207 resultados para complete linkage clustering

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Speaker diarization determines instances of the same speaker within a recording. Extending this task to a collection of recordings for linking together segments spoken by a unique speaker requires speaker linking. In this paper we propose a speaker linking system using linkage clustering and state-of-the-art speaker recognition techniques. We evaluate our approach against two baseline linking systems using agglomerative cluster merging (AC) and agglomerative clustering with model retraining (ACR). We demonstrate that our linking method, using complete-linkage clustering, provides a relative improvement of 20% and 29% in attribution error rate (AER), over the AC and ACR systems, respectively.


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In this paper we propose and evaluate a speaker attribution system using a complete-linkage clustering method. Speaker attribution refers to the annotation of a collection of spoken audio based on speaker identities. This can be achieved using diarization and speaker linking. The main challenge associated with attribution is achieving computational efficiency when dealing with large audio archives. Traditional agglomerative clustering methods with model merging and retraining are not feasible for this purpose. This has motivated the use of linkage clustering methods without retraining. We first propose a diarization system using complete-linkage clustering and show that it outperforms traditional agglomerative and single-linkage clustering based diarization systems with a relative improvement of 40% and 68%, respectively. We then propose a complete-linkage speaker linking system to achieve attribution and demonstrate a 26% relative improvement in attribution error rate (AER) over the single-linkage speaker linking approach.


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We propose a novel technique for conducting robust voice activity detection (VAD) in high-noise recordings. We use Gaussian mixture modeling (GMM) to train two generic models; speech and non-speech. We then score smaller segments of a given (unseen) recording against each of these GMMs to obtain two respective likelihood scores for each segment. These scores are used to compute a dissimilarity measure between pairs of segments and to carry out complete-linkage clustering of the segments into speech and non-speech clusters. We compare the accuracy of our method against state-of-the-art and standardised VAD techniques to demonstrate an absolute improvement of 15% in half-total error rate (HTER) over the best performing baseline system and across the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT database. We then apply our approach to the Audio-Visual Database of American English (AVDBAE) to demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in using visual, audio-visual or a proposed fusion of these features.


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This research makes a major contribution which enables efficient searching and indexing of large archives of spoken audio based on speaker identity. It introduces a novel technique dubbed as “speaker attribution” which is the task of automatically determining ‘who spoke when?’ in recordings and then automatically linking the unique speaker identities within each recording across multiple recordings. The outcome of the research will also have significant impact in improving the performance of automatic speech recognition systems through the extracted speaker identities.


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Speaker attribution is the task of annotating a spoken audio archive based on speaker identities. This can be achieved using speaker diarization and speaker linking. In our previous work, we proposed an efficient attribution system, using complete-linkage clustering, for conducting attribution of large sets of two-speaker telephone data. In this paper, we build on our proposed approach to achieve a robust system, applicable to multiple recording domains. To do this, we first extend the diarization module of our system to accommodate multi-speaker (>2) recordings. We achieve this through using a robust cross-likelihood ratio (CLR) threshold stopping criterion for clustering, as opposed to the original stopping criterion of two speakers used for telephone data. We evaluate this baseline diarization module across a dataset of Australian broadcast news recordings, showing a significant lack of diarization accuracy without previous knowledge of the true number of speakers within a recording. We thus propose applying an additional pass of complete-linkage clustering to the diarization module, demonstrating an absolute improvement of 20% in diarization error rate (DER). We then evaluate our proposed multi-domain attribution system across the broadcast news data, demonstrating achievable attribution error rates (AER) as low as 17%.


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In this paper we propose a novel scheme for carrying out speaker diarization in an iterative manner. We aim to show that the information obtained through the first pass of speaker diarization can be reused to refine and improve the original diarization results. We call this technique speaker rediarization and demonstrate the practical application of our rediarization algorithm using a large archive of two-speaker telephone conversation recordings. We use the NIST 2008 SRE summed telephone corpora for evaluating our speaker rediarization system. This corpus contains recurring speaker identities across independent recording sessions that need to be linked across the entire corpus. We show that our speaker rediarization scheme can take advantage of inter-session speaker information, linked in the initial diarization pass, to achieve a 30% relative improvement over the original diarization error rate (DER) after only two iterations of rediarization.


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We present a clustering-only approach to the problem of speaker diarization to eliminate the need for the commonly employed and computationally expensive Viterbi segmentation and realignment stage. We use multiple linear segmentations of a recording and carry out complete-linkage clustering within each segmentation scenario to obtain a set of clustering decisions for each case. We then collect all clustering decisions, across all cases, to compute a pairwise vote between the segments and conduct complete-linkage clustering to cluster them at a resolution equal to the minimum segment length used in the linear segmentations. We use our proposed cluster-voting approach to carry out speaker diarization and linking across the SAIVT-BNEWS corpus of Australian broadcast news data. We compare our technique to an equivalent baseline system with Viterbi realignment and show that our approach can outperform the baseline technique with respect to the diarization error rate (DER) and attribution error rate (AER).


