68 resultados para TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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The Arabidopsis thaliana NPR1 has been shown to be a key regulator of gene expression during the onset of a plant disease-resistance response known as systemic acquired resistance. The npr1 mutant plants fail to respond to systemic acquired resistance-inducing signals such as salicylic acid (SA), or express SA-induced pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Using NPR1 as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a subclass of transcription factors in the basic leucine zipper protein family (AHBP-1b and TGA6) and showed that they interact specifically in yeast and in vitro with NPR1. Point mutations that abolish the NPR1 function in A. thaliana also impair the interactions between NPR1 and the transcription factors in the yeast two-hybrid assay. Furthermore, a gel mobility shift assay showed that the purified transcription factor protein, AHBP-1b, binds specifically to an SA-responsive promoter element of the A. thaliana PR-1 gene. These data suggest that NPR1 may regulate PR-1 gene expression by interacting with a subclass of basic leucine zipper protein transcription factors.


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Nuclear Factor Y (NF-Y) is a trimeric complex that binds to the CCAAT box, a ubiquitous eukaryotic promoter element. The three subunits NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC are represented by single genes in yeast and mammals. However, in model plant species (Arabidopsis and rice) multiple genes encode each subunit providing the impetus for the investigation of the NF-Y transcription factor family in wheat. A total of 37 NF-Y and Dr1 genes (10 NF-YA, 11 NF-YB, 14 NF-YC and 2 Dr1) in Triticum aestivum were identified in the global DNA databases by computational analysis in this study. Each of the wheat NF-Y subunit families could be further divided into 4-5 clades based on their conserved core region sequences. Several conserved motifs outside of the NF-Y core regions were also identified by comparison of NF-Y members from wheat, rice and Arabidopsis. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that some of the wheat NF-Y genes were expressed ubiquitously, while others were expressed in an organ-specific manner. In particular, each TaNF-Y subunit family had members that were expressed predominantly in the endosperm. The expression of nine NF-Y and two Dr1 genes in wheat leaves appeared to be responsive to drought stress. Three of these genes were up-regulated under drought conditions, indicating that these members of the NF-Y and Dr1 families are potentially involved in plant drought adaptation. The combined expression and phylogenetic analyses revealed that members within the same phylogenetic clade generally shared a similar expression profile. Organ-specific expression and differential response to drought indicate a plant-specific biological role for various members of this transcription factor family.


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The use of adherent monolayer cultures have produced many insights into melanoma cell growth and differentiation, but often novel therapeutics demonstrated to act on these cells are not active in vivo. It is imperative that new methods of growing melanoma cells that reflect growth in vivo are investigated. To this end, a range of human melanoma cell lines passaged as adherent cultures or induced to form melanoma spheres (melanospheres) in stem cell media have been studied to compare cellular characteristics and protein expression. Melanoma spheres and tumours grown from cell lines as mouse xenografts had increased heterogeneity when compared with adherent cells and 3D-spheroids in agar (aggregates). Furthermore, cells within the melanoma spheres and mouse xenografts each displayed a high level of reciprocal BRN2 or MITF expression, which matched more closely the pattern seen in human melanoma tumours in situ, rather than the propensity for co-expression of these important melanocytic transcription factors seen in adherent cells and 3D-spheroids. Notably, when the levels of the BRN2 and MITF proteins were each independently repressed using siRNA treatment of adherent melanoma cells, members of the NOTCH pathway responded by decreasing or increasing expression, respectively. This links BRN2 as an activator, and conversely, MITF as a repressor of the NOTCH pathway in melanoma cells. Loss of the BRN2-MITF axis in antisense-ablated cell lines decreased the melanoma sphere-forming capability, cell adhesion during 3D-spheroid formation and invasion through a collagen matrix. Combined, this evidence suggests that the melanoma sphere-culture system induces subpopulations of cells that may more accurately portray the in vivo disease, than the growth as adherent melanoma cells.


