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Purpose: To develop, using dacarbazine as a model, reliable techniques for measuring DNA damage and repair as pharmacodynamic endpoints for patients receiving chemotherapy. Methods: A group of 39 patients with malignant melanoma were treated with dacarbazine 1 g/m2 i.v. every 21 days. Tamoxifen 20 mg daily was commenced 24 h after the first infusion and continued until 3 weeks after the last cycle of chemotherapy. DNA strand breaks formed during dacarbazine-induced DNA damage and repair were measured in individual cells by the alkaline comet assay. DNA methyl adducts were quantified by measuring urinary 3-methyladenine (3-MeA) excretion using immunoaffinity ELISA. Venous blood was taken on cycles 1 and 2 for separation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) for measurement of DNA strand breaks. Results: Wide interpatient variation in PBL DNA strand breaks occurred following chemotherapy, with a peak at 4 h (median 26.6 h, interquartile range 14.75- 40.5 h) and incomplete repair by 24 h. Similarly, there was a range of 3-MeA excretion with peak levels 4-10 h after chemotherapy (median 33 nmol/h, interquartile range 20.448.65 nmol/h). Peak 3-MeA excretion was positively correlated with DNA strand breaks at 4 h (Spearman's correlation coefficient, r = 0.39, P = 0.036) and 24 h (r = 0.46, P = 0.01). Drug-induced emesis correlated with PBL DNA strand breaks (Mann Whitney U-test, P = 0.03) but not with peak 3-MeA excretion. Conclusions: DNA damage and repair following cytotoxic chemotherapy can be measured in vivo by the alkaline comet assay and by urinary 3-MeA excretion in patients receiving chemotherapy.


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Bisphenol A (BPA or 4,4’-(propane-2,2-diyl)diphenol) is a chemical intermediate in the production of polycarbonate and epoxy resins, and used in a wide range of applications. BPA has attracted significant attention in the past decade due to its frequency of detection in human populations worldwide, demonstrated animal toxicity and potential impact on human health, particularly during critical periods of development. The aim of this study was to perform a preliminary assessment of age-related trends in urinary concentration and to estimate daily excretion of BPA in Australian children (aged (>0 – <5 years) and adults (≥15 – <75 years). This was achieved using 79 samples pooled by age and gender, created from 868 individual samples of convenience collected as part of routine, community-based pathology testing. Total BPA was analyzed using online-SPE-LC-MS/MS and detected in all samples with a range of 0.65 – 265 ng/ml. No significant differences were observed between males and females. A urine flow model was constructed from published values and used to provide an estimate of daily excretion per unit bodyweight for each pooled sample. The daily excretion estimates ranged from 26.2 – 18200 ng/kg-d for children; and 20.1 – 165 ng/kg-d for adults. Urinary concentrations and estimated excretion rates were inversely associated with age, and estimated daily excretion rates in infants and young children were significantly higher than in adults (geometric mean: 107 and 47.0 ng/kg-d, respectively). Higher excretion of BPA in children may be explained by their higher food consumption relative to body weight compared to adults and adolescents, and may also reflect alternative exposure pathways and sources. Keywords: bisphenol A, biomonitoring, children, urine flow, Australia


