185 resultados para RF MEMS switches

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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This paper aims to develop an effective numerical simulation technique for the dynamic deflection analysis of nanotubes-based nanoswitches. The nanoswitch is simplified to a continuum structure, and some key material parameters are extracted from typical molecular dynamics (MD). An advanced local meshless formulation is applied to obtain the discretized dynamic equations for the numerical solution. The developed numerical technique is firstly validated by the static deflection analyses of nanoswitches, and then, the fundamental dynamic properties of nanoswitches are analyzed. A parametric comparison with the results in the literature and from experiments shows that the developed modelling approach is accurate, efficient and effective.


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An Approach with Vertical Guidance (APV) is an instrument approach procedure which provides horizontal and vertical guidance to a pilot on approach to landing in reduced visibility conditions. APV approaches can greatly reduce the safety risk to general aviation by improving the pilot’s situational awareness. In particular the incidence of Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) which has occurred in a number of fatal air crashes in general aviation over the past decade in Australia, can be reduced. APV approaches can also improve general aviation operations. If implemented at Australian airports, APV approach procedures are expected to bring a cost saving of millions of dollars to the economy due to fewer missed approaches, diversions and an increased safety benefit. The provision of accurate horizontal and vertical guidance is achievable using the Global Positioning System (GPS). Because aviation is a safety of life application, an aviation-certified GPS receiver must have integrity monitoring or augmentation to ensure that its navigation solution can be trusted. However, the difficulty with the current GPS satellite constellation alone meeting APV integrity requirements, the susceptibility of GPS to jamming or interference and the potential shortcomings of proposed augmentation solutions for Australia such as the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS) justifies the investigation of Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS) as an alternative integrity solution for general aviation. ABAS augments GPS with other sensors at the aircraft to help it meet the integrity requirements. Typical ABAS designs assume high quality inertial sensors to provide an accurate reference trajectory for Kalman filters. Unfortunately high-quality inertial sensors are too expensive for general aviation. In contrast to these approaches the purpose of this research is to investigate fusing GPS with lower-cost Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and a mathematical model of aircraft dynamics, referred to as an Aircraft Dynamic Model (ADM) in this thesis. Using a model of aircraft dynamics in navigation systems has been studied before in the available literature and shown to be useful particularly for aiding inertial coasting or attitude determination. In contrast to these applications, this thesis investigates its use in ABAS. This thesis presents an ABAS architecture concept which makes use of a MEMS IMU and ADM, named the General Aviation GPS Integrity System (GAGIS) for convenience. GAGIS includes a GPS, MEMS IMU, ADM, a bank of Extended Kalman Filters (EKF) and uses the Normalized Solution Separation (NSS) method for fault detection. The GPS, IMU and ADM information is fused together in a tightly-coupled configuration, with frequent GPS updates applied to correct the IMU and ADM. The use of both IMU and ADM allows for a number of different possible configurations. Three are investigated in this thesis; a GPS-IMU EKF, a GPS-ADM EKF and a GPS-IMU-ADM EKF. The integrity monitoring performance of the GPS-IMU EKF, GPS-ADM EKF and GPS-IMU-ADM EKF architectures are compared against each other and against a stand-alone GPS architecture in a series of computer simulation tests of an APV approach. Typical GPS, IMU, ADM and environmental errors are simulated. The simulation results show the GPS integrity monitoring performance achievable by augmenting GPS with an ADM and low-cost IMU for a general aviation aircraft on an APV approach. A contribution to research is made in determining whether a low-cost IMU or ADM can provide improved integrity monitoring performance over stand-alone GPS. It is found that a reduction of approximately 50% in protection levels is possible using the GPS-IMU EKF or GPS-ADM EKF as well as faster detection of a slowly growing ramp fault on a GPS pseudorange measurement. A second contribution is made in determining how augmenting GPS with an ADM compares to using a low-cost IMU. By comparing the results for the GPS-ADM EKF against the GPS-IMU EKF it is found that protection levels for the GPS-ADM EKF were only approximately 2% higher. This indicates that the GPS-ADM EKF may potentially replace the GPS-IMU EKF for integrity monitoring should the IMU ever fail. In this way the ADM may contribute to the navigation system robustness and redundancy. To investigate this further, a third contribution is made in determining whether or not the ADM can function as an IMU replacement to improve navigation system redundancy by investigating the case of three IMU accelerometers failing. It is found that the failed IMU measurements may be supplemented by the ADM and adequate integrity monitoring performance achieved. Besides treating the IMU and ADM separately as in the GPS-IMU EKF and GPS-ADM EKF, a fourth contribution is made in investigating the possibility of fusing the IMU and ADM information together to achieve greater performance than either alone. This is investigated using the GPS-IMU-ADM EKF. It is found that the GPS-IMU-ADM EKF can achieve protection levels approximately 3% lower in the horizontal and 6% lower in the vertical than a GPS-IMU EKF. However this small improvement may not justify the complexity of fusing the IMU with an ADM in practical systems. Affordable ABAS in general aviation may enhance existing GPS-only fault detection solutions or help overcome any outages in augmentation systems such as the Ground-based Regional Augmentation System (GRAS). Countries such as Australia which currently do not have an augmentation solution for general aviation could especially benefit from the economic savings and safety benefits of satellite navigation-based APV approaches.


