14 resultados para Mariano Rodríguez

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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A simple mathematical model is presented to describe the cell separation process that plants undertake in order to deliberately shed organs. The focus here is on modelling the production of the enzyme polygalacturonase, which breaks down pectin that provides natural cell-to-cell adhesion in the localised abscission zone. A coupled system of three ordinary differential equations is given for a single cell, and then extended to hold for a layer of cells in the abscission zone. Simple observations are made based on the results of this preliminary model and, furthermore, a number of opportunities for applied mathematicians to make contributions in this subject area are discussed.


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Catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are a worldwide problem that may lead to increased patient morbidity, cost and mortality.1e3 The literature is divided on whether there are real effects from CAUTI on length of stay or mortality. Platt4 found the costs and mortality risks to be largeyetGraves et al found the opposite.5 A reviewof the published estimates of the extra length of stay showed results between zero and 30 days.6 The differences in estimates may have been caused by the different epidemiological methods applied. Accurately estimating the effects of CAUTI is difficult because it is a time-dependent exposure. This means that standard statistical techniques, such asmatched case-control studies, tend to overestimate the increased hospital stay and mortality risk due to infection. The aim of the study was to estimate excess length of stay andmortality in an intensive care unit (ICU) due to a CAUTI, using a statistical model that accounts for the timing of infection. Data collected from ICU units in lower and middle income countries were used for this analysis.7,8 There has been little research for these settings, hence the need for this paper.


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Purpose — The purpose of this chapter is to outline the findings of research into knowledge transfer across countries and culture and the implications of the findings for human resource practitioners. Methodology/approach — Use of a qualitative case study methodology approach was employed. Findings — The findings highlight the inherent difficulty of knowledge transfer and the broad range of factors that influence the knowledge transfer process and which are connected together in a complex and non-linear manner. Research implications — The research revealed insight into those managers most likely to be effective at knowledge transfer and what characteristics and experiences had supported this openness to knowledge from outside of their cultural context. The lessons from the research can be incorporated into the selection and development processes for expatriates. Originality value — The study affirmed the critical importance of face-to-face interaction in knowledge transfer. The research also resulted in the development of a practical model and tool, which pulls together the broad range of factors that impact on knowledge transfer.


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Cenozoic extension in western Mexico has been divided into two episodes separated by the change from convergence to oblique divergence at the plate boundary. The Gulf Extensional Province is thought to have started once subduction ended at ~12.5 Ma whereas early extension is classified as Basin and Range. Mid-Miocene volcanism of the Comondú group has been considered as a subduction-related arc, whereas post ~12.5 Ma volcanism would be extension-related. Our new integration of the continental onshore and offshore geology of the south-east Gulf region, backed by tens of Ar-Ar and U-Pb ages and geochemical studies, document an early-mid Miocene rifting and extension-related bimodal to andesitic magmatism prior to subduction termination. Between ~21 and 11 Ma a system of NNW-SSE high-angle extensional faults rifted the western side of the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) ignimbrite plateau. In Nayarit, rhyolitic domes and some basalts were emplaced along this extensional belt at 18-17 Ma. These rocks show strong antecrystic inheritance but an absence of Mesozoic and older xenocrysts, suggesting a genesis in the mid-upper crust triggered by extension-induced basaltic influx. In Sinaloa, large grabens were floored by huge dome complexes at ~21-17 Ma and filled by continental sediments with interlayered basalts dated at 15 Ma. Mid-Miocene volcanism, including the largely volcaniclastic Comondú strata in Baja California, was thus emplaced in rift basins and appears associated to decompression melting rather than subduction. Along the coast, flat-lying basaltic lava flows dated at 11-10 Ma are exposed just above the present sea level. Here crustal thickness is 25-20 Km, almost half that in the core of the SMO, implying significant lithosphere stretching before ~11 Ma. This mafic pulse, with relatively high Ti but still clear Nb-Ta negative spikes, may be related to the detachment of the lower part of the subducted slab, allowing asthenosphere to flow into parts of the mantle previously fluxed by subduction fluids. Very uniform OIB-like lavas appear in late Pliocene and Pleistocene, only 18 m.y. after the onset of rifting and ~9 m.y. after the end of subduction. Our study shows that rifting began much earlier than Late Miocene and progressively overwhelmed subduction in generating magmatism.


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Quantitative determination of modification of primary sediment features, by the activity of organisms (i.e., bioturbation) is essential in geosciences. Some methods proposed since the 1960s are mainly based on visual or subjective determinations. The first semiquantitative evaluations of the Bioturbation Index, Ichnofabric Index, or the amount of bioturbation were attempted, in the best cases using a series of flashcards designed in different situations. Recently, more effective methods involve the use of analytical and computational methods such as X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography; these methods are complex and often expensive. This paper presents a compilation of different methods, using Adobe® Photoshop® software CS6, for digital estimation that are a part of the IDIAP (Ichnological Digital Analysis Images Package), which is an inexpensive alternative to recently proposed methods, easy to use, and especially recommended for core samples. The different methods — “Similar Pixel Selection Method (SPSM)”, “Magic Wand Method (MWM)” and the “Color Range Selection Method (CRSM)” — entail advantages and disadvantages depending on the sediment (e.g., composition, color, texture, porosity, etc.) and ichnological features (size of traces, infilling material, burrow wall, etc.). The IDIAP provides an estimation of the amount of trace fossils produced by a particular ichnotaxon, by a whole ichnocoenosis or even for a complete ichnofabric. We recommend the application of the complete IDIAP to a given case study, followed by selection of the most appropriate method. The IDIAP was applied to core material recovered from the IODP Expedition 339, enabling us, for the first time, to arrive at a quantitative estimation of the discrete trace fossil assemblage in core samples.


