178 resultados para applied physics

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Mixtures of Regioregular Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) (rrP3HT) and multi wall carbon nanotubes have been investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in Ultra High Vacuum. Carbon nanotubes covered by rrP3HT have been imaged and analyzed, providing a clear evidence that this polymer self assembles on the nanotube surface following geometrical constraints and adapting its equilibrium chain-to-chain distance. Largely spaced covered nanotubes have been analyzed to investigate the role played by nanotube chirality in the polymer wrapping, evidencing strong rrP3HT interactions along well defined directions.


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Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy was performed on a (15,0) single wall carbon nanotube partially wrapped by Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene). On the bare nanotube section, the local density of states is in good agreement with the theoretical model based on local density approximation and remarkably is not perturbed by the polymer wrapping. On the coiled section, a rectifying current-voltage characteristic has been observed along with the charge transfer from the polymer to the nanotube. The electron transfer from Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) to metallic nanotube was previously theoretically proposed and contributes to the presence of the Schottky barrier at the interface responsible for the rectifying behavior.


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We report numerical analysis and experimental observation of strongly localized plasmons guided by triangular metal wedges and pay special attention to the effect of smooth (nonzero radius) tips. Dispersion, dissipation, and field structure of such wedge plasmons are analyzed using the compact two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain algorithm. Experimental observation is conducted by the end-fire excitation and near-field scanning optical microscope detection of the predicted plasmons on 40°silver nanowedges with the wedge tip radii of 20, 85, and 125 nm that were fabricated by the focused-ion beam method. The effect of smoothing wedge tips is shown to be similar to that of increasing wedge angle. Increasing wedge angle or wedge tip radius results in increasing propagation distance at the same time as decreasing field localization (decreasing wave number). Quantitative differences between the theoretical and experimental propagation distances are suggested to be due to a contribution of scattered bulk and surface waves near the excitation region as well as the addition of losses due to surface roughness. The theoretical and measured propagation distances are several plasmon wavelengths and are useful for a range of nano-optical applications


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Here, we demonstrate that efficient nano-optical couplers can be developed using closely spaced gap plasmon waveguides in the form of two parallel nano-sized rectangular slots in a thin metal film or membrane. Using the rigorous numerical finite-difference and finite element algorithms, we investigate the physical mechanisms of coupling between two neighboring gap plasmon waveguides and determine typical coupling lengths for different structural parameters of the coupler. Special attention is focused onto the analysis of the effect of such major coupler parameters, such as thickness of the metal film/membrane, slot width, and separation between the plasmonic waveguides. Detailed physical interpretation of the obtained unusual dependencies of the coupling length on slot width and film thickness is presented based upon the energy consideration. The obtained results will be important for the optimization and experimental development of plasmonic sub-wavelength compact directional couplers and other nano-optical devices for integrated nanophotonics.


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We conduct the detailed numerical investigation of a nanomanipulation and nanofabrication technique—thermal tweezers with dynamic evolution of surface temperature, caused by absorption of interfering laser pulses in a thin metalfilm or any other absorbing surface. This technique uses random Brownian forces in the presence of strong temperature modulation (surfacethermophoresis) for effective manipulation of particles/adatoms with nanoscale resolution. Substantial redistribution of particles on the surface is shown to occur with the typical size of the obtained pattern elements of ∼100 nm, which is significantly smaller than the wavelength of the incident pulses used (532 nm). It is also demonstrated that thermal tweezers based on surfacethermophoresis of particles/adatoms are much more effective in achieving permanent high maximum-to-minimum concentration ratios than bulk thermophoresis, which is explained by the interaction of diffusing particles with the periodic lattice potential on the surface. Typically required pulse regimes including pulse lengths and energies are also determined. The approach is applicable for reproducing any holographically achievable surfacepatterns, and can thus be used for engineering properties of surfaces including nanopatterning and design of surface metamaterials.


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Current-voltage (I-V) curves of Poly(3-hexyl-thiophene) (P3HT) diodes have been collected to investigate the polymer hole-dominated charge transport. At room temperature and at low electric fields the I-V characteristic is purely Ohmic whereas at medium-high electric fields, experimental data shows that the hole transport is Trap Dominated - Space Charge Limited Current (TD-SCLC). In this regime, it is possible to extract the I-V characteristic of the P3HT/Al junction showing the ideal Schottky diode behaviour over five orders of magnitude. At high-applied electric fields, holes’ transport is found to be in the trap free SCLC regime. We have measured and modelled in this regime the holes’ mobility to evaluate its dependence from the electric field applied and the temperature of the device.


