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Methyl, methyl-d(3), and ethyl hydroperoxide anions (CH3OO-, CD3OO-, and CH3CH2OO-) have been prepared by deprotonation of their respective hydroperoxides in a stream of helium buffer, gas. Photodetachment with 364 nm (3.408 eV) radiation was used to measure the adiabatic electron affinities: EA[CH3OO, (X) over tilde (2)A"] = 1.161 +/- 0.005 eV, EA[CD3OO, (X) over tilde (2)A"] = 1.154 +/- 0.004 eV, and EA[CH3CH2OO, (X) over tilde (2)A"] = 1.186 +/- 0.004 eV. The photoelectron spectra yield values for the term energies: DeltaE((X) over tilde 2A"-(A) over tilde 2A')[CH3OO] = 0.914 +/- 0.005 eV, DeltaE((X) over tilde (2)A"-(A) over tilde 2A') [CD3OO] = 0.913 +/- 0.004 eV, and DeltaE((X) over tilde (2)A"-(A) over tilde (2)A')[CH3CH2OO] = 0.938 +/- 0.004 eV. A localized RO-O stretching mode was observed near 1100 cm(-1) for the ground state of all three radicals, and low-frequency R-O-O bending modes are also reported. Proton-transfer kinetics of the hydroperoxides have been measured in a tandem flowing afterglow-selected ion flow tube k(FA-SIFT) to determine the gas-phase acidity of the parent hydroperoxides: Delta (acid)G(298)(CH3OOH) = 367.6 +/- 0.7 kcal mol(-1), Delta (acid)G(298)(CD3OOH) = 367.9 +/- 0.9 kcal mol(-1), and Delta (acid)G(298)(CH3CH2OOH) = 363.9 +/- 2.0 kcal mol(-1). From these acidities we have derived the enthalpies of deprotonation: Delta H-acid(298)(CH3OOH) = 374.6 +/- 1.0 kcal mol(-1), Delta H-acid(298)(CD3OOH) = 374.9 +/- 1.1 kcal mol(-1), and Delta H-acid(298)(CH2CH3OOH) = 371.0 +/- 2.2 kcal mol(-1). Use of the negative-ion acidity/EA cycle provides the ROO-H bond enthalpies: DH298(CH3OO-H) 87.8 +/- 1.0 kcal mol(-1), DH298(CD3OO-H) = 87.9 +/- 1.1 kcal mol(-1), and DH298(CH3CH2OO-H) = 84.8 +/- 2.2 kcal mol(-1). We review the thermochemistry of the peroxyl radicals, CH3OO and CH3CH2OO. Using experimental bond enthalpies, DH298(ROO-H), and CBS/APNO ab initio electronic structure calculations for the energies of the corresponding hydroperoxides, we derive the heats of formation of the peroxyl radicals. The "electron affinity/acidity/CBS" cycle yields Delta H-f(298)[CH3OO] = 4.8 +/- 1.2 kcal mol(-1) and Delta H-f(298)[CH3CH2OO] = -6.8 +/- 2.3 kcal mol(-1).


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A novel, highly selective resonance light scattering (RLS) method was researched and developed for the analysis of phenol in different types of industrial water. An important aspect of the method involved the use of graphene quantum dots (GQDs), which were initially obtained from the pyrolysis of citric acid dissolved in aqueous solutions. The GQDs in the presence of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and H2O2 were found to react quantitatively with phenol such that the RLS spectral band (310 nm) was quantitatively enhanced as a consequence of the interaction between the GQDs and the quinone formed in the above reaction. It was demonstrated that the novel analytical method had better selectivity and sensitivity for the determination of phenol in water as compared to other analytical methods found in the literature. Thus, trace amounts of phenol were detected over the linear ranges of 6.00×10−8–2.16×10−6 M and 2.40×10−6–2.88×10−5 M with a detection limit of 2.20×10−8 M. In addition, three different spiked waste water samples and two untreated lake water samples were analysed for phenol. Satisfactory results were obtained with the use of the novel, sensitive and rapid RLS method.


