552 resultados para Non-pressure compensating

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Background: To compare the intraocular pressure readings obtained with the iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer with those measured by Goldmann applanation tonometry in treated glaucoma patients. Design: A prospective, cross sectional study was conducted in a private tertiary glaucoma clinic. Participants: 109 (54M:55F) patients including only eyes under medical treatment for glaucoma. Methods: Measurement by Goldmann applanation tonometry, iCare rebound tonometry and 7CR non-contact tonometry. Main Outcome Measures: Intraocular pressure. Results: There were strong correlations between the intraocular pressure measurements obtained with Goldmann and both the rebound and non-contact tonometers (Spearman r values ≥ 0.79, p < 0.001). However, there were small, statistically significant differences between the average readings for each tonometer. For the rebound tonometer, the mean intraocular pressure was slightly higher compared to the Goldmann applanation tonometer in the right eyes (p = 0.02), and similar in the left eyes (p = 0.93) however these differences did not reach statistical significance. The Goldmann correlated measurements from the noncontact tonometer were lower than the average Goldmann reading for both right (p < 0.001) and left (p > 0.01) eyes. The corneal compensated measurements from the non-contact tonometer were significantly higher compared to the other tonometers (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusions: The iCare rebound tonometer and the 7CR non-contact tonometer measure IOP in fundamentally different ways to the Goldmann applanation tonometer. The resulting IOP values vary between the instruments and will need to be considered when comparing clinical versus home acquired measurements.


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Nucleation and growth of highly crystalline silicon nanoparticles in atmospheric-pressure low-temperature microplasmas at gas temperatures well below the Si crystallization threshold and within a short (100 μs) period of time are demonstrated and explained. The modeling reveals that collision-enhanced ion fluxes can effectively increase the heat flux on the nanoparticle surface and this heating is controlled by the ion density. It is shown that nanoparticles can be heated to temperatures above the crystallization threshold. These combined experimental and theoretical results confirm the effective heating and structure control of Si nanoparticles at atmospheric pressure and low gas temperatures.


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Background The accurate measurement of Cardiac output (CO) is vital in guiding the treatment of critically ill patients. Invasive or minimally invasive measurement of CO is not without inherent risks to the patient. Skilled Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing staff are in an ideal position to assess changes in CO following therapeutic measures. The USCOM (Ultrasonic Cardiac Output Monitor) device is a non-invasive CO monitor whose clinical utility and ease of use requires testing. Objectives To compare cardiac output measurement using a non-invasive ultrasonic device (USCOM) operated by a non-echocardiograhically trained ICU Registered Nurse (RN), with the conventional pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) using both thermodilution and Fick methods. Design Prospective observational study. Setting and participants Between April 2006 and March 2007, we evaluated 30 spontaneously breathing patients requiring PAC for assessment of heart failure and/or pulmonary hypertension at a tertiary level cardiothoracic hospital. Methods SCOM CO was compared with thermodilution measurements via PAC and CO estimated using a modified Fick equation. This catheter was inserted by a medical officer, and all USCOM measurements by a senior ICU nurse. Mean values, bias and precision, and mean percentage difference between measures were determined to compare methods. The Intra-Class Correlation statistic was also used to assess agreement. The USCOM time to measure was recorded to assess the learning curve for USCOM use performed by an ICU RN and a line of best fit demonstrated to describe the operator learning curve. Results In 24 of 30 (80%) patients studied, CO measures were obtained. In 6 of 30 (20%) patients, an adequate USCOM signal was not achieved. The mean difference (±standard deviation) between USCOM and PAC, USCOM and Fick, and Fick and PAC CO were small, −0.34 ± 0.52 L/min, −0.33 ± 0.90 L/min and −0.25 ± 0.63 L/min respectively across a range of outputs from 2.6 L/min to 7.2 L/min. The percent limits of agreement (LOA) for all measures were −34.6% to 17.8% for USCOM and PAC, −49.8% to 34.1% for USCOM and Fick and −36.4% to 23.7% for PAC and Fick. Signal acquisition time reduced on average by 0.6 min per measure to less than 10 min at the end of the study. Conclusions In 80% of our cohort, USCOM, PAC and Fick measures of CO all showed clinically acceptable agreement and the learning curve for operation of the non-invasive USCOM device by an ICU RN was found to be satisfactorily short. Further work is required in patients receiving positive pressure ventilation.