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In this paper we extend the concept of speaker annotation within a single-recording, or speaker diarization, to a collection wide approach we call speaker attribution. Accordingly, speaker attribution is the task of clustering expectantly homogenous intersession clusters obtained using diarization according to common cross-recording identities. The result of attribution is a collection of spoken audio across multiple recordings attributed to speaker identities. In this paper, an attribution system is proposed using mean-only MAP adaptation of a combined-gender UBM to model clusters from a perfect diarization system, as well as a JFA-based system with session variability compensation. The normalized cross-likelihood ratio is calculated for each pair of clusters to construct an attribution matrix and the complete linkage algorithm is employed to conduct clustering of the inter-session clusters. A matched cluster purity and coverage of 87.1% was obtained on the NIST 2008 SRE corpus.


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Objective: To follow-up previous studies highlighting a possible role for cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, 19 (CYP2C19) in susceptibility to endometriosis by searching for additional variants in the CYP2C19 gene that may be associated with the disease. Design Case-control study. Setting Academic research. Subject(s) The cases comprised 2,271 women with surgically confirmed endometriosis; the controls comprised 939 women with self-report of no endometriosis and 1,770 unscreened population samples. Intervention(s) Sequencing of the CYP2C19 region and follow-up of 80 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in two case-control samples. Main Outcome Measure(s) Allele frequency differences between cases and controls. Result(s) Sequencing of the CYP2C19 gene region resulted in the detection of a large number of known and novel SNPs. Genotyping of 80 polymorphic SNPs in 901 endometriosis cases and 939 controls resulted in study-wide significant association signals for SNPs in moderate or complete linkage disequilibrium with rs4244285, a functional SNP in exon 5 that abrogates CYP2C19 function through the creation of an alternative splice site. Evidence of association was also detected for another functional SNP in the CYP2C19 promoter, rs12248560, which was highlighted in our previous study. Conclusion(s) Functional variants in CYP2C19 may contribute to endometriosis susceptibility in both familial and sporadic cases. © 2014 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.


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Migraine is a painful disorder for which the etiology remains obscure. Diagnosis is largely based on International Headache Society criteria. However, no feature occurs in all patients who meet these criteria, and no single symptom is required for diagnosis. Consequently, this definition may not accurately reflect the phenotypic heterogeneity or genetic basis of the disorder. Such phenotypic uncertainty is typical for complex genetic disorders and has encouraged interest in multivariate statistical methods for classifying disease phenotypes. We applied three popular statistical phenotyping methods—latent class analysis, grade of membership and grade of membership “fuzzy” clustering (Fanny)—to migraine symptom data, and compared heritability and genome-wide linkage results obtained using each approach. Our results demonstrate that different methodologies produce different clustering structures and non-negligible differences in subsequent analyses. We therefore urge caution in the use of any single approach and suggest that multiple phenotyping methods be used.


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OBJECTIVE(S): An individual's risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) is influenced by genetic factors. This study focussed on mapping genetic loci for CVD-risk traits in a unique population isolate derived from Norfolk Island. METHODS: This investigation focussed on 377 individuals descended from the population founders. Principal component analysis was used to extract orthogonal components from 11 cardiovascular risk traits. Multipoint variance component methods were used to assess genome-wide linkage using SOLAR to the derived factors. A total of 285 of the 377 related individuals were informative for linkage analysis. RESULTS: A total of 4 principal components accounting for 83% of the total variance were derived. Principal component 1 was loaded with body size indicators; principal component 2 with body size, cholesterol and triglyceride levels; principal component 3 with the blood pressures; and principal component 4 with LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol levels. Suggestive evidence of linkage for principal component 2 (h(2) = 0.35) was observed on chromosome 5q35 (LOD = 1.85; p = 0.0008). While peak regions on chromosome 10p11.2 (LOD = 1.27; p = 0.005) and 12q13 (LOD = 1.63; p = 0.003) were observed to segregate with principal components 1 (h(2) = 0.33) and 4 (h(2) = 0.42), respectively. CONCLUSION(S): This study investigated a number of CVD risk traits in a unique isolated population. Findings support the clustering of CVD risk traits and provide interesting evidence of a region on chromosome 5q35 segregating with weight, waist circumference, HDL-c and total triglyceride levels.


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Norfolk Island is a human genetic isolate, possessing unique population characteristics that could be utilized for complex disease gene localization. Our intention was to evaluate the extent and strength of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the Norfolk isolate by investigating markers within Xq13.3 and the NOS2A gene encoding the inducible nitric oxide synthase. A total of six microsatellite markers spanning approximately 11 Mb were assessed on chromosome Xq13.3 in a group of 56 men from Norfolk Island. Additionally, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) localizing to the NOS2A gene were analyzed in a subset of the complex Norfolk pedigree. With the exception of two of the marker pairs, one of which is the most distantly spaced marker, all the Xq13.3 marker pairs were found to be in significant LD indicating that LD extends up to 9.5-11.5 Mb in the Norfolk Island population. Also, all SNPs studied showed significant LD in both Norfolk Islanders and Australian Caucasians, with two of the marker pairs in complete LD in the Norfolk population only. The Norfolk Island study population possesses a unique set of characteristics including founder effect, geographical isolation, exhaustive genealogical information and phenotypic data of use to cardiovascular disease risk traits. With LD extending up to 9.5-11 Mb, the Norfolk isolate should be a powerful resource for the localization of complex disease genes.