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Recent studies have shown that small genetic regulatory networks (GRNs) can be evolved in silico displaying certain dynamics in the underlying mathematical model. It is expected that evolutionary approaches can help to gain a better understanding of biological design principles and assist in the engineering of genetic networks. To take the stochastic nature of GRNs into account, our evolutionary approach models GRNs as biochemical reaction networks based on simple enzyme kinetics and simulates them by using Gillespie’s stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). We have already demonstrated the relevance of considering intrinsic stochasticity by evolving GRNs that show oscillatory dynamics in the SSA but not in the ODE regime. Here, we present and discuss first results in the evolution of GRNs performing as stochastic switches.


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A novel concept of producing high dc voltage for pulsed-power applications is proposed in this paper. The topology consists of an LC resonant circuit supplied through a tuned alternating waveform that is produced by an inverter. The control scheme is based on the detection of variations in the resonant frequency and adjustment of the switching signal patterns for the inverter to produce a square waveform with exactly the same frequencies. Therefore the capacitor voltage oscillates divergently with an increasing amplitude. A simple one-stage capacitor-diode voltage multiplier (CDVM) connected to the resonant capacitor then rectifies the alternating voltage and gives a dc level equal to twice the input voltage amplitude. The produced high voltage appears then in the form of high-voltage pulses across the load. A basic model is simulated by Simulink platform of MATLAB and the results are included in the paper.


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An innovative custom-designed inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering deposition system has been developed to synthesize B-doped microcrystalline silicon thin films using a pure boron sputtering target in a reactive silane and argon gas mixture. Films were deposited using different boron target powers ranging from 0 to 350 W at a substrate temperature of 250 °C. The effect of the boron target power on the structural and electrical properties of the synthesized films was extensively investigated using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Hall-effect system. It is shown that, with an initial increase of the boron target power from 0 to 300 W, the structural and electrical properties of the B-doped microcrystalline films are improved. However, when the target power is increased too much (e.g. to 350 W), these properties become slightly worse. The variation of the structural and electrical properties of the synthesized B-doped microcrystalline thin films is related to the incorporation of boron atoms during the crystallization and doping of silicon in the inductively coupled plasma-based process. This work is particularly relevant to the microcrystalline silicon-based p-i-n junction solar cells.


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A new deposition technique-inductively coupled plasma-assisted RF magnetron sputtering has been developed to fabricate SiC nanoislanded films. In this system, the plasma production and magnetron sputtering can be controlled independently during the discharge. The deposited SiC nanoislanded films are highly uniform, have excellent stoichiometry, have a typical size of 10-45 nm, and contain small (∼ 6 nm) cubic SiC nanocrystallites embedded in an amorphous SiC matrix.


