9 resultados para ARCHEOLOGIA DEL PAESAGGIO (1),11440,Lettere e Filosofia,0012,Lettere,0264,,,CURRICULUM 1 (CURRICULUM CLASSICO: ARCHEOLOGICO),468,,,2007,5

em Queensland University of Technology - ePrints Archive


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The structures of the anhydrous 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid (DCPA) with the monocyclic heteroaromatic Lewis bases 2-aminopyrimidine, 3-(aminocarboxy) pyridine (nicotinamide) and 4-(aminocarbonyl) pyridine (isonicotinamide), namely 2-aminopyrimidinium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate C4H6N3+ C8H3Cl2O4- (I), 3-(aminocarbonyl) pyridinium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate C6H7N2O+ C8H3Cl2O4- (II) and the unusual salt adduct 4-(aminocarbonyl) pyridinium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate 2-carboxymethyl-4,5-dichlorobenzoic acid (1/1/1) C6H7N2O+ C8H3Cl2O4-.C9H6Cl2O4 (III) have been determined at 130 K. Compound (I) forms discrete centrosymmetric hydrogen-bonded cyclic bis(cation--anion) units having both R2/2(8) and R2/1(4) N-H...O interactions. In compound (II) the primary N-H...O linked cation--anion units are extended into a two-dimensional sheet structure via amide-carboxyl and amide-carbonyl N-H...O interactions. The structure of (III) reveals the presence of an unusual and unexpected self-synthesized methyl monoester of the acid as an adduct molecule giving one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded chains. In all three structures the hydrogen phthalate anions are


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The crystal structures of the 1:1 proton-transfer compounds of 4,5-dichlorophthalic acid with the aliphatic Lewis bases diisopropylamine and hexamethylenetetramine, viz. diisopropylaminium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate (1) and hexamethylenetetraminium 2-carboxy-4,5-dichlorobenzoate hemihydrate (2), have been determined. Crystals of both 1 and 2 are triclinic, space group P-1, with Z = 2 in cells with a = 7.0299(5), b = 9.4712(7), c = 12.790(1)Å, α = 99.476(6), β = 100.843(6), γ = 97.578(6)o (1) and a = 7.5624(8), b = 9.8918(8), c = 11.5881(16)Å, α = 65.660(6), β = 86.583(4), γ = 86.987(8)o (2). In each, one-dimensional hydrogen-bonded chain structures are found: in 1 formed through aminium N+-H...Ocarboxyl cation-anion interactions. In 2, the chains are formed through anion carboxyl O...H-Obridging water interactions with the cations peripherally bound. In both structures, the hydrogen phthalate anions are essentially planar with short intra-species carboxylic acid O-H...Ocarboxyl hydrogen bonds [O…O, 2.381(3) Å (1) and 2.381(8) Å (2)].


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The crystal structures of the proton-transfer compounds of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) with a series of aniline-type Lewis bases [aniline, 2-hydroxyaniline, 2-methoxyaniline, 3-methoxyaniline, 4-fluoroaniline, 4-chloroaniline and 2-aminoaniline] have been determined and their hydrogen-bonding systems analysed. All are anhydrous 1:1 salts: [(C6H8N)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (1), [(C6H8NO)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (2), [(C7H10NO)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (3), [(C7H10NO)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (4), [(C6H7FN)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (5), [(C6H7ClN)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (6), and [(C6H9N2)+(C7H3N2O7)-], (7) respectively. Crystals of 1 and 6 are triclinic, space group P-1 while the remainder are monoclinic with space group either P21/n (2, 4, 5 and 7) or P21 (3). Unit cell dimensions and contents are: for 1, a = 7.2027(17), b = 7.5699(17), c = 12.9615(16) Å, α = 84.464(14), β = 86.387(15), γ = 75.580(14)o, Z = 2; for 2, a = 7.407(3), b = 6.987(3), c = 27.653(11) Å, β = 94.906(7)o, Z = 4; for 3, a = 8.2816(18), b = 23.151(6), c = 3.9338(10), β = 95.255(19)o, Z = 2; for 4, a = 11.209(2), b = 8.7858(19), c = 15.171(3) Å, β = 93.717(4)o, Z = 4; for 5, a = 26.377(3), b = 10.1602(12), c = 5.1384(10) Å, β = 91.996(13)o, Z = 4; for 6, a = 11.217(3), b = 14.156(5), c = 4.860(3) Å, α = 99.10(4), β = 96.99(4), γ = 76.35(2)o, Z = 2; for 7, a = 12.830(4), b = 8.145(3), c = 14.302(4) Å, β = 102.631(6)o, Z = 4. In all compounds at least one primary linear intermolecular N+-H…O(carboxyl) hydrogen-bonding interaction is present which, together with secondary hydrogen bonding results in the formation of mostly two-dimensional network structures, exceptions being with compounds 4 and 5 (one-dimensional) and compound 6 (three-dimensional). In only two cases [compounds 1 and 4], are weak cation-anion or cation-cation π-π interactions found while weak aromatic C-H…O interactions are insignificant. The study shows that all compounds fit the previously formulated classification scheme for primary and secondary interactive modes for proton-transfer compounds of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid but there are some unusual variants.


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The structures of the 1:1 co-crystalline adduct C8H6BrN3S . C7H5NO4 (I) and the salt C8H7BrN3S+ C7H3N2O7- (II) from the interaction of 5-(4-bromophenyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-amine with 4-nitrobenzoic acid and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, respectively, have been determined. The primary inter-species association in both (I) and (II) is through duplex R2/2(8) (N-H...O/O-H...O) or (N-H...O/N-H...O) hydrogen bonds, respectively, giving heterodimers. In (II), these are close to planar [dihedral angles between the thiadiazole ring and the two phenyl rings are 2.1(3)deg. (intra) and 9.8(2)deg. (inter)], while in (I) these angles are 22.11(15) and 26.08(18)deg., respectively. In the crystal of (I), the heterodimers are extended into a one-dimensional chain along b through an amine N-...N(thiadiazole) hydrogen bond but in (II), a centrosymmetric cyclic heterotetramer structure is generated through N-H...O hydrogen bonds to phenol and nitro O-atom acceptors and features, together with the primary R2/2(8) interaction, conjoined R4/6(12), R2/1(6) and S(6) ring motifs. Also present in (I) are pi--pi interactions between thiadiazole rings [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.4624(16)deg.] as well as short Br...O(nitro) interactions in both (I) and (II) [3.296(3)A and 3.104(3)A, respectively].


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Paesaggio ed infrastrutture viarie sono un binomio molto forte: il primo ha insito il concetto di accessibilità, in quanto non può esistere senza la presenza di un osservatore; la strada, invece, trova i fattori che la connotano nel suo rapporto con la morfologia su cui insiste. Le infrastrutture viarie sono elemento strutturale e strutturante non solo di un territorio, ma anche di un paesaggio. Le attuali esigenze di mobilità portano oggi a ripensare ed adeguare molte infrastrutture viarie: laddove è possibile si potenziano le strutture esistenti, in diversi casi si ricorre a nuovi tracciati o a varianti di percorso. Porsi il problema di conservare itinerari testimoni della cultura materiale ed economica di una società implica considerazioni articolate, che travalicano i limiti del sedime: una via è un organismo più complesso della semplice linea di trasporto in quanto implica tutta una serie di manufatti a supporto della mobilità e soprattutto il corridoio infrastrutturale che genera e caratterizza, ovvero una porzione variabile di territorio definita sia dal tracciato che dalla morfologia del contesto. L’evoluzione dei modelli produttivi ed economici, che oggi porta quote sempre maggiori di popolazione a passare un tempo sempre minore all’interno del proprio alloggio, rende la riflessione sulle infrastrutture viarie dismesse o declassate occasione per la progettazione di spazi per l’abitare collettivo inseriti in contesti paesaggistici, tanto urbani che rurali, tramite reti di percorsi pensate per assorbire tagli di mobilità specifici e peculiari. Partendo da queste riflessioni la Tesi si articola in: Individuazioni del contesto teorico e pratico: Lo studio mette in evidenza come la questione delle infrastrutture viarie e del loro rapporto con il paesaggio implichi riflessioni incrociate a diversi livelli e tramite diverse discipline. La definizione dello spazio fisico della strada passa infatti per la costruzione di un itinerario, un viaggio che si appoggia tanto ad elementi fisici quanto simbolici. La via è un organismo complesso che travalica il proprio sedime per coinvolgere una porzione ampia di territorio, un corridoio variabile ed articolato in funzione del paesaggio attraversato. Lo studio propone diverse chiavi di lettura, mettendo in luce le possibili declinazioni del tema, in funzione del taglio modale, del rapporto con il contesto, del regime giuridico, delle implicazioni urbanistiche e sociali. La mobilità dolce viene individuata quale possibile modalità di riuso, tutela e recupero, del patrimonio diffuso costituito dalle diversi reti di viabilità. Antologia di casi studio: Il corpo principale dello studio si basa sulla raccolta, analisi e studio dello stato dell’arte nel settore; gli esempi raccolti sono presentati in due sezioni: la prima dedicata alle esperienze più significative ed articolate, che affrontano il recupero delle infrastrutture viarie a più livelli ed in modo avanzato non concentrandosi solo sulla conversione del sedime, ma proponendo un progetto che coinvolga tutto il corridoio attraversato dall’infrastruttura; la seconda parte illustra la pratica corrente nelle diverse realtà nazionali, ponendo in evidenza similitudini e differenze tra i vari approcci.


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The volume is a collection of papers that address issues associated with change in the delivery of VET programs in Queensland, foreshadowed by the release of The Queensland Skill Plan in 2006. Issues that relate to the implementation of the Actions identified in the Queensland Skills Plan are the focus of the collection. In particular, the incorporation of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-learning approaches in the delivery of training packages is a key topic, how such change can be managed in the delivery of training programs, as well as broader professional development issues for VET practitioners. Change at an organisational level is the focus of two papers. Lyn Ambrose uses ideas from Diffusion of Innovations Theory to consider how the adoption eLearning in a TAFE community can be addressed. The paper by Susan Todhunter also discusses the organisational challenges in change initiatives in TAFE Institutes. Specific issues related to in the professional development of VET teachers are the focus of the papers by Mary Campbell, Sharon Altena, and Judy Gronold. Mary Campbell discusses the importance of building staff capabilities within the TAFE system and how this might be managed. Sharon Altena considers how professional development programs are currently delivered and how new approaches to professional development for TAFE teachers are needed to ensure changes can be sustained in teaching practice. The paper by Judy Gronold takes up a specific challenge for VET practitioners in the Queensland Skills Plan. She addresses issues related to embedding employability skills into training delivery in order to address industries’ need for flexible, multi-skilled productive workers. Mark Driver discusses the issues resulting from increased number of mature-aged learners in VET programs and how this change in the demographic profile of students presents challenges to the VET system. In the paper by David McKee, implications in the incorporation of ICTs into trade training are discussed and the need for effective change management strategies to ensure a smooth transition to new ways of delivering trade training. Finally, in the paper by David Roberts, the potential of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approaches in VET training and the role of ICTs within such approaches are discussed. David uses horticulture training as an example to discuss the issues in implementing PBL effectively in VET programs. These papers were completed by the authors as a part of their postgraduate studies at QUT. The views reported are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts.


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Formulary apportionment does not attempt to undertake a transactional division of a highly integrated multinational entity. Rather, it allocates income to the jurisdictions based on an economically justifiable formula. Opposition to formulary apportionment is generally based on the argument that it is not a theoretically superior (or optimal) model because of the implementation difficulties. The conclusion that the unitary taxation model may be theoretically superior to the current arm's-length model that applies to multinational banks, despite significant implementation, compliance, and enforcement issues, is based on the unitary taxation model providing greater alignment with the unique features of these banks. The formulary apportionment model looks to the economic substance of the multinational entity and, in this sense, adopts a substance-over- form approach. Formulary apportionment further recognizes the impossibility of using arm's-length pricing for economically interdependent multinational entities. A final advantage to formulary apportionment, which is also a consequence of this model achieving greater inter-nation equity, is the elimination of double taxation.


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The validity of the Multidimensional School Anger Inventory (MSAI) was examined with adolescents from 5 Pacific Rim countries (N ¼ 3,181 adolescents; age, M ¼ 14.8 years; 52% females). Confirmatory factor analyses examined configural invariance for the MSAI’s anger experience, hostility, destructive expression, and anger coping subscales. The model did not converge for Peruvian students. Using the top 4 loaded items for anger experience, hostility, and destructive expression configural invariance and partial metric and scalar invariances were found. Latent means analysis compared mean responses on each subscale to the U.S. sample. Students from other countries showed higher mean responses on the anger experience subscale (ds ¼ .37–.73). Australian (d ¼ .40) and Japanese students (d ¼ .21) had significantly higher mean hostility subscale scores. Australian students had higher mean scores on the destructive expression subscale (d ¼ .30), whereas Japanese students had lower mean scores (d ¼ 2.17). The largest latent mean gender differences (females lower than males) were for destructive expression among Australian (d ¼ 2.67), Guatemalan (d ¼ 2.42), and U.S. (d ¼ 2.66) students. This study supported an abbreviated, 12-item MSAI with partial invariance. Implications for the use of the MSAI in comparative research are discussed.


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The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on chromosome 6 is associated with susceptibility to more common diseases than any other region of the human genome, including almost all disorders classified as autoimmune. In type 1 diabetes the major genetic susceptibility determinants have been mapped to the MHC class II genes HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DRB1 (refs 1–3), but these genes cannot completely explain the association between type 1 diabetes and the MHC region4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Owing to the region's extreme gene density, the multiplicity of disease-associated alleles, strong associations between alleles, limited genotyping capability, and inadequate statistical approaches and sample sizes, which, and how many, loci within the MHC determine susceptibility remains unclear. Here, in several large type 1 diabetes data sets, we analyse a combined total of 1,729 polymorphisms, and apply statistical methods—recursive partitioning and regression...