25 resultados para Organozinc reagent

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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The presence of colour in raw sugar plays a key role in the marketing strategy of the Australian raw sugar industry. Some sugars are relatively difficult to decolourise during refining and develop colour during storage. A new approach that might result in efficient and cost-effective colour removal during the sugar manufacturing process is the use of an advanced oxidation process (AOP), known as Fenton oxidation, that is, catalytic production of hydroxyl radicals from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using ferrous iron. As a first step towards developing this technology, this study determined the composition of colour precursors present in the juice of cane harvested by three different methods. The methods were harvesting cane after burning, harvesting the whole crop with half of the trash extracted and harvesting the whole crop with no trash extracted. The study also investigated the degradation at pH 3, 4 and 5 of a phenolic compound, caffeic acid (3,4–dihydroxycinnamic acid), which is present in sugar cane juice, using both hydrogen peroxide and Fenton’s reagent. The results show that juice expressed from whole crop cane has significantly higher colour than juices expressed from burnt cane. However, the concentrations of phenolic acids were lower in the juices expressed from whole crop cane. The main phenolic acids present in these juices were p-coumaric, vanillic, 2,3–dihydroxybenzoic, gallic and 3,4–dihydroxybenzoic acids. The degradation of caffeic acid significantly improved using Fenton’s reagent in comparison to hydrogen peroxide alone. The Fenton oxidation was optimum at pH 5 when up to ~86 % of caffeic acid degraded within 5 min.


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The presence of colour in raw sugar plays a key role in the marketing strategy of the Australian raw sugar industry. Some sugars are relatively difficult to decolourise during refining and develop colour during storage. A new approach that might result in efficient and cost-effective colour removal during the sugar manufacturing process is the use of an advanced oxidation process (AOP), known as Fenton oxidation, that is, catalytic production of hydroxyl radicals from the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide using ferrous iron. As a first step towards developing this technology, this study determined the composition of colour precursors present in the juice of cane harvested by three different methods. The methods were harvesting cane after burning, harvesting the whole crop with half of the trash extracted and harvesting the whole crop with no trash extracted. The study also investigated the degradation at pH 3, 4 and 5 of a phenolic compound, caffeic acid (3,4–dihydroxycinnamic acid), which is present in sugar cane juice, using both hydrogen peroxide and Fenton’s reagent. The results show that juice expressed from whole crop cane has significantly higher colour than juices expressed from burnt cane. However, the concentrations of phenolic acids were lower in the juices expressed from whole crop cane. The main phenolic acids present in these juices were p-coumaric, vanillic, 2,3–dihydroxybenzoic, gallic and 3,4–dihydroxybenzoic acids. The degradation of caffeic acid significantly improved using Fenton’s reagent in comparison to hydrogen peroxide alone. The Fenton oxidation was optimum at pH 5 when up to ~86% of caffeic acid degraded within 5 min.


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This is the first report of an antibody-fusion protein expressed in transgenic plants for direct use in a medical diagnostic assay. By the use of gene constructs with appropriate promoters, high level expression of an anti-glycophorin single-chain antibody fused to an epitope of the HIV virus was obtained in the leaves and stems of tobacco, tubers of potato and seed of barley. This fusion protein replaces the SimpliRED™ diagnostic reagent, used for detecting the presence of HIV-1 antibodies in human blood. The reagent is expensive and laborious to produce by conventional means since chemical modifications to a monoclonal antibody are required. The plant-produced fusion protein was fully functional (by ELISA) in crude extracts and, for tobacco at least, could be used without further purification in the HIV agglutination assay. All three crop species produced sufficient reagent levels to be superior bioreactors to bacteria or mice, however barley grain was the most attractive bioreactor as it expressed the highest level (150 μg of reagent g-1), is inexpensive to produce and harvest, poses a minuscule gene flow problem in the field, and the activity of the reagent is largely undiminished in stored grain. This work suggests that barley seed will be an ideal factory for the production of antibodies, diagnostic immunoreagents, vaccines and other pharmaceutical proteins.