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The radiation chemistry and the grafting of a fluoropolymer, poly(tetrafluoroethylene-coperfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA), was investigated with the aim of developing a highly stable grafted support for use in solid phase organic chemistry (SPOC). A radiation-induced grafting method was used whereby the PFA was exposed to ionizing radiation to form free radicals capable of initiating graft copolymerization of styrene. To fully investigate this process, both the radiation chemistry of PFA and the grafting of styrene to PFA were examined. Radiation alone was found to have a detrimental effect on PFA when irradiated at 303 K. This was evident from the loss in the mechanical properties due to chain scission reactions. This meant that when radiation was used for the grafting reactions, the total radiation dose needed to be kept as low as possible. The radicals produced when PFA was exposed to radiation were examined using electron spin resonance spectroscopy. Both main-chain (–CF2–C.F–CF2-) and end-chain (–CF2–C.F2) radicals were identified. The stability of the majority of the main-chain radicals when the polymer was heated above the glass transition temperature suggested that they were present mainly in the crystalline regions of the polymer, while the end-chain radicals were predominately located in the amorphous regions. The radical yield at 77 K was lower than the radical yield at 303 K suggesting that cage recombination at low temperatures inhibited free radicals from stabilizing. High-speed MAS 19F NMR was used to identify the non-volatile products after irradiation of PFA over a wide temperature range. The major products observed over the irradiation temperature 303 to 633 K included new saturated chain ends, short fluoromethyl side chains in both the amorphous and crystalline regions, and long branch points. The proportion of the radiolytic products shifted from mainly chain scission products at low irradiation temperatures to extensive branching at higher irradiation temperatures. Calculations of G values revealed that net crosslinking only occurred when PFA was irradiated in the melt. Minor products after irradiation at elevated temperatures included internal and terminal double bonds and CF3 groups adjacent to double bonds. The volatile products after irradiation at 303 K included tetrafluoromethane (CF4) and oxygen-containing species from loss of the perfluoropropyl ether side chains of PFA as identified by mass spectrometry and FTIR spectroscopy. The chemical changes induced by radiation exposure were accompanied by changes in the thermal properties of the polymer. Changes in the crystallinity and thermal stability of PFA after irradiation were examined using DSC and TGA techniques. The equilibrium melting temperature of untreated PFA was 599 K as determined using a method of extrapolation of the melting temperatures of imperfectly formed crystals. After low temperature irradiation, radiation- induced crystallization was prevalent due to scission of strained tie molecules, loss of perfluoropropyl ether side chains, and lowering of the molecular weight which promoted chain alignment and hence higher crystallinity. After irradiation at high temperatures, the presence of short and long branches hindered crystallization, lowering the overall crystallinity. The thermal stability of the PFA decreased with increasing radiation dose and temperature due to the introduction of defect groups. Styrene was graft copolymerized to PFA using -radiation as the initiation source with the aim of preparing a graft copolymer suitable as a support for SPOC. Various grafting conditions were studied, such as the total dose, dose rate, solvent effects and addition of nitroxides to create “living” graft chains. The effect of dose rate was examined when grafting styrene vapour to PFA using the simultaneous grafting method. The initial rate of grafting was found to be independent of the dose rate which implied that the reaction was diffusion controlled. When the styrene was dissolved in various solvents for the grafting reaction, the graft yield was strongly dependent of the type and concentration of the solvent used. The greatest graft yield was observed when the solvent swelled the grafted layers and the substrate. Microprobe Raman spectroscopy was used to map the penetration of the graft into the substrate. The grafted layer was found to contain both poly(styrene) (PS) and PFA and became thicker with increasing radiation dose and graft yield which showed that grafting began at the surface and progressively penetrated the substrate as the grafted layer was swollen. The molecular weight of the grafted PS was estimated by measuring the molecular weight of the non-covalently bonded homopolymer formed in the grafted layers using SEC. The molecular weight of the occluded homopolymer was an order of magnitude greater than the free homopolymer formed in the surrounding solution suggesting that the high viscosity in the grafted regions led to long PS grafts. When a nitroxide mediated free radical polymerization was used, grafting occurred within the substrate and not on the surface due to diffusion of styrene into the substrate at the high temperatures needed for the reaction to proceed. Loading tests were used to measure the capacity of the PS graft to be functionialized with aminomethyl groups then further derivatized. These loading tests showed that samples grafted in a solution of styrene and methanol had superior loading capacity over samples graft using other solvents due to the shallow penetration and hence better accessibility of the graft when methanol was used as a solvent.