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We investigated the effect of dielectric filling in a V groove on the propagation parameters of channel plasmon-polariton (CPP) modes. In particular, existence conditions and critical groove angles, mode localization, field structure, dispersion, and propagation distances of CPP modes are analyzed as functions of dielectric permittivity inside the groove. It is demonstrated that increasing dielectric permittivity in the groove results in a rapid increase of mode localization near the tip of the groove and increase of both the critical angles that determine a range of groove angles for which CPP modes can exist. Detailed analysis of the field structure has demonstrated that the maximum of the field in a CPP mode is typically reached at a small distance from the tip of the groove. The effect of rounded tip is also investigated.


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The synthesis of polymerlike amorphous carbon(a-C:H) thin-films by microwave excited collisional hydrocarbon plasma process is reported. Stable and highly aromatic a-C:H were obtained containing significant inclusions of poly(p-phenylene vinylene) (PPV). PPV confers universal optoelectronic properties to the synthesized material. That is a-C:H with tailor-made refractive index are capable of becoming absorption-free in visible (red)-near infrared wavelength range. Production of large aromatic hydrocarbon including phenyl clusters and/or particles is attributed to enhanced coagulation of elemental plasma species under collisional plasma conditions. Detailed structural and morphological changes that occur in a-C:H during the plasma synthesis are also described.


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Pt/nanostructured molybdenum oxide (MoO3) /SiC Schottky diode based gas sensors were fabricated for hydrogen (H2) gas sensing. Due to the enhanced performance, which is ascribed to the application of MoO3 nanostructures, these devices were used in reversed bias. MoO3 characterization by scanning electron microscopy showed morphology of randomly orientated nanoplatelets with thicknesses between 50 and 500 nm. An α-Β mixed phase crystallographic structure of MoO3 was characterized by x-ray diffraction. At 180 °C, 1.343 V voltage shift in the reverse I-V curve and a Pt/ MoO3 barrier height change of 20 meV were obtained after exposure to 1% H2 gas in synthetic air. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, a plasmonic “ac Wheatstone bridge” circuit is proposed and theoretically modeled for the first time. The bridge circuit consists of three metallic nanoparticles, shaped as rectangular prisms, with two nanoparticles acting as parallel arms of a resonant circuit and the third bridging nanoparticle acting as an optical antenna providing an output signal. Polarized light excites localized surface plasmon resonances in the two arms of the circuit, which generate an optical signal dependent on the phase-sensitive excitations of surface plasmons in the antenna. The circuit is analyzed using a plasmonic coupling theory and numerical simulations. The analyses show that the plasmonic circuit is sensitive to phase shifts between the arms of the bridge and has the potential to detect the presence of single molecules.


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In this paper, we investigate theoretically and numerically the efficiency of energy coupling from a plasmon generated by a grating coupler at one of the interfaces of a metal wedge into the plasmonic eigenmode (i.e., symmetric or quasisymmetric plasmon) experiencing nanofocusing in the wedge. Thus the energy efficiency of energy coupling into metallic nanofocusing structure is analyzed. Two different nanofocusing structures with the metal wedge surrounded by a uniform dielectric (symmetric structure) and with the metal wedge enclosed between a substrate and a cladding with different dielectricpermittivities (asymmetric structure) are considered by means of the geometrical optics (adiabatic) approximation. It is demonstrated that the efficiency of the energy coupling from the plasmon generated by the grating into the symmetric or quasisymmetric plasmon experiencing nanofocusing may vary between ∼50% to ∼100%. In particular, even a very small difference (of ∼1%–2%) between the permittivities of the substrate and the cladding may result in a significant increase in the efficiency of the energy coupling (from ∼50% up to ∼100%) into the plasmon experiencing nanofocusing. Distinct beat patterns produced by the interference of the symmetric (quasisymmetric) and antisymmetric (quasiantisymmetric) plasmons are predicted and analyzed with significant oscillations of the magnetic and electric field amplitudes at both the metal wedge interfaces. Physical interpretations of the predicted effects are based upon the behavior, dispersion, and dissipation of the symmetric (quasisymmetric) and antisymmetric (quasiantisymmetric) filmplasmons in the nanofocusing metal wedge. The obtained results will be important for optimizing metallic nanofocusing structures and minimizing coupling and dissipative losses.