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Aims: To investigate IOP measurements with the dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) and non contact tonometer (NCT) in subjects with keratoconus. Methods: Twenty keratoconic subjects and 20 age-matched control subjects had IOP measurements taken using DCT and NCT instruments. Central and offcentre measures were taken with the DCT in order to highlight any systematic errors associated with corneal biomechanical factors. Measures of anterior and posterior corneal topography and thickness were also taken for each subject. Results: No significant difference was found between the central and off-centre DCT IOP readings for the keratoconics and age-matched controls (p>0.05). The average DCT IOP for the keratoconics was 14.2 ± 1.4 mmHg and for the agematched controls was 14.2 ± 1.6 mmHg. However, the average NCT readings differed significantly (p<0.001) between the keratoconics (9.2 ± 1.5 mmHg) and age-matched controls (12.9 ± 2.4 mmHg). DCT IOP showed no significant (p>0.05) correlation with the severity of keratoconus, as determined through measures of corneal topography and thickness. NCT IOP was correlated significantly with certain measures of corneal curvature and thickness in the keratoconic population. The difference between DCT and NCT IOP was strongly correlated with measures of corneal topography and thickness, with differences increasing for more advanced keratoconus. Conclusions: The measurements from the DCT do not appear to be dependent upon corneal factors, unlike the NCT. The presence or severity of keratoconus was not correlated with DCT IOP values.


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Patent systems around the world are being pressed to recognise and protect challengingly new and exciting subject matter in order to keep pace with the rapid technological advancement of our age and the fact we are moving into the era of the ‘knowledge economy’. This rapid development and pressure to expand the bounds of what has traditionally been recognised as patentable subject matter has created uncertainty regarding what it is that the patent system is actually supposed to protect. Among other things, the patent system has had to contend with uncertainty surrounding claims to horticultural and agricultural methods, artificial living micro-organisms, methods of treating the human body, computer software and business methods. The contentious issue of the moment is one at whose heart lies the important distinction between what is a mere abstract idea and what is properly an invention deserving of the monopoly protection afforded by a patent. That question is whether purely intangible inventions, being methods that do not involve a physical aspect or effect or cause a physical transformation of matter, constitute patentable subject matter. This paper goes some way to addressing these uncertainties by considering how the Australian approach to the question can be informed by developments arising in the United States of America, and canvassing some of the possible lessons we in Australia might learn from the approaches taken thus far in the United States.


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Physiological pulsatile flow in a 3D model of arterial double stenosis, using the modified Power-law blood viscosity model, is investigated by applying Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique. The computational domain has been chosen is a simple channel with biological type stenoses. The physiological pulsation is generated at the inlet of the model using the first four harmonics of the Fourier series of the physiological pressure pulse. In LES, a top-hat spatial grid-filter is applied to the Navier-Stokes equations of motion to separate the large scale flows from the subgrid scale (SGS). The large scale flows are then resolved fully while the unresolved SGS motions are modelled using the localized dynamic model. The flow Reynolds numbers which are typical of those found in human large artery are chosen in the present work. Transitions to turbulent of the pulsatile non-Newtonian along with Newtonian flow in the post stenosis are examined through the mean velocity, wall shear stress, mean streamlines as well as turbulent kinetic energy and explained physically along with the relevant medical concerns.


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This paper reports on the development and implementation of a self-report risk assessment tool that was developed in an attempt to increase the efficacy of crash prediction within Australian fleet settings. This study forms a part of a broader program of research into work related road safety and identification of driving risk. The first phase of the study involved a series of focus groups being conducted with 217 professional drivers which revealed that the following factors were proposed to influence driving performance: Fatigue, Knowledge of risk, Mood, Impatience and frustration, Speed limits, Experience, Other road users, Passengers, Health, and Culture. The second phase of the study involved piloting the newly developed 38 item Driving Risk Assessment Scale - Work Version (DRAS-WV) with 546 professional drivers. Factor analytic techniques identified a 9 factor solution that was comprised of speeding, aggression, time pressure, distraction, casualness, awareness, maintenance, fatigue and minor damage. Speeding and aggressive driving manoeuvres were identified to be the most frequent aberrant driving behaviours engaged in by the sample. However, a series of logistic regression analyses undertaken to determine the DRAS-WV scale’s ability to predict self-reported crashes revealed limited predictive efficacy e.g., 10% of crashes. This paper outlines proposed reasons for this limited predictive ability of the DRAS-WV as well as provides suggestions regarding the future of research that aims to develop methods to identify “at risk” drivers.


