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A novel nitroxide-mediated polymerization (NMP) control agent; 1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2,3-dihydro-2-azaphenalen-2-yloxyl (TMAO), was used in the free-radical polymerization of styrene. The conversion of styrene during NMP was studied using FT-Raman spectroscopy and the effectiveness of TMAO as a NMP control agent was assessed by GPC analysis. Fidelity of the TMAO-alkoxyamine end-group on the synthesized polymers was confirmed by GPC, UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopic analyses. Comparison to the well known NMP control agent, TEMPO was made. TMAO showed control of molecular weight approaching that of TEMPO. Attempts to improve the properties of TMAO as an NMP control agent by synthesizing an analogue with bulkier substituents around the nitroxide did not generate the target molecule but demonstrated some of the interesting chemistry of the azaphenalene ring system


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In this communication we provide the most recent results on RAFT-mediated ring-closing polymerization of diallyldimethylammonium chloride (DADMAC). The polymerization was carried out in aqueous solution employing 2,2′-azobis(2-methylpropionamidine)-dihydrochloride as the free radical initiator and trithiocarbonate RAFT agent (2-{[(dodecylsulfanyl)carbonothioyl sulfanyl]}propanoic acid, DoPAT) as the controlling RAFT agent. The results show that – while the system is not as completely controlled as previously described – it is nevertheless possible to mediate the polymerization of DADMAC and impart some living characteristics onto the system. The initial study on the RAFT-mediated polymerization of DADMAC may have overestimated the degree of livingness within this reaction. However, it is possible – at low conversions – for some living characteristics to be observed, as the evolution of molecular weight with conversion is linear. In addition, polymers with a reasonably narrow polydispersity can be isolated.


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The preparation of a series of nickel dichloride complexes with bulky diphosphinomethane chelate ligands R2PCH2PR′2 is reported. Reaction with the appropriate Grignard reagent leads to the corresponding dimethyl and dibenzyl complexes. Cationic monomethyl and mono-η3-benzyl complexes are generated from these dialkyl complexes by protonation with [H(OEt2)2]+[B(3,5-(CF3)2C6H3)4]−, while the complex [(dtbpm κ2P)Ni(η3-CH(CH2Ph)Ph]+[B(3,5-(CF3)2C6H3)4]−is obtained from protonation of the Ni(0) olefin complex (dtbpm-κ2P)N(η2-trans-stilbene). Crystal structures of examples of dichlorides, dimethyl, dibenzyl, cationic methyl, and cationic η3-benzyl complexes are reported. Solutions of the cations polymerize ethylene under mild conditions and without the necessity of an activating agent, to form polyethylene having high molecular weights and low degrees of chain branching. In comparison to the Ni methyl cations, the η3-benzyl cation complexes are more stable and somewhat less active but still very efficient in C2H4 polymerization. The effect on the resulting polyethylene of varying the substituents R, R′ on the phosphine ligand has been examined, and a clear trend for longer chain PE with less branching in the presence of more bulky substituents on the diphosphine has been found. Density functional calculations have been used to examine the rapid suprafacial η3 to η3 haptotropic shift processes of the[(R2PCH2PR′2)Ni] fragment and the η3−η1 change of the coordination mode of the benzyl group required for polymerization in those cations.


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The present article gives an overview of the reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process. RAFT is one of the most versatile living radical polymerization systems and yields polymers of predictable chain length and narrow molecular weight distribution. RAFT relies on the rapid exchange of thiocarbonyl thio groups between growing polymeric chains. The key strengths of the RAFT process for polymer design are its high tolerance of monomer functionality and reaction conditions, the wide range of well-controlled polymeric architectures achievable, and its (in-principle) non-rate-retarding nature. This article introduces the mechanism of polymerization, the range of polymer molecular weights achievable, the range of monomers in which polymerization is controlled by RAFT, the various polymeric architectures that can be obtained, the type of end-group functionalities available to RAFT-made polymers, and the process of RAFT polymerization.


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In organic-inorganic nanocomposites, interfacial regions are primarily influenced by the dispersion uniformity of nanoparticles and the strength of interfacial bonds between the nanoparticles and the polymer matrix. The insulating performance of organic-inorganic dielectric nanocomposites is highly influenced by the characteristics of interfacial regions. In this study, we prepare polyethylene oxide (PEO)-like functional layers on silica nanoparticles through plasma polymerization. Epoxy resin/silica nanocomposites are subsequently synthesized with these plasma-polymerized nanoparticles. It is found that plasma at a low power (i.e., 10 W) can significantly increase the concentration of C-O bonds on the surface of silica nanoparticles. This plasma polymerized thin layer can not only improve the dispersion uniformity by increasing the hydrophilicity of the nanoparticles, but also provide anchoring sites to enable the formation of covalent bonds between the organic and inorganic phases. Furthermore, electrical tests reveal improved electrical treeing resistance and decreased dielectric constant of the synthesized nanocomposites, while the dielectric loss of the nanocomposites remains unchanged as compared to the pure epoxy resin.


