218 resultados para Transgenic plant

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Summary: The concept of using plants to produce high-value pharmaceuticals such as vaccines is 20 years old this year and is only now on the brink of realisation as an established technology. The original reliance on transgenic plants has largely given way to transient expression; proofs of concept for human and animal vaccines and of efficacy for animal vaccines have been established; several plant-produced vaccines have been through Phase I clinical trials in humans and more are scheduled; regulatory requirements are more clear than ever, and more facilities exist for manufacture of clinic-grade materials. The original concept of cheap edible vaccines has given way to a realisation that formulated products are required, which may well be injectable. The technology has proven its worth as a means of cheap, easily scalable production of materials: it now needs to find its niche in competition with established technologies. The realised achievements in the field as well as promising new developments will be reviewed, such as rapid-response vaccines for emerging viruses with pandemic potential and bioterror agents. © 2010 The Author. Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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We have tested a methodology for the elimination of the selectable marker gene after Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of barley. This involves segregation of the selectable marker gene away from the gene of interest following co-transformation using a plasmid carrying two T-DNAs, which were located adjacent to each other with no intervening region. A standard binary transformation vector was modified by insertion of a small section composed of an additional left and right T-DNA border, so that the selectable marker gene and the site for insertion of the gene of interest (GOI) were each flanked by a left and right border. Using this vector three different GOIs were transformed into barley. Analysis of transgene inheritance was facilitated by a novel and rapid assay utilizing PCR amplification from macerated leaf tissue. Co-insertion was observed in two thirds of transformants, and among these approximately one quarter had transgene inserts which segregated in the next generation to yield selectable marker-free transgenic plants. Insertion of non-T-DNA plasmid sequences was observed in only one of fourteen SMF lines tested. This technique thus provides a workable system for generating transgenic barley free from selectable marker genes, thereby obviating public concerns regarding proliferation of these genes.


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In binary vectors, the antibiotic resistance gene used for selection of transformed plant cells is also usually expressed in the transforming Agrobacterium cells. This expression gives the bacterium antibiotic resistance, an unnecessary advantage on selective medium containing the antibiotic. Insertion of a castor bean catalase-1 (CAT-1) gene intron or a Parasponia andersonii haemoglobin gene intron into the coding region of the selectable marker gene, hph, completely abolished the expression of the gene in Agrobacterium, rendering it susceptible to hygromycin B. Use of these modified binary vectors minimized the overgrowth of Agrobacterium during plant transformation. Both of the introns were correctly spliced in plant cells and significantly enhanced hph gene expression in transformed rice tissue. The presence of these introns in the hph coding sequence not only maintained the selection efficiency of the hph gene, but with the CAT-1 intron also substantially increased the frequency of rice transformation. Transgenic lines with an intron-hph gene generally contained fewer gene copies and produced substantially more mRNA of the predicted size. Our results also indicate that transgenic plants with many copies of the transgene were more likely to show gene silencing than plants with 1-3 copies.


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The expression patterns of GUS fusion constructs driven by the Agrobacterium rhizogenes RolC and the maize Sh (Shrunken: sucrose synthase-1) promoters were examined in transgenic potatoes (cv. Atlantic). RolC drove high-level gene expression in phloem tissue, bundle sheath cells and vascular parenchyma, but not in xylem or non-vascular tissues. Sh expression was exclusively confined to phloem tissue. Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV) replicates only in phloem tissues, and we show that when RolC is used to drive expression of the PLRV coat protein gene, virus-resistant lines can be obtained. In contrast, no significant resistance was observed when the Sh promoter was used.