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The thermal behaviour of halloysite fully expanded with hydrazine-hydrate has been investigated in nitrogen atmosphere under dynamic heating and at a constant, pre-set decomposition rate of 0.15 mg min-1. Under controlled-rate thermal analysis (CRTA) conditions it was possible to resolve the closely overlapping decomposition stages and to distinguish between adsorbed and bonded reagent. Three types of bonded reagent could be identified. The loosely bonded reagent amounting to 0.20 mol hydrazine-hydrate per mol inner surface hydroxyl is connected to the internal and external surfaces of the expanded mineral and is present as a space filler between the sheets of the delaminated mineral. The strongly bonded (intercalated) hydrazine-hydrate is connected to the kaolinite inner surface OH groups by the formation of hydrogen bonds. Based on the thermoanalytical results two different types of bonded reagent could be distinguished in the complex. Type 1 reagent (approx. 0.06 mol hydrazine-hydrate/mol inner surface OH) is liberated between 77 and 103°C. Type 2 reagent is lost between 103 and 227°C, corresponding to a quantity of 0.36 mol hydrazine/mol inner surface OH. When heating the complex to 77°C under CRTA conditions a new reflection appears in the XRD pattern with a d-value of 9.6 Å, in addition to the 10.2 Ĺ reflection. This new reflection disappears in contact with moist air and the complex re-expands to the original d-value of 10.2 Å in a few h. The appearance of the 9.6 Å reflection is interpreted as the expansion of kaolinite with hydrazine alone, while the 10.2 Å one is due to expansion with hydrazine-hydrate. FTIR (DRIFT) spectroscopic results showed that the treated mineral after intercalation/deintercalation and heat treatment to 300°C is slightly more ordered than the original (untreated) clay.


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There is an urgent need to develop safe, effective, dual-purpose contraceptive agents that combine the prevention of pregnancy with protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Here we report the identification of a group of compounds that on contact with human spermatozoa induce a state of “spermostasis,” characterized by the extremely rapid inhibition of sperm movement without compromising cell viability. These spermostatic agents were more active and significantly less toxic than the reagent in current clinical use, nonoxynol 9, giving therapeutic indices (ratio of spermostatic to cytotoxic activity) that were orders of magnitude greater than this traditional spermicide. Although certain compounds could trigger reactive oxygen species generation by spermatozoa, this activity was not correlated with spermostasis. Rather, the latter was associated with alkylation of two major sperm tail proteins that were identified as A Kinase-Anchoring Proteins (AKAP3 and AKAP4) by mass spectrometry. As a consequence of disrupted AKAP function, the abilities of cAMP to drive protein kinase A-dependent activities in the sperm tail, such as the activation of SRC and the consequent stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation, were suppressed. Furthermore, analysis of microbicidal activity using Chlamydia muridarum revealed powerful inhibitory effects at the same low micromolar doses that suppressed sperm movement. In this case, the microbicidal action was associated with alkylation of Major Outer Membrane Protein (MOMP), a major chlamydial membrane protein. Taken together, these results have identified for the first time a novel set of cellular targets and chemical principles capable of providing simultaneous defense against both fertility and the spread of sexually transmitted disease.


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Stimulated by the efficacy of copper (I) catalysed Huisgen-type 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of terminal alkynes and organic azides to generate 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole derivatives, the importance of ‘click’ chemistry in the synthesis of organic and biological molecular systems is ever increasing.[1] The mild reaction conditions have also led to this reaction gaining favour in the construction of interlocked molecular architectures.[2-4] In the majority of cases however, the triazole group simply serves as a covalent linkage with no function in the resulting organic molecular framework. More recently a renewed interest has been shown in the transition metal coordination chemistry of triazole ligands.[3, 5, 6] In addition novel aryl macrocyclic and acyclic triazole based oligomers have been shown to recognise halide anions via cooperative triazole C5-H….anion hydrogen bonds.[7] In light of this it is surprising the potential anion binding affinity of the positively charged triazolium motif has not, with one notable exception,[8] been investigated. With the objective of manipulating the unique topological cavities of mechanically bonded molecules for anion recognition purposes, we have developed general methods of using anions to template the formation of interpenetrated and interlocked structures.[9-13] Herein we report the first examples of exploiting the 1,2,3-triazolium group in the anion templated formation of pseudorotaxane and rotaxane assemblies. In an unprecedented discovery the bromide anion is shown to be a superior templating reagent to chloride in the synthesis of a novel triazolium axle containing [2]rotaxane. Furthermore the resulting rotaxane interlocked host system exhibits the rare selectivity preference for bromide over chloride...