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Lead compounds are known genotoxicants, principally affecting the integrity of chromosomes. Lead chloride and lead acetate induced concentration-dependent increases in micronucleus frequency in V79 cells, starting at 1.1 μM lead chloride and 0.05 μM lead acetate. The difference between the lead salts, which was expected based on their relative abilities to form complex acetato-cations, was confirmed in an independent experiment. CREST analyses of the micronuclei verified that lead chloride and acetate were predominantly aneugenic (CREST-positive response), which was consistent with the morphology of the micronuclei (larger micronuclei, compared with micronuclei induced by a clastogenic mechanism). The effects of high concentrations of lead salts on the microtubule network of V79 cells were also examined using immunofluorescence staining. The dose effects of these responses were consistent with the cytotoxicity of lead(II), as visualized in the neutral-red uptake assay. In a cell-free system, 20-60 μM lead salts inhibited tubulin assembly dose-dependently. The no-observed-effect concentration of lead(II) in this assay was 10 μM. This inhibitory effect was interpreted as a shift of the assembly/disassembly steady-state toward disassembly, e.g., by reducing the concentration of assembly-competent tubulin dimers. The effects of lead salts on microtubule-associated motor-protein functions were studied using a kinesin-gliding assay that mimics intracellular transport processes in vitro by quantifying the movement of paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules across a kinesin-coated glass surface. There was a dose-dependent effect of lead nitrate on microtubule motility. Lead nitrate affected the gliding velocities of microtubules starting at concentrations above 10 μM and reached half-maximal inhibition of motility at about 50 μM. The processes reported here point to relevant interactions of lead with tubulin and kinesin at low dose levels.


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This study investigated the hypothesis that the chromosomal genotoxicity of inorganic mercury results from interaction(s) with cytoskeletal proteins. Effects of Hg2+ salts on functional activities of tubulin and kinesin were investigated by determining tubulin assembly and kinesin-driven motility in cell-free systems. Hg2+ inhibits microtubule assembly at concentrations above 1 μM, and inhibition is complete at about 10 μM. In this range, the tubulin assembly is fully (up to 6 μM) or partially (∼6-10 μM) reversible. The inhibition of tubulin assembly by mercury is independent of the anion, chloride or nitrate. The no-observed-effect- concentration for inhibition of microtubule assembly in vitro was 1 μM Hg2+, the IC50 5.8 μM. Mercury(II) salts at the IC 50 concentrations partly inhibiting tubulin assembly did not cause the formation of aberrant microtubule structures. Effects of mercury salts on the functionality of the microtubule motility apparatus were studied with the motor protein kinesin. By using a "gliding assay" mimicking intracellular movement and transport processes in vitro, HgCl2 affected the gliding velocity of paclitaxel-stabilised microtubules in a clear dose-dependent manner. An apparent effect is detected at a concentration of 0.1 μM and a complete inhibition is reached at 1 μM. Cytotoxicity of mercury chloride was studied in V79 cells using neutral red uptake, showing an influence above 17 μM HgCl2. Between 15 and 20 μM HgCl2 there was a steep increase in cell toxicity. Both mercury chloride and mercury nitrate induced micronuclei concentration-dependently, starting at concentrations above 0.01 μM. CREST analyses on micronuclei formation in V79 cells demonstrated both clastogenic (CREST-negative) and aneugenic effects of Hg2+, with some preponderance of aneugenicity. A morphological effect of high Hg2+ concentrations (100 μM HgCl2) on the microtubule cytoskeleton was verified in V79 cells by immuno-fluorescence staining. The overall data are consistent with the concept that the chromosomal genotoxicity could be due to interaction of Hg2+ with the motor protein kinesin mediating cellular transport processes. Interactions of Hg 2+ with the tubulin shown by in vitro investigations could also partly influence intracellular microtubule functions leading, together with the effects on the kinesin, to an impaired chromosome distribution as shown by the micronucleus test.


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Interactions of mercury(II) with the microtubule network of cells may lead to genotoxicity. Complexation of mercury(II) with EDTA is currently being discussed for its employment in detoxification processes of polluted sites. This prompted us to re-evaluate the effects of such complexing agents on certain aspects of mercury toxicity, by examining the influences of mercury(II) complexes on tubulin assembly and kinesin-driven motility of microtubules. The genotoxic effects were studied using the micronucleus assay in V79 Chinese hamster fibroblasts. Mercury(II) complexes with EDTA and related chelators interfered dose-dependently with tubulin assembly and microtubule motility in vitro. The no-effect-concentration for assembly inhibition was 1 μM of complexed Hg(II), and for inhibition of motility it was 0.05 μM, respectively. These findings are supported on the genotoxicity level by the results of the micronucleus assay, with micronuclei being induced dose-dependently starting at concentrations of about 0.05 μM of complexed Hg(II). Generally, the no-effect-concentrations for complexed mercury(II) found in the cell-free systems and in cellular assays (including the micronucleus test) were identical with or similar to results for mercury tested in the absence of chelators. This indicates that mercury(II) has a much higher affinity to sulfhydryls of cytoskeletal proteins than to this type of complexing agents. Therefore, the suitability of EDTA and related compounds for remediation of environmental mercury contamination or for other detoxification purposes involving mercury has to be questioned.