18 resultados para Minjiang Kou

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Two workers were hospitalised with similar symptoms. Information was gathered from patients, doctors, colleagues and food seller. Laboratory tests were undertaken on remaining food and vomits. We identified the source food and toxin responsible for this outbreak, and subsequently helped doctors to treat these patients. The intake was estimated to be over the fatal limit but both were fully recovered after treatment. Abstract in Chinese 2001年11月20日,寿光市植物油厂的2名装卸工人因食用花生米引起亚硝酸盐急性中毒,现报告如下。 1 中毒经过 11月20日下午,市植物油厂装卸工人秦×下班后,到本厂职工食堂买了馒头、大米稀饭和少许咸菜,然后到厂外买了1瓶白酒,又到个体菜摊李×处买了2元钱的煮花生米,约400g。17:40与同事江×一同在宿舍内饮酒吃饭,其中花生米大部分被秦×吃掉,江×吃得少。18:30左右秦×在装卸过程中出现双腿发软、恶心、呕吐、呼吸困难、视物模糊,江×随后也出现类似症状,2人被迅速送往寿光市人民医院进行抢救。到医院时已进入昏迷状态,查体可见全身皮肤粘膜青紫、手指脚趾发黑,经吸氧并心电监护、应用美兰静推后,江×症状减轻,于次日出院;秦×因中毒严重,于次日脱离危险,11月23日痊愈出院。……


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Nanomaterials are prone to influence by chemical adsorption because of their large surface to volume ratios. This enables sensitive detection of adsorbed chemical species which, in turn, can tune the property of the host material. Recent studies discovered that single and multi-layer molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) films are ultra-sensitive to several important environmental molecules. Here we report new findings from ab inito calculations that reveal substantially enhanced adsorption of NO and NH3 on strained monolayer MoS2 with significant impact on the properties of the adsorbates and the MoS2 layer. The magnetic moment of adsorbed NO can be tuned between 0 and 1 μB; strain also induces an electronic phase transition between half-metal and metal. Adsorption of NH3 weakens the MoS2 layer considerably, which explains the large discrepancy between the experimentally measured strength and breaking strain of MoS2 films and previous theoretical predictions. On the other hand, adsorption of NO2, CO, and CO2 is insensitive to the strain condition in the MoS2 layer. This contrasting behavior allows sensitive strain engineering of selective chemical adsorption on MoS2 with effective tuning of mechanical, electronic, and magnetic properties. These results suggest new design strategies for constructing MoS2-based ultrahigh-sensitivity nanoscale sensors and electromechanical devices.


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The results on the synthesis, mechanical and electrical properties of carbon microcoils and nanocoils (CMCs, CNCs) synthesized using catalytic CVD and Ni-P and Co-P catalyst alloys, respectively, are reported. SEM analysis reveals that the CMCs and CNCs have unique helical morphologies, and diameters of 5.0-9.0 μm and 450-550 nm, respectively. Moreover, CMCs with flat cross-section can be stretched to 3 times their original coil lengths. Current-voltage characteristics of a single microcoil have also been obtained. It is found that the CMCs have the electrical conductivity between 100 and 160 S/cm, whereas the electrical resistance increases by about 20% during the coil extension. Besides, the microcoils can produce light in vacuum when the test voltage reaches 10 V. The emission intensity increases as the voltage increases. The mechanical and electrical properties of CMCs and CNC make them potentially useful in many applications in micromagnetic sensors, mechanical microsprings and optoelectronics.


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Graphitization, a common process involving the transformation of metastable nongraphitic carbon into graphite is one of the major present-day challenges for micro- and nanocarbons due to their unique structural character and highly unusual thermal activation. Here we report on the successful graphitization of nanocrystalline carbon microcoils prepared by catalytic chemical vapor deposition and post-treated in argon atmosphere at temperatures ∼2500 °C for 2 h. The morphology, microstructure, and thermal properties of the carbon microcoils are examined in detail. The graphitization mechanism is discussed by invoking a model of structural transformation of the carbon microcoils. The results reveal that after graphitization the carbon microcoils are prominently purified and feature a clear helical morphology, as well as a more regular and ordered microstructure. The interlayer spacing of the carbon microcoils decreases from 0.36 to 0.34 nm, whereas the mean crystal sizes in the c - and a -directions increase from 1.64 to 2.04 nm and from 3.86 to 7.21 nm, respectively. Thermal treatment also substantially improves the antioxidation properties of the microcoils by lifting the oxidation onset temperature from 550 to 672 °C. This process may be suitable for other nongraphitic micro- and nanomaterials.


