177 resultados para Ubiquitin promoter

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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In Uganda, vitamin A deficiency (VAD) and iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) are major public health problems with between 15-32% of children under 5 years of age showing VAD and 73% being anaemic. This is largely due to the fact that the staple food crop of the country, banana, is low in pro-vitamin A and iron, therefore leading to dietary deficiencies. Although worldwide progress has been made to control VAD and IDA through supplementation, food fortification and diet diversification, their long term sustainability and impact in developing countries such as Uganda is limited. The approach taken by researchers at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia, in collaboration with the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda, to address this problem, is to generate consumer acceptable banana varieties with significantly increased levels of pro-vitamin A and iron in the fruit using genetic engineering techniques. Such an approach requires the use of suitable, well characterised genes and promoters for targeted transgene expression. Recently, a new banana phytoene synthase gene (APsy2a) involved in the synthesis of pro-vitamin A (pVA) carotenoids was isolated from a high â-carotene banana (F’ei cv Asupina). In addition, sequences of banana ferritin, an iron storage protein, have been isolated from Cavendish banana. The aim of the research described in this thesis was to evaluate the function of these genes to assess their suitability for the biofortification of banana fruit. In addition, a range of banana-derived promoters were characterised to determine their suitability for controlling the expression of transgenes in banana fruit. Due to the time constraints involved with generating transgenic banana fruit, rice was used as the model crop to investigate the functionality of the banana-derived APsy2a and ferritin genes. Using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, rice callus was transformed with APsy2a +/- the bacterial-derived carotene desaturase gene (CrtI) each under the control of the constitutive maize poly-ubiquitin promoter (ZmUbi) or seed-specific rice glutelin1 (Gt1) promoter. The maize phytoene synthase (ZmPsy1) gene was included as a control. On selective media, with the exception of ZmUbi-CrtI-transgenic callus, all antibiotic resistant callus displayed a yellow-orange colour from which the presence of â-carotene was demonstrated using Raman spectroscopy. Although the regeneration of plants from yellow-orange callus was difficult, 16 transgenic plants were obtained and characterised from callus transformed with ZmUbi-APys2a alone. At least 50% of the T1 seeds developed a yellow-orange coloured callus which was found to contain levels of â-carotene ranging from 4.6-fold to 72-fold higher than that in non-transgenic rice callus. Using the seed-specific Gt1 promoter, 38 transgenic rice plants were generated from APsy2a-CrtI-transformed callus while 32 plants were regenerated from ZmPsy1-CrtI-transformed callus. However, when analysed for presence of transgene by PCR, all transgenic plants contained the APsy2a, ZmPsy1 or CrtI transgene, with none of the plants found to be co-transformed. Using Raman spectroscopy, no â-carotene was detected in-situ in representative T1 seeds. To investigate the potential of the banana-derived ferritin gene (BanFer1) to enhance iron content, rice callus was transformed with constitutively expressed BanFer1 using the soybean ferritin gene (SoyFer) as a control. A total of 12 and 11 callus lines independently transformed with BanFer1 and SoyFer, respectively, were multiplied and transgene expression was verified by RT-PCR. Pearl’s Prussian blue staining for in-situ detection of ferric iron showed a stronger blue colour in rice callus transformed with BanFer1 compared to SoyFer. Using flame atomic absorption spectrometry, the highest mean amount of iron quantified in callus transformed with BanFer1 was 30-fold while that obtained using the SoyFer was 14-fold higher than the controls. In addition, ~78% of BanFer1-transgenic callus lines and ~27% of SoyFer-transgenic callus lines had significantly higher iron content than the non-transformed controls. Since the genes used for enhancing micronutrient content need to be expressed in banana fruit, the activity of a range of banana-derived, potentially fruit-active promoters in banana was investigated. Using uidA (GUS) as a reporter gene, the function of the Expansin1 (MaExp1), Expansin1 containing the rice actin intron (MaExp1a), Expansin4 (MaExp4), Extensin (MaExt), ACS (MaACS), ACO (MaACO), Metallothionein (MaMT2a) and phytoene synthase (APsy2a) promoters were transiently analysed in intact banana fruit using two transformation methods, particle bombardment and Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration (agro-infiltration). Although a considerable amount of variation in promoter activity was observed both within and between experiments, similar trends were obtained using both transformation methods. The MaExp1 and MaExp1a directed high levels of GUS expression in banana fruit which were comparable to those observed from the ZmUbi and Banana bunchy top virus-derived BT4 promoters that were included as positive controls. Lower levels of promoter activity were obtained in both methods using the MaACO and MaExt promoters while the MaExp4, MaACS, and APsy2a promoters directed the lowest GUS activity in banana fruit. An attempt was subsequently made to use agro-infiltration to assess the expression of pVA biosynthesis genes in banana fruit by infiltrating fruit with constructs in which the ZmUbi promoter controlled the expression of APsy2a +/- CrtI, and with the maize phytoene synthase gene (ZmPsy1) included as a control. Unfortunately, the large amount of variation and inconsistency observed within and between experiments precluded any meaningful conclusions to be drawn. The final component of this research was to assess the level of promoter activity and specificity in non-target tissue. These analyses were done on leaves obtained from glasshouse-grown banana plants stably transformed with MaExp1, MaACO, APsy2a, BT4 and ZmUbi promoters driving the expression of the GUS gene in addition to leaves from a selection of the same transgenic plants which were growing in a field trial in North Queensland. The results from both histochemical and fluorometric GUS assays showed that the MaExp1 and MaACO promoters directed very low GUS activities in leaves of stably transformed banana plants compared to the constitutive ZmUbi and BT4 promoters. In summary, the results from this research provide evidence that the banana phytoene synthase gene (APsy2a) and the banana ferritin gene (BanFer1) are functional, since the constitutive over-expression of each of these transgenes led to increased levels of pVA carotenoids (for APsy2a) and iron content (for BanFer1) in transgenic rice callus. Further work is now required to determine the functionality of these genes in stably-transformed banana fruit. This research also demonstrated that the MaExp1 and MaACO promoters are fruit-active but have low activity in non-target tissue (leaves), characteristics that make them potentially useful for the biofortification of banana fruit. Ultimately, however, analysis of fruit from field-grown transgenic plants will be required to fully evaluate the suitability of pVA biosynthesis genes and the fruit-active promoters for fruit biofortification.