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Light plays a unique role for plants as it is both a source of energy for growth and a signal for development. Light captured by the pigments in the light harvesting complexes is used to drive the synthesis of the chemical energy required for carbon assimilation. The light perceived by photoreceptors activates effectors, such as transcription factors (TFs), which modulate the expression of light-responsive genes. Recently, it has been speculated that increasing the photosynthetic rate could further improve the yield potential of three carbon (C3) crops such as wheat. However, little is currently known about the transcriptional regulation of photosynthesis genes, particularly in crop species. Nuclear factor Y (NF-Y) TF is a functionally diverse regulator of growth and development in the model plant species, with demonstrated roles in embryo development, stress response, flowering time and chloroplast biogenesis. Furthermore, a light-responsive NF-Y binding site (CCAAT-box) is present in the promoter of a spinach photosynthesis gene. As photosynthesis genes are co-regulated by light and co-regulated genes typically have similar regulatory elements in their promoters, it seems likely that other photosynthesis genes would also have light-responsive CCAAT-boxes. This provided the impetus to investigate the NF-Y TF in bread wheat. This thesis is focussed on wheat NF-Y members that have roles in light-mediated gene regulation with an emphasis on their involvement in the regulation of photosynthesis genes. NF-Y is a heterotrimeric complex, comprised of the three subunits NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC. Unlike the mammalian and yeast counterparts, each of the three subunits is encoded by multiple genes in Arabidopsis. The initial step taken in this study was the identification of the wheat NF-Y family (Chapter 3). A search of the current wheat nucleotide sequence databases identified 37 NF-Y genes (10 NF-YA, 11 NF-YB, 14 NF-YC & 2 Dr1). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that each of the three wheat NF-Y (TaNF-Y) subunit families could be divided into 4-5 clades based on their conserved core regions. Outside of the core regions, eleven motifs were identified to be conserved between Arabidopsis, rice and wheat NF-Y subunit members. The expression profiles of TaNF-Y genes were constructed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Some TaNF-Y subunit members had little variation in their transcript levels among the organs, while others displayed organ-predominant expression profiles, including those expressed mainly in the photosynthetic organs. To investigate their potential role in light-mediated gene regulation, the light responsiveness of the TaNF-Y genes were examined (Chapters 4 and 5). Two TaNF-YB and five TaNF-YC members were markedly upregulated by light in both the wheat leaves and seedling shoots. To identify the potential target genes of the light-upregulated NF-Y subunit members, a gene expression correlation analysis was conducted using publically available Affymetrix Wheat Genome Array datasets. This analysis revealed that the transcript expression levels of TaNF-YB3 and TaNF-YC11 were significantly correlated with those of photosynthesis genes. These correlated express profiles were also observed in the quantitative RT-PCR dataset from wheat plants grown under light and dark conditions. Sequence analysis of the promoters of these wheat photosynthesis genes revealed that they were enriched with potential NF-Y binding sites (CCAAT-box). The potential role of TaNF-YB3 in the regulation of photosynthetic genes was further investigated using a transgenic approach (Chapter 5). Transgenic wheat lines constitutively expressing TaNF-YB3 were found to have significantly increased expression levels of photosynthesis genes, including those encoding light harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding proteins, photosystem I reaction centre subunits, a chloroplast ATP synthase subunit and glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GluTR). GluTR is a rate-limiting enzyme in the chlorophyll biosynthesis pathway. In association with the increased expression of the photosynthesis genes, the transgenic lines had a higher leaf chlorophyll content, increased photosynthetic rate and had a more rapid early growth rate compared to the wild-type wheat. In addition to its role in the regulation of photosynthesis genes, TaNF-YB3 overexpression lines flower on average 2-days earlier than the wild-type (Chapter 6). Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showed that there was a 13-fold increase in the expression level of the floral integrator, TaFT. The transcript levels of other downstream genes (TaFT2 and TaVRN1) were also increased in the transgenic lines. Furthermore, the transcript levels of TaNF-YB3 were significantly correlated with those of constans (CO), constans-like (COL) and timing of chlorophyll a/b-binding (CAB) expression 1 [TOC1; (CCT)] domain-containing proteins known to be involved in the regulation of flowering time. To summarise the key findings of this study, 37 NF-Y genes were identified in the crop species wheat. An in depth analysis of TaNF-Y gene expression profiles revealed that the potential role of some light-upregulated members was in the regulation of photosynthetic genes. The involvement of TaNF-YB3 in the regulation of photosynthesis genes was supported by data obtained from transgenic wheat lines with increased constitutive expression of TaNF-YB3. The overexpression of TaNF-YB3 in the transgenic lines revealed this NF-YB member is also involved in the fine-tuning of flowering time. These data suggest that the NF-Y TF plays an important role in light-mediated gene regulation in wheat.


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Background Flavonoids such as anthocyanins, flavonols and proanthocyanidins, play a central role in fruit colour, flavour and health attributes. In peach and nectarine (Prunus persica) these compounds vary during fruit growth and ripening. Flavonoids are produced by a well studied pathway which is transcriptionally regulated by members of the MYB and bHLH transcription factor families. We have isolated nectarine flavonoid regulating genes and examined their expression patterns, which suggests a critical role in the regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis. Results In nectarine, expression of the genes encoding enzymes of the flavonoid pathway correlated with the concentration of proanthocyanidins, which strongly increases at mid-development. In contrast, the only gene which showed a similar pattern to anthocyanin concentration was UDP-glucose-flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT), which was high at the beginning and end of fruit growth, remaining low during the other developmental stages. Expression of flavonol synthase (FLS1) correlated with flavonol levels, both temporally and in a tissue specific manner. The pattern of UFGT gene expression may be explained by the involvement of different transcription factors, which up-regulate flavonoid biosynthesis (MYB10, MYB123, and bHLH3), or repress (MYB111 and MYB16) the transcription of the biosynthetic genes. The expression of a potential proanthocyanidin-regulating transcription factor, MYBPA1, corresponded with proanthocyanidin levels. Functional assays of these transcription factors were used to test the specificity for flavonoid regulation. Conclusions MYB10 positively regulates the promoters of UFGT and dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) but not leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR). In contrast, MYBPA1 trans-activates the promoters of DFR and LAR, but not UFGT. This suggests exclusive roles of anthocyanin regulation by MYB10 and proanthocyanidin regulation by MYBPA1. Further, these transcription factors appeared to be responsive to both developmental and environmental stimuli.


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Anthocyanin accumulation is coordinated in plants by a number of conserved transcription factors. In apple (Malus × domestica), an R2R3 MYB transcription factor has been shown to control fruit flesh and foliage anthocyanin pigmentation (MYB10) and fruit skin color (MYB1). However, the pattern of expression and allelic variation at these loci does not explain all anthocyanin-related apple phenotypes. One such example is an open-pollinated seedling of cv Sangrado that has green foliage and develops red flesh in the fruit cortex late in maturity. We used methods that combine plant breeding, molecular biology, and genomics to identify duplicated MYB transcription factors that could control this phenotype. We then demonstrated that the red-flesh cortex phenotype is associated with enhanced expression of MYB110a, a paralog of MYB10. Functional characterization of MYB110a showed that it was able to up-regulate anthocyanin biosynthesis in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). The chromosomal location of MYB110a is consistent with a whole-genome duplication event that occurred during the evolution of apple within the Maloideae family. Both MYB10 and MYB110a have conserved function in some cultivars, but they differ in their expression pattern and response to fruit maturity.


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Anthocyanin concentration is a primary determinant of plant colour. Fruit anthocyanin biosynthesis is controlled by a distinct clade of R2R3 MYB transcription factors. In apple, three recent papers describe the discovery of MYB genes activating skin, flesh and foliage anthocyanic colour. These findings lead the way to new approaches in the breeding and biotechnological development of fruit with new colour patterns.


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Oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) is a potent tumor-suppressive mechanism that is thought to come at the cost of aging. The Forkhead box O (FOXO) transcription factors are regulators of life span and tumor suppression. However, whether and how FOXOs function in OIS have been unclear. Here, we show a role for FOXO4 in mediating senescence by the human BRAFV600E oncogene, which arises commonly in melanoma. BRAFV600E signaling through mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase kinase resulted in increased reactive oxygen species levels and c-Jun NH 2 terminal kinase-mediated activation of FOXO4 via its phosphorylation on Thr223, Ser226, Thr447, and Thr451. BRAFV600E-induced FOXO4 phosphorylation resulted in p21cip1-mediated cell senescence independent of p16 ink4a or p27kip1. Importantly, melanocyte-specific activation of BRAFV600E in vivo resulted in the formation of skin nevi expressing Thr223/Ser226-phosphorylated FOXO4 and elevated p21cip1. Together, these findings support a model in which FOXOs mediate a trade-off between cancer and aging.


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To gain insight into the mechanisms by which the Myb transcription factor controls normal hematopoiesis and particularly, how it contributes to leukemogenesis, we mapped the genome-wide occupancy of Myb by chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel sequencing (ChIP-Seq) in ERMYB myeloid progenitor cells. By integrating the genome occupancy data with whole genome expression profiling data, we identified a Myb-regulated transcriptional program. Gene signatures for leukemia stem cells, normal hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells and myeloid development were overrepresented in 2368 Myb regulated genes. Of these, Myb bound directly near or within 793 genes. Myb directly activates some genes known critical in maintaining hematopoietic stem cells, such as Gfi1 and Cited2. Importantly, we also show that, despite being usually considered as a transactivator, Myb also functions to repress approximately half of its direct targets, including several key regulators of myeloid differentiation, such as Sfpi1 (also known as Pu.1), Runx1, Junb and Cebpb. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that interaction with p300, an established coactivator for Myb, is unexpectedly required for Myb-mediated transcriptional repression. We propose that the repression of the above mentioned key pro-differentiation factors may contribute essentially to Myb's ability to suppress differentiation and promote self-renewal, thus maintaining progenitor cells in an undifferentiated state and promoting leukemic transformation. © 2011 The Author(s).


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Rapid mineralization of cultured osteoblasts could be a useful characteristic in stem-cell mediated therapies for fracture and other orthopaedic problems. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is a small amphipathic solvent molecule capable of simulating cell differentiation. We report that, in primary human osteoblasts, DMSO dose-dependently enhanced the expression of osteoblast differentiation markers alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and extracellular matrix mineralization. Furthermore, similar DMSO mediated mineralization enhancement was observed in primary osteoblast-like cells differentiated from mouse mesenchymal cells derived from fat, a promising source of starter cells for cell-based therapy. Using a convenient mouse pre-osteoblast model cell line MC3T3-E1 we further investigated this phenomenon showing that numerous osteoblast-expressed genes were elevated in response to DMSO treatment and correlated with enhanced mineralization. Myocyte enhancer factor 2c (Mef2c) was identified as the transcription factor most induced by DMSO, among numerous DMSO-induced genes, suggesting a role for Mef2c in osteoblast gene regulation. Immunohistochemistry confirmed expression of Mef2c in osteoblast-like cells in mouse mandible, cortical and trabecular bone. shRNAi-mediated Mef2c gene silencing resulted in defective osteoblast differentiation, decreased ALP activity and matrix mineralization and knockdown of osteoblast specific gene expression, including osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein. Flow on knockdown of bone specific transcription factors, Runx2 and osterix by shRNAi knockdown of Mef2c suggests that Mef2c lies upstream of these two important factors in the cascade of gene expression in osteoblasts.


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Background Several lines of evidence suggests that transcription factors are involved in the pathogenesis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) but a complete mapping the whole network has been elusive. One of the reasons is that there are several clinical subtypes of MS and transcription factors which may be involved in one subtype may not be in others. We investigated the possibility that this network could be mapped using microarray technologies and modern bioinformatics methods on a dataset from whole blood in 99 untreated MS patients (36 Relapse Remitting MS, 43 Primary Progressive MS, and 20 Secondary Progressive MS) and 45 age-matched healthy controls, Methodology/Principal Findings We have used two different analytical methodologies: a differential expression analysis and a differential co-expression analysis, which have converged on a significant number of regulatory motifs that seem to be statistically overrepresented in genes which are either differentially expressed (or differentially co-expressed) in cases and controls (e.g. V$KROX_Q6, p-value < 3.31E-6; V$CREBP1_Q2, p-value < 9.93E-6, V$YY1_02, p-value < 1.65E-5). Conclusions/significance: Our analysis uncovered a network of transcription factors that potentially dysregulate several genes in MS or one or more of its disease subtypes. Analysing the published literature we have found that these transcription factors are involved in the early T-lymphocyte specification and commitment as well as in oligodendrocytes dedifferentiation and development. The most significant transcription factors motifs were for the Early Growth response EGR/KROX family, ATF2, YY1 (Yin and Yang 1), E2F-1/DP-1 and E2F-4/DP-2 heterodimers, SOX5, and CREB and ATF families.