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A series of porphyrins substituted in one or two meso-positions by diphenylphosphine oxide groups has been prepared by the palladium catalysed reaction of diphenylphosphine or its oxide with the corresponding bromoporphyrins. Compounds {MDPP-[P(O)Ph2]n} (M = H2, Ni, Zn; H2DPP = 5,15-diphenylporphyrin; n = 1, 2) were isolated in yields of 60-95%. The reaction is believed to proceed via the conventional oxidative addition, phosphination and reductive elimination steps, as the stoichiometric reaction of η1-palladio(II) porphyrin [PdBr(H2DPP)(dppe)] (H2DPP = 5,15-diphenylporphyrin; dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane) with diphenylphosphine oxide also results in the desired mono-porphyrinylphosphine oxide [H2DPP-P(O)Ph2]. Attempts to isolate the tertiary phosphines failed due to their extreme air-sensitivity. Variable temperature 1H NMR studies of [H2DPP-P(O)Ph2] revealed an intrinsic lack of symmetry, while fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the phosphine oxide group does not behave as a "heavy atom" quencher. The electron withdrawing effect of the phosphine oxide group was confirmed by voltammetry. The ligands were characterised by multinuclear NMR and UV-visible spectroscopy as well as mass spectrometry. Single crystal X-ray crystallography showed that the bis(phosphine oxide) nickel(II) complex {[NiDPP-[P(O)Ph2]2} is monomeric in the solid state, with a ruffled porphyrin core and the two P=O fragments on the same side of the average plane of the molecule. On the other hand, the corresponding zinc(II) complex formed infinite chains through coordination of one Ph2PO substituent to the neighbouring zinc porphyrin through an almost linear P=O---Zn unit, leaving the other Ph2PO group facing into a parallel channel filled with disordered water molecules. These new phosphine oxides are attractive ligands for supramolecular porphyrin chemistry.


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Scientific visualisations such as computer-based animations and simulations are increasingly a feature of high school science instruction. Visualisations are adopted enthusiastically by teachers and embraced by students, and there is good evidence that they are popular and well received. There is limited evidence, however, of how effective they are in enabling students to learn key scientific concepts. This paper reports the results of a quantitative study conducted in Australian physics and chemistry classrooms. In general there was no statistically significant difference between teaching with and without visualisations, however there were intriguing differences around student sex and academic ability.


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The controversy on how to interpret the ages of lunar highland breccias has recently been discussed by James [1]. Are the measured ages testimony of true events in lunar history; do they represent the age of the ancient crustal rocks, mixed ages of unequilibrated matrix-phenocryst relationships, or merely thermal events subsequent to the formational event ? It is certain from analyses of terrestrial impact melt breccias that the melt matrix of whole impact melt sheets is isotopically equilibrated due to the extensive mixing process of the early cratering stage [2,3]. It has been shown that isotopic equilibration takes place between impact melt matrix and target rock clasts therein, with the intensity of isotopic exchange depending on the degree of shock metamorphism, thermal metamorphism and the size of the clasts [4]. Therefore, impact melt breccias - if they are relatively clast-poor and mineralogically well studied - can be considered to be the most reliable source for information on the impact history of the lunar highland.


