschar on a porcine burn model [2]. In burn treatment, a common practice is the topical application of either anti-microbial products or wound enhancing agents. While the activity of anti-microbial products is designed to fight against microbes on the wound surface but with the least toxicity to viable tissue, wound enhancing agents need to reach the viable tissue layer under the burn eschar. Many studies have reported the accelerated healing of superficial burn wounds and skin graft donor sites by the topical application of exogeneous growth factors [3]. It is well known that the efficacy of the penetration of a topical agent on intact skin mostly depends on the molecular size of the product [4] and [5]. While burn injury destroys this epidermal physiological barrier, the coagulated burn tissue layer on the burn wound surface makes it difficult for topical agents to reach viable tissue....


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Increasing numbers of preclinical and clinical studies are utilizing pDNA (plasmid DNA) as the vector. In addition, there has been a growing trend towards larger and larger doses of pDNA utilized in human trials. The growing demand on pDNA manufacture leads to pressure to make more in less time. A key intervention has been the use of monoliths as stationary phases in liquid chromatography. Monolithic stationary phases offer fast separation to pDNA owing to their large pore size, making pDNA in the size range from 100 nm to over 300 nm easily accessible. However, the convective transport mechanism of monoliths does not guarantee plasmid purity. The recovery of pure pDNA hinges on a proper balance in the properties of the adsorbent phase, the mobile phase and the feedstock. The effects of pH and ionic strength of binding buffer, temperature of feedstock, active group density and the pore size of the stationary phase were considered as avenues to improve the recovery and purity of pDNA using a methacrylate-based monolithic adsorbent and Escherichia coli DH5α-pUC19 clarified lysate as feedstock. pDNA recovery was found to be critically dependent on the pH and ionic strength of the mobile phase. Up to a maximum of approx. 92% recovery was obtained under optimum conditions of pH and ionic strength. Increasing the feedstock temperature to 80°C increased the purity of pDNA owing to the extra thermal stability associated with pDNA over contaminants such as proteins. Results from toxicological studies of the plasmid samples using endotoxin standard (E. coli 0.55:B5 lipopolysaccharide) show that endotoxin level decreases with increasing salt concentration. It was obvious that large quantities of pure pDNA can be obtained with minimal extra effort simply by optimizing process parameters and conditions for pDNA purification.


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The infrared (IR) spectroscopic data for a series of eleven heteroleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth complexes MIII(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] (M = Sm–Lu, Y) [H2Pc = unsubstituted phthalocyanine, H2Pc(α-OC5H11)4 = 1,8,15,22-tetrakis(3-pentyloxy)phthalocyanine] have been collected with 2 cm−1 resolution. Raman spectroscopic properties in the range of 500–1800 cm−1 for these double-decker molecules have also been comparatively studied using laser excitation sources emitting at 632.8 and 785 nm. Both the IR and Raman spectra for M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] are more complicated than those of homoleptic bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues due to the decreased molecular symmetry of these double-decker compounds, namely C4. For this series, the IR Pc√− marker band appears as an intense absorption at 1309–1317 cm−1, attributed to the pyrrole stretching. With laser excitation at 632.8 nm, Raman vibrations derived from isoindole ring and aza stretchings in the range of 1300–1600 cm−1 are selectively intensified. In contrast, when excited with laser radiation of 785 nm, the ring radial vibrations of isoindole moieties and dihedral plane deformations between 500 and 1000 cm−1 for M(Pc)[Pc(α-OC5H11)4] intensify to become the strongest scatterings. Both techniques reveal that the frequencies of pyrrole stretching, isoindole breathing, isoindole stretchings, aza stretchings and coupling of pyrrole and aza stretchings depend on the rare earth ionic size, shifting to higher energy along with the lanthanide contraction due to the increased ring-ring interaction across the series. The assignments of the vibrational bands for these compounds have been made and discussed in relation to other unsubstituted and substituted bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues, such as M(Pc)2 and M(OOPc)2 [H2OOPc = 2,3,9,10,16,17,23,24-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine].


