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This study is the first to investigate the effect of prolonged reading on reading performance and visual functions in students with low vision. The study focuses on one of the most common modes of achieving adequate magnification for reading by students with low vision, their close reading distance (proximal or relative distance magnification). Close reading distances impose high demands on near visual functions, such as accommodation and convergence. Previous research on accommodation in children with low vision shows that their accommodative responses are reduced compared to normal vision. In addition, there is an increased lag of accommodation for higher stimulus levels as may occur at close reading distance. Reduced accommodative responses in low vision and higher lag of accommodation at close reading distances together could impact on reading performance of students with low vision especially during prolonged reading tasks. The presence of convergence anomalies could further affect reading performance. Therefore, the aims of the present study were 1) To investigate the effect of prolonged reading on reading performance in students with low vision 2) To investigate the effect of prolonged reading on visual functions in students with low vision. This study was conducted as cross-sectional research on 42 students with low vision and a comparison group of 20 students with normal vision, aged 7 to 20 years. The students with low vision had vision impairments arising from a range of causes and represented a typical group of students with low vision, with no significant developmental delays, attending school in Brisbane, Australia. All participants underwent a battery of clinical tests before and after a prolonged reading task. An initial reading-specific history and pre-task measurements that included Bailey-Lovie distance and near visual acuities, Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity, ocular deviations, sensory fusion, ocular motility, near point of accommodation (pull-away method), accuracy of accommodation (Monocular Estimation Method (MEM)) retinoscopy and Near Point of Convergence (NPC) (push-up method) were recorded for all participants. Reading performance measures were Maximum Oral Reading Rates (MORR), Near Text Visual Acuity (NTVA) and acuity reserves using Bailey-Lovie text charts. Symptoms of visual fatigue were assessed using the Convergence Insufficiency Symptom Survey (CISS) for all participants. Pre-task measurements of reading performance and accuracy of accommodation and NPC were compared with post-task measurements, to test for any effects of prolonged reading. The prolonged reading task involved reading a storybook silently for at least 30 minutes. The task was controlled for print size, contrast, difficulty level and content of the reading material. Silent Reading Rate (SRR) was recorded every 2 minutes during prolonged reading. Symptom scores and visual fatigue scores were also obtained for all participants. A visual fatigue analogue scale (VAS) was used to assess visual fatigue during the task, once at the beginning, once at the middle and once at the end of the task. In addition to the subjective assessments of visual fatigue, tonic accommodation was monitored using a photorefractor (PlusoptiX CR03™) every 6 minutes during the task, as an objective assessment of visual fatigue. Reading measures were done at the habitual reading distance of students with low vision and at 25 cms for students with normal vision. The initial history showed that the students with low vision read for significantly shorter periods at home compared to the students with normal vision. The working distances of participants with low vision ranged from 3-25 cms and half of them were not using any optical devices for magnification. Nearly half of the participants with low vision were able to resolve 8-point print (1M) at 25 cms. Half of the participants in the low vision group had ocular deviations and suppression at near. Reading rates were significantly reduced in students with low vision compared to those of students with normal vision. In addition, there were a significantly larger number of participants in the low vision group who could not sustain the 30-minute task compared to the normal vision group. However, there were no significant changes in reading rates during or following prolonged reading in either the low vision or normal vision groups. Individual changes in reading rates were independent of their baseline reading rates, indicating that the changes in reading rates during prolonged reading cannot be predicted from a typical clinical assessment of reading using brief reading tasks. Contrary to previous reports the silent reading rates of the students with low vision were significantly lower than their oral reading rates, although oral and silent reading was assessed using different methods. Although the visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, near point of convergence and accuracy of accommodation were significantly poorer for the low vision group compared to those of the normal vision group, there were no significant changes in any of these visual functions following prolonged reading in either group. Interestingly, a few students with low vision (n =10) were found to be reading at a distance closer than their near point of accommodation. This suggests a decreased sensitivity to blur. Further evaluation revealed that the equivalent intrinsic refractive errors (an estimate of the spherical dioptirc defocus which would be expected to yield a patient’s visual acuity in normal subjects) were significantly larger for the low vision group compared to those of the normal vision group. As expected, accommodative responses were significantly reduced for the low vision group compared to the expected norms, which is consistent with their close reading distances, reduced visual acuity and contrast sensitivity. For those in the low vision group who had an accommodative error exceeding their equivalent intrinsic refractive errors, a significant decrease in MORR was found following prolonged reading. The silent reading rates however were not significantly affected by accommodative errors in the present study. Suppression also had a significant impact on the changes in reading rates during prolonged reading. The participants who did not have suppression at near showed significant decreases in silent reading rates during and following prolonged reading. This impact of binocular vision at near on prolonged reading was possibly due to the high demands on convergence. The significant predictors of MORR in the low vision group were age, NTVA, reading interest and reading comprehension, accounting for 61.7% of the variances in MORR. SRR was not significantly influenced by any factors, except for the duration of the reading task sustained; participants with higher reading rates were able to sustain a longer reading duration. In students with normal vision, age was the only predictor of MORR. Participants with low vision also reported significantly greater visual fatigue compared to the normal vision group. Measures of tonic accommodation however were little influenced by visual fatigue in the present study. Visual fatigue analogue scores were found to be significantly associated with reading rates in students with low vision and normal vision. However, the patterns of association between visual fatigue and reading rates were different for SRR and MORR. The participants with low vision with higher symptom scores had lower SRRs and participants with higher visual fatigue had lower MORRs. As hypothesized, visual functions such as accuracy of accommodation and convergence did have an impact on prolonged reading in students with low vision, for students whose accommodative errors were greater than their equivalent intrinsic refractive errors, and for those who did not suppress one eye. Those students with low vision who have accommodative errors higher than their equivalent intrinsic refractive errors might significantly benefit from reading glasses. Similarly, considering prisms or occlusion for those without suppression might reduce the convergence demands in these students while using their close reading distances. The impact of these prescriptions on reading rates, reading interest and visual fatigue is an area of promising future research. Most importantly, it is evident from the present study that a combination of factors such as accommodative errors, near point of convergence and suppression should be considered when prescribing reading devices for students with low vision. Considering these factors would also assist rehabilitation specialists in identifying those students who are likely to experience difficulty in prolonged reading, which is otherwise not reflected during typical clinical reading assessments.


