786 resultados para Retrieval models

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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The top-k retrieval problem aims to find the optimal set of k documents from a number of relevant documents given the user’s query. The key issue is to balance the relevance and diversity of the top-k search results. In this paper, we address this problem using Facility Location Analysis taken from Operations Research, where the locations of facilities are optimally chosen according to some criteria. We show how this analysis technique is a generalization of state-of-the-art retrieval models for diversification (such as the Modern Portfolio Theory for Information Retrieval), which treat the top-k search results like “obnoxious facilities” that should be dispersed as far as possible from each other. However, Facility Location Analysis suggests that the top-k search results could be treated like “desirable facilities” to be placed as close as possible to their customers. This leads to a new top-k retrieval model where the best representatives of the relevant documents are selected. In a series of experiments conducted on two TREC diversity collections, we show that significant improvements can be made over the current state-of-the-art through this alternative treatment of the top-k retrieval problem.


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Performance comparisons between File Signatures and Inverted Files for text retrieval have previously shown several significant shortcomings of file signatures relative to inverted files. The inverted file approach underpins most state-of-the-art search engine algorithms, such as Language and Probabilistic models. It has been widely accepted that traditional file signatures are inferior alternatives to inverted files. This paper describes TopSig, a new approach to the construction of file signatures. Many advances in semantic hashing and dimensionality reduction have been made in recent times, but these were not so far linked to general purpose, signature file based, search engines. This paper introduces a different signature file approach that builds upon and extends these recent advances. We are able to demonstrate significant improvements in the performance of signature file based indexing and retrieval, performance that is comparable to that of state of the art inverted file based systems, including Language models and BM25. These findings suggest that file signatures offer a viable alternative to inverted files in suitable settings and positions the file signatures model in the class of Vector Space retrieval models.


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Electronic services are a leitmotif in ‘hot’ topics like Software as a Service, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Service oriented Computing, Cloud Computing, application markets and smart devices. We propose to consider these in what has been termed the Service Ecosystem (SES). The SES encompasses all levels of electronic services and their interaction, with human consumption and initiation on its periphery in much the same way the ‘Web’ describes a plethora of technologies that eventuate to connect information and expose it to humans. Presently, the SES is heterogeneous, fragmented and confined to semi-closed systems. A key issue hampering the emergence of an integrated SES is Service Discovery (SD). A SES will be dynamic with areas of structured and unstructured information within which service providers and ‘lay’ human consumers interact; until now the two are disjointed, e.g., SOA-enabled organisations, industries and domains are choreographed by domain experts or ‘hard-wired’ to smart device application markets and web applications. In a SES, services are accessible, comparable and exchangeable to human consumers closing the gap to the providers. This requires a new SD with which humans can discover services transparently and effectively without special knowledge or training. We propose two modes of discovery, directed search following an agenda and explorative search, which speculatively expands knowledge of an area of interest by means of categories. Inspired by conceptual space theory from cognitive science, we propose to implement the modes of discovery using concepts to map a lay consumer’s service need to terminologically sophisticated descriptions of services. To this end, we reframe SD as an information retrieval task on the information attached to services, such as, descriptions, reviews, documentation and web sites - the Service Information Shadow. The Semantic Space model transforms the shadow's unstructured semantic information into a geometric, concept-like representation. We introduce an improved and extended Semantic Space including categorization calling it the Semantic Service Discovery model. We evaluate our model with a highly relevant, service related corpus simulating a Service Information Shadow including manually constructed complex service agendas, as well as manual groupings of services. We compare our model against state-of-the-art information retrieval systems and clustering algorithms. By means of an extensive series of empirical evaluations, we establish optimal parameter settings for the semantic space model. The evaluations demonstrate the model’s effectiveness for SD in terms of retrieval precision over state-of-the-art information retrieval models (directed search) and the meaningful, automatic categorization of service related information, which shows potential to form the basis of a useful, cognitively motivated map of the SES for exploratory search.


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This paper develops a framework for classifying term dependencies in query expansion with respect to the role terms play in structural linguistic associations. The framework is used to classify and compare the query expansion terms produced by the unigram and positional relevance models. As the unigram relevance model does not explicitly model term dependencies in its estimation process it is often thought to ignore dependencies that exist between words in natural language. The framework presented in this paper is underpinned by two types of linguistic association, namely syntagmatic and paradigmatic associations. It was found that syntagmatic associations were a more prevalent form of linguistic association used in query expansion. Paradoxically, it was the unigram model that exhibited this association more than the positional relevance model. This surprising finding has two potential implications for information retrieval models: (1) if linguistic associations underpin query expansion, then a probabilistic term dependence assumption based on position is inadequate for capturing them; (2) the unigram relevance model captures more term dependency information than its underlying theoretical model suggests, so its normative position as a baseline that ignores term dependencies should perhaps be reviewed.