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Banana is one of the world’s most popular fruit crops and Sukali Ndizi is the most popular dessert banana in the East African region. Like other banana cultivars, Sukali Ndizi is threatened by several constraints, of which the Fusarium wilt disease is the most destructive. Fusarium wilt is caused by a soil-borne fungus, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense (Foc). No effective control strategy currently exists for this disease and although disease resistance exists in some banana cultivars, introducing resistance into commercial cultivars by conventional breeding is difficult because of low fertility. Considering that conventional breeding generates hybrids with additional undesirable traits, transformation is the most suitable way of introducing resistance in the banana genome. The success of this strategy depends on the availability of genes for genetic transformation. Recently, a novel strategy involving the expression of anti-apoptosis genes in plants was shown to result in resistance against several necrotrophic fungi, including Foc race 1 in banana cultivar Lady Finger. This thesis explores the potential of a plant-codon optimised nematode anti-apoptosis gene (Mced9) to provide resistance against Foc race 1 in dessert banana cultivar Sukali Ndizi. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was used to transform embryogenic cell suspension of Sukali Ndizi with plant expression vector pYC11, harbouring maize ubiquitin promoter driven Mced9 gene and nptII as a plant selection marker. A total of 42 independently transformed lines were regenerated and characterized. The transgenic lines were multiplied, infected and evaluated for resistance to Foc race 1 in a small pot bioassay. The pathogenicity of the Ugandan Foc race 1 isolate used for infection was pre-determined and the spore concentration was standardised for consistent infection and symptom development. This process involved challenging tissue culture plants of Sukali Ndizi, a Foc race 1 susceptible cultivar and Nakinyika, an East African Highland cultivar known to be resistant to Foc race 1, with Fusarium inoculum and observing external and internal disease symptom development. Rhizome discolouration symptoms were the best indicators of Fusarium wilt with yellowing being an early sign of disease. Three transgenic lines were found to show significantly less disease severities compared to the wild-type control plants after 13 weeks of infection, indicating that Mced9 has the potential to provide tolerance to Fusarium wilt in Sukali Ndizi.


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A series of improved vectors have been constructed that are suitable for use in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated monocot transformation. These binary vectors have several useful features, including the selectable marker genes bar (phosphinothricin resistance) or hph (hygromycin resistance) driven by either the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter or the maize ubiquitin promoter, a high-copy-number replication origin that allows reliable mini-prep DNA isolation from Escherichia coli, and a polylinker sequence into which target genes can be easily inserted. A significant improvement has been made to the hph gene by the introduction of an intron into its coding region. The presence of the intron abolishes hph expression in A. tumefaciens, rendering the bacterium susceptible to the selective agent hygromycin B. The use of such an intron-hph vector thus enables the antibiotic in plant culture media to function as both a selective agent for transformed tissue and as a contraselective agent for A. tumefaciens growth, thus minimising the overgrowth of A. tumefaciens on plant tissues during transformation. Furthermore, the intron appears to be correctly spliced in plant cells and significantly enhances hph expression in transformed rice tissue. In our experiments, the use of the intron-hph vector increased the frequency of rice transformation and has enabled the production of transgenic barley.


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A suite of plant expression vectors (pPLEX), constructed from the gene regulation signals from subterranean clover stunt virus (SCSV) genome, has previously been used in dicot transformation for a variety of applications in plant biotechnology. To assess their use for the transformation of monocots, a number of modifications were made to the basic vector series and assessed in rice. In their unmodified forms, the SCSV promoters directed low levels of gene expression, however, insertion of an intron between the promoter and the transgene open reading frame (analogous to the rice actin and maize ubiquitin promoter systems) increased transgene expression 50-fold. The expression patterns from the intron-modified SCSV (segments 4 and 7) promoters were very similar to those directed by the actin or ubiquitin promoters. All promoter systems investigated directed expression that appeared to be constitutive within leaf tissue, and localised to the epidermal and vascular tissues of the root. The pPLEX vectors described here are an important counterpart to the dicot pPLEX series and have the potential to be useful in monocot research and biotechnology.


