163 resultados para Intergenerational Income Mobility


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Social marketers and governments have often targeted hard to reach or vulnerable groups (Gordon et al., 2006) such as young adults and low income earners. Past research has shown that low-income earners are often at risk of poor health outcomes and diminished lifestyle (Hampson et al., 2009; Scott et al., 2012). Young adults (aged 18 to 35) are in a transition phase of their life where lifestyle preferences are still being formed and are thus a useful target for long-term sustainable change. An area of focus for all levels of government is the use of energy with an aim to reduce consumption. There is little research to date that combines both of these groups and in particular in the context of household energy usage. Research into financially disadvantaged consumers is challenging the notion that that low income consumer purchasing and usage of products and services is based upon economic status (Sharma et al., 2012). Prior research shows higher income earners view items such as televisions and computers as necessities rather than non-essential (Karlsson et al., 2004). Consistent with this is growing evidence that low income earners purchase non-essential, energy intensive electronic appliances such as multiple big screen TV sets and additional refrigerators. With this in mind, there is a need for knowledge about how psychological and economic factors influence the energy consumption habits (e.g. appliances on standby power, leaving appliances turned on, running multiple devices at one time) of low income earners. Thus, our study sought to address the research question of: What are the factors that influence young adult low-income earners energy habits?


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The Project: • YOTS is a major youth specific agency established in 1991. It is a non-denominational, non-discriminatory and not-for-profit organisation, providing a wide range of services and offering a full continuum of care. It seeks to build on the strengths and positive aspects of marginalised young people and communities. • The 'Our Place, Walgett Youth and Young Families Project' further develops an existing YOTS capacity to provide services to Aboriginal young people. • The project adopted an action-research and community development model in which YOTS worked in partnership with the Youth Sub-committee of the Walgett Interagency. • Specific goals/objectives of the program were to: Coordinate youth and young family activities in partnership with local services and the community to build self-esteem, pride, resilience, motivation and skills; Contribute to the prevention and reduction of homelessness, unstable and unsafe housing and disruptive mobility (Walgett/Redfern) in youth and young families; Increase and improve collaborative engagement between youth and family focused services; and, research, adapt and implement Australian and international best-practice homelessness prevention/reduction initiatives to contribute to new models of practice relevant to rural and regional areas. • The project centred around an out-reach model that focused on providing a safe space with relevant structured activities coordinated by YOTS youth and family workers. Through community and service provider consultation, it was proposed that local services could coordinate strategies and activities and run them, where possible, from the centre, providing ease of access in a safe and supportive context. • Specific activities included: Implementing regular meetings with the stakeholders and community representatives; Developing a Terms of Reference for YOTS presence in the Walgett community; Undertaking a community consultation prior to finalising program activities; Implementing a range of recreational activities (sports, music, arts and crafts) early on in the activity; Implementing young family support initiatives; implementing a volunteering program, including volunteer support to young families through intergenerational volunteering; running a series of Culture and Healing Camps in partnership with local Elders and other services; Running a series of Music Camps; Providing alternative education support and referrals in partnership with local schools; Researching, identifying and adapting other best-practice models.


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π-Conjugated polymers are the most promising semiconductor materials to enable printed organic thin film transistors (OTFTs) due to their excellent solution processability and mechanical robustness. However, solution-processed polymer semiconductors have shown poor charge transport properties mainly originated from the disordered polymer chain packing in the solid state as compared to the thermally evaporated small molecular organic semiconductors. The low charge carrier mobility, typically < 0.1 cm2 /V.s, of polymer semiconductors poses a challenge for most intended applications such as displays and radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags. Here we present our recent results on the dike topyrrolopyrrole (DPP)-based polymers and demonstrate that when DPP is combined with appropriate electron donating moieties such as thiophene and thienothiophene, very high charge carrier mobility values of ~1 cm2/V.s could be achieved.


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The Australian tax regime for not for profit organisations is notable because of its tolerance of such organisations generating untaxed trading income, unlike the United States and United Kingdom tax regimes. In 2011, the Australian government announced new arrangements for untaxed trading income after a High Court case drew attention to it. This chapter identifies issues experienced on a practical level in the US and the UK, where unrelated business income is taxed, and offers directions for any future Australian attempt to tax this income.


