111 resultados para digital elevation model

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Flood related scientific and community-based data are rarely systematically collected and analysed in the Philippines. Over the last decades the Pagsangaan River Basin, Leyte, has experienced several flood events. However, documentation describing flood characteristics such as extent, duration or height of these floods are close to non-existing. To address this issue, computerized flood modelling was used to reproduce past events where there was data available for at least partial calibration and validation. The model was also used to provide scenario-based predictions based on A1B climate change assumptions for the area. The most important input for flood modelling is a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the river basin. No accurate topographic maps or Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR)-generated data are available for the Pagsangaan River. Therefore, the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Global Digital Elevation Map (GDEM), Version 1, was chosen as the DEM. Although the horizontal spatial resolution of 30 m is rather desirable, it contains substantial vertical errors. These were identified, different correction methods were tested and the resulting DEM was used for flood modelling. The above mentioned data were combined with cross-sections at various strategic locations of the river network, meteorological records, river water level, and current velocity to develop the 1D-2D flood model. SOBEK was used as modelling software to create different rainfall scenarios, including historic flooding events. Due to the lack of scientific data for the verification of the model quality, interviews with local stakeholders served as the gauge to judge the quality of the generated flood maps. According to interviewees, the model reflects reality more accurately than previously available flood maps. The resulting flood maps are now used by the operations centre of a local flood early warning system for warnings and evacuation alerts. Furthermore these maps can serve as a basis to identify flood hazard areas for spatial land use planning purposes.


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The along-track stereo images of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor with 15 m resolution were used to generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) on an area with low and near Mean Sea Level (MSL) elevation in Johor, Malaysia. The absolute DEM was generated by using the Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) model which was run on ENVI 4.8 software. In order to generate the absolute DEM, 60 Ground Control Pointes (GCPs) with almost vertical accuracy less than 10 meter extracted from topographic map of the study area. The assessment was carried out on uncorrected and corrected DEM by utilizing dozens of Independent Check Points (ICPs). Consequently, the uncorrected DEM showed the RMSEz of ± 26.43 meter which was decreased to the RMSEz of ± 16.49 meter for the corrected DEM after post-processing. Overall, the corrected DEM of ASTER stereo images met the expectations.


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This study aims to assess the accuracy of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) which is generated by using Toutin’s model. Thus, Toutin’s model was run by using OrthoEngineSE of PCI Geomatics 10.3.Thealong-track stereoimages of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer (ASTER) sensor with 15 m resolution were used to produce DEM on an area with low and near Mean Sea Level (MSL) elevation in Johor Malaysia. Despite the satisfactory pre-processing results the visual assessment of the DEM generated from Toutin’s model showed that the DEM contained many outliers and incorrect values. The failure of Toutin’s model may mostly be due to the inaccuracy and insufficiency of ASTER ephemeris data for low terrains as well as huge water body in the stereo images.


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The advent of very high resolution (VHR) optical satellites capable of producing stereo images led to a new era in extracting digital elevation model which commenced with the launch of IKONOS. The special specifications of VHR optical satellites besides, the significant economic profit stimulated other countries and companies to have their constellations such as EROS-A1 and EROS-B1 as the cooperation between Israel and ImageSat. QuickBird, WorldView-1 and WorldVew-2 were launched by DigitalGlobe. ALOS and GeoEye-1 were offered by Japan and GeoEye Respectively. In addition to aforementioned satellites, Indian and South Korea initiated their own constellation by launching CartoSat-1 and KOPOSAT-2 respectively.The availability of all so-called satellites make a huge market of stereo images for extracting of digital elevation model and other correspondent applications such as, producing orthorectifcatin images and updating maps. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive comparison for scientific and commercial clients to choose appropriate satellite images and methods of generating digital elevation model to obtain optimum results. This paper will thus give a review about the specifications of VHR optical satellites. Then it will discuss the automatic elaborating of digital elevation model. Finally an overview of studies and corresponding results is reported.


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Volcanic eruption centres of the mostly 4.5 Ma-5000 BP Newer Volcanics Province in the Hamilton area of southeastern Australia were examined in detail using a multifaceted approach, including ground truthing and analysis of ArcGIS Total Magnetic Intensity and seamless geology data, NASA Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) digital elevation models and Google Earth satellite image interpretation. Sixteen eruption centres were recognised in the Hamilton area, including three previously unrecorded volcanoes-one of which, the Cas Maar, constitutes the northernmost maar-cone volcanic complex in the Western Plains subprovince. Seven previously allocated eruption centres were placed into question based on field and laboratory observations. Three phases of volcanic activity have been suggested by other authors and are interpreted to correlate with ages of >4 Ma, ca 2 Ma and <0.5 Ma, which may be further subdivided based on preservation of outcrop. Geochemical compositions of the dominantly basaltic products become increasingly alkaline and enriched in incompatible elements from Phases 1 to 2, with Phase 3 eruptions both covering the entire geochemical range and extending into increasingly enriched compositions. This research highlights the importance of a multifaceted approach to landform mapping and demonstrates that additional volcanic centres may yet be discovered in the Newer Volcanics Province


