33 resultados para Telecom wavelengths

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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The Raman spectra of both low- and high-defect kaolinites in the hydroxyl stretching and low-wavenumber region were obtained with excitation at three visible wavelengths of 633, 514 and 442 nm and a UV wavelength of 325 nm. The UV-excited spectra were comparable to those excited by the visible wavelengths. The Raman spectra show hydroxyl stretching bands at 3621 cm-1 attributed to the inner hydroxyl, at 3692 and 3684 cm-1 attributed to the longitudinal and transverse optic modes of the inner surface hydroxyls and at 3668 and 3653 cm-1 assigned to the out-of phase vibrations of the inner surface hydroxyls. Two bands were observed in the spectral profile at 3695 cm-1 for the high-defect kaolinite at 3698 and 3691 cm-1 and were assigned to TO/LO splitting. An increase in relative intensity of the transverse optic mode is observed with decrease in laser wavelength. The intensity of the out-of-phase vibrations at 3668 and 3653 cm-1 of the inner surface hydroxyls shows a linear relationship with the longitudinal and transverse optic modes. In the low-wavenumber region excellent correlation was found between the experimentally determined and the calculated band positions.


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Billing Mediation Platform (BMP) in telecommunication industry is used to process real-time streams of Call Detail Records (CDRs) which can be a massive number a day. The generated records by BMP can be deployed for billing purposes, fraud detection, spam filtering, traffic analysis, and churn forecast. Several of these applications are distinguished by real-time processing requiring low-latency analysis of CDRs. Testing of such a platform carries diverse aspects like stress testing of analytics for scalability and what-if scenarios which require generating of CDRs with realistic volumetric and appropriate properties. The approach of this project is to build user friendly and flexible application which assists the development department to test their billing solution occasionally. These generators projects have been around for a while the only difference are the potions they cover and the purpose they will be used for. This paper proposes to use a simulator application to test the BMPs with simulating CDRs. The Simulated CDRs are modifiable based on the user requirements and represent real world data.


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A spectrophotometric method for the simultaneous determination of the important pharmaceuticals, pefloxacin and its structurally similar metabolite, norfloxacin, is described for the first time. The analysis is based on the monitoring of a kinetic spectrophotometric reaction of the two analytes with potassium permanganate as the oxidant. The measurement of the reaction process followed the absorbance decrease of potassium permanganate at 526 nm, and the accompanying increase of the product, potassium manganate, at 608 nm. It was essential to use multivariate calibrations to overcome severe spectral overlaps and similarities in reaction kinetics. Calibration curves for the individual analytes showed linear relationships over the concentration ranges of 1.0–11.5 mg L−1 at 526 and 608 nm for pefloxacin, and 0.15–1.8 mg L−1 at 526 and 608 nm for norfloxacin. Various multivariate calibration models were applied, at the two analytical wavelengths, for the simultaneous prediction of the two analytes including classical least squares (CLS), principal component regression (PCR), partial least squares (PLS), radial basis function-artificial neural network (RBF-ANN) and principal component-radial basis function-artificial neural network (PC-RBF-ANN). PLS and PC-RBF-ANN calibrations with the data collected at 526 nm, were the preferred methods—%RPET not, vert, similar 5, and LODs for pefloxacin and norfloxacin of 0.36 and 0.06 mg L−1, respectively. Then, the proposed method was applied successfully for the simultaneous determination of pefloxacin and norfloxacin present in pharmaceutical and human plasma samples. The results compared well with those from the alternative analysis by HPLC.