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We report a theoretical study of the multiple oxidation states (1+, 0, 1−, and 2−) of a meso,meso-linked diporphyrin, namely bis[10,15,20-triphenylporphyrinatozinc(II)-5-yl]butadiyne (4), using Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (TDDFT). The origin of electronic transitions of singlet excited states is discussed in comparison to experimental spectra for the corresponding oxidation states of the close analogue bis{10,15,20-tris[3‘,5‘-di-tert-butylphenyl]porphyrinatozinc(II)-5-yl}butadiyne (3). The latter were measured in previous work under in situ spectroelectrochemical conditions. Excitation energies and orbital compositions of the excited states were obtained for these large delocalized aromatic radicals, which are unique examples of organic mixed-valence systems. The radical cations and anions of butadiyne-bridged diporphyrins such as 3 display characteristic electronic absorption bands in the near-IR region, which have been successfully predicted with use of these computational methods. The radicals are clearly of the “fully delocalized” or Class III type. The key spectral features of the neutral and dianionic states were also reproduced, although due to the large size of these molecules, quantitative agreement of energies with observations is not as good in the blue end of the visible region. The TDDFT calculations are largely in accord with a previous empirical model for the spectra, which was based simplistically on one-electron transitions among the eight key frontier orbitals of the C4 (1,4-butadiyne) linked diporphyrins.


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Banana leaf streak disease, caused by several species of Banana streak virus (BSV), is widespread in East Africa. We surveyed for this disease in Uganda and Kenya, and used rolling-circle amplification (RCA) to detect the presence of BSV in banana. Six distinct badnavirus sequences, three from Uganda and three from Kenya, were amplified for which only partial sequences were previously available. The complete genomes were sequenced and characterised. The size and organisation of all six sequences was characteristic of other badnaviruses, including conserved functional domains present in the putative polyprotein encoded by open reading frame (ORF) 3. Based on nucleotide sequence analysis within the reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H-coding region of open reading frame 3, we propose that these sequences be recognised as six new species and be designated as Banana streak UA virus, Banana streak UI virus, Banana streak UL virus, Banana streak UM virus, Banana streak CA virus and Banana streak IM virus. Using PCR and species-specific primers to test for the presence of integrated sequences, we demonstrated that sequences with high similarity to BSIMV only were present in several banana cultivars which had tested negative for episomal BSV sequences.


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The idea of body weight regulation implies that a biological mechanism exerts control over energy expenditure and food intake. This is a central tenet of energy homeostasis. However, the source and identity of the controlling mechanism have not been identified, although it is often presumed to be some long-acting signal related to body fat, such as leptin. Using a comprehensive experimental platform, we have investigated the relationship between biological and behavioural variables in two separate studies over a 12-week intervention period in obese adults (total n 92). All variables have been measured objectively and with a similar degree of scientific control and precision, including anthropometric factors, body composition, RMR and accumulative energy consumed at individual meals across the whole day. Results showed that meal size and daily energy intake (EI) were significantly correlated with fat-free mass (FFM, P values ,0·02–0·05) but not with fat mass (FM) or BMI (P values 0·11–0·45) (study 1, n 58). In study 2 (n 34), FFM (but not FM or BMI) predicted meal size and daily EI under two distinct dietary conditions (high-fat and low-fat). These data appear to indicate that, under these circumstances, some signal associated with lean mass (but not FM) exerts a determining effect over self-selected food consumption. This signal may be postulated to interact with a separate class of signals generated by FM. This finding may have implications for investigations of the molecular control of food intake and body weight and for the management of obesity.


