14 resultados para GRANITIC ROCKS

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Across central Australia and south-west Queensland, a large (~800,000km2) subsurface temperature anomaly occurs (Figure 1). Temperatures are interpreted to be greater than 235°C at 5km depth, ca. 85°C higher than the average geothermal gradient for the upper continental crust (Chopra & Holgate, 2005; Holgate & Gerner, 2011). This anomaly has driven the development of Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) at Innamincka, where high temperatures have been related to the radiogenic heat production of High Heat Producing Granites (HHPG) at depth, below thermally insulative sedimentary cover (Chopra & Holgate, 2005; Draper & D’Arcy, 2006; Meixner & Holgate, 2009). To evaluate the role of granitic rocks at depth in generating the broader temperature anomaly in SW-Queensland, we sampled 25 granitic rocks from basement intervals of petroleum drill cores below thermal insulative cover along two transects (WNW–ESE and NNE–SSW — Figure 1) and performed a multidisciplinary study involving petrography, whole-rock chemistry, zircon dating and thermal conductivity measurements.


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This study greatly enhanced our knowledge of the potential for geothermal energy development in Queensland as a viable clean energy source in the coming decades. Key outcomes of the project were understanding the first-order controls on the concentration of the heat-producing elements: uranium, thorium and potassium in granitic rocks, and constraining where rocks with the greatest heat-producing potential lie at depth in Queensland. Importantly, new temperature and heat flow maps for southwest Queensland were developed that will greatly assist future exploration efforts.


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The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to image liquid hydrocarbons in sandstones and oil shales. Additionally, the fluid sensitivity of selected clay minerals in hydrocarbon reservoirs was assessed via three case studies: HCl acid sensitivity of authigenic chlorite in sandstone reservoirs, freshwater sensitivity of authigenic illite/smectite in sandstone reservoirs, and bleach sensitivity of a volcanic reservoir containing abundant secondary chlorite/corrensite. The results showed the suitability of using ESEM for imaging liquid hydrocarbon films in hydrocarbon reservoirs and the importance of simulating in situ fluid-rock interactions for hydrocarbon production programmes. In each case, results of the ESEM studies greatly enhanced prediction of reservoir/borehole reactions and, in some cases, contradicted conventional wisdom regarding the outcome of potential engineering solutions. (C) 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Experiments were carried out on the sodium hypochlorite bleach sensitivity of a deep subsurface andesitic reservoir in order to predict possible deleterious mineral transformations during a downhole clean-up job. Experiments involved examination of core samples from the reservoir using an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (ESEM) with an attached Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS) before and after the samples were immersed in bleach. Bleach immersion of whole-rock samples resulted in rapid (less than 1 min) precipitation of abundant 3.0-10.0-μm-wide calcite rhombs within clay-associated micropores and on clay and feldspar grain surfaces. Abundant microporefilling calcite rhombs also formed in pure separates of constituent chlorite/corrensite, whereas no calcite formed in a pure separate of constituent zeolite. These experiments indicate that corrensite is the likely calcium source in this experimental fluid-rock system. Formation of calcite occurs via a cation exchange reaction in which calcium in the smectitic interlayers of corrensite exchanges for sodium in the bleach. Serious formation damage due to calcite precipitation would have occurred in the andesite reservoir had it been exposed to bleach. This finding gives credence to earlier suggestions that cation exchange reactions have the potential to cause calcite precipitation in some sandstone reservoirs when exposed to drilling, completion or stimulation fluids. © 1993.


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The Geothermal industry in Australia and Queensland is in its infancy and for hot dry rock (HDR) geothermal energy, it is very much in the target identification and resource definition stages. As a key effort to assist the geothermal industry and exploration for HDR in Queensland, we are developing a comprehensive and new integrated geochemical and geochronological database on igneous rocks. To date, around 18,000 igneous rocks have been analysed across Queensland for chemical and/or age information. However, these data currently reside in a number of disparate datasets (e.g., Ozchron, Champion et al., 2007, Geological Survey of Queensland, journal publications, and unpublished university theses). The goal of this project is to collate and integrate these data on Queensland igneous rocks to improve our understanding of high heat producing granites in Queensland, in terms of their distribution (particularly in the subsurface), dimensions, ages, and controlling factors in their genesis.