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A major focus of research in nanotechnology is the development of novel, high throughput techniques for fabrication of arbitrarily shaped surface nanostructures of sub 100 nm to atomic scale. A related pursuit is the development of simple and efficient means for parallel manipulation and redistribution of adsorbed atoms, molecules and nanoparticles on surfaces – adparticle manipulation. These techniques will be used for the manufacture of nanoscale surface supported functional devices in nanotechnologies such as quantum computing, molecular electronics and lab-on-achip, as well as for modifying surfaces to obtain novel optical, electronic, chemical, or mechanical properties. A favourable approach to formation of surface nanostructures is self-assembly. In self-assembly, nanostructures are grown by aggregation of individual adparticles that diffuse by thermally activated processes on the surface. The passive nature of this process means it is generally not suited to formation of arbitrarily shaped structures. The self-assembly of nanostructures at arbitrary positions has been demonstrated, though these have typically required a pre-patterning treatment of the surface using sophisticated techniques such as electron beam lithography. On the other hand, a parallel adparticle manipulation technique would be suited for directing the selfassembly process to occur at arbitrary positions, without the need for pre-patterning the surface. There is at present a lack of techniques for parallel manipulation and redistribution of adparticles to arbitrary positions on the surface. This is an issue that needs to be addressed since these techniques can play an important role in nanotechnology. In this thesis, we propose such a technique – thermal tweezers. In thermal tweezers, adparticles are redistributed by localised heating of the surface. This locally enhances surface diffusion of adparticles so that they rapidly diffuse away from the heated regions. Using this technique, the redistribution of adparticles to form a desired pattern is achieved by heating the surface at specific regions. In this project, we have focussed on the holographic implementation of this approach, where the surface is heated by holographic patterns of interfering pulsed laser beams. This implementation is suitable for the formation of arbitrarily shaped structures; the only condition is that the shape can be produced by holographic means. In the simplest case, the laser pulses are linearly polarised and intersect to form an interference pattern that is a modulation of intensity along a single direction. Strong optical absorption at the intensity maxima of the interference pattern results in approximately a sinusoidal variation of the surface temperature along one direction. The main aim of this research project is to investigate the feasibility of the holographic implementation of thermal tweezers as an adparticle manipulation technique. Firstly, we investigate theoretically the surface diffusion of adparticles in the presence of sinusoidal modulation of the surface temperature. Very strong redistribution of adparticles is predicted when there is strong interaction between the adparticle and the surface, and the amplitude of the temperature modulation is ~100 K. We have proposed a thin metallic film deposited on a glass substrate heated by interfering laser beams (optical wavelengths) as a means of generating very large amplitude of surface temperature modulation. Indeed, we predict theoretically by numerical solution of the thermal conduction equation that amplitude of the temperature modulation on the metallic film can be much greater than 100 K when heated by nanosecond pulses with an energy ~1 mJ. The formation of surface nanostructures of less than 100 nm in width is predicted at optical wavelengths in this implementation of thermal tweezers. Furthermore, we propose a simple extension to this technique where spatial phase shift of the temperature modulation effectively doubles or triples the resolution. At the same time, increased resolution is predicted by reducing the wavelength of the laser pulses. In addition, we present two distinctly different, computationally efficient numerical approaches for theoretical investigation of surface diffusion of interacting adparticles – the Monte Carlo Interaction Method (MCIM) and the random potential well method (RPWM). Using each of these approaches we have investigated thermal tweezers for redistribution of both strongly and weakly interacting adparticles. We have predicted that strong interactions between adparticles can increase the effectiveness of thermal tweezers, by demonstrating practically complete adparticle redistribution into the low temperature regions of the surface. This is promising from the point of view of thermal tweezers applied to directed self-assembly of nanostructures. Finally, we present a new and more efficient numerical approach to theoretical investigation of thermal tweezers of non-interacting adparticles. In this approach, the local diffusion coefficient is determined from solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. The diffusion equation is then solved numerically using the finite volume method (FVM) to directly obtain the probability density of adparticle position. We compare predictions of this approach to those of the Ermak algorithm solution of the Langevin equation, and relatively good agreement is shown at intermediate and high friction. In the low friction regime, we predict and investigate the phenomenon of ‘optimal’ friction and describe its occurrence due to very long jumps of adparticles as they diffuse from the hot regions of the surface. Future research directions, both theoretical and experimental are also discussed.


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Small long wavelength lights (≤ 1’ arc) change colour appearance with positive defocus, appearing yellow or white. I investigated influences of longitudinal chromatic aberration and monochromatic aberrations on colour appearance of small narrow band lights. Seven cyclopleged participants viewed a small light (1’ arc diameter, λmax range 510 - 628 nm) centred within a 4.6’ black annulus and surrounded by a uniform white field under photopic light levels. An optical trombone varied focus. Participants were required to vary the focus by moving the optical trombone in either positive or negative direction and report when they noticed a change in appearance of the defocused narrow band light. Longitudinal chromatic aberration was controlled using a Powell achromatizing lens and its doublet and triplet components that neutralized, doubled and reversed the eye’s chromatic aberration, respectively. Changes in colour appearance for a 628 nm light occurred without any lens at +0.5 ± 0.2D defocus and with the doublet at +0.6 ± 0.2 D. The achromatizing lens did not affect appearance and the phenomenon was evident with the triplet for negative defocus (-0.5 ± 0.3 D). Adaptive optics correction of astigmatism and higher order monochromatic aberration did not affect magnitude significantly. Colour changes occurred despite a range of participant L/M cone ratios. Direction of change in colour appearance was reversed for short compared to long wavelengths. We conclude that longitudinal chromatic aberrations, but not monochromatic aberrations, are involved in changing appearance of small lights with defocus. Additional neuronal mechanisms that may contribute to the colour changes are considered.


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We report numerical analysis and experimental observation of strongly localized plasmons guided by triangular metal wedges and pay special attention to the effect of smooth (nonzero radius) tips. Dispersion, dissipation, and field structure of such wedge plasmons are analyzed using the compact two-dimensional finite-difference time-domain algorithm. Experimental observation is conducted by the end-fire excitation and near-field scanning optical microscope detection of the predicted plasmons on 40°silver nanowedges with the wedge tip radii of 20, 85, and 125 nm that were fabricated by the focused-ion beam method. The effect of smoothing wedge tips is shown to be similar to that of increasing wedge angle. Increasing wedge angle or wedge tip radius results in increasing propagation distance at the same time as decreasing field localization (decreasing wave number). Quantitative differences between the theoretical and experimental propagation distances are suggested to be due to a contribution of scattered bulk and surface waves near the excitation region as well as the addition of losses due to surface roughness. The theoretical and measured propagation distances are several plasmon wavelengths and are useful for a range of nano-optical applications


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Purpose: Small red lights (one minute of arc or less) change colour appearance with positive defocus. We investigated the influence of longitudinal chromatic aberration and monochromatic aberrations on the colour appearance of small narrow band lights. Methods: Seven cyclopleged, trichromatic observers viewed a small light (one minute of arc, λmax = 510, 532, 550, 589, 620, 628 nm, approximately 19 per cent Weber contrast) centred within a black annulus (4.5 minutes of arc) and surrounded by a uniform white field (2,170 cd/m2). Pupil size was four millimetres. An optical trombone varied focus. Longitudinal chromatic aberration was controlled with a two component Powell achromatising lens that neutralises the eye’s chromatic aberration; a doublet that doubles and a triplet that reverses the eye’s chromatic aberration. Astigmatism and higher order monochromatic aberrations were corrected using adaptive optics. Results: Observers reported a change in appearance of the small red light (628 nm) without the Powell lens at +0.49 ± 0.21 D defocus and with the doublet at +0.62 ± 0.16 D. Appearance did not alter with the Powell lens, and five of seven observers reported the phenomenon with the triplet for negative defocus (-0.80 ± 0.47 D). Correction of aberrations did not significantly affect the magnitude at which the appearance of the red light changed (+0.44 ± 0.18 D without correction; +0.46 ± 0.16 D with correction). The change in colour appearance with defocus extended to other wavelengths (λmax = 510 to 620 nm), with directions of effects being reversed for short wavelengths relative to long wavelengths. Conclusions: Longitudinal chromatic aberrations but not monochromatic aberrations are involved in changing the appearance of small lights with defocus.


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Ultraviolet radiation (UV) is the carcinogen that causes the most common malignancy in humans – skin cancer. However, moderate UV exposure is essential for producing vitaminDin our skin. VitaminDincreases the absorption of calcium from the diet, and adequate calcium is necessary for the building and maintenance of bones. Thus, low levels of vitamin D can cause osteomalacia and rickets and contribute to osteoporosis. Emerging evidence also suggests vitamin D may protect against falls, internal cancers, psychiatric conditions, autoimmune diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Since the dominant source of vitamin D is sunlight exposure, there is a need to understand what is a “balanced” level of sun exposure to maintain an adequate level of vitamin D but minimise the risks of eye damage, skin damage and skin cancer resulting from excessive UV exposure. There are many steps in the pathway from incoming solar UV to the eventual vitamin D status of humans (measured as 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood), and our knowledge about many of these steps is currently incomplete. This project begins by investigating the levels of UV available for synthesising vitamin D, and how these levels vary across seasons, latitudes and times of the day. The thesis then covers experiments conducted with an in vitro model, which was developed to study several aspects of vitamin D synthesis. Results from the model suggest the relationship between UV dose and vitamin D is not linear. This is an important input into public health messages regarding ‘safe’ UV exposure: larger doses of UV, beyond a certain limit, may not continue to produce vitamin D; however, they will increase the risk of skin cancers and eye damage. The model also showed that, when given identical doses of UV, the amount of vitamin D produced was impacted by temperature. In humans, a temperature-dependent reaction must occur in the top layers of human skin, prior to vitamin D entering the bloodstream. The hypothesis will be raised that cooler temperatures (occurring in winter and at high latitudes) may reduce vitamin D production in humans. Finally, the model has also been used to study the wavelengths of UV thought to be responsible for producing vitamin D. It appears that vitamin D production is limited to a small range of UV wavelengths, which may be narrower than previously thought. Together, these results suggest that further research is needed into the ability of humans to synthesise vitamin D from sunlight. In particular, more information is needed about the dose-response relationship in humans and to investigate the proposed impact of temperature. Having an accurate action spectrum will also be essential for measuring the available levels of vitamin D-effective UV. As this research continues, it will contribute to the scientific evidence-base needed for devising a public health message that will balance the risks of excessive UV exposure with maintaining adequate vitamin D.


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The aim of this paper is to review the potential of work-related road safety as a conduit for community road safety based on research and practical experience. It covers the opportunity to target young people, family and community members through the workplace as part of a holistic approach to occupational road safety informed by the Haddon Matrix. Detailed case studies are presented based on British Telecom and Wolseley, which have both committed to community-based initiatives as part of their long-term, ongoing work-related road safety programs. Although no detailed community-based collision outcomes are available, the paper concludes that work-related road safety can be a conduit for community road safety and can provide an opportunity for researchers, policy makers and practitioners.


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This paper provides an overview of the characteristics of a phenothiazine-mylar dosimeter which can be used as an effective solar UVA exposure assessment tool. This dosimeter is sensitive to UVA wavelengths (315–400 nm); its performance has been characterized in a series of tests such as (a) UVA exposure response (dose-response), (b) temperature stability of the response, (c) impact of long term storage, and (d) angular response. There is no effect of long term storage post-exposure and no effect of temperature up to 30 °C. For angles up to 70°, the cosine error of the normalized UVA is less than approximately 0.1. These characterizations have confirmed the reliability and reproducibility of a phenothiazine-mylar combined dosimeter as an effective solar UVA exposure tool for field-based studies of the UVA exposures to population groups.


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Particulate pollution has been widely recognised as an important risk factor to human health. In addition to increases in respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity associated with exposure to particulate matter (PM), WHO estimates that urban PM causes 0.8 million premature deaths globally and that 1.5 million people die prematurely from exposure to indoor smoke generated from the combustion of solid fuels. Despite the availability of a huge body of research, the underlying toxicological mechanisms by which particles induce adverse health effects are not yet entirely understood. Oxidative stress caused by generation of free radicals and related reactive oxygen species (ROS) at the sites of deposition has been proposed as a mechanism for many of the adverse health outcomes associated with exposure to PM. In addition to particle-induced generation of ROS in lung tissue cells, several recent studies have shown that particles may also contain ROS. As such, they present a direct cause of oxidative stress and related adverse health effects. Cellular responses to oxidative stress have been widely investigated using various cell exposure assays. However, for a rapid screening of the oxidative potential of PM, less time-consuming and less expensive, cell-free assays are needed. The main aim of this research project was to investigate the application of a novel profluorescent nitroxide probe, synthesised at QUT, as a rapid screening assay in assessing the oxidative potential of PM. Considering that this was the first time that a profluorescent nitroxide probe was applied in investigating the oxidative stress potential of PM, the proof of concept regarding the detection of PM–derived ROS by using such probes needed to be demonstrated and a sampling methodology needed to be developed. Sampling through an impinger containing profluorescent nitroxide solution was chosen as a means of particle collection as it allowed particles to react with the profluorescent nitroxide probe during sampling, avoiding in that way any possible chemical changes resulting from delays between the sampling and the analysis of the PM. Among several profluorescent nitroxide probes available at QUT, bis(phenylethynyl)anthracene-nitroxide (BPEAnit) was found to be the most suitable probe, mainly due to relatively long excitation and emission wavelengths (λex= 430 nm; λem= 485 and 513 nm). These wavelengths are long enough to avoid overlap with the background fluorescence coming from light absorbing compounds which may be present in PM (e.g. polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives). Given that combustion, in general, is one of the major sources of ambient PM, this project aimed at getting an insight into the oxidative stress potential of combustion-generated PM, namely cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke PM. During the course of this research project, it was demonstrated that the BPEAnit probe based assay is sufficiently sensitive and robust enough to be applied as a rapid screening test for PM-derived ROS detection. Considering that for all three aerosol sources (i.e. cigarette smoke, diesel exhaust and wood smoke) the same assay was applied, the results presented in this thesis allow direct comparison of the oxidative potential measured for all three sources of PM. In summary, it was found that there was a substantial difference between the amounts of ROS per unit of PM mass (ROS concentration) for particles emitted by different combustion sources. For example, particles from cigarette smoke were found to have up to 80 times less ROS per unit of mass than particles produced during logwood combustion. For both diesel and wood combustion it has been demonstrated that the type of fuel significantly affects the oxidative potential of the particles emitted. Similarly, the operating conditions of the combustion source were also found to affect the oxidative potential of particulate emissions. Moreover, this project has demonstrated a strong link between semivolatile (i.e. organic) species and ROS and therefore, clearly highlights the importance of semivolatile species in particle-induced toxicity.