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Developmental progression and differentiation of distinct cell types depend on the regulation of gene expression in space and time. Tools that allow spatial and temporal control of gene expression are crucial for the accurate elucidation of gene function. Most systems to manipulate gene expression allow control of only one factor, space or time, and currently available systems that control both temporal and spatial expression of genes have their limitations. We have developed a versatile two-component system that overcomes these limitations, providing reliable, conditional gene activation in restricted tissues or cell types. This system allows conditional tissue-specific ectopic gene expression and provides a tool for conditional cell type- or tissue-specific complementation of mutants. The chimeric transcription factor XVE, in conjunction with Gateway recombination cloning technology, was used to generate a tractable system that can efficiently and faithfully activate target genes in a variety of cell types. Six promoters/enhancers, each with different tissue specificities (including vascular tissue, trichomes, root, and reproductive cell types), were used in activation constructs to generate different expression patterns of XVE. Conditional transactivation of reporter genes was achieved in a predictable, tissue-specific pattern of expression, following the insertion of the activator or the responder T-DNA in a wide variety of positions in the genome. Expression patterns were faithfully replicated in independent transgenic plant lines. Results demonstrate that we can also induce mutant phenotypes using conditional ectopic gene expression. One of these mutant phenotypes could not have been identified using noninducible ectopic gene expression approaches.


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Nuclear Factor Y (NF-Y) transcription factor is a heterotrimer comprised of three subunits: NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC. Each of the three subunits in plants is encoded by multiple genes with differential expression profiles, implying the functional specialisation of NF-Y subunit members in plants. In this study, we investigated the roles of NF-YB members in the light-mediated regulation of photosynthesis genes. We identified two NF-YB members from Triticum aestivum (TaNF-YB3 & 7) which were markedly upregulated by light in the leaves and seedling shoots using quantitative RT-PCR. A genome-wide coexpression analysis of multiple Affymetrix Wheat Genome Array datasets revealed that TaNF-YB3-coexpressed transcripts were highly enriched with the Gene Ontology term photosynthesis. Transgenic wheat lines constitutively overexpressing TaNF-YB3 had a significant increase in the leaf chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate and early growth rate. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression levels of a number of TaNF-YB3-coexpressed transcripts were elevated in the transgenic wheat lines. The mRNA level of TaGluTR encoding glutamyl-tRNA reductase, which catalyses the rate limiting step of the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway, was significantly increased in the leaves of the transgenic wheat. Significant increases in the expression level in the transgenic plant leaves were also observed for four photosynthetic apparatus genes encoding chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins (Lhca4 and Lhcb4) and photosystem I reaction center subunits (subunit K and subunit N), as well as for a gene coding for chloroplast ATP synthase  subunit. These results indicate that TaNF-YB3 is involved in the positive regulation of a number of photosynthesis genes in wheat.