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This paper analyses the pairwise distances of signatures produced by the TopSig retrieval model on two document collections. The distribution of the distances are compared to purely random signatures. It explains why TopSig is only competitive with state of the art retrieval models at early precision. Only the local neighbourhood of the signatures is interpretable. We suggest this is a common property of vector space models.


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Many existing information retrieval models do not explicitly take into account in- formation about word associations. Our approach makes use of rst and second order relationships found in natural language, known as syntagmatic and paradigmatic associ- ations, respectively. This is achieved by using a formal model of word meaning within the query expansion process. On ad hoc retrieval, our approach achieves statistically sig- ni cant improvements in MAP (0.158) and P@20 (0.396) over our baseline model. The ERR@20 and nDCG@20 of our system was 0.249 and 0.192 respectively. Our results and discussion suggest that information about both syntagamtic and paradigmatic associa- tions can assist with improving retrieval eectiveness on ad hoc retrieval.


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Many existing information retrieval models do not explicitly take into account in- formation about word associations. Our approach makes use of rst and second order relationships found in natural language, known as syntagmatic and paradigmatic associ- ations, respectively. This is achieved by using a formal model of word meaning within the query expansion process. On ad hoc retrieval, our approach achieves statistically sig- ni cant improvements in MAP (0.158) and P@20 (0.396) over our baseline model. The ERR@20 and nDCG@20 of our system was 0.249 and 0.192 respectively. Our results and discussion suggest that information about both syntagamtic and paradigmatic associa- tions can assist with improving retrieval eectiveness on ad hoc retrieval.


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In a pilot application based on web search engine calledWeb-based Relation Completion (WebRC), we propose to join two columns of entities linked by a predefined relation by mining knowledge from the web through a web search engine. To achieve this, a novel retrieval task Relation Query Expansion (RelQE) is modelled: given an entity (query), the task is to retrieve documents containing entities in predefined relation to the given one. Solving this problem entails expanding the query before submitting it to a web search engine to ensure that mostly documents containing the linked entity are returned in the top K search results. In this paper, we propose a novel Learning-based Relevance Feedback (LRF) approach to solve this retrieval task. Expansion terms are learned from training pairs of entities linked by the predefined relation and applied to new entity-queries to find entities linked by the same relation. After describing the approach, we present experimental results on real-world web data collections, which show that the LRF approach always improves the precision of top-ranked search results to up to 8.6 times the baseline. Using LRF, WebRC also shows performances way above the baseline.


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Recent years have seen an increased uptake of business process management technology in industries. This has resulted in organizations trying to manage large collections of business process models. One of the challenges facing these organizations concerns the retrieval of models from large business process model repositories. For example, in some cases new process models may be derived from existing models, thus finding these models and adapting them may be more effective than developing them from scratch. As process model repositories may be large, query evaluation may be time consuming. Hence, we investigate the use of indexes to speed up this evaluation process. Experiments are conducted to demonstrate that our proposal achieves a significant reduction in query evaluation time.


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Language Modeling (LM) has been successfully applied to Information Retrieval (IR). However, most of the existing LM approaches only rely on term occurrences in documents, queries and document collections. In traditional unigram based models, terms (or words) are usually considered to be independent. In some recent studies, dependence models have been proposed to incorporate term relationships into LM, so that links can be created between words in the same sentence, and term relationships (e.g. synonymy) can be used to expand the document model. In this study, we further extend this family of dependence models in the following two ways: (1) Term relationships are used to expand query model instead of document model, so that query expansion process can be naturally implemented; (2) We exploit more sophisticated inferential relationships extracted with Information Flow (IF). Information flow relationships are not simply pairwise term relationships as those used in previous studies, but are between a set of terms and another term. They allow for context-dependent query expansion. Our experiments conducted on TREC collections show that we can obtain large and significant improvements with our approach. This study shows that LM is an appropriate framework to implement effective query expansion.