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This technical report describes a Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) augmented optimal path planning at low level flight methodology for remote sensing and sampling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). The UAV is used to perform remote air sampling and data acquisition from a network of sensors on the ground. The data that contains information on the terrain is in the form of a 3D point clouds maps is processed by the algorithms to find an optimal path. The results show that the method and algorithm are able to use the LiDAR data to avoid obstacles when planning a path from a start to a target point. The report compares the performance of the method as the resolution of the LIDAR map is increased and when a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is included. From a practical point of view, the optimal path plan is loaded and works seemingly with the UAV ground station and also shows the UAV ground station software augmented with more accurate LIDAR data.


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Floods are among the most devastating events that affect primarily tropical, archipelagic countries such as the Philippines. With the current predictions of climate change set to include rising sea levels, intensification of typhoon strength and a general increase in the mean annual precipitation throughout the Philippines, it has become paramount to prepare for the future so that the increased risk of floods on the country does not translate into more economic and human loss. Field work and data gathering was done within the framework of an internship at the former German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) in cooperation with the Local Government Unit of Ormoc City, Leyte, The Philippines, in order to develop a dynamic computer based flood model for the basin of the Pagsangaan River. To this end, different geo-spatial analysis tools such as PCRaster and ArcGIS, hydrological analysis packages and basic engineering techniques were assessed and implemented. The aim was to develop a dynamic flood model and use the development process to determine the required data, availability and impact on the results as case study for flood early warning systems in the Philippines. The hope is that such projects can help to reduce flood risk by including the results of worst case scenario analyses and current climate change predictions into city planning for municipal development, monitoring strategies and early warning systems. The project was developed using a 1D-2D coupled model in SOBEK (Deltares Hydrological modelling software package) and was also used as a case study to analyze and understand the influence of different factors such as land use, schematization, time step size and tidal variation on the flood characteristics. Several sources of relevant satellite data were compared, such as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from ASTER and SRTM data, as well as satellite rainfall data from the GIOVANNI server (NASA) and field gauge data. Different methods were used in the attempt to partially calibrate and validate the model to finally simulate and study two Climate Change scenarios based on scenario A1B predictions. It was observed that large areas currently considered not prone to floods will become low flood risk (0.1-1 m water depth). Furthermore, larger sections of the floodplains upstream of the Lilo- an’s Bridge will become moderate flood risk areas (1 - 2 m water depth). The flood hazard maps created for the development of the present project will be presented to the LGU and the model will be used to create a larger set of possible flood prone areas related to rainfall intensity by GTZ’s Local Disaster Risk Management Department and to study possible improvements to the current early warning system and monitoring of the basin section belonging to Ormoc City; recommendations about further enhancement of the geo-hydro-meteorological data to improve the model’s accuracy mainly on areas of interest will also be presented at the LGU.


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This Digital Modelling Report incorporates the previous research completed for the FM Exemplar Project utilising the Sydney Opera House as a case study. The research has demonstrated significant benefits in digitising design documentation and operational and maintenance manuals. Since Sydney Opera House do not have digital models of its structure, there is an opportunity to investigate the application of Digital Facility Modelling using standardised Building Information Models (BIM). The digital modelling research project has examined the potential of standardised building information models to develop a digital facility model supporting facilities management (FM). The focus of this investigation was on the following areas: • The re-usability of standardised building information models (BIM) for FM purposes. • The potential of BIM as an information framework acting as integrator for various FM data sources. • The extendibility and flexibility of the BIM to cope with business specific data and requirements. • Commercial FM software using standardised building information models. • The ability to add (organisation-specific) intelligence to the model. • A roadmap for Sydney Opera House to adopt BIM for FM.


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The challenges of maintaining a building such as the Sydney Opera House are immense and are dependent upon a vast array of information. The value of information can be enhanced by its currency, accessibility and the ability to correlate data sets (integration of information sources). A building information model correlated to various information sources related to the facility is used as definition for a digital facility model. Such a digital facility model would give transparent and an integrated access to an array of datasets and obviously would support Facility Management processes. In order to construct such a digital facility model, two state-of-the-art Information and Communication technologies are considered: an internationally standardized building information model called the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) and a variety of advanced communication and integration technologies often referred to as the Semantic Web such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This paper reports on some technical aspects for developing a digital facility model focusing on Sydney Opera House. The proposed digital facility model enables IFC data to participate in an ontology driven, service-oriented software environment. A proof-of-concept prototype has been developed demonstrating the usability of IFC information to collaborate with Sydney Opera House’s specific data sources using semantic web ontologies.