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Essential hypertension is a highly hereditable disorder in which genetic influences predominate over environmental factors. The molecular genetic profiles which predispose to essential hypertension are not known. In rats with genetic hypertension, there is some recent evidence pointing to linkage of renin gene alleles with blood pressure. The genes for renin and antithrombin III belong to a conserved synteny group which, in humans, spans the q21.3-32.3 region of chromosome I and, in rats, is linkage group X on chromosome 13. The present study examined the association of particular human renin gene (REN) and antithrombin III gene (AT3) polymorphisms with essential hypertension by comparing the frequency of specific alleles for each of these genes in 50 hypertensive offspring of hypertensive parents and 91 normotensive offspring of normotensive parents. In addition, linkage relationships were examined in hypertensive pedigrees with multiple affected individuals. Alleles of a REN HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were detected using a genomic clone, λHR5, to probe Southern blots of HindIII-cut leucocyte DNA, and those for an AT3 Pstl RFLP were detected by phATIII 113 complementary DNA probe. The frequencies of each REN allele in the hypertensive group were 0.76 and 0.24 compared with 0.74 and 0.26 in the normotensive group. For AT3, hypertensive allele frequencies were 0.49 and 0.51 compared with normotensive values of 0.54 and 0.46. These differences were not significant by χ2 analysis (P > 0.2). Linkage analysis of a family (data from 16 family members, 10 of whom were hypertensive), informative for both markers, without an age-of-onset correction, and assuming dominant inheritance of hypertension, complete penetrance and a disease frequency of 20%, did not indicate linkage of REN with hypertension, but gave a positive, although not significant, logarithm of the odds for linkage score of 0.784 at a recombination fraction of 0 for AT3 linkage to hypertension. In conclusion, the present study could find no evidence for an association of a REN HindIII RFLP with essential hypertension or for a linkage of the locus defined by this RFLP in a family segregating for hypertension. In the case of an AT3 Pstl RFLP, although association analysis was negative, linkage analysis suggested possible involvement (odds of 6:1 in favour) of a gene located near the 1q23 locus with hypertension in one informative family.


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Rubus yellow net virus (RYNV) was cloned and sequenced from a red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) plant exhibiting symptoms of mosaic and mottling in the leaves. Its genomic sequence indicates that it is a distinct member of the genus Badnavirus, with 7932. bp and seven ORFs, the first three corresponding in size and location to the ORFs found in the type member Commelina yellow mottle virus. Bioinformatic analysis of the genomic sequence detected several features including nucleic acid binding motifs, multiple zinc finger-like sequences and domains associated with cellular signaling. Subsequent sequencing of the small RNAs (sRNAs) from RYNV-infected R. idaeus leaf tissue was used to determine any RYNV sequences targeted by RNA silencing and identified abundant virus-derived small RNAs (vsRNAs). The majority of the vsRNAs were 22-nt in length. We observed a highly uneven genome-wide distribution of vsRNAs with strong clustering to small defined regions distributed over both strands of the RYNV genome. Together, our data show that sequences of the aphid-transmitted pararetrovirus RYNV are targeted in red raspberry by the interfering RNA pathway, a predominant antiviral defense mechanism in plants. © 2013.


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High-Order Co-Clustering (HOCC) methods have attracted high attention in recent years because of their ability to cluster multiple types of objects simultaneously using all available information. During the clustering process, HOCC methods exploit object co-occurrence information, i.e., inter-type relationships amongst different types of objects as well as object affinity information, i.e., intra-type relationships amongst the same types of objects. However, it is difficult to learn accurate intra-type relationships in the presence of noise and outliers. Existing HOCC methods consider the p nearest neighbours based on Euclidean distance for the intra-type relationships, which leads to incomplete and inaccurate intra-type relationships. In this paper, we propose a novel HOCC method that incorporates multiple subspace learning with a heterogeneous manifold ensemble to learn complete and accurate intra-type relationships. Multiple subspace learning reconstructs the similarity between any pair of objects that belong to the same subspace. The heterogeneous manifold ensemble is created based on two-types of intra-type relationships learnt using p-nearest-neighbour graph and multiple subspaces learning. Moreover, in order to make sure the robustness of clustering process, we introduce a sparse error matrix into matrix decomposition and develop a novel iterative algorithm. Empirical experiments show that the proposed method achieves improved results over the state-of-art HOCC methods for FScore and NMI.