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We report on the use of the hydrogen bond accepting properties of neutral nitrone moieties to prepare benzylic-amide-macrocycle-containing [2]rotaxanes in yields as high as 70 %. X-Ray crystallography shows the presence of up to four intercomponent hydrogen bonds between the amide groups of the macrocycle and the two nitrone groups of the thread. Dynamic 1H NMR studies of the rates of macrocycle pirouetting in nonpolar solutions indicate that amide-nitrone hydrogen bonds are particularly strong, ~1.3 and ~0.2 kcal mol-1 stronger than similar amide-ester and amide-amide interactions, respectively. In addition to polarizing the N-O bond through hydrogen bonding, the rotaxane structure affects the chemistry of the nitrone groups in two significant ways: The intercomponent hydrogen bonding activates the nitrone groups to electrochemical reduction, a one electron reduction of the rotaxane being stablized by a remarkable 400 mV (8.1 kcal mol-1) with respect to the same process in the thread; encapsulation, however, protects the same functional groups from chemical reduction with an external reagent (and slows down electron transfer to and from the electroactive groups in cyclicvoltammetry experiments). Mechanical interlocking with a hydrogen bonding molecular sheath thus provides a route to an encapsulated polarized functional group and radical anions of significant kinetic and thermodynamic stability.


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The preparation of a series of nickel dichloride complexes with bulky diphosphinomethane chelate ligands R2PCH2PR′2 is reported. Reaction with the appropriate Grignard reagent leads to the corresponding dimethyl and dibenzyl complexes. Cationic monomethyl and mono-η3-benzyl complexes are generated from these dialkyl complexes by protonation with [H(OEt2)2]+[B(3,5-(CF3)2C6H3)4]−, while the complex [(dtbpm κ2P)Ni(η3-CH(CH2Ph)Ph]+[B(3,5-(CF3)2C6H3)4]−is obtained from protonation of the Ni(0) olefin complex (dtbpm-κ2P)N(η2-trans-stilbene). Crystal structures of examples of dichlorides, dimethyl, dibenzyl, cationic methyl, and cationic η3-benzyl complexes are reported. Solutions of the cations polymerize ethylene under mild conditions and without the necessity of an activating agent, to form polyethylene having high molecular weights and low degrees of chain branching. In comparison to the Ni methyl cations, the η3-benzyl cation complexes are more stable and somewhat less active but still very efficient in C2H4 polymerization. The effect on the resulting polyethylene of varying the substituents R, R′ on the phosphine ligand has been examined, and a clear trend for longer chain PE with less branching in the presence of more bulky substituents on the diphosphine has been found. Density functional calculations have been used to examine the rapid suprafacial η3 to η3 haptotropic shift processes of the[(R2PCH2PR′2)Ni] fragment and the η3−η1 change of the coordination mode of the benzyl group required for polymerization in those cations.


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Zeolite N, an EDI type framework structure with ideal chemical formula K12Al10Si10O40Cl2•5H2O, was produced from kaolin between 100oC and 200oC in a continuously stirred reactor using potassic and potassic+sodic liquors containing a range of anions. Reactions using liquors such as KOH, KOH + KX (where X = F, Cl, Br, I, NO3, NO2), K2X (where X=CO3), KOH + NaCl or NaOH + KCl were complete (>95% product) in less than two hours depending on the batch composition and temperature of reaction. With KOH and KCl in the reaction mixture and H2O/Al2O3~49, zeolite N was formed over a range of concentrations (1M < [KOH] < 18M) and reaction times (0.5h < t < 60h). At higher temperatures or higher KOH molarity, other potassic phases such as kalsilite or kaliophyllite formed. In general, temperature and KOH molarity defined the extent of zeolite N formation under these conditions. The introduction of sodic reagents to the starting mixture or use of one potassic reagent in the starting mixture reduced the stability field for zeolite N formation. Zeolite N was also formed using zeolite 4A as a source of Al and Si albeit for longer reaction times at a particular temperature when compared with kaolin as the source material.