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High heat-producing granites (HHPGs) are reservoir rocks for enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), yet the origins of their anomalous chemistry remain poorly understood. To gain a better understanding of the characteristic distribution of elemental depletions and enrichments (focussing on U, Th & K) within granite suites of different heritage and tectonic setting, and the processes that lead to these enrichments, we are undertaking a systematic accessory-mineral chronochemical study of two suites of S- and I-type granites in northern Queensland, as well as two archetypal HHPGs in Cornwall, England (S-type) and Soultz-sous- Forêts, France (I-type). Novel zircon LA-ICP-MS chronochemical methods will later be underpinned by a systematic petrographic, scanning electron microscope (SEM), and electron microprobe (EPMA) study of all the REE-Y-Th-U-rich accessory minerals to fully characterise how the composition, textural distributions and associations change with rock chemistry between and among the suites. Preliminary results indicate that zircons with inherited ages do not have anomalously high U (>1000 ppm) & Th (>400 ppm) values (Ahrens, 1965). Instead, enrichment in these HPE is seen in zircons dated to around the time of magmatic emplacement. These results indicate that enrichment arose primarily through fractional crystallisation of the granitic magmas. Our results support the suggestion that a source pre-enriched in the HPEs does not appear to be fundamental for the formation of all HHPGs. Instead fractional crystallisation processes, and the accessory minerals formed in magmas of differing initial compositions, are the key controls on the levels of enrichment observed (e.g. Champion & Chappell, 1992; Chappell & Hine, 2006). One implication is that the most fractionated granites may not be the most enriched in the HPEs and therefore prospective to future EGS development.


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A CHILD sex scandal involving victims in Australia and Britain has hit the top echelon of the Anglican Church, with allegations that some of its most senior clergymen failed to respond properly to complaints of horrific abuse. The former archbishop of York, now Lord (David) Hope of Thornes, yesterday expressed regret over failing to report to police allegations in 1999 and 2003 about a former Queensland Anglican school principal, who rose to become the head of education for the church in Britain. The late reverend Robert Waddington has been accused of beating and sexually abusing students during the 1960s at St Barnabas boarding school in Ravenshoe, north Queensland, and later, when he was in charge of the choir as dean of Manchester. A joint investigation by The Australian and The Times newspaper in London has revealed that church officials, including Lord Hope, failed to report the 1999 allegations of abuse made by a former Queensland student and similar claims made in 2003 by the family of a choirboy in Manchester. The alleged victims were never told of the existence of the other allegations.


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The Warburton-Cooper basins, central Australia, include a multitude of reactivated fracture-fault networks related to a complex, and poorly understood, tectonic evolution. We investigated authigenic illites from a granitic intrusion and sedimentary rocks associated with prominent structural features (Gidgealpa-Merrimelia-Innamincka Ridge and the Nappamerri Trough). These were analysed by 40Ar-39Ar, 87Rb-87Sr and 147Sm-143Nd geochronology to explore the thermal and tectonic histories of central Australian basins. The combined age data provide evidence for three major periods of fault reactivation throughout the Phanerozoic. While Carboniferous (323.3 ± 9.4 Ma) and Late Triassic ages (201.7 ± 9.3 Ma) derive from basin-wide hydrothermal circulation, Cretaceous ages (~128 to ~86 Ma) reflect episodic fluid flow events restricted to the synclinal Nappamerri Trough. Such events result from regional extensional tectonism derived from the transferral of far-field stresses to mechanically and thermally weakened regions of the Australian continent. Specifically, Cretaceous ages reflect continent-wide transmission of tensional stress from a > 2500 km long rifting event on the Eastern (and southern) Australian margin associated with break-up of Gondwana and opening of the Tasman Sea. By integrating 40Ar-39Ar, 87Rb-87Sr and 147Sm-143Nd dating, this study highlights the use of authigenic illite in temporally constraining the tectonic evolution of intracontinental basins that would otherwise remain unknown. Furthermore, combining Sr- and Ar-isotopic systems enables more accurate dating of authigenesis whilst significantly reducing geochemical pitfalls commonly associated with these radioisotopic dating methods.