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This document outlines the system submitted by the Speech and Audio Research Laboratory at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) for the Speaker Identity Verication: Application task of EVALITA 2009. This submission consisted of a score-level fusion of three component systems, a joint-factor GMM system and two SVM systems using GLDS and GMM supervector kernels. Development and evaluation results are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of this fused system approach.


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This paper shows initial results in deploying the biologically inspired Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping system, RatSLAM, in an outdoor environment. RatSLAM has been widely tested in indoor environments on the task of producing topologically coherent maps based on a fusion of odometric and visual information. This paper details the changes required to deploy RatSLAM on a small tractor equipped with odometry and an omnidirectional camera. The principal changes relate to the vision system, with others required for RatSLAM to use omnidirectional visual data. The initial results from mapping around a 500 m loop are promising, with many improvements still to be made.


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The relationship between deformity correction and self-reported patient satisfaction after thoracoscopic anterior scoliosis surgery is unknown. Scoliosis Research Society questionnaire scores, radiographic outcomes, and rib hump correction were prospectively assessed for a group of 100 patients pre-operatively and at two years after surgery. Patients with lower post-op major Cobb angles report significantly higher SRS scores than patients with higher post-op Cobb angles.


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Severe spinal deformity in young children is a formidable challenge for optimal treatment. Standard interventions for adolescents, such as spinal deformity correction and fusion, may not be appropriate for young patients with considerable growth remaining. Alternative surgical options that provide deformity correction and protect the growth remaining in the spine are needed to treat this group of patients 1, 2. One such method is the use of shape memory alloy staples. We report our experience to date using video-assisted thoracoscopic insertion of shape memory alloy staples. A retrospective review was conducted of 13 patients with scoliosis, aged 7 to 13 years, who underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic insertion of shape memory staples. In our experience, video-assisted thoracoscopic insertion of shape memory alloy staples is a safe procedure with no complications noted. It is a reliable method of providing curve stability, however the follow up results to date indicate that the effectiveness of the procedure is greater in younger patients.


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Optical flow (OF) is a powerful motion cue that captures the fusion of two important properties for the task of obstacle avoidance − 3D self-motion and 3D environmental surroundings. The problem of extracting such information for obstacle avoidance is commonly addressed through quantitative techniques such as time-to-contact and divergence, which are highly sensitive to noise in the OF image. This paper presents a new strategy towards obstacle avoidance in an indoor setting, using the combination of quantitative and structural properties of the OF field, coupled with the flexibility and efficiency of a machine learning system.The resulting system is able to effectively control the robot in real-time, avoiding obstacles in familiar and unfamiliar indoor environments, under given motion constraints. Furthermore, through the examination of the networks internal weights, we show how OF properties are being used toward the detection of these indoor obstacles.