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A cohort of 161 underground miners who had been highly exposed to dinitrotoluene (DNT) in the copper-mining industry of the former German Democratic Republic was reinvestigated for signs of subclinical renal damage. The study included a screening of urinary proteins excreted by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and quantitations of the specific urinary proteins α 1-microglobulin and glutathione-S-transferase α (GST α) as biomarkers for damage of the proximal tubule and glutathione-S-transferase π (GST π) for damage of the distal tubule. The exposures were categorized semiquantitatively (low, medium, high, and very high), according to the type and duration of professional contact with DNT. A straight dose-dependence of pathological protein excretion patterns with the semiquantitative ranking of DNT exposure was seen. Most of the previously reported cancer cases of the urinary tract, especially those in the higher exposed groups, were confined to pathological urinary protein excretion patterns. The damage from DNT was directed toward the tubular system. In many cases, the appearance of Tamm-Horsfall protein, a 105-kD protein marker, was noted. Data on the biomarkers α 1-microglobulin, GST α, and GST π consistently demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in tubular damage, which confirmed the results of screening by SDS-PAGE and clearly indicated a nephrotoxic effect of DNT under the given conditions of exposure. Within the cluster of cancer patients observed among the DNT-exposed workers, only in exceptional cases were normal biomarker excretions found.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare, in patients with cancer and in healthy subjects, measured resting energy expenditure (REE) from traditional indirect calorimetry to a new portable device (MedGem) and predicted REE. DESIGN: Cross-sectional clinical validation study. SETTING: Private radiation oncology centre, Brisbane, Australia. SUBJECTS: Cancer patients (n = 18) and healthy subjects (n = 17) aged 37-86 y, with body mass indices ranging from 18 to 42 kg/m(2). INTERVENTIONS: Oxygen consumption (VO(2)) and REE were measured by VMax229 (VM) and MedGem (MG) indirect calorimeters in random order after a 12-h fast and 30-min rest. REE was also calculated from the MG without adjustment for nitrogen excretion (MGN) and estimated from Harris-Benedict prediction equations. Data were analysed using the Bland and Altman approach, based on a clinically acceptable difference between methods of 5%. RESULTS: The mean bias (MGN-VM) was 10% and limits of agreement were -42 to 21% for cancer patients; mean bias -5% with limits of -45 to 35% for healthy subjects. Less than half of the cancer patients (n = 7, 46.7%) and only a third (n = 5, 33.3%) of healthy subjects had measured REE by MGN within clinically acceptable limits of VM. Predicted REE showed a mean bias (HB-VM) of -5% for cancer patients and 4% for healthy subjects, with limits of agreement of -30 to 20% and -27 to 34%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Limits of agreement for the MG and Harris Benedict equations compared to traditional indirect calorimetry were similar but wide, indicating poor clinical accuracy for determining the REE of individual cancer patients and healthy subjects.


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This naturalistic study investigated the mechanisms of change in measures of negative thinking and in 24-h urinary metabolites of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), dopamine and serotonin in a sample of 43 depressed hospital patients attending an eight-session group cognitive behavior therapy program. Most participants (91%) were taking antidepressant medication throughout the therapy period according to their treating Psychiatrists' prescriptions. The sample was divided into outcome categories (19 Responders and 24 Non-responders) on the basis of a clinically reliable change index [Jacobson, N.S., & Truax, P., 1991. Clinical significance: a statistical approach to defining meaningful change in psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 12–19.] applied to the Beck Depression Inventory scores at the end of the therapy. Results of repeated measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] analyses of variance indicated that all measures of negative thinking improved significantly during therapy, and significantly more so in the Responders as expected. The treatment had a significant impact on urinary adrenaline and metadrenaline excretion however, these changes occurred in both Responders and Non-responders. Acute treatment did not significantly influence the six other monoamine metabolites. In summary, changes in urinary monoamine levels during combined treatment for depression were not associated with self-reported changes in mood symptoms.


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Background Prevention and control of ovine enzootic abortion (OEA) can be achieved by application of a live vaccine. In this study, five sheep flocks with different vaccination and infection status were serologically tested using a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) specific for Chlamydophila (Cp.) abortus over a two-year time period. Results Sheep in Flock A with recent OEA history had high antibody values after vaccination similar to Flock C with natural Cp. abortus infections. In contrast, OEA serology negative sheep (Flock E) showed individual animal-specific immunoreactions after vaccination. Antibody levels of vaccinated ewes in Flock B ranged from negative to positive two and three years after vaccination, respectively. Positive antibody values in the negative control Flock D (without OEA or vaccination) are probably due to asymptomatic intestinal infections with Cp. abortus. Excretion of the attenuated strain of Cp. abortus used in the live vaccine through the eye was not observed in vaccinated animals of Flock E. Conclusion The findings of our study indicate that, using serology, no distinction can be made between vaccinated and naturally infected sheep. As a result, confirmation of a negative OEA status in vaccinated animals by serology cannot be determined.


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Background: Tenofovir has been associated with renal phosphate wasting, reduced bone mineral density, and higher parathyroid hormone levels. The aim of this study was to carry out a detailed comparison of the effects of tenofovir versus non-tenofovir use on calcium, phosphate and, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and bone mineral density. Methods: A cohort study of 56 HIV-1 infected adults at a single centre in the UK on stable antiretroviral regimes comparing biochemical and bone mineral density parameters between patients receiving either tenofovir or another nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor. Principal Findings: In the unadjusted analysis, there was no significant difference between the two groups in PTH levels (tenofovir mean 5.9 pmol/L, 95% confidence intervals 5.0 to 6.8, versus non-tenofovir; 5.9, 4.9 to 6.9; p = 0.98). Patients on tenofovir had significantly reduced urinary calcium excretion (median 3.01 mmol/24 hours) compared to non-tenofovir users (4.56; p,0.0001). Stratification of the analysis by age and ethnicity revealed that non-white men but not women, on tenofovir had higher PTH levels than non-white men not on tenofovir (mean difference 3.1 pmol/L, 95% CI 5.3 to 0.9; p = 0.007). Those patients with optimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D (.75 nmol/L) on tenofovir had higher 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25(OH)2D] (median 48 pg/mL versus 31; p = 0.012), fractional excretion of phosphate (median 26.1%, versus 14.6;p = 0.025) and lower serum phosphate (median 0.79 mmol/L versus 1.02; p = 0.040) than those not taking tenofovir. Conclusions: The effects of tenofovir on PTH levels were modified by sex and ethnicity in this cohort. Vitamin D status also modified the effects of tenofovir on serum concentrations of 1,25(OH)2D and phosphate.