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A travel article about the Aland Islands, Finland, that discusses the mix of Swedish, Finnish, and Russian cultural influences in the area. On the map, Finland seems to end in fragments. The gods have stomped their heels on the southwestern corner, and between the cities of Helsinki and Turku it is jagged, rocky islands that form the final landmarks...


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Although kimberlite pipes/bodies are usually the remains of volcanic vents, in-vent deposits, and subvolcanic intrusions, the terminology used for kimberlite rocks has largely developed independently of that used in mainstream volcanology. Existing kimberlite terminology is not descriptive and includes terms that are rarely used, used differently, and even not used at all in mainstream volcanology. In addition, kimberlite bodies are altered to varying degrees, making application of genetic terminology difficult because original components and depositional textures are commonly masked by alteration. This paper recommends an approach to the terminology for kimberlite rocks that is consistent with usage for other volcanic successions. In modern terrains the eruption and emplacement origins of deposits can often be readily deduced, but this is often not the case for old, variably altered and deformed rock successions. A staged approach is required whereby descriptive terminology is developed first, followed by application of genetic terminology once all features, including the effects of alteration on original texture and depositional features, together with contact relationships and setting, have been evaluated. Because many volcanic successions consist of both primary volcanic deposits as well as volcanic sediments, terminology must account for both possibilities.


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The timing of widespread continental emergence is generally considered to have had a dramatic effect on the hydrological cycle, atmospheric conditions, and climate. New secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) oxygen and laser-ablation–multicollector–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) Lu-Hf isotopic results from dated zircon grains in the granitic Neoarchean Rum Jungle Complex provide a minimum time constraint on the emergence of continental crust above sea level for the North Australian craton. A 2535 ± 7 Ma monzogranite is characterized by magmatic zircon with slightly elevated δ18O (6.0‰–7.5‰ relative to Vienna standard mean ocean water [VSMOW]), consistent with some contribution to the magma from reworked supracrustal material. A supracrustal contribution to magma genesis is supported by the presence of metasedimentary rock enclaves, a large population of inherited zircon grains, and subchondritic zircon Hf (εHf = −6.6 to −4.1). A separate, distinct crustal source to the same magma is indicated by inherited zircon grains that are dominated by low δ18O values (2.5‰–4.8‰, n = 9 of 15) across a range of ages (3536–2598 Ma; εHf = −18.2 to +0.4). The low δ18O grains may be the product of one of two processes: (1) grain-scale diffusion of oxygen in zircon by exchange with a low δ18O magma or (2) several episodes of magmatic reworking of a Mesoarchean or older low δ18O source. Both scenarios require shallow crustal magmatism in emergent crust, to allow interaction with rocks altered by hydrothermal meteoric water in order to generate the low δ18O zircon. In the first scenario, assimilation of these altered rocks during Neoarchean magmatism generated low δ18O magma with which residual detrital zircons were able to exchange oxygen, while preserving their U-Pb systematics. In the second scenario, wholesale melting of the altered rocks occurred in several distinct events through the Mesoarchean, generating low δ18O magma from which zircon crystallized. Ultimately, in either scenario, the low δ18O zircons were entrained as inherited grains in a Neoarchean granite. The data suggest operation of a modern hydrological cycle by the Neoarchean and add to evidence for the increased emergence of continents by this time