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Background Red colour in kiwifruit results from the presence of anthocyanin pigments. Their expression, however, is complex, and varies among genotypes, species, tissues and environments. An understanding of the biosynthesis, physiology and genetics of the anthocyanins involved, and the control of their expression in different tissues, is required. A complex, the MBW complex, consisting of R2R3-MYB and bHLH transcription factors together with a WD-repeat protein, activates anthocyanin 3-O-galactosyltransferase (F3GT1) to produce anthocyanins. We examined the expression and genetic control of anthocyanins in flowers of Actinidia hybrid families segregating for red and white petal colour. Results Four inter-related backcross families between Actinidia chinensis Planch. var. chinensis and Actinidia eriantha Benth. were identified that segregated 1:1 for red or white petal colour. Flower pigments consisted of five known anthocyanins (two delphinidin-based and three cyanidin-based) and three unknowns. Intensity and hue differed in red petals from pale pink to deep magenta, and while intensity of colour increased with total concentration of anthocyanin, no association was found between any particular anthocyanin data and hue. Real time qPCR demonstrated that an R2R3 MYB, MYB110a, was expressed at significant levels in red-petalled progeny, but not in individuals with white petals. A microsatellite marker was developed that identified alleles that segregated with red petal colour, but not with ovary, stamen filament, or fruit flesh colour in these families. The marker mapped to chromosome 10 in Actinidia. The white petal phenotype was complemented by syringing Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying Actinidia 35S::MYB110a into the petal tissue. Red pigments developed in white petals both with, and without, co-transformation with Actinidia bHLH partners. MYB110a was shown to directly activate Actinidia F3GT1 in transient assays. Conclusions The transcription factor, MYB110a, regulates anthocyanin production in petals in this hybrid population, but not in other flower tissues or mature fruit. The identification of delphinidin-based anthocyanins in these flowers provides candidates for colour enhancement in novel fruits.


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Background The control of plant anthocyanin accumulation is via transcriptional regulation of the genes encoding the biosynthetic enzymes. A key activator appears to be an R2R3 MYB transcription factor. In apple fruit, skin anthocyanin levels are controlled by a gene called MYBA or MYB1, while the gene determining fruit flesh and foliage anthocyanin has been termed MYB10. In order to further understand tissue-specific anthocyanin regulation we have isolated orthologous MYB genes from all the commercially important rosaceous species. Results We use gene specific primers to show that the three MYB activators of apple anthocyanin (MYB10/MYB1/MYBA) are likely alleles of each other. MYB transcription factors, with high sequence identity to the apple gene were isolated from across the rosaceous family (e.g. apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries, rose, strawberry). Key identifying amino acid residues were found in both the DNA-binding and C-terminal domains of these MYBs. The expression of these MYB10 genes correlates with fruit and flower anthocyanin levels. Their function was tested in tobacco and strawberry. In tobacco, these MYBs were shown to induce the anthocyanin pathway when co-expressed with bHLHs, while over-expression of strawberry and apple genes in the crop of origin elevates anthocyanins. Conclusions This family-wide study of rosaceous R2R3 MYBs provides insight into the evolution of this plant trait. It has implications for the development of new coloured fruit and flowers, as well as aiding the understanding of temporal-spatial colour change.