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Parametric roll is a critical phenomenon for ships, whose onset may cause roll oscillations up to +-40 degrees, leading to very dangerous situations and possibly capsizing. Container ships have been shown to be particularly prone to parametric roll resonance when they are sailing in moderate to heavy head seas. A Matlab/Simulink parametric roll benchmark model for a large container ship has been implemented and validated against a wide set of experimental data. The model is a part of a Matlab/Simulink Toolbox (MSS, 2007). The benchmark implements a 3rd-order nonlinear model where the dynamics of roll is strongly coupled with the heave and pitch dynamics. The implemented model has shown good accuracy in predicting the container ship motions, both in the vertical plane and in the transversal one. Parametric roll has been reproduced for all the data sets in which it happened, and the model provides realistic results which are in good agreement with the model tank experiments.


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The one-step preparation of highly anisotropic polymer semiconductor thin films directly from solution is demonstrated. The conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) as well as P3HT:fullerene bulk-heterojunction blends can be spin-coated from a mixture of the crystallizable solvent 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (TCB) and a second carrier solvent such as chlorobenzene. Solidification is initiated by growth of macroscopic TCB spherulites followed by epitaxial crystallization of P3HT on TCB crystals. Subsequent sublimation of TCB leaves behind a replica of the original TCB spherulites. Thus, highly ordered thin films are obtained, which feature square-centimeter-sized domains that are composed of one spherulite-like structure each. A combination of optical microscopy and polarized photoluminescence spectroscopy reveals radial alignment of the polymer backbone in case of P3HT, whereas P3HT:fullerene blends display a tangential orientation with respect to the center of spherulite-like structures. Moreover, grazing-incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering reveals an increased relative degree of crystallinity and predominantly flat-on conformation of P3HT crystallites in the blend. The use of other processing methods such as dip-coating is also feasible and offers uniaxial orientation of the macromolecule. Finally, the applicability of this method to a variety of other semi-crystalline conjugated polymer systems is established. Those include other poly(3-alkylthiophene)s, two polyfluorenes, the low band-gap polymer PCPDTBT, a diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) small molecule as well as a number of polymer:fullerene and polymer:polymer blends. Macroscopic spherulite-like structures of the conjugated polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) grow directly during spin-coating. This is achieved by processing P3HT or P3HT:fullerene bulk heterojunction blends from a mixture of the crystallizable solvent 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene and a second carrier solvent such as chlorobenzene. Epitaxial growth of the polymer on solidified solvent crystals gives rise to circular-symmetric, spherulite-like structures that feature a high degree of anisotropy.


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The objective of this work is to formulate a nonlinear, coupled model of a container ship during parametric roll resonance, and to validate the model using experimental data.


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Background Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is the most common and distressing symptom reported by breast cancer survivors. The primary aim of this study was to translate and evaluate psychometrically for the first time a Spanish version of the Piper Fatigue Scale-Revised (S-PFS-R). Methods One hundred and eleven women with stage I–IIIA breast cancer who had completed their primary cancer therapy in the previous 6 months with the exception of hormone therapy completed the S-PFS-R, the Profile of Mood States (POMS) Fatigue (POMS-F) and Vigor subscales (POMS-V), and bilateral force handgrip testing. Data analysis included test–retest reliability, construct validity, criterion-related validity, and exploratory factor analyses. Results Test–retest reliability was satisfactory (r > 0.86), and all subscales showed moderate to high construct validity estimates [corrected item-subscale correlations (Pearson r = ≥ 0.65)]. The exploratory factor analysis revealed four dimensions with 75.5 % of the common variance explained. The S-PFS-R total score positively correlated with the POMS-F subscale (r = 0.50–0.78) and negatively with the POMS-V subscale (r = −0.13 to −0.44) confirming criterion-related validity. Negative correlations among force handgrip testing, subscales, and total scores were weak (r = −0.26 to −0.29). Conclusions The Spanish version of PFS-R shows satisfactory psychometric properties in a sample of breast cancer survivors. This is the first study to translate the PFS-R into Spanish and further testing is warranted.