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Acepromazine (ACP) is a useful therapeutic drug, but is a prohibited substance in competition horses. The illicit use of ACP is difficult to detect due to its rapid metabolism, so this study investigated the ACP metabolite 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)promazine sulphoxide (HEPS) as a potential forensic marker. Acepromazine maleate, equivalent to 30 mg of ACP, was given IV to 12 racing-bred geldings. Blood and urine were collected for 7 days post-administration and analysed for ACP and HEPS by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). Acepromazine was quantifiable in plasma for up to 3 h with little reaching the urine unmodified. Similar to previous studies, there was wide variation in the distribution and metabolism of ACP. The metabolite HEPS was quantifiable for up to 24 h in plasma and 144 h in urine. The metabolism of ACP to HEPS was fast and erratic, so the early phase of the HEPS emergence could not be modelled directly, but was assumed to be similar to the rate of disappearance of ACP. However, the relationship between peak plasma HEPS and the y-intercept of the kinetic model was strong (P = 0.001, r2 = 0.72), allowing accurate determination of the formation pharmacokinetics of HEPS. Due to its rapid metabolism, testing of forensic samples for the parent drug is redundant with IV administration. The relatively long half-life of HEPS and its stable behaviour beyond the initial phase make it a valuable indicator of ACP use, and by determining the urine-to-plasma concentration ratios for HEPS, the approximate dose of ACP administration may be estimated.


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The risk of vitamin D insufficiency is increased in persons having limited sunlight exposure and dietary vitamin D. Supplementation compliance might be improved with larger doses taken less often, but this may increase the potential for side effects. The objective of the present study was to determine whether a weekly or weekly/monthly regimen of vitamin D supplementation is as effective as daily supplementation without increasing the risk of side effects. Participants were forty-eight healthy adults who were randomly assigned for 3 months to placebo or one of three supplementation regimens: 50 μg/d (2000 IU/d, analysed dose 70 μg/d), 250 μg/week (10 000 IU/week, analysed dose 331 μg/week) or 1250 μg/week (50 000 IU/week, analysed dose 1544 μg/week) for 4 weeks and then 1250 μg/month for 2 months. Daily and weekly doses were equally effective at increasing serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which was significantly greater than baseline in all the supplemented groups after 30 d of treatment. Subjects in the 1250 μg treatment group, who had a BMI >26 kg/m2, had a steady increase in urinary Ca in the first 3 weeks of supplementation, and, overall, the relative risk of hypercalciuria was higher in the 1250 μg group than in the placebo group (P= 0·01). Although vitamin D supplementation remains a controversial issue, these data document that supplementing with ≤ 250 μg/week ( ≤ 10 000 IU/week) can improve or maintain vitamin D status in healthy populations without the risk of hypercalciuria, but 24 h urinary Ca excretion should be evaluated in healthy persons receiving vitamin D3 supplementation in weekly single doses of 1250 μg (50 000 IU).


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We examined the influence of 3 consecutive days of high-intensity cycling on blood and urinary markers of oxidative stress. Eight highly-trained male cyclists (VO2 max 76 +/- 4 mL.kg-1.min-1; mean +/- SD) completed an interval session (9 exercise bouts lasting 30 s each, at 150% peak power output) on day 1, followed by 2 laboratory-simulated 30 km time trials on days 2 and 3. The cyclists also completed a submaximal exercise trial matched to the interval session for oxygen consumption. Blood was collected pre- and post-exercise for the determination of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant status (TAS), vitamin E, and the antioxidant enzyme activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, while urine was collected for the determination of allantoin. There were significant increases in plasma MDA concentrations (p < 0.01), plasma TAS (p < 0.01), and urinary allantoin excretion (p < 0.01) following the high-intensity interval session on day 1, whereas plasma vitamin E concentration significantly decreased (p = 0.028). Post-exercise changes in plasma MDA (p = 0.036), TAS concentrations (p = 0.039), and urinary allantoin excretion (p = 0.031) were all significantly attenuated over the 3 consecutive days of exercise, whereas resting plasma TAS concentration was elevated. There were no significant changes in plasma MDA, TAS, or allantoin excretion following submaximal exercise and there were no significant changes in antioxidant enzyme activity over consecutive days of exercise or following submaximal exercise. Consecutive days of high-intensity exercise enhanced resting plasma TAS concentration and reduced the post-exercise increase in plasma MDA concentrations.