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Purpose: Myopia is a common eye disorder affecting up to 90% of children in South East Asia and 30% of the population worldwide. Myopia of high severity is a leading cause of blindness around the world (4th to 5th most common). Changes and remodelling of the sclera i.e. increase cellular proliferation & increase protein synthesis within scleral cells (↑ scleral DNA) and thinning and lose of extracellular matrix of sclera (↓ scleral GAG synthesis) have been linked to myopic eye growth in animal models. Signals acting on the sclera are thought to originate in the retina, and are modulated by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) with limited evidence suggesting that the RPE can modify scleral cell growth in culture. However, the mechanism of retinal signal transmission and the role of posterior eye cup tissue, including the RPE, in mediating changes in scleral fibroblast growth during myopia development are unclear. Retinal transmitter systems are critically involved in pathways regulating eye growth, which ultimately lead to alterations in the sclera if eye size is to change. A dopaminergic agonist and muscarinic antagonists decrease the proliferation of scleral chondrocytes when co-cultured with chick’s retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). GABA receptors have recently been localised to chick sclera. We therefore hypothesised that posterior eye cup tissue from myopic eyes would stimulate and from hyperopic eyes would inhibit growth of scleral fibroblasts in vitro and that GABAergic agents could directly interact with scleral cells or indirectly modify the effects of myopic and hyperopic posterior eye cup tissue on scleral fibroblast growth. Method: Fibroblastic cells obtained from 8-day-old chick sclera were used to establish cell banks. Two major experiments were performed. Experiment 1: To determine if posterior eye cup tissues from myopic eye stimulates and hyperopic eye inhibits scleral cell proliferation, when co-cultured with scleral cells in vitro. This study comprised two linked experiments, i) monocular visual treatments of FDM (form-deprivation myopia), LIM (lens-induced myopia) and LIH (lens-induced hyperopia) with assessment of the effect of full punch eye cup tissue on DNA and GAG synthesis by cultured chick scleral fibroblasts, and ii) binocular visual treatments comprising LIM and LIH with assessment of the effect of individual layers of eye cup tissues (neural retina, RPE and choroid) on cultured chick scleral fibroblasts. Visual treatment was applied for 3 days. Experiment 2: To determine the direct interaction of GABA agents on scleral cell growth and to establish whether GABA agents modify the stimulatory/inhibitory effect of myopic and hyperopic posterior eye cup tissues on cultured scleral cell growth in vitro. Two linked experiments were performed. i) GABA agonists (muscimol and baclofen) and GABA antagonists (bicuculine (-), CGP46381 and TPMPA) were added to scleral cell culture medium to determine their direct effect on scleral cells. ii) GABAergic agents (agonists and antagonists) were administered to scleral fibroblasts co-cultured with posterior eye cup tissue (retina, RPE, retina/RPE, RPE/choroid). Ocular tissues were obtained from chick eyes wearing +15D (LIH) or -15D lenses (LIM) for 3 days. In both experiments, tissues were added to hanging cell culture insert (pore size 1.0ìm) placed over each well of 24 well plates while scleral cells were cultured in DMEM/F12, Glutamax (Gibco) plus 10% FBS and penicillin/streptomycin (50U/ml)) and fungizone (1.25ug/ml) (Gibco), at seeding density of 30,000 cells/well at the bottom of the well and allowed to grow