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Digital human models (DHM) have evolved as useful tools for ergonomic workplace design and product development, and found in various industries and education. DHM systems which dominate the market were developed for specific purposes and differ significantly, which is not only reflected in non-compatible results of DHM simulations, but also provoking misunderstanding of how DHM simulations relate to real world problems. While DHM developers are restricted by uncertainty about the user need and lack of model data related standards, users are confined to one specific product and cannot exchange results, or upgrade to another DHM system, as their previous results would be rendered worthless. Furthermore, origin and validity of anthropometric and biomechanical data is not transparent to the user. The lack of standardisation in DHM systems has become a major roadblock in further system development, affecting all stakeholders in the DHM industry. Evidently, a framework for standardising digital human models is necessary to overcome current obstructions.


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Effective digital human model (DHM) simulation of automotive driver packaging ergonomics, safety and comfort depends on accurate modelling of occupant posture, which is strongly related to the mechanical interaction between human body soft tissue and flexible seat components. This paper presents a finite-element study simulating the deflection of seat cushion foam and supportive seat structures, as well as human buttock and thigh soft tissue when seated. The three-dimensional data used for modelling thigh and buttock geometry were taken on one 95th percentile male subject, representing the bivariate percentiles of the combined hip breadth (seated) and buttock-to-knee length distributions of a selected Australian and US population. A thigh-buttock surface shell based on this data was generated for the analytic model. A 6mm neoprene layer was offset from the shell to account for the compression of body tissue expected through sitting in a seat. The thigh-buttock model is therefore made of two layers, covering thin to moderate thigh and buttock proportions, but not more fleshy sizes. To replicate the effects of skin and fat, the neoprene rubber layer was modelled as a hyperelastic material with viscoelastic behaviour in a Neo-Hookean material model. Finite element (FE) analysis was performed in ANSYS V13 WB (Canonsburg, USA). It is hypothesized that the presented FE simulation delivers a valid result, compared to a standard SAE physical test and the real phenomenon of human-seat indentation. The analytical model is based on the CAD assembly of a Ford Territory seat. The optimized seat frame, suspension and foam pad CAD data were transformed and meshed into FE models and indented by the two layer, soft surface human FE model. Converging results with the least computational effort were achieved for a bonded connection between cushion and seat base as well as cushion and suspension, no separation between neoprene and indenter shell and a frictional connection between cushion pad and neoprene. The result is compared to a previous simulation of an indentation with a hard shell human finite-element model of equal geometry, and to the physical indentation result, which is approached with very high fidelity. We conclude that (a) SAE composite buttock form indentation of a suspended seat cushion can be validly simulated in a FE model of merely similar geometry, but using a two-layer hard/soft structure. (b) Human-seat indentation of a suspended seat cushion can be validly simulated with a simplified human buttock-thigh model for a selected anthropomorphism.


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Accurate modelling of automotive occupant posture is strongly related to the mechanical interaction between human body soft tissue and flexible seat components. This paper presents a finite-element study simulating the deflection of seat cushion foam and supportive seat structures, as well as human buttock and thigh soft tissue when seated. The thigh-buttock surface shell model was based on 95th percentile male subject scan data and made of two layers, covering thin to moderate thigh and buttock proportions. To replicate the effects of skin and fat, the neoprene rubber layer was modelled as a hyperelastic material with viscoelastic behaviour. The analytical seat model is based on a Ford production seat. The result of the finite-element indentation simulation is compared to a previous simulation of an indentation with a hard shell human model of equal geometry, and to the physical indentation result. We conclude that SAE composite buttock form and human-seat indentation of a suspended seat cushion can be validly simulated.


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Purpose This study aims to gain a clearer understanding of digital channel design. The emergence of new technologies has revolutionised the way companies interact and engage with customers. The driver for this research was the suggestion that practitioners feel they do not possess the skills to understand and exploit new digital channel opportunities. To gain a clearer understanding of digital channel design, this paper addresses the research question: What digital channels do companies from a wide range of industries and sectors use? Design/methodology/approach A content analysis of 100 international companies was conducted with multiple data sources to form a typology of digital “touchpoints”. The appropriateness of a digital channel typology for this study was for developing rigorous and useful concepts for clarifying and refining the meaning of digital channels. Findings This study identifies what digital channels companies globally currently employ and explores the related needs across industries. A total of 34 digital touchpoints and 4 typologies of digital channels were identified across 16 industries. This research helps to identify the relationship between digital channels and enabling the connections with industry. Research limitations/implications The findings contribute to the growing research area of digital channels. The typology of digital channels is a useful starting point for developing a systematic, theory-based study for enabling the development of broader, comprehensive theories of digital channels. Practical implications Typologies and touchpoints are outlined in relation to industry, company objectives and customer needs to allow businesses to seize opportunities and optimise performance through individual touchpoints. A digital channel model as a key outcome of this research guides practitioners on what touchpoint to implement through an interrelated understanding of industry, company and customer needs. Originality/value This is the first paper to explore a range of industries in relation to their use of digital channels using a unique content analysis. Contributions include clarifying and refining digital channel meaning; identifying and refining the hierarchical relations among digital channels(typologies); and establishing typology and industry relationship model.