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In the past few years, remarkable progress has been made in unveiling novel and unique optical properties of strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures. However, application of such plasmonic nanostructures in biomedicine remains challenging due to the lack of facile and robust assembly methods for producing stable nanostructures. Previous attempts to achieve plasmonic nano-assemblies using molecular ligands were limited due to the lack of flexibility that could be exercised in forming them. Here, we report the utilization of tailor-made hyperbranched polymers (HBP) as linkers to assemble gold nanoparticles (NPs) into nano-assemblies. The ease and flexibility in tuning the particle size and number of branch ends of a HBP makes it an ideal candidate as a linker, as opposed to DNA, small organic molecules and linear or dendrimeric polymers. We report a strong correlation of polymer (HBP) concentration with the size of the hybrid nano-assemblies and “hot-spot” density. We have shown that such solutions of stable HBP-gold nano-assemblies can be barcoded with various Raman tags to provide improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) compared with non-aggregated NP systems. These Raman barcoded hybrid nano-assemblies, with further optimization of NP shape, size and “hot-spot” density, may find application as diagnostic tools in nanomedicine.


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In this paper, we report the preparation and characterisation of nanometer-sized TiO2, CdO, and ZnO semiconductor particles trapped in zeolite NaY. Preparation of these particles was carried out via the traditional ion exchange method and subsequent calcination procedure. It was found that the smaller cations, i.e., Cd2+ and Zn2+ could be readily introduced into the SI′ and SII′ sites located in the sodalite cages, through ion exchange; while this is not the case for the larger Ti species, i.e., Ti monomer [TiO]2+ or dimer [Ti2O3]2+ which were predominantly dispersed on the external surface of zeolite NaY. The subsequent calcination procedure promoted these Ti species to migrate into the internal surface of the supercages. These semiconductor particles confined in NaY zeolite host exhibited a significant blue shift in the UV-VIS absorption spectra, in contrast to the respective bulk semiconductor materials, due to the quantum size effect (QSE). The particle sizes calculated from the UV-VIS optical absorption spectra using the effective mass approximation model are in good agreement with the atomic absorption data.


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This study investigated potential markers within chromosomal, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) with the aim of developing a DNA based method to allow differentiation between animal species. Such discrimination tests may have important applications in the forensic science, agriculture, quarantine and customs fields. DNA samples from five different animal individuals within the same species for 10 species of animal (including human) were analysed. DNA extraction and quantitation followed by PCR amplification and GeneScan visualisation formed the basis of the experimental analysis. Five gene markers from three different types of genes were investigated. These included genomic markers for the β-actin and TP53 tumor suppressor gene. Mitochondrial DNA markers, designed by Bataille et al. [Forensic Sci. Int. 99 (1999) 165], examined the Cytochrome b gene and Hypervariable Displacement Loop (D-Loop) region. Finally, a ribosomal RNA marker for the 28S rRNA gene optimised by Naito et al. [J. Forensic Sci. 37 (1992) 396] was used as a possible marker for speciation. Results showed a difference of only several base pairs between all species for the β-actin and 28S markers, with the exception of Sus scrofa (pig) β-actin fragment length, which produced a significantly smaller fragment. Multiplexing of Cytochrome b and D-Loop markers gave limited species information, although positive discrimination of human DNA was evident. The most specific and discriminatory results were shown using the TP53 gene since this marker produced greatest fragment size differences between animal species studied. Sample differentiation for all species was possible following TP53 amplification, suggesting that this gene could be used as a potential animal species identifier.


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Dynamic light scattering (DLS) has become a primary nanoparticle characterization technique with applications from materials characterization to biological and environmental detection. With the expansion in DLS use from homogeneous spheres to more complicated nanostructures, comes a decrease in accuracy. Much research has been performed to develop different diffusion models that account for the vastly different structures but little attention has been given to the effect on the light scattering properties in relation to DLS. In this work, small (core size < 5 nm) core-shell nanoparticles were used as a case study to measure the capping thickness of a layer of dodecanethiol (DDT) on Au and ZnO nanoparticles by DLS. We find that the DDT shell has very little effect on the scattering properties of the inorganic core and hence can be ignored to a first approximation. However, this results in conventional DLS analysis overestimating the hydrodynamic size in the volume and number weighted distributions. By introducing a simple correction formula that more accurately yields hydrodynamic size distributions a more precise determination of the molecular shell thickness is obtained. With this correction, the measured thickness of the DDT shell was found to be 7.3 ± 0.3 Å, much less than the extended chain length of 16 Å. This organic layer thickness suggests that on small nanoparticles, the DDT monolayer adopts a compact disordered structure rather than an open ordered structure on both ZnO and Au nanoparticle surfaces. These observations are in agreement with published molecular dynamics results.