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Approaches with Vertical Guidance (APV) can provide greater safety and cost savings to general aviation through accurate GPS horizontal and vertical navigation. However, GPS needs augmentation to achieve APV fault detection requirements. Aircraft Based Augmentation Systems (ABAS) fuse GPS with additional sensors at the aircraft. Typical ABAS designs assume high-quality inertial sensors with Kalman filters but these are too expensive for general aviation. Instead of using high-quality (and expensive) sensors, the purpose of this paper is to investigate augmenting GPS with a low-quality MEMS IMU and Aircraft Dynamic Model (ADM). The IMU and ADM are fused together using a multiple model fusion strategy in a bank of Extended Kalman Filters (EKF) with the Normalized Solution Separation (NSS) fault detection scheme. A tightly-coupled configuration with GPS is used and frequent GPS updates are applied to the IMU and ADM to compensate for their errors. Based upon a simulated APV approach, the performance of this architecture in detecting a GPS ramp fault is investigated showing a performance improvement over a GPS-only “snapshot” implementation of the NSS method. The effect of fusing the IMU with the ADM is evaluated by comparing a GPS-IMU-ADM EKF with a GPS-IMU EKF where a small improvement in protection levels is shown.


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Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and copolymers of vinylidene fluoride with hexafluoropropylene, trifluoroethylene and chlorotrifluoroethylene have been exposed to gamma irradiation in vacuum, up to doses of 1MGy under identical conditions, to obtain a ranking of radiation sensitivities. Changes in the tensile properties, crystalline melting points,heats of fusion, gel contents and solvent uptake factors were used as the defining parameters. The initial degree of crystallinity and film processing had the greatest influence on relative radiation damage, although the cross-linked network features were almost identical in their solvent swelling characteristics, regardless of the comonomer composition or content.


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Non-driving related cognitive load and variations of emotional state may impact a driver’s capability to control a vehicle and introduces driving errors. Availability of reliable cognitive load and emotion detection in drivers would benefit the design of active safety systems and other intelligent in-vehicle interfaces. In this study, speech produced by 68 subjects while driving in urban areas is analyzed. A particular focus is on speech production differences in two secondary cognitive tasks, interactions with a co-driver and calls to automated spoken dialog systems (SDS), and two emotional states during the SDS interactions - neutral/negative. A number of speech parameters are found to vary across the cognitive/emotion classes. Suitability of selected cepstral- and production-based features for automatic cognitive task/emotion classification is investigated. A fusion of GMM/SVM classifiers yields an accuracy of 94.3% in cognitive task and 81.3% in emotion classification.


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The advantages of a spherical imaging model are increasingly well recognized within the robotics community. Perhaps less well known is the use of the sphere for attitude estimation, control and scene structure estimation. This paper proposes the sphere as a unifying concept, not just for cameras, but for sensor fusion, estimation and control. We review and summarize relevant work in these areas and illustrate this with relevant simulation examples for spherical visual servoing and scene structure estimation.


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In this paper we present a tutorial introduction to two important senses for biological and robotic systems — inertial and visual perception. We discuss the fundamentals of these two sensing modalities from a biological and an engineering perspective. Digital camera chips and micro-machined accelerometers and gyroscopes are now commodities, and when combined with today's available computing can provide robust estimates of self-motion as well 3D scene structure, without external infrastructure. We discuss the complementarity of these sensors, describe some fundamental approaches to fusing their outputs and survey the field.


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Ensuring the long term viability of reef environments requires essential monitoring of many aspects of these ecosystems. However, the sheer size of these unstructured environments (for example Australia’s Great Barrier Reef pose a number of challenges for current monitoring platforms which are typically remote operated and required significant resources and infrastructure. Therefore, a primary objective of the CSIRO robotic reef monitoring project is to develop and deploy a large number of AUV teams to perform broadscale reef surveying. In order to achieve this, the platforms must be cheap, even possibly disposable. This paper presents the results of a preliminary investigation into the performance of a low-cost sensor suite and associated processing techniques for vision and inertial-based navigation within a highly unstructured reef environment.


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Intelligent surveillance systems typically use a single visual spectrum modality for their input. These systems work well in controlled conditions, but often fail when lighting is poor, or environmental effects such as shadows, dust or smoke are present. Thermal spectrum imagery is not as susceptible to environmental effects, however thermal imaging sensors are more sensitive to noise and they are only gray scale, making distinguishing between objects difficult. Several approaches to combining the visual and thermal modalities have been proposed, however they are limited by assuming that both modalities are perfuming equally well. When one modality fails, existing approaches are unable to detect the drop in performance and disregard the under performing modality. In this paper, a novel middle fusion approach for combining visual and thermal spectrum images for object tracking is proposed. Motion and object detection is performed on each modality and the object detection results for each modality are fused base on the current performance of each modality. Modality performance is determined by comparing the number of objects tracked by the system with the number detected by each mode, with a small allowance made for objects entering and exiting the scene. The tracking performance of the proposed fusion scheme is compared with performance of the visual and thermal modes individually, and a baseline middle fusion scheme. Improvement in tracking performance using the proposed fusion approach is demonstrated. The proposed approach is also shown to be able to detect the failure of an individual modality and disregard its results, ensuring performance is not degraded in such situations.