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In this paper, we apply the incremental EM method to Bayesian Network Classifiers to learn and interpret hyperspectral sensor data in robotic planetary missions. Hyperspectral image spectroscopy is an emerging technique for geological investigations from airborne or orbital sensors. Many spacecraft carry spectroscopic equipment as wavelengths outside the visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum give much greater information about an object. The algorithm used is an extension to the standard Expectation Maximisation (EM). The incremental method allows us to learn and interpret the data as they become available. Two Bayesian network classifiers were tested: the Naive Bayes, and the Tree-Augmented-Naive Bayes structures. Our preliminary experiments show that incremental learning with unlabelled data can improve the accuracy of the classifier.


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This paper presents the results of testing to determine pavement forces from three heavy vehicles (HVs). The HVs were instrumented to measure their wheel forces. A “novel roughness” value of the roads during testing is also derived. The various dynamic pavement forces are presented according to the range of novel roughness of pavement surfacings encountered during testing. The paper then examines the relationship between the two derived wavelengths predominant within the HV suspensions; those of axle hop and body-bounce. How these may be considered as contributing to spatial repetition of pavement forces from HVs is discussed. The paper concludes that pavement models need to be revised since dynamic forces from HVs in particular are not generally considered in current pavement design.


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Analytical expressions are derived for the mean and variance, of estimates of the bispectrum of a real-time series assuming a cosinusoidal model. The effects of spectral leakage, inherent in discrete Fourier transform operation when the modes present in the signal have a nonintegral number of wavelengths in the record, are included in the analysis. A single phase-coupled triad of modes can cause the bispectrum to have a nonzero mean value over the entire region of computation owing to leakage. The variance of bispectral estimates in the presence of leakage has contributions from individual modes and from triads of phase-coupled modes. Time-domain windowing reduces the leakage. The theoretical expressions for the mean and variance of bispectral estimates are derived in terms of a function dependent on an arbitrary symmetric time-domain window applied to the record. the number of data, and the statistics of the phase coupling among triads of modes. The theoretical results are verified by numerical simulations for simple test cases and applied to laboratory data to examine phase coupling in a hypothesis testing framework


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Spatially resolved cathodoluminescence (CL) study of a ZnO nanonail, having thin shank, tapered neck, and hexagonal head sections, is reported. Monochromatic imaging and line scan profiling indicate that the wave guiding and leaking from growth imperfections in addition to the oxygen deficiency variation determine the spatial contrast of CL emissions. Occurrence of resonance peaks at identical wavelengths regardless of CL-excitation spots is inconsistent with the whispering-gallery mode (WGM) resonances of a two-dimensional cavity in the finite difference time domain simulation. However, three dimensioanl cavity simulation produced WGM peaks that are consistent with the experimental spectra, including transverse-electric resonances that are comparable to transverse-magnetic ones.