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Process-Aware Information Systems (PAISs) support executions of operational processes that involve people, resources, and software applications on the basis of process models. Process models describe vast, often infinite, amounts of process instances, i.e., workflows supported by the systems. With the increasing adoption of PAISs, large process model repositories emerged in companies and public organizations. These repositories constitute significant information resources. Accurate and efficient retrieval of process models and/or process instances from such repositories is interesting for multiple reasons, e.g., searching for similar models/instances, filtering, reuse, standardization, process compliance checking, verification of formal properties, etc. This paper proposes a technique for indexing process models that relies on their alternative representations, called untanglings. We show the use of untanglings for retrieval of process models based on process instances that they specify via a solution to the total executability problem. Experiments with industrial process models testify that the proposed retrieval approach is up to three orders of magnitude faster than the state of the art.


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Quantum-inspired models have recently attracted increasing attention in Information Retrieval. An intriguing characteristic of the mathematical framework of quantum theory is the presence of complex numbers. However, it is unclear what such numbers could or would actually represent or mean in Information Retrieval. The goal of this paper is to discuss the role of complex numbers within the context of Information Retrieval. First, we introduce how complex numbers are used in quantum probability theory. Then, we examine van Rijsbergen’s proposal of evoking complex valued representations of informations objects. We empirically show that such a representation is unlikely to be effective in practice (confuting its usefulness in Information Retrieval). We then explore alternative proposals which may be more successful at realising the power of complex numbers.


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Information Retrieval is an important albeit imperfect component of information technologies. A problem of insufficient diversity of retrieved documents is one of the primary issues studied in this research. This study shows that this problem leads to a decrease of precision and recall, traditional measures of information retrieval effectiveness. This thesis presents an adaptive IR system based on the theory of adaptive dual control. The aim of the approach is the optimization of retrieval precision after all feedback has been issued. This is done by increasing the diversity of retrieved documents. This study shows that the value of recall reflects this diversity. The Probability Ranking Principle is viewed in the literature as the “bedrock” of current probabilistic Information Retrieval theory. Neither the proposed approach nor other methods of diversification of retrieved documents from the literature conform to this principle. This study shows by counterexample that the Probability Ranking Principle does not in general lead to optimal precision in a search session with feedback (for which it may not have been designed but is actively used). Retrieval precision of the search session should be optimized with a multistage stochastic programming model to accomplish the aim. However, such models are computationally intractable. Therefore, approximate linear multistage stochastic programming models are derived in this study, where the multistage improvement of the probability distribution is modelled using the proposed feedback correctness method. The proposed optimization models are based on several assumptions, starting with the assumption that Information Retrieval is conducted in units of topics. The use of clusters is the primary reasons why a new method of probability estimation is proposed. The adaptive dual control of topic-based IR system was evaluated in a series of experiments conducted on the Reuters, Wikipedia and TREC collections of documents. The Wikipedia experiment revealed that the dual control feedback mechanism improves precision and S-recall when all the underlying assumptions are satisfied. In the TREC experiment, this feedback mechanism was compared to a state-of-the-art adaptive IR system based on BM-25 term weighting and the Rocchio relevance feedback algorithm. The baseline system exhibited better effectiveness than the cluster-based optimization model of ADTIR. The main reason for this was insufficient quality of the generated clusters in the TREC collection that violated the underlying assumption.


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Most information retrieval (IR) models treat the presence of a term within a document as an indication that the document is somehow "about" that term, they do not take into account when a term might be explicitly negated. Medical data, by its nature, contains a high frequency of negated terms - e.g. "review of systems showed no chest pain or shortness of breath". This papers presents a study of the effects of negation on information retrieval. We present a number of experiments to determine whether negation has a significant negative affect on IR performance and whether language models that take negation into account might improve performance. We use a collection of real medical records as our test corpus. Our findings are that negation has some affect on system performance, but this will likely be confined to domains such as medical data where negation is prevalent.


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As organizations reach to higher levels of business process management maturity, they often find themselves maintaining repositories of hundreds or even thousands of process models, representing valuable knowledge about their operations. Over time, process model repositories tend to accumulate duplicate fragments (also called clones) as new process models are created or extended by copying and merging fragments from other models. This calls for methods to detect clones in process models, so that these clones can be refactored as separate subprocesses in order to improve maintainability. This paper presents an indexing structure to support the fast detection of clones in large process model repositories. The proposed index is based on a novel combination of a method for process model decomposition (specifically the Refined Process Structure Tree), with established graph canonization and string matching techniques. Experiments show that the algorithm scales to repositories with hundreds of models. The experimental results also show that a significant number of non-trivial clones can be found in process model repositories taken from industrial practice.