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Past work has clearly demonstrated that numerous commonly used metallic materials will support burning in oxygen, especially at higher pressures. An approach to rectify this significant safety problem has been successfully developed and implemented by applying the concept of Situational Non-Flammability. This approach essentially removes or breaks one leg of the conceptual fire triangle, a tool commonly used to define the three things that are required to support burning; a fuel, an ignition source and an oxidizer. Since an oxidiser is always present in an oxygen system as are ignition sources, the concept of Situational Non-Flammability essentially removes the fuel leg of the fire triangle by only utilising materials that will not burn at the maximum pressure, for example, that the control valve is to be used in. The utilisation of this approach has lead to the development of a range of oxygen components that are practically unable to burn while in service at their design pressure thus providing an unparalleled level of first safety while not compromising on the performance or endurance required in the function of these components. This paper describes the concept of Situational Non-Flammability, how it was used to theoretically evaluate designs of components for oxygen service and the outcomes of the actual development, fabrication and finally utilisation of these components in real oxygen systems in a range of flow control devices.


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A recent cross-sectional study has demonstrated a significant association of the R1 RsaI restriction fragment length polymorphism of the insulin receptor gene (INSR) with human essential hypertension. In the present study, an alternative approach, involving linkage analysis, was carried out using 8 hypertensive families with 5 or more affected members. Five of the families were found to be informative and in one of these pedigrees a conclusion of non-linkage of INSR and hypertension could be made on the basis of an obligate recombinant in one generation which yielded a Lod score of - ∞ at a recombination fraction (θ) of zero. In another family, the largest studied, a positive Lod score was obtained at θ = 0, but this was below the level required for a conclusion of linkage. Lod score at θ = 0 for a marker at the insulin locus in this family was negative. The present study has thus demonstrated one pedigree in which hypertension is not linked to the insulin receptor locus.


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This research investigates the decision making process of individuals from revealed preferences in extreme environments or life-and-death situations, from a behavioral economics perspective. The empirical analysis of revealed behavioral preferences shows how the individual decision making process can deviate from the standard self-interested or “homo economicus” model in non-standard situations. The environments examined include: elite athletes in FIFA World and Euro Cups; climbing on Everest and the Himalaya; communication during 9/11 and risk seeking after the 2011 Brisbane floods. The results reveal that the interaction of culture and environment has a significant impact on the decision process, as social behaviors and institutions are intimately intertwined, which govern the processes of human behavior and interaction. Additionally, that risk attitudes are not set and that immediate environmental factors can induce a significant shift in an individuals risk seeking behaviors.


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Purpose To evaluate carbonic anhydrase (CA) IX as a surrogate marker of hypoxia and investigate the prognostic significance of different patterns of expression in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods Standard immunohistochemical techniques were used to study CA IX expression in 175 resected NSCLC tumors. CA IX expression was determined by Western blotting in A549 cell lines grown under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Measurements from microvessels to CA IX positivity were obtained. Results CA IX immunostaining was detected in 81.8% of patients. Membranous (m) (P = .005), cytoplasmic (c) (P = .018), and stromal (P < .001) CA IX expression correlated with the extent of tumor necrosis (TN). The mean distance from vascular endothelium to the start of tumor cell positivity was 90 μm, which equates to an oxygen pressure of 5.77 mmHg. The distance to blood vessels from individual tumor cells or tumor cell clusters was greater if they expressed mCA IX than if they did not (P < .001). Hypoxic exposure of A549 cells for 16 hours enhanced CAIX expression in the nuclear and cytosolic extracts. Perinuclear (p) CA IX (P = .035) was associated with a poor prognosis. In multivariate analysis, pCA IX (P = .004), stage (P = .001), platelet count (P = .011), sex (P = .027), and TN (P = .035) were independent poor prognostic factors. Conclusion These results add weight to the contention that mCA IX is a marker of tumor cell hypoxia. The absence of CA IX staining close to microvessels suggests that these vessels are functionally active. pCA IX expression is representative of an aggressive phenotype. © 2003 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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Objectives Actigraphy can reliably assess sleep in healthy adults and be used to estimate total sleep time in suspected obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients. We compared sleep quality for Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) treated OSA patients and controls, evaluating the impact of stopping CPAP for one night. Methods 11 men, aged 51–75 years (m = 65.6 years), compliant CPAP users, treated for 1–19 years (m = 7.8 years) wore Cambridge Neurotechnology Ltd actiwatches for one night while using CPAP and for one night sleeping without CPAP. A control group of 11 healthy men, aged 63–74 years (m = 64.1 years) slept normally whilst wearing an actiwatch. Subsequent daytime sleepiness was recorded using Karolinska sleepiness scores (KSS). Results Actimetry showed no significant differences between actual sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep disturbance index or number of wake bouts when comparing OSA participants using CPAP, with controls; there was no difference in subsequent daytime sleepiness, control KSS = 4.21, OSA KSS = 4.17. Without CPAP there was no significant difference in sleep length or sleep onset latency compared with using CPAP, but there was a significant impact on sleep quality as shown by: increased sleep disturbance index from 7.9 to 13.8 [t(10) = 3.510, P < 0.05], decreased percent of actual sleep from 92.05% to 86.15% [t(10) = 3.51, P < 0.05], decreased sleep efficiency from 86.6% to 81% [t(10) = 2.204, P < 0.05] and increased number of wake bouts from 29 to 42.5 [t(10) = 3.877, P < 0.05]. Daytime sleepiness became significantly worse increasing from KSS 4.17 to 6.27 [t(10) = )4.96, P < 0.05]. Conclusion There was no disparity in sleep quality or KSS scores between CPAP treated OSA patients and healthy controls of a similar age. Treated OSA patients obtained quality sleep with no elevated day time sleepiness. However, cessation of treatment for one night caused sleep quality to deteriorate despite a comparable sleep time; the deterioration in sleep quality could explain the increase in daytime sleepiness. OSA patients need to know that even short-term noncompliance with CPAP treatment significantly impairs sleep quality, leading to excessive sleepiness during monotonous tasks such as driving. Actigraphy successfully identified nights of non-compliance in treated OSA patients; but did not differentiate between the sleep of CPAP treated OSA patients and healthy controls.