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The last few years have brought an increasing interest in the chemistry of rite interstellar and circumstellar environs. Many of the molecular species discovered in remote galactic regions have been dubbed 'non-terrestrial' because of their unique structures (Thaddeus et al, 1993). These findings have provided a challenge to chemists in many differing fields to attempt to generate these unusual species in the laboratory of particular recent interest have been the unsaturated hydrocarbon families, CnH and CnH2, which have been pursued by a number of diverse methodologies. A wine range of heterocumulenes, including CnO, HCnO, CnN, HCnN, CnS, HCnS, CnSi and HCnSi have also provided intriguing targets for laboratory experiments. Strictly the term cumulene refers to a class of compounds that possess a series of adjacent double bonds, with allene representing the simplest example (H2C=C=CH2). However for many of the non-terrestrial molecules presented here, the carbon chain cannot be described in terms of a single simple valence structure, and so we use the terms cumulene and heterocumulene in a more general sense: to describe molecular species that contain an unsaturated polycarbon chain. Mass spectrometry has proved an invaluable tool in the quest for interstellar cumulenes and heterocumulenes in the laboratory it has the ability in its many forms, to (i) generate charged analogs of these species in the gas phase, (ii) probe their connectivity, ion chemistry, and thermochemistry, and (iii) in some cases, elucidate the neutrals themselves. Here, we will discuss the progress of these studies to this time. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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We have investigated the gas-phase reaction of the alpha-aminoacetate (glycyl) radical anion (NH2(sic)CHCO2-) with O-2 using ion trap mass spectrometry, quantum chemistry, and statistical reaction rate theory. This radical is found to undergo a remarkably rapid reaction with O-2 to form the hydroperoxyl radical (HO2(sic)) and an even-electron imine (NHCHCO2-), with experiments and master equation simulations revealing that reaction proceeds at the ion molecule collision rate. This reaction is facilitated by a low-energy concerted HO2(sic) elimination mechanism in the NH2CH(OO(sic))CO2- peroxyl radical. These findings can explain the widely observed free-radical-mediated oxidation of simple amino acids to amides plus alpha-keto acids (their imine hydrolysis products). This work also suggests that imines will be the main intermediates in the atmospheric oxidation of primary and secondary amines, including amine carbon capture solvents such as 2-aminoethanol (commonly known as monoethanolamine, or MEA), in a process that avoids the ozone-promoting conversion of (sic)NO to (sic)NO2 commonly encountered in peroxyl radical chemistry.


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The development, operation, and applications of two configurations of an integrated plasma-aided nanofabrication facility (IPANF) comprising low-frequency inductively coupled plasma-assisted, low-pressure, multiple-target RF magnetron sputtering plasma source, are reported. The two configurations of the plasma source have different arrangements of the RF inductive coil: a conventional external flat spiral "pancake" coil and an in-house developed internal antenna comprising two orthogonal RF current sheets. The internal antenna configuration generates a "unidirectional" RF current that deeply penetrates into the plasma bulk and results in an excellent uniformity of the plasma over large areas and volumes. The IPANF has been employed for various applications, including low-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of vertically aligned single-crystalline carbon nanotips, growth of ultra-high aspect ratio semiconductor nanowires, assembly of optoelectronically important Si, SiC, and Al1-xInxN quantum dots, and plasma-based synthesis of bioactive hydroxyapatite for orthopedic implants.


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The influence of graphene oxide (GO) and its surface oxidized debris (OD) on the cure chemistry of an amine cured epoxy resin has been investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared Emission Spectroscopy (FT-IES) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Spectral analysis of IR radiation emitted at the cure temperature from thin films of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A epoxy resin (DGEBA) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) curing agent with and without GO allowed the cure kinetics of the interphase between the bulk resin and GO to be monitored in real time, by measuring both the consumption of primary (1°) amine and epoxy groups, formation of ether groups as well as computing the profiles for formation of secondary (2°) and tertiary (3°) amines. OD was isolated from as-produced GO (aGO) by a simple autoclave method to give OD-free autoclaved GO (acGO). It has been found that the presence of OD on the GO prevents active sites on GO surfaces fully catalysing and participating in the reaction of DGEBA with DDM, which results in slower reaction and a lower crosslink density of the three-dimensional networks in the aGO-resin interphase compared to the acGO-resin interphase. We also determined that OD itself promoted DGEBA homopolymerization. A DSC study further confirmed that the aGO nanocomposite exhibited lower Tg while acGO nanocomposite showed higher Tg compared to neat resin because of the difference in crosslink densities of the matrix around the different GOs.