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The promise of metabonomics, a new "omics" technique, to validate Chinese medicines and the compatibility of Chinese formulas has been appreciated. The present study was undertaken to explore the excretion pattern of low molecular mass metabolites in the male Wistar-derived rat model of kidney yin deficiency induced with thyroxine and reserpine as well as the therapeutic effect of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (LW) and its separated prescriptions, a classic traditional Chinese medicine formula for treating kidney yin deficiency in China. The study utilized ultra-performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization synapt high definition mass spectrometry (UPLC/ESI-SYNAPT-HDMS) in both negative and positive electrospray ionization (ESI). At the same time, blood biochemistry was examined to identify specific changes in the kidney yin deficiency. Distinct changes in the pattern of metabolites, as a result of daily administration of thyroxine and reserpine, were observed by UPLC-HDMS combined with a principal component analysis (PCA). The changes in metabolic profiling were restored to their baseline values after treatment with LW according to the PCA score plots. Altogether, the current metabonomic approach based on UPLC-HDMS and orthogonal projection to latent structures discriminate analysis (OPLS-DA) indicated 20 ions (14 in the negative mode, 8 in the positive mode, and 2 in both) as "differentiating metabolites".


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BACKGROUND & AIMS Metabolomics is comprehensive analysis of low-molecular-weight endogenous metabolites in a biological sample. It could enable mapping of perturbations of early biochemical changes in diseases and hence provide an opportunity to develop predictive biomarkers that could provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of diseases. The aim of this study was to elucidate the changes in endogenous metabolites and to phenotype the metabolic profiling of d-galactosamine (GalN)-inducing acute hepatitis in rats by UPLC-ESI MS. METHODS The systemic biochemical actions of GalN administration (ip, 400 mg/kg) have been investigated in male wistar rats using conventional clinical chemistry, liver histopathology and metabolomic analysis of UPLC- ESI MS of urine. The urine was collected predose (-24 to 0 h) and 0-24, 24-48, 48-72, 72-96 h post-dose. Mass spectrometry of the urine was analysed visually and via conjunction with multivariate data analysis. RESULTS Results demonstrated that there was a time-dependent biochemical effect of GalN dosed on the levels of a range of low-molecular-weight metabolites in urine, which was correlated with developing phase of the GalN-inducing acute hepatitis. Urinary excretion of beta-hydroxybutanoic acid and citric acid was decreased following GalN dosing, whereas that of glycocholic acid, indole-3-acetic acid, sphinganine, n-acetyl-l-phenylalanine, cholic acid and creatinine excretion was increased, which suggests that several key metabolic pathways such as energy metabolism, lipid metabolism and amino acid metabolism were perturbed by GalN. CONCLUSION This metabolomic investigation demonstrates that this robust non-invasive tool offers insight into the metabolic states of diseases.


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Purpose: The objective of the study was to assess the bioequivalence of two tablet formulations of capecitabine and to explore the effect of age, gender, body surface area and creatinine clearance on the systemic exposure to capecitabine and its metabolites. Methods: The study was designed as an open, randomized two-way crossover trial. A single oral dose of 2000 mg capecitabine was administered on two separate days to 25 patients with solid tumors. On one day, the patients received four 500-mg tablets of formulation B (test formulation) and on the other day, four 500-mg tablets of formulation A (reference formulation). The washout period between the two administrations was between 2 and 8 days. After each administration, serial blood and urine samples were collected for up to 12 and 24 h, respectively. Unchanged capecitabine and its metabolites were determined in plasma using LC/MS-MS and in urine by NMRS. Results: Based on the primary pharmacokinetic parameter, AUC(0-∞) of 5'-DFUR, equivalence was concluded for the two formulations, since the 90% confidence interval of the estimate of formulation B relative to formulation A of 97% to 107% was within the acceptance region 80% to 125%. There was no clinically significant difference between the t(max) for the two formulations (median 2.1 versus 2.0 h). The estimate for C(max) was 111% for formulation B compared to formulation A and the 90% confidence interval of 95% to 136% was within the reference region 70% to 143%. Overall, these results suggest no relevant difference between the two formulations regarding the extent to which 5'-DFUR reached the systemic circulation and the rate at which 5'-DFUR appeared in the systemic circulation. The overall urinary excretions were 86.0% and 86.5% of the dose, respectively, and the proportion recovered as each metabolite was similar for the two formulations. The majority of the dose was excreted as FBAL (61.5% and 60.3%), all other chemical species making a minor contribution. Univariate and multivariate regression analysis to explore the influence of age, gender, body surface area and creatinine clearance on the log-transformed pharmacokinetic parameters AUC(0-∞) and C(max) of capecitabine and its metabolites revealed no clinically significant effects. The only statistically significant results were obtained for AUC(0-∞) and C(max) of intact drug and for C(max) of FBAL, which were higher in females than in males. Conclusion: The bioavailability of 5'-DFUR in the systemic circulation was practically identical after administration of the two tablet formulations. Therefore, the two formulations can be regarded as bioequivalent. The variables investigated (age, gender, body surface area, and creatinine clearance) had no clinically significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of capecitabine or its metabolites.