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Acinetobacter baumannii is a multidrug-resistant pathogen associated with hospital outbreaks of infection across the globe, particularly in the intensive care unit. The ability of A. baumannii to survive in the hospital environment for long periods is linked to antibiotic resistance and its capacity to form biofilms. Here we studied the prevalence, expression, and function of the A. baumannii biofilm-associated protein (Bap) in 24 carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii ST92 strains isolated from a single institution over a 10-year period. The bap gene was highly prevalent, with 22/24 strains being positive for bap by PCR. Partial sequencing of bap was performed on the index case strain MS1968 and revealed it to be a large and highly repetitive gene approximately 16 kb in size. Phylogenetic analysis employing a 1,948-amino-acid region corresponding to the C terminus of Bap showed that BapMS1968 clusters with Bap sequences from clonal complex 2 (CC2) strains ACICU, TCDC-AB0715, and 1656-2 and is distinct from Bap in CC1 strains. By using overlapping PCR, the bapMS1968 gene was cloned, and its expression in a recombinant Escherichia coli strain resulted in increased biofilm formation. A Bap-specific antibody was generated, and Western blot analysis showed that the majority of A. baumannii strains expressed an ∼200-kDa Bap protein. Further analysis of three Bap-positive A. baumannii strains demonstrated that Bap is expressed at the cell surface and is associated with biofilm formation. Finally, biofilm formation by these Bap-positive strains could be inhibited by affinity-purified Bap antibodies, demonstrating the direct contribution of Bap to biofilm growth by A. baumannii clinical isolates.


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The properties of CdS nanoparticles incorporated onto mesoporous TiO2 films by a successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method were investigated by Raman spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). High resolution TEM indicated that the synthesized CdS particles were hexagonal phase and the particle sizes were less than 5 nm when SILAR cycles were fewer than 9. Quantum size effect was found with the CdS sensitized TiO2 films prepared with up to 9 SILAR cycles. The band gap of CdS nanoparticles decreased from 2.65 eV to 2.37 eV with the increase of the SILAR cycles from 1 to 11. The investigation of the stability of the CdS/TiO2 films in air under illumination (440.6 µW/cm2) showed that the photodegradation rate was up to 85% per day for the sample prepared with 3 SILAR cycles. XPS analysis indicated that the photodegradation was due to the oxidation of CdS, leading to the transformation from sulphide to sulphate (CdSO4). Furthermore, the degradation rate was strongly dependent upon the particle size of CdS. Smaller particles showed faster degradation rate. The size-dependent photo-induced oxidization was rationalized with the variation of size-dependent distribution of surface atoms of CdS particles. Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation has indicated that the surface sulphide anion of a large CdS particle such as CdS made with 11 cycles (CdS11, particle size = 5.6 nm) accounts for 9.6% of the material whereas this value is increased to 19.2% for (CdS3) based smaller particles (particle size: 2.7 nm). Nevertheless, CdS nanoparticles coated with ZnS material showed a significantly enhanced stability under illumination in air. A nearly 100% protection of CdS from photon induced oxidation with a ZnS coating layer prepared using four SILAR cycles, suggesting the formation of a nearly complete coating layer on the CdS nanoparticles.


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We investigate, using scanning tunnelling microscopy, the adsorption of pentacene on Ni(111) at room temperature and the behaviour of these monolayer films with annealing up to 700 °C. We observe the conversion of pentacene into graphene, which begins from as low as 220 °C with the coalescence of pentacene molecules into large planar aggregates. Then, by annealing at 350 °C for 20 minutes, these aggregates expand into irregular domains of graphene tens of nanometers in size. On surfaces where graphene and nickel carbide coexist, pentacene shows preferential adsorption on the nickel carbide phase. The same pentacene to graphene transformation was also achieved on Cu(111), but at a higher activation temperature, producing large graphene domains that exhibit a range of moiré superlattice periodicities.