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RF magnetron concurrent sputtering of Hydroxyapatite and Ti forming functionally graded calcium phosphate-based composite bioactive films on Ti-6Al-4V orthopedic alloy is reported. Calcium oxide phosphate (4CaO•P2O5) is the main crystalline phase. In vitro cell culturing tests suggest outstanding biocompatibility of the Ca-P-Ti films. Images of the plasma-enhanced sputtering processes and cell culturing are presented and discussed.


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Plasma-assisted reactive rf magnetron sputtering deposition is used to fabricate vanadium oxide films on glass, silica and silicon substrates. The process conditions are optimized to synthesize phase-pure vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) featuring a nanocrystalline structure with the predominant (0 0 1) crystallographic orientation, surface morphology with rod-like nanosized grains and very uniform (the non-uniformity does not exceed 4%) coating thickness over large surface areas. The V2O5 films also show excellent and temperature-independent optical transmittance in a broad temperature range (20-95 °C). The results are relevant to the development of smart functional coatings with temperature-tunable properties. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Turning points for transitions between the electrostatic and electromagnetic discharge modes in low-frequency (∼ 500 kHz) inductively coupled plasmas have been identified and cross-referenced using time-resolved measurements of the plasma optical emission intensities, RF coil current, and ion saturation current collected by a single RF-compensated Langmuir probe. This enables one to monitor the variation of the plasma parameters, power transfer efficiency, which accompany the discharge hysteresis. The excitation conditions for the pure and hybrid modes in the plasma are considered, and the possibility of the TMmnl → TEm'n'l' transitions at higher frequencies are discussed.


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The plasma-assisted RF sputtering deposition of a biocompatible, functionally graded calcium phosphate bioceramic on a Ti6A14 V orthopedic alloy is reported. The chemical composition and presence of hydroxyapatite (HA), CaTiO3, and CaO mineral phases can be effectively controlled by the process parameters. At higher DC biases, the ratio [Ca]/[P] and the amount of CaO increase, whereas the HA content decreases. Optical emission spectroscopy suggests that CaO+ is the dominant species that responds to negative DC bias and controls calcium content. Biocompatibility tests in simulated body fluid confirm a positive biomimetic response evidenced by in-growth of an apatite layer after 24 h of immersion.


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A new source of low-frequency (0.46 MHz) inductively coupled plasmas sustained by the internal planar "unidirectional" RF current driven through a specially designed internal antenna configuration has been developed. The experimental results of the investigation of the optical and global argon plasma parameters by the optical and Langmuir probes are presented. It is shown that the spatial profiles of the electron density, the effective electron temperature and plasma potential feature a great deal of the radial and axial uniformity compared with conventional sources of inductively coupled plasmas with external at coil configurations. The measurements also reveal a weak azimuthal dependence of the global plasma parameters at low values of the input RF power, which was earlier predicted theoretically. The azimuthal dependence of the global plasma parameters vanishes at high input RF powers. Moreover, under certain conditions, the plasma becomes unstable due to spontaneous transitions between low-density (electrostatic, E) and high-density (electromagnetic, H) operating modes. Excellent uniformity of high-density plasmas makes the plasma reactor promising for various plasma processing applications and surface engineering.


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Different aspects of the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of various carbon nanostructures in the ionized gas phase of high-density, low-temperature reactive plasmas of Ar+H2+CH4 gas mixtures are studied. The growth techniques, surface morphologies, densities and fluxes of major reactive species in the discharge, and effects of the transport of the plasma-grown nanoparticles through the near-substrate plasma sheath are examined. Possible growth precursors of the carbon nanostructures are also discussed. In particular, the experimental and numerical results indicate that it is likely that the aligned carbon nanotip structures are predominantly grown by the molecular and radical units, whereas the plasma-grown nanoparticles are crucial components of polymorphous carbon films.