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We report the first successful Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Australian elite rice cultivars, Jarrah and Amaroo, using binary vectors with our improved promoters and selectable markers. Calli derived from mature embryos were used as target tissues. The binary vectors contained hph (encoding hygromycin resistance) or bar (encoding herbicide resistance) as the selectable marker gene and uidA (gus) or sgfpS65T as the reporter gene driven by different promoters. Use of Agrobacterium strain AGL1 carrying derivatives of an improved binary vector pWBVec8, wherein the CaMV35S driven hph gene is interrupted by the castor bean catalase 1 intron, produced a 4-fold higher number of independent transgenic lines compared to that produced with the use of strain EHA101 carrying the binary vector pIG121-Hm wherein the CaMV35S driven hph is intronless. The Ubiquitin promoter produced 30-fold higher β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity (derivatives of binary vector pWBVec8) in transgenic plants than the CaMV35S promoter (pIG121-Hm). The two modified SCSV promoters produced GUS activity comparable to that produced by the Ubiquitin promoter. Progeny analysis (R1) for hygromycin resistance and GUS activity with selected lines showed both Mendelian and non-Mendelian segregation. Lines showing very high levels of GUS activity in T0 showed a reduced level of GUS activity in their T1 progeny, while lines with moderate levels of GUS activity showed increased levels in T1 progeny. Stable heritable green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was also observed in few transgenic plants produced with the binary vector pTO134 which had the CaMV35S promoter-driven selectable marker gene bar and a modified CaMV35S promoter-driven reporter gene sgfpS65T.


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All relevant international standards for determining if a metallic rod is flammable in oxygen utilize some form of “promoted ignition” test. In this test, for a given pressure, an overwhelming ignition source is coupled to the end of the test sample and the designation flammable or nonflammable is based upon the amount burned, that is, a burn criteria. It is documented that (1) the initial temperature of the test sample affects the burning of the test sample both (a) in regards to the pressure at which the sample will support burning (threshold pressure) and (b) the rate at which the sample is melted (regression rate of the melting interface); and, (2) the igniter used affects the test sample by heating it adjacent to the igniter as ignition occurs. Together, these facts make it necessary to ensure, if a metallic material is to be considered flammable at the conditions tested, that the burn criteria will exclude any region of the test sample that may have undergone preheating during the ignition process. A two-dimensional theoretical model was developed to describe the transient heat transfer occurring and resultant temperatures produced within this system. Several metals (copper, aluminum, iron, and stainless steel) and ignition promoters (magnesium, aluminum, and Pyrofuze®) were evaluated for a range of oxygen pressures between 0.69 MPa (100 psia) and 34.5 MPa (5,000 psia). A MATLAB® program was utilized to solve the developed model that was validated against (1) a published solution for a similar system and (2) against experimental data obtained during actual tests at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration White Sands Test Facility. The validated model successfully predicts temperatures within the test samples with agreement between model and experiment increasing as test pressure increases and/or distance from the promoter increases. Oxygen pressure and test sample thermal diffusivity were shown to have the largest effect on the results. In all cases evaluated, there is no significant preheating (above about 38°C/100°F) occurring at distances greater than 30 mm (1.18 in.) during the time the ignition source is attached to the test sample. This validates a distance of 30 mm (1.18 in.) above the ignition promoter as a burn length upon which a definition of flammable can be based for inclusion in relevant international standards (that is, burning past this length will always be independent of the ignition event for the ignition promoters considered here. KEYWORDS: promoted ignition, metal combustion, heat conduction, thin fin, promoted combustion, burn length, burn criteria, flammability, igniter effects, heat affected zone.


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Several lines of evidence implicate the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) in the proinflammatory response to bacterial agents and cytokines. Equally, the transcription factor, nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB, is recognized to be a critical determinant of the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). However, the precise inter-relationship between the activation of p38 MAPK and activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB in the intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) system, remains unknown. Here we show that interleukin (IL)-1beta activates all three MAPKs in Caco-2 cells. The production of IL-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) was attenuated by 50% when these cells were preincubated with the p38 MAPK inhibitor, SB 203580. Further investigation of the NF-kappaB signalling system revealed that the inhibitory effect was independent of the phosphorylation and degradation of IkappaBalpha, the binding partner of NF-kappaB. This effect was also independent of the DNA binding of the p65 Rel A subunit, as well as transactivation, determined by an NF-kappaB luciferase construct, using both SB 203580 and dominant-negative p38 MAPK. Evaluation of IL-8 and MCP-1 RNA messages by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed that the inhibitory effect of SB 203580 was associated with a reduction in this parameter. Using an IL-8-luciferase promoter construct, an effect of p38 upon its activation by both pharmacological and dominant-negative p38 construct co-transfection was demonstrated. It is concluded that p38 MAPK influences the expression of chemokines in intestinal epithelial cells, through an effect upon the activation of the chemokine promoter, and does not directly involve the activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB