22 resultados para Clay mineral alteration

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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Raman microprobe spectra of the clay mineral Wyoming SWy-2-sodium montmorillonite intercalated with the surfactants, methyltrioctadecylammonium bromide (TOMA) dimethyldiotadecylammonium bromide (DODMA) and octadecyl-trimethylammonium bromide (ODTMA), have been measured in the CH2 stretching region at external pressures up to ~40 kbar with the aid of a diamond-anvil cell. In the case of the intercalated clays containing TOMA and DODMA, the Raman data afford evidence for gauche to trans conformational changes in the orientation of the CH2 chains in the surfactants with increasing pressure. These conformational changes are reversed completely upon the release of pressure.


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Materials consisting of anatase linked to Laponite particles were synthesized by the reaction of TiOSO4 with Laponite, and were used for the degradation of pesticides. All these materials were characterized by XRD, FTIR, Raman, TEM, specific surface area and porosity determinations. Based on the amount of photoactive phase per unit mass of the clay mineral, not based on the total weight of the catalysts, these porous catalysts were displaying a high degradation rate than commercial P25. The TiO2 immobilized clay mineral catalysts can sediment in few minutes and could be readily separated out from a slurry system after the photocatalytic reaction. Settling properties of these catalysts are enormously high in aqueous media in contrast to P25.


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Effective flocculation and dewatering of mineral processing streams containing clays are microstructure dependent in clay-water systems. Initial clay flocculation is crucial in the design and for the development of a new methodology of gas exploitation. Microstructural engineering of clay aggregates using covalent cations and Keggin macromolecules have been monitored using the new state of the art Transmission X-ray Microscope (TXM) with 60 nm tomography resolution installed in a Taiwanese synchrotron. The 3-D reconstructions from TXM images show complex aggregation structures in montmorillonite aqueous suspensions after treatment with Na+, Ca2+ and Al13 Keggin macromolecules. Na-montmorillonite displays elongated, parallel, well-orientated and closed-void cellular networks, 0.5–3 μm in diameter. After treatment by covalent cations, the coagulated structure displays much smaller, randomly orientated and openly connected cells, 300–600 nm in diameter. The average distances measured between montmorillonite sheets was around 450 nm, which is less than half of the cell dimension measured in Na-montmorillonite. The most dramatic structural changes were observed after treatment by Al13 Keggin; aggregates then became arranged in compacted domains of a 300 nm average diameter composed of thick face-to-face oriented sheets, which forms porous aggregates with larger intra-aggregate open and connected voids.


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The mineral fraipontite has been studied by using a combination of scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive analysis and vibrational spectroscopy (infrared and Raman). Fraipontite is a member of the 1:1 clay minerals of the kaolinite-serpentine group. The mineral contains Zn and Cu and is of formula (Cu,Zn,Al)3(Si,Al)2O5(OH)4. Qualitative chemical analysis of fraipontite shows an aluminium silicate mineral with amounts of Cu and Zn. This kaolinite type mineral has been characterised by Raman and infrared spectroscopy; in this way aspects about the molecular structure of fraipontite clay are elucidated.


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Detailed mineralogical studies of the matrix and fracture-fill materials of a large number of samples from the Rustler Formation have been carried out using x-ray diffraction, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis, x-ray fluorescence, and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. These analyses indicate the presence of four clay minerals: interstratified chlorite/saponite, illite, chlorite, and serpentine. Corrensite (regularly stratified chlorite/saponite) is the dominant clay mineral in samples from the Culebra dolomite and two shale layers of the lower unnamed member of the Rustler Formation. Within other layers of the Rustler Formation, disordered mixed chlorite/saponite is usually the most abundant clay mineral. Studies of the morphology and composition of clay crystallites suggest that the corrensite was formed by the alteration of detrital dioctahedral smectite in magnesium-rich pore fluids during early diagenesis of the Rustler Formation. This study provides initial estimates of the abundance and nature of the clay minerals in the Culebra dolomite in the vicinity of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.


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Biomass tar restricts the wide application and development of biomass gasification technology. In the present paper, palygorskite, a natural magnesium-containing clay mineral, was investigated for catalytic pyrolysis of rape straw in situ and compared with the dolomite researched widely. The two types of natural minerals were characterized with XRD and BET. The results showed that combustible gas derived from the pyrolysis increased with an increase in gasification temperature. The Hconversion and Cconversion increased to 44.7% and 31% for the addition of palygorskite and increased to 41.3% and 31.3% for the addition of dolomite at the gasification temperature of 800 °C, compared with 15.1% and 5.6% without addition of the two types of material. It indicated that more biomass was converted into combustible gases implying the decrease in biomass tar under the function of palygorskite or dolomite and palygorskite had a slightly better efficiency than that of dolomite in the experimental conditions.


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The matrix of volcaniclastic kimberlite (VK) from the Muskox pipe (Northern Slave Province, Nunavut, Canada) is interpreted to represent an overprint of an original clastic matrix. Muskox VK is subdivided into three different matrix mineral assemblages that reflect differences in the proportions of original primary matrix constituents, temperature of formation and nature of the altering fluids. Using whole rock X-ray fluorescence (XRF), whole rock X-ray diffraction (XRD), microprobe analyses, back-scatter electron (BSE) imaging, petrography and core logging, we find that most matrix minerals (serpentine, phlogopite, chlorite, saponite, monticellite, Fe-Ti oxides and calcite) lack either primary igneous or primary clastic textures. The mineralogy and textures are most consistent with formation through alteration overprinting of an original clastic matrix that form by retrograde reactions as the deposit cools, or, in the case of calcite, by precipitation from Ca-bearing fluids into a secondary porosity. The first mineral assemblage consists largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, Fe-Ti oxides and monticellite and occurs in VK with relatively fresh framework clasts. Alteration reactions, driven by deuteric fluids derived from the juvenile constituents, promote the crystallisation of minerals that indicate relatively high temperatures of formation (> 400 °C). Lower-temperature minerals are not present because permeability was occluded before the deposit cooled to low temperatures, thus shielding the facies from further interaction with fluids. The other two matrix mineral assemblages consist largely of serpentine, phlogopite, calcite, +/- diopside, and +/- chlorite. They form in VK that contains more country rock, which may have caused the deposit to be cooler upon emplacement. Most framework components are completely altered, suggesting that larger volumes of fluids drove the alteration reactions. These fluids were likely of meteoric provenance and became heated by the volcaniclastic debris when they percolated into the VK infill. Most alteration reactions ceased at temperatures > 200 °C, as indicated by the absence or paucity of lower-temperature phases in most samples, such as saponite. Recognition that Muskox VK contains an original clastic matrix is a necessary first step for evaluating the textural configuration, which is important for reconstructing the physical processes responsible for the formation of the deposit.


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CRTA technology offers better resolution and a more detailed interpretation of the decomposition processes of a clay mineral such as sepiolite via approaching equilibrium conditions of decomposition through the elimination of the slow transfer of heat to the sample as a controlling parameter on the process of decomposition. Constant-rate decomposition processes of non-isothermal nature reveal changes in the sepiolite as the sepiolite is converted to an anhydride. In the dynamic experiment two dehydration steps are observed over the ~20-170 and 170-350°C temperature range. In the dynamic experiment three dehydroxylation steps are observed over the temperature ranges 201-337, 337-638 and 638-982°C. The CRTA technology enables the separation of the thermal decomposition steps.


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Controlled rate thermal analysis (CRTA) technology offers better resolution and a more detailed interpretation of the decomposition processes of a clay mineral such as sepiolite via approaching equilibrium conditions of decomposition through the elimination of the slow transfer of heat to the sample as a controlling parameter on the process of decomposition. Constant-rate decomposition processes of non-isothermal nature reveal changes in the sepiolite as the sepiolite is converted to an anhydride. In the dynamic experiment two dehydration steps are observed over the *20–170 and 170–350 �C temperature range. In the dynamic experiment three dehydroxylation steps are observed over the temperature ranges 201–337, 337–638 and 638–982 �C. The CRTA technology enables the separation of the thermal decomposition steps.


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The structure-building phenomena within clay aggregates are governed by forces acting between clay particles. Measurements of such forces are important to understand in order to manipulate the aggregate structure for applications such as dewatering of mineral processing tailings. A parallel particle orientation is required when conducting XRD investigation on the oriented samples and conduct force measurements acting between basal planes of clay mineral platelets using at. force microscopy (AFM). To investigate how smectite clay platelets were oriented on silicon wafer substrate when dried from suspension range of methods like SEM, XRD and AFM were employed. From these investigations, we conclude that high clay concns. and larger particle diams. (up to 5 μm) in suspension result in random orientation of platelets in the substrate. The best possible laminar orientation in the clay dry film, represented in the XRD 0 0 1/0 2 0 intensity ratio of 47 was obtained by drying thin layers from 0.02 wt.% clay suspensions of the natural pH. Conducted AFM investigations show that smectite studied in water based electrolytes show very long-range repulsive forces lower in strength than electrostatic forces from double-layer repulsion. It was suggested that these forces may have structural nature. Smectite surface layers rehydrate in water environment forms surface gel with spongy and cellular texture which cushion approaching AFM probe. This structural effect can be measured in distances larger than 1000 nm from substrate surface and when probe penetrate this gel layer, structural linkages are forming between substrate and clay covered probe. These linkages prevent subsequently smooth detachments of AFM probe on way back when retrieval. This effect of tearing new formed structure apart involves larger adhesion-like forces measured in retrieval. It is also suggested that these effect may be enhanced by the nano-clay particles interaction.


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The structure-building phenomena within clay aggregates are governed by forces acting between clay particles. The nature of such forces is important to understand in order to manipulate the aggregate structure for applications such as settling and dewatering. A parallel particle orientation is required when conducting force measurements acting between the basal planes of clay mineral platelets using atomic force microscopy (AFM). In order to prepare a film of clay particles with the optimal orientation for conducting AFM measurements, the influences of particle concentration in suspension, suspension pH and particle size on the clay platelet orientation were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. From these investigations, we conclude that high clay (dry mass) concentrations and larger particle diameters (up to 5 µm) in suspension result in random orientation of platelets on the substrate. The best possible laminar orientation in the clay dried film as represented in the XRD by the 001/020 intensity ratio of more than 150 and by SE micrograph assessments, was obtained by drying thin layers from 0.2 wt% of -5 µm clay suspensions at pH 10.5. These dried films are stable and suitable for close-approach AFM studies in solution.


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Cometary and interplanetary dust particles (IDP) are compared, and the mineralogical evolution of comet nuclei is discussed. Chondritic IDP have properties consistent with properties expected for cometary dust. The complex and varied mineralogy of these particles may indicate mineral alteration processes that occur in comet nuclei. Depending on the thermal budget of a comet, the upper few meters of nucleus material may maintain temperatures within regimes of hydrocryogenic (200 to 237K) and low-temperature aqueous (274 to 400K) alteration. Thus, layer silicates, carbonates, and sulfates may be important components of cometary dust and, correspondingly are common constituents of chondritic IDPs. Alteration of comet starting materials may be a common occurrence, and depends on the specific physical and chemical properties of each individual comet.