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Despite various approaches, the production of biodegradable plastics such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in transgenic plants has met with limited success due largely to low expression levels. Even in the few instances where high levels of protein expression have been reported, the transgenic plants have been stunted indicating PHB is phytotoxic (Poirier 2002). This PhD describes the application of a novel virus-based gene expression technology, termed InPAct („In Plant Activation.), for the production of PHB in tobacco and sugarcane. InPAct is based on the rolling circle replication mechanism by which circular ssDNA viruses replicate and provides a system for controlled, high-level gene expression. Based on these features, InPAct was thought to represent an ideal system to enable the controlled, high-level expression of the three phb genes (phbA, phbB and phbC) required for PHB production in sugarcane at a preferred stage of plant growth. A Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TbYDV)-based InPAct-phbA vector, as well as linear vectors constitutively expressing phbB and phbC were constructed and different combinations were used to transform tobacco leaf discs. A total of four, eight, three and three phenotypically normal tobacco lines were generated from discs transformed with InPAct-phbA, InPAct-phbA + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC- 35S T, p1300-35S P-phbA-NOS T + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T and InPAct-GUS, respectively. To determine whether the InPAct cassette could be activated in the presence of the TbYDV Rep, leaf samples from the eight InPActphbA + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T plants were agroinfiltrated with p1300- TbYDV-Rep/RepA. Three days later, successful activation was indicated by the detection of episomes using both PCR and Southern analysis. Leaf discs from the eight InPAct-phbA + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T transgenic plant lines were agroinfiltrated with p1300-TbYDV-Rep/RepA and leaf tissue was collected ten days post-infiltration and examined for the presence of PHB granules. Confocal microscopy and TEM revealed the presence of typical PHB granules in five of the eight lines, thus demonstrating the functionality of InPActbased PHB production in tobacco. However, analysis of leaf extracts by HPLC failed to detect the presence of PHB suggesting only very low level expression levels. Subsequent molecular analysis of three lines revealed low levels of correctly processed mRNA from the catalase intron contained within the InPAct cassette and also the presence of cryptic splice sites within the intron. In an attempt to increase expression levels, new InPAct-phb cassettes were generated in which the castorbean catalase intron was replaced with a synthetic intron (syntron). Further, in an attempt to both increase and better control Rep/RepA-mediated activation of InPAct cassettes, Rep/RepA expression was placed under the control of a stably integrated alc switch. Leaf discs from a transgenic tobacco line (Alc ML) containing 35S P-AlcR-AlcA P-Rep/RepA were supertransformed with InPAct-phbAsyn or InPAct-GUSsyn using Agrobacterium and three plants (lines) were regenerated for each construct. Analysis of the RNA processing of the InPAct-phbAsyn cassette revealed highly efficient and correct splicing of the syntron, thus supporting its inclusion within the InPAct system. To determine the efficiency of the alc switch to activate InPAct, leaf material from the three Alc ML + InPAct-phbAsyn lines was either agroinfiltrated with 35S P-Rep/RepA or treated with ethanol. Unexpectedly, episomes were detected not only in the infiltrated and ethanol treated samples, but also in non-treated samples. Subsequent analysis of transgenic Alc ML + InPAct-GUS lines, confirmed that the alc switch was leaky in tissue culture. Although this was shown to be reversible once plants were removed from the tissue culture environment, it made the regeneration of Alc ML + InPAct-phbsyn plant lines extremely difficult, due to unintentional Rep expression and therefore high levels of phb expression and phytotoxic PHB production. Two Alc ML + InPAct-phbAsyn + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T transgenic lines were able to be regenerated, and these were acclimatised, alcohol-treated and analysed. Although episome formation was detected as late as 21 days post activation, no PHB was detected in the leaves of any plants using either microscopy or HPLC, suggesting the presence of a corrupt InPAct-phbA cassette in both lines. The final component of this thesis involved the application of both the alc switch and the InPAct systems to sugarcane in an attempt to produce PHB. Initial experiments using transgenic Alc ML + InPAct-GUS lines indicated that the alc system was not functional in sugarcane under the conditions tested. The functionality of the InPAct system, independent of the alc gene switch, was subsequently examined by bombarding the 35S Rep/RepA cassette into leaf and immature leaf whorl cells derived from InPAct-GUS transgenic sugarcane plants. No GUS expression was observed in leaf tissue, whereas weak and irregular GUS expression was observed in immature leaf whorl tissue derived from two InPAct- GUS lines and two InPAct-GUS + 35S P-AlcR-AlcA P-GUS lines. The most plausible reason to explain the inconsistent and low levels of GUS expression in leaf whorls is a combination of low numbers of sugarcane cells in the DNA replication-conducive S-phase and the irregular and random nature of sugarcane cells bombarded with Rep/RepA. This study details the first report to develop a TbYDV-based InPAct system under control of the alc switch to produce PHB in tobacco and sugarcane. Despite the inability to detect quantifiable levels of PHB levels in either tobacco or sugarcane, the findings of this study should nevertheless assist in the further development of both the InPAct system and the alc system, particularly for sugarcane and ultimately lead to an ethanol-inducible InPAct gene expression system for the production of bioplastics and other proteins of commercial value in plants.


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Many examples of extreme virus resistance and posttranscriptional gene silencing of endogenous or reporter genes have been described in transgenic plants containing sense or antisense transgenes. In these cases of either cosuppression or antisense suppression, there appears to be induction of a surveillance system within the plant that specifically degrades both the transgene and target RNAs. We show that transforming plants with virus or reporter gene constructs that produce RNAs capable of duplex formation confer virus immunity or gene silencing on the plants. This was accomplished by using transcripts from one sense gene and one antisense gene colocated in the plant genome, a single transcript that has self-complementarity, or sense and antisense transcripts from genes brought together by crossing. A model is presented that is consistent with our data and those of other workers, describing the processes of induction and execution of posttranscriptional gene silencing.