for 3 days. Scleral cells proliferation rate throughout the study was evaluated by determining GAG and DNA content of scleral cells using Dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) dye and Quant-iTTm Pico Green® dsDNA reagent respectively. Results and analysis: Based on DNA and GAG content, there was no significant difference in tissue effect of LIM and LIH eyes on scleral fibroblast growth (DNA: 8.4 ± 1.1μg versus 9.3 ± 2.3 μg, p=0.23; GAG: 10.13 ± 1.4 μg versus 12.67 ± 1.2 μg, F2,23=6.16, p=0.0005) when tissues were obtained from monocularly treated chick eyes (FDM or +15D lens or -15D lens over right eyes with left eyes untreated) and co-cultured as full punch. When chick eyes were treated binocularly with -15D lens (LIM) right eye and +15D lens (LIH) left eyes and tissue layers were separated, the retina from LIM eyes did not stimulate scleral cell proliferation compared to LIH eyes (DNA: 27.2 ± 6.7 μg versus 23.2 ± 1.5 μg, p=0.23; GAG: 28.1 ±3.7 μg versus 28.7 ± 4.2 μg, p=0.21). Similarly, the LIH and LIM choroid did not produce a differential effect based on DNA (LIM 46.9 ± 6.4 μg versus LIH 53.5 ± 4.7 μg, p=0.18), however the choroid from LIH eyes induced higher scleral GAG content than from LIM eyes (32.5 ± 6.7 μg versus 18.9 ± 1.2 μg, p=0.023). In contrast, the RPE from LIM eyes caused a significant increase in fibroblast proliferation whereas the RPE from LIH eyes was relatively inhibitory (72.4 ± 6.3 μg versus 27.9 ± 2.3 μg, F1, 6=69.99, p=0.0005). GAG data were opposite to DNA data e.g. the RPE from LIH eyes increased (33.7 ± 7.9 μg) while the RPE from LIM eyes decreased (28.2 ± 3.0 μg) scleral cell growth (F1, 6=13.99, p=0.010). Based on DNA content, GABA agents had a small direct effect on scleral cell growth; GABA agonists increased (21.4 ± 1.0% and 18.3 ± 1.0% with muscimol and baclofen, p=0.0021), whereas GABA antagonists decreased fibroblast proliferation (-23.7 ± 0.9% with bicuculine & CGP46381 and -28.1 ± 0.5% with TPMPA, p=0.0004). GABA agents also modified the effect of LIM and LIH tissues (p=0.0005).The increase in proliferation rate of scleral fibroblasts co-cultured with tissues (RPE, retina, RPE/retina and RPE/choroid) from LIM treated eyes was enhanced by GABA agonists (muscimol: 27.4 ± 1.2%, 35.8 ± 1.6%, 8.4 ± 0.3% and 11.9 ± 0.6%; baclofen: 27.0 ± 1.0%, 15.8 ± 1.5%, 16.8 ± 1.2% and 15.4 ± 0.4%, p=0.014) whereas GABA antagonists further reduced scleral fibroblasts growth (bicuculine: -52.5 ± 2.5%, -36.9 ± 1.4%, -37.5 ± 0.6% and -53.7 ± 0.9%; TPMPA: 57.3 ± 1.3%, -15.7 ± 1.2%, -33.5 ± 0.4% and -45.9 ± 1.5%; CGP46381: -51.9 ± 1.6%, -28.5 ± 1.5%, -25.4 ± 2.0% and -45.5 ± 1.9% respectively, p=0.0034). GAG data were opposite to DNA data throughout the experiment e.g. GABA agonists further inhibited while antagonists relatively enhanced scleral fibroblasts growth for both LIM and LIH tissue co-culture. The effect of GABA agents was relatively lower (p=0.0004) for tissue from LIH versus LIM eyes but was in a similar direction. There was a significant drug effect on all four tissue types e.g. RPE, retina, RPE/retina and RPE/choroid for both LIM and LIH tissue co-culture (F20,92=3.928, p=0.0005). However, the effect of GABA agents was greatest in co-culture with RPE tissue (F18,36=4.865, p=0.0005). Summary and Conclusion: 1) Retinal defocus signals are transferred to RPE and choroid which then exert their modifying effect on scleral GAG and DNA synthesis either through growth stimulating factors or directly interacting with scleral cells in process of scleral remodeling during LIM and LIH visual conditions. 2) GABAergic agents affect the proliferation of scleral fibroblasts both directly and when co-cultured with ocular tissues in vitro.