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Objetivo El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar las Etapas del cambio en relación con la actividad física y el estado de salud general entre personas que participaron en un Programa de promoción de la actividad física (PPAF) de 12 semanas frente a un grupo control. Diseño Ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Participantes Noventa y ocho personas inactivas de ambos sexos con una edad media de 62,82 años procedentes de 2 centros de Atención Primaria del Distrito Sanitario Costa del Sol. Intervención Un PPAF organizado en grupos y siguiendo los criterios del Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte, 2 sesiones semanales de 60 min durante 12 semanas. Mediciones principales La variable principal de resultado fue resistencia al cambio en relación con la actividad física. La variable secundaria fue el estado de salud general (componentes físicos y mentales), determinado con el cuestionario de salud general SF12. Resultados Se encontraron diferencias significativas en las etapas del cambio a favor del grupo experimental (p < 0,05). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre grupos después de la intervención en el estado general de salud. Conclusión Las etapas del cambio se modificaron en las personas inactivas que realizaron el PPAF en Atención Primaria. Futuros estudios son necesarios para identificar qué factores del entorno de los participantes influyen en la resistencia al cambio de la actividad física. Abstract Objective This study has aimed to evaluate the stages of change in relation to physical activity and overall health status among persons who participated in a 12-week Physical activity promotion program (PAPP) compared to a control group. Design Randomized clinical trial. Participants The study included 98 inactive persons of both sexes with a mean age of 62.82 years from 2 of Primary Care Centers of the Malaga Health Care District. Interventions A PAPP organized in groups according to the American College of Sports Medicine criteria including two weekly sessions of 60 minutes each for 3 months. Main measures The primary outcome was to assess resistance to change in relation to physical activity. The secondary variable was overall health (physical and mental components) determined with the SF12 general health questionnaire. Results Significant differences were found in the stages of change (P<.05). There were no significant differences found in general health status improvement in regards to the initial assessment. Conclusion The stages of change were modified in the inactive persons who carried out the PAPP in Primary Care. Future studies are needed to identify which environmental factors influence the resistance to change in physical activity of the participants.


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The study of 1777 male and female adolescent students of 11-19 years in the Colombian Caribbean had two objectives: development and validation of two reproductive health intention scales and analyze gender differences. The pilot of the scale consisted of 8 items and was reduced to 6, to check the reliability and validity using factor analysis and principal components with VARIMAX rotation yielded two factors: Intention and Intention Risk Protection, explained between 69.4% and 70% respectively. In the male Protection Intent (M = 3.87 and SD = 1.29) and risk (M = 2.56 and SD = 1.18) obtained an alpha between 0.74 and 0.86, and in Protection of Intent to female (M = 3.49 and SD = 1.35) and risk (M = 1.50 and SD = 0.89) ranged between 0.78 and 086. In conclusion, the reliability and structural stability are adequate and there are gender differences in the scales.


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The possibility of commercially exploiting plant, animal and human genetic resources unlocked by biotechnology has given rise to a wide range of cultural, environmental, ethical and economic conflicts. While supporters describe this activity as bioprospecting, critics refer to it as biopiracy. According to this latter view, international legal agreements and treaties have disregarded opposition and legalized the possibility of appropriating genetic resources and their derivative products through the use of patents. The legal framework that permits the appropriation of natural genetic products in Colombia also criminalizes aspects of traditional ways of life and enables a legally approved but socially harmful land-grabbing process. The article describes these processes and impact in terms of the inversion of justice and the erosion of environmental sustainability.


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Waist-hip ratio (WHR) is a measure of body fat distribution and a predictor of metabolic consequences independent of overall adiposity. WHR is heritable, but few genetic variants influencing this trait have been identified. We conducted a meta-analysis of 32 genome-wide association studies for WHR adjusted for body mass index (comprising up to 77,167 participants), following up 16 loci in an additional 29 studies (comprising up to 113,636 subjects). We identified 13 new loci in or near RSPO3, VEGFA, TBX15-WARS2, NFE2L3, GRB14, DNM3-PIGC, ITPR2-SSPN, LY86, HOXC13, ADAMTS9, ZNRF3-KREMEN1, NISCH-STAB1 and CPEB4 (P = 1.9 × 10−9 to P = 1.8 × 10−40) and the known signal at LYPLAL1. Seven of these loci exhibited marked sexual dimorphism, all with a stronger effect on WHR in women than men (P for sex difference = 1.9 × 10−3 to P = 1.2 × 10−13). These findings provide evidence for multiple loci that modulate body fat distribution independent of overall adiposity and reveal strong gene-by-sex interactions.


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The increasing rate of pregnancies in teenagers and the high incident of the infections of sexual transmission (HIV/ AIDS, for example), these are health related issues (and especially the sexual and reproductive health), which have received great attention on the part of investigators and of the public opinion in general. Recently, there has been evidenced that teenagers carry out very easily risk sexual behaviors, and those who have not presented the above mentioned behaviors also show high levels of intention to carry out them. There is the hypothesis that besides cognitive variables such as attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and intention, the personality of the young persons is an aspect that plays an important paper in their sexual and reproductive health. Significant correlations were found between the variales of the TPB and the personality traits; the results suggest that the direction of these correlations is associated with the specific type of behavior or situation that is assessed. Keywords: personality, theory of planned behavior, adolescents, reproductive sexuality.