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RNA polymerase III (Pol III) as well as Pol II (35S) promoters are able to drive hairpin RNA (hpRNA) expression and induce target gene silencing in plants. siRNAs of 21 nt are the predominant species in a 35S Pol II line, whereas 24- and/or 22-nucleotide (nt) siRNAs are produced by a Pol III line. The 35S line accumulated the loop of the hpRNA, in contrast to full-length hpRNA in the Pol III line. These suggest that Pol II and Pol III-transcribed hpRNAs are processed by different pathways. One Pol III transgene produced only 24-nt siRNAs but silenced the target gene efficiently, indicating that the 24-nt siRNAs can direct mRNA degradation; specific cleavage was confirmed by 59 rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Both Pol II- and Pol III-directed hpRNA transgenes induced cytosine methylation in the target DNA. The extent of methylation is not correlated with the level of 21-nt siRNAs, suggesting that they are not effective inducers of DNA methylation. The promoter of a U6 transgene was significantly methylated, whereas the promoter of the endogenous U6 gene was almost free of cytosine methylation, suggesting that endogenous sequences are more resistant to de novo DNA methylation than are transgene constructs. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright © 2008 RNA Society.


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Interest in insect small RNA viruses (SRVs) has grown slowly but steadily. A number of new viruses have been analyzed at the sequence level, adding to our knowledge of their diversity at the level of both individual virus species and families. In particular, a number of possible new virus families have emerged. This research has largely been driven by interest in their potential for pest control, as well as in their importance as the causal agents of disease in beneficial arthropods. At the same time, research into known viruses has made valuable contributions to our understanding of an emerging new field of central importance to molecular biology-the existence of RNA-based gene silencing, developmental control, and adaptive immune systems in eukaryotes. Subject to RNA-based adaptive immune responses in their hosts, viruses have evolved a variety of genes encoding proteins capable of suppressing the immune response. Such genes were first identified in plant viruses, but the first examples known from animal viruses were identified in insect RNA viruses. This chapter will address the diversity of insect SRVs, and attempts to harness their simplicity in the engineering of transgenic plants expressing viruses for resistance to insect pests. We also describe RNA interference and antiviral pathways identified in plants and animals, how they have led viruses to evolve genes capable of suppressing such adaptive immunity, and the problems presented by these pathways for the strategy of expressing viruses in transgenic plants. Approaches for countering these problems are also discussed. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recent research has revealed the existence of an elegant defence mechanism in plants and lower eukaryotes. The mechanism, known in plants as post-transcriptional gene silencing, works through sequence-specific degradation of RNA. It appears to be directed by double-stranded RNA, associated with the production of short 21-25 nt RNAs, and spread through the plant by a diffusible signal. The short RNAs are implicated as the guides for both a nuclease complex that degrades the mRNA and a methyltransferase complex that methylates the DNA of silenced genes. It has also been suggested that these short RNAs might be the mobile silencing signal, a suggestion that has been challenged recently.


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Efficient transformation of barley cv. Schooner was achieved using Agrobacterium delivery, hygromycin or bialaphos selection and embryogenic callus. Using this system, transgenic plants were generated that contained either the green fluorescent protein gene, or transgenes derived from barley yellow dwarf (BYDV) and cereal yellow dwarf (CYDV) viruses. Many of these plants contained 1-3 transgene copies that were inherited in a simple Mendelian manner. Some plants containing BYDV and/or CYDV derived transgenes showed reduced virus symptoms and rates of viral replication when challenged with the appropriate virus. The ability to transform Schooner is a significant advance for the Australian barley industry, as this elite malting variety is, and has for the last 15 years been, the most widely grown barley variety in eastern Australia.