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Exogenous prostacyclin is effective in reducing pulmonary vascular resistance in some forms of human pulmonary hypertension (PH). To explore whether endogenous prostaglandins played a similar role in pulmonary hypertension, we examined the effect of deleting cyclooxygenase (COX)-gene isoforms in a chronic hypoxia model of PH. Pulmonary hypertension, examined by direct measurement of right ventricular end systolic pressure (RVESP), right ventricular hypertrophy (n = 8), and hematocrit (n = 3), was induced by 3 weeks of hypobarichypoxia in wild-type and COX-knockout (KO) mice. RVESP was increased in wild-type hypoxic mice compared with normoxic controls (24.4 ± 1.4 versus 13.8 ± 1.9 mm Hg; n = 8; p < 0.05). COX-2 KO mice showed a greater increase in RVESP following hypoxia (36.8 ± 2.7 mm Hg; p < 0.05). Urinary thromboxane (TX)B2 excretion increased following hypoxia (44.6 ± 11.1 versus 14.7 ± 1.8 ng/ml; n = 6; p < 0.05), an effect that was exacerbated by COX-2 gene disruption (54.5 ± 10.8 ng/ml; n = 6). In contrast, the increase in 6-keto-prostacyclin1α excretion following hypoxia was reduced by COX-2 gene disruption (29 ± 3 versus 52 ± 4.6 ng/ml; p < 0.01). Tail cut bleed times were lower following hypoxia, and there was evidence of intravascular thrombosis in lung vessels that was exacerbated by disruption of COX-2 and reduced by deletion of COX-1. The TXA2/endoperoxide receptor antagonist ifetroban (50 mg/kg/day) offset the effect of deleting the COX-2 gene, attenuating the hypoxia-induced rise in RVESP and intravascular thrombosis. COX-2 gene deletion exacerbates pulmonary hypertension, enhances sensitivity to TXA2, and induces intravascular thrombosis in response to hypoxia. The data provide evidence that endogenous prostaglandins modulate the pulmonary response to hypoxia. Copyright © 2008 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.


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Cisplatin and carboplatin are active in previously untreated patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) with mean response rates (RRs) of 50 and 32%, respectively. In pretreated patients the RR to cisplatin/carboplatin monotherapy declines markedly to <10%. Cisplatin and carboplatin have been combined with many other cytotoxics. In first-line setting high activity has been observed in combination with taxanes or vinorelbine (RRs consistently ∼60%). It appears that these newer combinations are superior to older regimens with etoposide (RRs 30 to 50%) or 5-fluorouracil (RRs 40 to 60%). Cisplatin-/carboplatin-based regimens with infusional 5-FU and epirubicin/paclitaxel/vinorelbine achieve high RRs of around 60 to 80%. However these regimens are difficult to administer in all patients because they require central venous access for continuous 5-FU infusion. In pretreated MBC the combinations of cisplatin-taxane/vinorelbine/gemcitabine or carboplatin-docetaxel/vinorelbine yield RRs of 40 to 50%, which are higher than those achieved with platinum-etoposide/5-FU. In locally advanced disease cisplatin-based regimens achieve very high RRs (>80%). This would suggest that in chemotherapy-naïve patients platinum-based therapy might have an important role to play. Additionally the synergy demonstrated between platinum compounds, taxanes and herceptin, in preclinical and clinical studies is of immense importance and the results of the two ongoing Breast Cancer International Research Group randomized phase III studies are eagerly awaited. These studies may help clarify the role of platinum compounds in the treatment of metastatic and possibly early breast cancer. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.