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J.W.Lindt’s Colonial man and Aborigine image from the GRAFTON ALBUM: “On chemistry and optics all does not depend, art must with these in triple union blend” (text from J.W. Lindt’s photographic backing card) In this paper, I follow an argument that Lindt held a position in his particular colonial environment where he was simultaneously both an insider and an outsider and that such a position may be considered prerequisite in stimulating exchange. A study of the transition of J.W. Lindt in Grafton, N.S.W. in the 1860s from a traveller to a migrant and subsequently to a professional photographer, as well as Lindt’s photographic career, which evolved through strategic action and technical approaches to photography, bears witness to his cultural relativity. One untitled photograph from this period of work constructs a unique commentary of Australian colonial life that illustrates a non-hegemonic position, particularly as it was included in one of the first albums of photographs of Aborigines that Lindt gifted to an illustrious person (in this case the Mayor of Grafton). As in his other studio constructions, props and backdrops were arranged and sitters were positioned with care, but this photograph is the only one in the album that includes a non-Aborigine in a relationship to an Aborigine. An analysis of the props, technical details of the album and the image suggests a reconciliatory aspect that thwarts the predominant attitudes towards Aborigines in the area at that time.


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Recent controversy on the quantum dots dephasing mechanisms (between pure and inelastic) is re-examined by isolating the quantum dots from their substrate by using the appropriate limits of the ionization energy theory and the quantum adiabatic theorem. When the phonons in the quantum dots are isolated adiabatically from the phonons in the substrate, the elastic or pure dephasing becomes the dominant mechanism. On the other hand, for the case where the phonons from the substrate are non-adiabatically coupled to the quantum dots, the inelastic dephasing process takes over. This switch-over is due to different elemental composition in quantum dots as compared to its substrate. We also provide unambiguous analysis as to understand why GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots may only have pure dephasing while InAs/GaAs quantum dots give rise to the inelastic dephasing as the dominant mechanism. It is shown that the elemental composition plays an important role (of both quantum dots and substrate) in evaluating the dephasing mechanisms of quantum dots.


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This thesis studied cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide quantum dots and their performance as light absorbers in quantum dot-sensitised solar cells. This research has made contributions to the understanding of size dependent photodegradation, passivation and particle growth mechanism of cadmium sulfide quantum dots using SILAR method and the role of ZnSe shell coatings on solar cell performance improvement.


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Many current chemistry programs privilege de-contextualised conceptual learning, often limited by a narrow selection of pedagogies that too often ignore the realities of studentse own lives and interests (e.g., Tytler, 2007). One new approach that offers hope for improving studentse engagement in learning chemistry and perceived relevance of chemistry is the context-based approach. This study investigated how teaching and learning occurred in one year 11 context-based chemistry classroom. Through an interpretive methodology using a case study design, the teaching and learning that occurred during one term (ten weeks) of a unit on Water Quality are described. The researcher was a participant observer in the study who co-designed the unit of work with the teacher. The research questions explored the structure and implementation of the context-based approach, the circumstances by which students connected concepts and context in the context-based classroom and the outcome of the approach for the students and the teacher. A dialectical sociocultural theoretical framework using the dialectics of structure | agency and agency | passivity was used as a lens to explore the interactions between learners in different fields, such as the field of the classroom and the field of the local community. The findings of this study highlight the difficulties teachers face when implementing a new pedagogical approach. Time constraints and opportunities for students to demonstrate a level of conceptual understanding that satisfied the teacher, hindered a full implementation of the approach. The study found that for high (above average) and sound (average) achieving students, connections between sanctioned science content of school curriculum and the studentse out-of-school worlds were realised when students actively engaged in fields that contextualised inquiry and gave them purpose for learning. Fluid transitions or the toing and froing between concepts and contexts occurred when structures in the classroom afforded students the agency to connect concepts and contexts. The implications for teaching by a context-based approach suggest that keeping the context central, by teaching content on a "need-to-know" basis, contextualises the chemistry for students. Also, if teachers provide opportunities for student-student interactions and written work student learning can improve.