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Here we report on an unconventional Ni-P alloy-catalyzed, high-throughput, highly reproducible chemical vapor deposition of ultralong carbon microcoils using acetylene precursor in the temperature range 700-750 °C. Scanning electron microscopy analysis reveals that the carbon microcoils have a unique double-helix structure and a uniform circular cross-section. It is shown that double-helix carbon microcoils have outstanding superelastic properties. The microcoils can be extended up to 10-20 times of their original coil length, and quickly recover the original state after releasing the force. A mechanical model of the carbon coils with a large spring index is developed to describe their extension and contraction. Given the initial coil parameters, this mechanical model can successfully account for the geometric nonlinearity of the spring constants for carbon micro- and nanocoils, and is found in a good agreement with the experimental data in the whole stretching process.


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Carbon microcoils (CMCs) have been coated with a Ni nanoparticle film using an electroless plating process. The morphology, the elemental composition and the phases in the coating layer, complex permittivity and permeability of the CMCs and Ni-coated CMCs were, respectively, investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and microwave vector network analysis at room temperature. A homogeneous dispersion of Ni nanoparticles on the outer surface of the CMCs was obtained, with a mean particle size of ∼34.4 nm and the phosphorus content of about 8.5 wt%. When comparing the coated and uncoated CMC samples, the real (ε′) and imaginary (ε″) part of the complex permittivity as well as dielectric dissipation factor (tgδε = ε″/ε′) of the Ni-coated CMCs were much smaller, while the real (μ′) and imaginary (μ″) part of the complex permeability and the magnetic dissipation factor (t g σμ = μ″ / μ′) were larger. The enhanced microwave absorption of Ni-coated CMCs resulted from stronger dielectric and magnetic losses. In contrast, the microwave absorption of uncoated CMCs was mainly attributed to the dielectric rather than magnetic losses.


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Conventional catalyzed thermal CVD of carbon microcoils commonly suffers from poor control of the coil shape and morphology and rarely reaches the nanoscale size range. This article reports on an unconventional Ni-P alloy-catalyzed, high-throughput, highly reproducible CVD of ultra-long carbon coil-like micro- and nano-structures using acetylene precursor at relatively low process temperatures. Helical carbon microcoils with consistently uniform, circular cross-sections and a high degree of crystallinity have been synthesized at 750 °C. A further reduction of the temperature to 650 °C led to the growth of ultra-long (up to several mm) wave-like carbon nanofibers made of two nanowires with the diameters in the 100-200 nm range. The results of the XRD and Raman analysis reveal that the nanofibers feature only a slightly more disordered structure compared to the microcoils. Our results suggest that morphology and structure of the carbon coil-like micro- and nano-structures can be tailored by the appropriate alloying of the catalyst and the choice of the CVD process parameters.


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Carbon microcoils (CMCs) have been coated with a nickel-phosphorus (Ni-P) film using an electroless plating process, with sodium hypophosphite as a reducing agent in an alkaline bath. CMC composites have potential applications as microwave absorption materials. The morphology, elemental composition and phases in the coating layer of the CMCs and Ni-coated CMCs were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The effects of process parameters such as pH, temperature and coating time of the plating bath on the phosphorus content and deposition rate of the electroless Ni-P coating were studied. The results revealed that a continuous, uniform and low-phosphorous nickel coating was deposited on the surface of the CMCs for 20 min at pH 9.0, plating bath temperature 70 °C. The as-deposited coatings with approximately 4.5 wt.% phosphorus were found to consist of a mix of nano- and microcrystalline phases. The mean particle size of Ni-P nanoparticles on the outer surface of the CMCs was around 11.9 nm. The deposition rate was found to moderately increase with increasing pH, whereas, the phosphorous content of the deposit exhibited a significant decrease. Moreover, the material of the coating underwent a phase transition between an amorphous and a crystalline structure. The thickness of the deposit and the deposition rate may be controlled through careful variation of the coating time and plating bath temperature.


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A simple, fast and low-cost atmospheric-pressure chemical vapor deposition technique is developed to synthesize high-yield carbon nanocoils (CNCs) using amorphous Co–P alloy as catalyst and thiophene as nucleation agent. The uniform catalyst pattern with the mean particle size of 350 nm was synthesized using a simple electroless plating process. This uniformity of the Co–P nanoparticles results in a high yield, very uniform size/shape distribution and regular structure of CNCs at the optimum growth temperature of 800 ◦C. The yield of CNCs reaches ∼76%; 70% of the CNCs have fiber diameters approximately 250 nm. The CNC coil diameters and lengths are 450–550nm and 0.5–2mm, respectively. The CNC nucleation and growth mechanism are also discussed.