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Objectives: To investigate the relationship between two assessments to quantify delayed onset muscle soreness [DOMS]: visual analog scale [VAS] and pressure pain threshold [PPT]. Methods: Thirty-one healthy young men [25.8 ± 5.5 years] performed 10 sets of six maximal eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors with their non-dominant arm. Before and one to four days after the exercise, muscle pain perceived upon palpation of the biceps brachii at three sites [5, 9 and 13 cm above the elbow crease] was assessed by VAS with a 100 mm line [0 = no pain, 100 = extremely painful], and PPT of the same sites was determined by an algometer. Changes in VAS and PPT over time were compared amongst three sites by a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance, and the relationship between VAS and PPT was analyzed using a Pearson product-moment correlation. Results: The VAS increased one to four days after exercise and peaked two days post-exercise, while the PPT decreased most one day post-exercise and remained below baseline for four days following exercise [p < 0.05]. No significant difference among the three sites was found for VAS [p = 0.62] or PPT [p = 0.45]. The magnitude of change in VAS did not significantly correlate with that of PPT [r = −0.20, p = 0.28]. Conclusion: These results suggest that the level of muscle pain is not region-specific, at least among the three sites investigated in the study, and VAS and PPT provide different information about DOMS, indicating that VAS and PPT represent different aspects of pain.


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A pulsed impinging jet is used to simulate the gust front of a thunderstorm downburst. This work concentrates on investigating the peak transient loading conditions on a 30 mm cubic model submerged in the simulated downburst flow. The outflow induced pressures are recorded and compared to those from boundary layer and steady wall jet flow. Given that peak winds associated with downburst events are often located in the transient frontal region, the importance of using a non-stationary modelling technique for assessing peak downburst wind loads is highlighted with comparisons.


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Nanocomposite dielectrics hold a promising future for the next generation of insulation materials because of their excellent physical, chemical, and dielectric properties. In the presented study, we investigate the use of plasma processing technology to further enhance the dielectric performance of epoxy resin/SiO2 nanocomposite materials. The SiO2 nanoparticles are treated with atmospheric-pressure non-equilibrium plasma prior to being added into the epoxy resin host. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) results reveal the effects of the plasma process on the surface functional groups of the treated nanoparticles. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) results show that the plasma treatment appreciably improves the dispersion uniformity of nanoparticles in the host polymer. With respect to insulation performance, the epoxy/plasma-treated SiO2 specimen shows a 29% longer endurance time than the epoxy/untreated SiO2 nanocomposite under electrical aging. The Weibull plots of the dielectric breakdown field intensity suggest that the breakdown strength of the nanocomposite with the plasma pre-treatment on the nanoparticles is improved by 23.3%.