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Recently it has been shown that the consumption of a diet high in saturated fat is associated with impaired insulin sensitivity and increased incidence of type 2 diabetes. In contrast, diets that are high in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), especially very long chain n-3 fatty acids (FAs), are protective against disease. However, the molecular mechanisms by which saturated FAs induce the insulin resistance and hyperglycaemia associated with metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are not clearly defined. It is possible that saturated FAs may act through alternative mechanisms compared to MUFA and PUFA to regulate of hepatic gene expression and metabolism. It is proposed that, like MUFA and PUFA, saturated FAs regulate the transcription of target genes. To test this hypothesis, hepatic gene expression analysis was undertaken in a human hepatoma cell line, Huh-7, after exposure to the saturated FA, palmitate. These experiments showed that palmitate is an effective regulator of gene expression for a wide variety of genes. A total of 162 genes were differentially expressed in response to palmitate. These changes not only affected the expression of genes related to nutrient transport and metabolism, they also extend to other cellular functions including, cytoskeletal architecture, cell growth, protein synthesis and oxidative stress response. In addition, this thesis has shown that palmitate exposure altered the expression patterns of several genes that have previously been identified in the literature as markers of risk of disease development, including CVD, hypertension, obesity and type 2 diabetes. The altered gene expression patterns associated with an increased risk of disease include apolipoprotein-B100 (apo-B100), apo-CIII, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1, insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3. This thesis reports the first observation that palmitate directly signals in cultured human hepatocytes to regulate expression of genes involved in energy metabolism as well as other important genes. Prolonged exposure to long-chain saturated FAs reduces glucose phosphorylation and glycogen synthesis in the liver. Decreased glucose metabolism leads to elevated rates of lipolysis, resulting in increased release of free FAs. Free FAs have a negative effect on insulin action on the liver, which in turn results in increased gluconeogenesis and systemic dyslipidaemia. It has been postulated that disruption of glucose transport and insulin secretion by prolonged excessive FA availability might be a non-genetic factor that has contributed to the staggering rise in prevalence of type 2 diabetes. As glucokinase (GK) is a key regulatory enzyme of hepatic glucose metabolism, changes in its activity may alter flux through the glycolytic and de novo lipogenic pathways and result in hyperglycaemia and ultimately insulin resistance. This thesis investigated the effects of saturated FA on the promoter activity of the glycolytic enzyme, GK, and various transcription factors that may influence the regulation of GK gene expression. These experiments have shown that the saturated FA, palmitate, is capable of decreasing GK promoter activity. In addition, quantitative real-time PCR has shown that palmitate incubation may also regulate GK gene expression through a known FA sensitive transcription factor, sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c), which upregulates GK transcription. To parallel the investigations into the mechanisms of FA molecular signalling, further studies of the effect of FAs on metabolic pathway flux were performed. Although certain FAs reduce SREBP-1c transcription in vitro, it is unclear whether this will result in decreased GK activity in vivo where positive effectors of SREBP-1c such as insulin are also present. Under these conditions, it is uncertain if the inhibitory effects of FAs would be overcome by insulin. The effects of a combination of FAs, insulin and glucose on glucose phosphorylation and metabolism in cultured primary rat hepatocytes at concentrations that mimic those in the portal circulation after a meal was examined. It was found that total GK activity was unaffected by an increased concentration of insulin, but palmitate and eicosapentaenoic acid significantly lowered total GK activity in the presence of insulin. Despite the fact that total GK enzyme activity was reduced in response to FA incubation, GK enzyme translocation from the inactive, nuclear bound, to active, cytoplasmic state was unaffected. Interestingly, none of the FAs tested inhibited glucose phosphorylation or the rate of glycolysis when insulin is present. These results suggest that in the presence of insulin the levels of the active, unbound cytoplasmic GK are sufficient to buffer a slight decrease in GK enzyme activity and decreased promoter activity caused by FA exposure. Although a high fat diet has been associated with impaired hepatic glucose metabolism, there is no evidence from this thesis that FAs themselves directly modulate flux through the glycolytic pathway in isolated primary hepatocytes when insulin is also present. Therefore, although FA affected expression of a wide range of genes, including GK, this did not affect glycolytic flux in the presence of insulin. However, it may be possible that a saturated FA-induced decrease in GK enzyme activity when combined with the onset of insulin resistance may promote the dys-regulation of glucose homeostasis and the subsequent development of hyperglycaemia, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.