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BACKGROUND Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with mo st trauma-related deaths. Secondary brain injury is the leading cause of in-hospital deaths after traumatic brain injury. By early prevention and slowing of the initial pathophysiological mechanism of secondary brain injury, pre- hospital service can signifi cantly reduce case-fata lity rates of TBI. In China, the incidence of TBI is increasing and the proportion of severe TBI is much higher than that in other countries. The objective of this paper is to review the pre-hospital management of TBI in China. DATA SOURCES A literature search was conducted in January 2014 using the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). Articles on the assessment and treatment of TBI in pre-hospital settings practiced by Chinese doctors were identified. The information on the assessment and treatment of hypoxemia, hypotension, and brain hern iation was extracted from the identifi ed articles. RESULTS Of the 471 articles identified, 65 met the selecti on criteria. The existing literature indicated that current practices of pre-hospital TBI management in China were sub-optimal and varied considerably across different regions. CONCLUSION Since pre-hospital care is the weakest part of Chinese emergency care, appropriate training programs on pre-hospital TBI management are urgently needed in China.


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This thesis is a cross-sectional questionnaire survey of pre-hospital doctors' knowledge and practice of managing traumatic brain injury in two major cities of Hubei province, China. This study provides evidence for future research on improving the quality of pre-hospital management in China.


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Layered materials exhibit intriguing electronic characteristics and the search for new types of two-dimensional (2D) structures is of importance for future device fabrication. Using state-of-art first principle calculations, we identify and characterize the structural and electronic properties of two 2D layered arsenic materials, namely, arsenic and its alloy AsSb. The stable 2D structural configuration of arsenic is confirmed to be the low-buckled two-dimensional hexagonal structure by phonon and binding energy calculations. The monolayer exhibits indirect semiconducting properties with gap around 1.5 eV (corrected to 2.2 eV by hybrid function), which can be modulated into a direct semiconductor within a small amount of tensile strain. These semiconducting properties are preserved when cutting into 1D nanoribbons, but the band gap is edge dependent. It is interesting to find that an indirect to direct gap transition can be achieved under strain modulation of the armchair ribbon. Essentially the same phenomena can be found in layered AsSb, except a weak Rashba induced band splitting is present in AsSb due to the nonsymmetric structure and spin orbit coupling. When an additional layer is added on the top, a semiconductor–metal transition will occur. The findings here broaden the family of 2D materials beyond graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides and provide useful information for experimental fabrication of new layered materials with possible application in optoelectronics.


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To date, a number of two-dimensional (2D) topological insulators (TIs) have been realized in Group 14 elemental honeycomb lattices, but all are inversionsymmetric. Here, based on first-principles calculations, we predict a new family of 2D inversion-asymmetric TIs with sizeable bulk gaps from 105 meV to 284 meV, in X2–GeSn (X = H, F, Cl, Br, I) monolayers, making them in principle suitable for room-temperature applications. The nontrivial topological characteristics of inverted band orders are identified in pristine X2–GeSn with X = (F, Cl, Br, I), whereas H2–GeSn undergoes a nontrivial band inversion at 8% lattice expansion. Topologically protected edge states are identified in X2–GeSn with X = (F, Cl, Br, I), as well as in strained H2–GeSn. More importantly, the edges of these systems, which exhibit single-Dirac-cone characteristics located exactly in the middle of their bulk band gaps, are ideal for dissipationless transport. Thus, Group 14 elemental honeycomb lattices provide a fascinating playground for the manipulation of quantum states.


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Objectives: The incidence and mortality of traumatic brain injury (TBI) has increased rapidly in the last decade in China. Appropriate ambulance service can reduce case-fatality rates of TBI significantly. This study aimed to explore the factors (age, gender, education level, clinical experience, professional title, organization, specialty before prehospital care, and training frequency) that could influence prehospital doctors’ knowledge level and practices in TBI management in China, Hubei Province. Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted in two cities in Hubei Province. The self-administered questionnaire consisted of demographic information and questions about prehospital TBI management. Independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze group differences in the average scores in terms of demographic character. General linear regression was used to explore associated factors in prehospital TBI management. Results: A total of 56 questionnaires were handed out and 52 (93%) were returned. Participants received the lowest scores in TBI treatment (0.64; SD=0.08) and the highest scores in TBI assessment (0.80; SD=0.14). According to the regression model, the education level was associated positively with the score of TBI identification (P=.019); participants who worked in the emergency department (ED; P=.011) or formerly practiced internal medicine (P=.009) tended to get lower scores in TBI assessment; participants’ scores in TBI treatment were associated positively with the training frequency (P=.011); and no statistically significant associated factor was found in the overall TBI management. Conclusion: This study described the current situation of prehospital TBI management. The prehospital doctors’ knowledge level and practices in TBI management were quantified and the influential factors hidden underneath were explored. The results indicated that an appropriate continuing medical education (CME) program enables improvement of the quality of ambulance service in China.