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Amorphous derivatives of kaolin group minerals characterized by high specific surfaces and/or high cation exchange capacities and a .sup.27 AL MAS NMR spectrum having a dominant peak at about 55 ppm relative to Al(H.sub.2 O).sub.6.sup.3+. Such derivatives are prepared by reacting a kaolin group mineral with a reagent, such as, an alkali metal halide or an ammonium halide which converts the majority of the octahedrally coordinated aluminum in the kaolin group mineral to tetrahedrally coordinated aluminum. Such derivatives show high selectivity in its cation exchange towards the metals: Pb.sup.2+, Cu.sup.2+, Cd.sup.2+, Ni.sup.2+, CO.sup.2+, Cr.sup.3+, Sr.sup.2-, Zn.sup.2+, Nd.sup.3+ and UO.sub.2.sup.+.


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A process for the preparation of a modified kaolin from a kaolin group mineral which includes expansion and contraction of layers of the kaolin group mineral. The layers comprising one Si-tetrahedral sheet and one Al-octahedral sheet. The expansion and contraction may be initiated by initial intercalation of a reagent which can penetrate kaolin layers to reach an interlayer region there between to form an intercalate. Subsequently, the intercalation may be followed by de-intercalation which involves the removal of the reagent. By the above process, there is provided crystalline modified kaolins having the following properties: (i) an increased interlayer space compared to corresponding kaolin group minerals; (ii) an increased susceptibility to intercalation by cations, anions or salts compared to corresponding kaolin group minerals; and (iii) an increased exfoliated morphology compared to corresponding kaolin group minerals.


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In this work, ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the structural and electronic properties of diazonium reagent functionalized (4, 4) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT). We find the aryl group covalently bonds with SWCNT and prefers to be perpendicular to the side wall of nanotube. It has a rotational barrier of 0.35 eV around the formed aryl-tube bond axis and should be thermodynamically stable at room temperature. Additionally, new peaks appeared around the Fermi energy in the density of state (DOS) due to the weak band dispersion. Increasing of the coverage of the functional group will result in significant upshift of the Fermi level.


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In this study, a tandem LC-MS (Waters Xevo TQ) MRM-based MS method was developed for rapid, broad profiling of hydrophilic metabolites from biological samples, in either positive or negative ion modes without the need for an ion pairing reagent, using a reversed-phase pentafluorophenylpropyl (PFPP) column. The developed method was successfully applied to analyze various biological samples from C57BL/6 mice, including urine, duodenum, liver, plasma, kidney, heart, and skeletal muscle. As result, a total 112 of hydrophilic metabolites were detected within 8 min of running time to obtain a metabolite profile of the biological samples. The analysis of this number of hydrophilic metabolites is significantly faster than previous studies. Classification separation for metabolites from different tissues was globally analyzed by PCA, PLS-DA and HCA biostatistical methods. Overall, most of the hydrophilic metabolites were found to have a "fingerprint" characteristic of tissue dependency. In general, a higher level of most metabolites was found in urine, duodenum, and kidney. Altogether, these results suggest that this method has potential application for targeted metabolomic analyzes of hydrophilic metabolites in a wide ranges of biological samples.


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Two native copper-containing amine oxidases (EC have been isolated from Rhodococcus opacus and reveal phenotypic plasticity and catalytic activity with respect to structurally diverse natural and synthetic amines. Altering the amine growth substrate has enabled tailored and targeted oxidase upreg-ulation, which with subsequent treatment by precipitation, ion exchange and gel filtration, achieved a 90–150 fold purification. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric and genomic analysis has indicated multiple gene activation with complex biodegradation pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Additional post-purification characterisation has drawn on the use of carbonyl reagent and chelating agent inhibitors. Michaelis–Menten kinetics for common aliphatic and aromatic amine substrates and several structural analogues demonstrated a broad specificity and high affinity with Michaelis constants (K M) ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 mM for C 1 –C 5 aliphatic mono-amines and <0.2 mM for a range of aromatic amines. Potential exploitation of the enzymatic versatility of the two isolated oxidases in biosensing and bioprocessing is discussed.