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Post-transcriptional silencing of plant genes using anti-sense or co-suppression constructs usually results in only a modest proportion of silenced individuals. Recent work has demonstrated the potential for constructs encoding self-complementary 'hairpin' RNA (hpRNA) to efficiently silence genes. In this study we examine design rules for efficient gene silencing, in terms of both the proportion of independent transgenic plants showing silencing, and the degree of silencing. Using hpRNA constructs containing sense/anti-sense arms ranging from 98 to 853 nt gave efficient silencing in a wide range of plant species, and inclusion of an intron in these constructs had a consistently enhancing effect. Intron-containing constructs (ihpRNA) generally gave 90-100% of independent transgenic plants showing silencing. The degree of silencing with these constructs was much greater than that obtained using either co-suppression or anti-sense constructs. We have made a generic vector, pHANNIBAL, that allows a simple, single PCR product from a gene of interest to be easily converted into a highly effective ihpRNA silencing construct. We have also created a high-throughput vector, pHELLSGATE, that should facilitate the cloning of gene libraries or large numbers of defined genes, such as those in EST collections, using an in vitro recombinase system. This system may facilitate the large-scale determination and discovery of plant gene functions in the same way as RNAi is being used to examine gene function in Caenorhabditis elegans.


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We report the first successful Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Australian elite rice cultivars, Jarrah and Amaroo, using binary vectors with our improved promoters and selectable markers. Calli derived from mature embryos were used as target tissues. The binary vectors contained hph (encoding hygromycin resistance) or bar (encoding herbicide resistance) as the selectable marker gene and uidA (gus) or sgfpS65T as the reporter gene driven by different promoters. Use of Agrobacterium strain AGL1 carrying derivatives of an improved binary vector pWBVec8, wherein the CaMV35S driven hph gene is interrupted by the castor bean catalase 1 intron, produced a 4-fold higher number of independent transgenic lines compared to that produced with the use of strain EHA101 carrying the binary vector pIG121-Hm wherein the CaMV35S driven hph is intronless. The Ubiquitin promoter produced 30-fold higher β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity (derivatives of binary vector pWBVec8) in transgenic plants than the CaMV35S promoter (pIG121-Hm). The two modified SCSV promoters produced GUS activity comparable to that produced by the Ubiquitin promoter. Progeny analysis (R1) for hygromycin resistance and GUS activity with selected lines showed both Mendelian and non-Mendelian segregation. Lines showing very high levels of GUS activity in T0 showed a reduced level of GUS activity in their T1 progeny, while lines with moderate levels of GUS activity showed increased levels in T1 progeny. Stable heritable green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was also observed in few transgenic plants produced with the binary vector pTO134 which had the CaMV35S promoter-driven selectable marker gene bar and a modified CaMV35S promoter-driven reporter gene sgfpS65T.


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A major strategic goal in making ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass a cost-competitive liquid transport fuel is to reduce the cost of production of cellulolytic enzymes that hydrolyse lignocellulosic substrates to fermentable sugars. Current production systems for these enzymes, namely microbes, are not economic. One way to substantially reduce production costs is to express cellulolytic enzymes in plants at levels that are high enough to hydrolyse lignocellulosic biomass. Sugar cane fibre (bagasse) is the most promising lignocellulosic feedstock for conversion to ethanol in the tropics and subtropics. Cellulolytic enzyme production in sugar cane will have a substantial impact on the economics of lignocellulosic ethanol production from bagasse. We therefore generated transgenic sugar cane accumulating three cellulolytic enzymes, fungal cellobiohydrolase I (CBH I), CBH II and bacterial endoglucanase (EG), in leaves using the maize PepC promoter as an alternative to maize Ubi1 for controlling transgene expression. Different subcellular targeting signals were shown to have a substantial impact on the accumulation of these enzymes; the CBHs and EG accumulated to higher levels when fused to a vacuolar-sorting determinant than to an endoplasmic reticulum-retention signal, while EG was produced in the largest amounts when fused to a chloroplast-targeting signal. These results are the first demonstration of the expression and accumulation of recombinant CBH I, CBH II and EG in sugar cane and represent a significant first step towards the optimization of cellulolytic enzyme expression in sugar cane for the economic production of lignocellulosic ethanol.