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Glycerophospholipids (GPs) that differ in the relative position of the two fatty acyl chains on the glycerol backbone (i.e., sn-positional isomers) can have distinct physicochemical properties. The unambiguous assignment of acyl chain position to an individual GP represents a significant analytical challenge. Here we describe a workflow where phosphatidylcholines (PCs) are subjected to ESI for characterization by a combination of differential mobility spectrometry and MS (DMS-MS). When infused as a mixture, ions formed from silver adduction of each phospholipid isomer {e.g., [PC (16:0/18:1) + Ag]+ and [PC (18:1/16:0) + Ag]+} are transmitted through the DMS device at discrete compensation voltages. Varying their relative amounts allows facile and unambiguous assignment of the sn-positions of the fatty acyl chains for each isomer. Integration of the well-resolved ion populations provides a rapid method (< 3 min) for relative quantification of these lipid isomers. The DMS-MS results show excellent agreement with established, but time-consuming, enzymatic approaches and also provide superior accuracy to methods that rely on MS alone. The advantages of this DMS-MS method in identification and quantification of GP isomer populations is demonstrated by direct analysis of complex biological extracts without any prior fractionation.


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The study investigated the adsorption and bioavailability characteristics of traffic generated metals common to urban land uses, in road deposited solids particles. To validate the outcomes derived from the analysis of field samples, adsorption and desorption experiments were undertaken. The analysis of field samples revealed that metals are selectively adsorbed to different charge sites on solids. Zinc, copper, lead and nickel are adsorbed preferentially to oxides of manganese, iron and aluminium. Lead is adsorbed to organic matter through chemisorption. Cadmium and chromium form weak bonding through cation exchange with most of the particle sizes. Adsorption and desorption experiments revealed that at high metal concentrations, chromium, copper and lead form relatively strong bonds with solids particles while zinc is adsorbed through cation exchange with high likelihood of being released back into solution. Outcomes from this study provide specific guidance for the removal of metals from stormwater based on solids removal.


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China has 85 million people with disabilities, 30% of whom have a physical disability(1). Up to 2006, overall disability rates increased by 0.5% per year, more for males and in rural areas, and rates of physical disability increased by 11.2% per year(2). With population ageing the proportion of people with disability will increase even faster. In May 2014 the 67th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution endorsing the WHO Global Disability Action Plan 2014–2021. One of its three objectives is “to remove barriers and improve access to health services and programmes”. Access to transport contributes to positive health outcomes both directly and indirectly (e.g. access to economic opportunities, which is associated with better health)(3). However, once people with physical disabilities leave their dwellings they are confronted with physical barriers to their mobility, ranging from the condition/provision of paths to the cost/availability of transport and access to buildings. In addition, their mobility restrictions increase their vulnerability as road users, exposing them to a higher risk of injury through road crashes. QUT's School of Public Health and Social Work (PHSW) and and Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety-Queensland (CARRS-Q) CARRS-Q have been collaborating on development of a combined disability audit and road safety access tool that can identify transport barriers and safety issues along the routes taken by people with disabilities, to enable prioritisation of actions to address these issues. There are also spin-off benefits for other road users from addressing the rising toll of disability through road crashes in China(4). The tool has undergone initial proof-of-concept testing in India and Viet Nam, and is currently being assessed in Cambodia and Laos. Given the rapid development of China, increases in rates of physical disability and the impacts of an ageing population, it is proposed to establish collaborative research through the Australia-China Centre for Public Health to (1) tailor the combined road safety audit and disability access tool for use in China; (2) evaluate its use on a sample of routes; (3) develop plans for changes to the routes in consultation with local authorities; (4) evaluate the effectiveness of implemented changes in terms of access and health. 1. Zheng, Q, et al, 2014. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 12:25. 2. Zheng, X, et al, 2011. Bull World Health Org, 89:788–797. 3. Götschi, T & Kahlmeier, S, 2011. Integrated Transport, Health, and Sustainability Assessment (INTHESA): Final Report. Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Zurich. 4. Lin, T, et al, 2013. J Public Health, 35:541–547.


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The World Health Organization identifies road trauma as a major public health issue in every country; most notably among low-to-middle income countries. More than 90% of all road fatalities occur in these countries, although they have only 48% of all registered vehicles [1]. Unprecedented focus has been placed on reducing the global road trauma burden through the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020). China is rapidly transitioning from a nation of bicycle riders and pedestrians to one where car ownership and use is increasing. This transition presents important public health, mobility, and safety challenges. Rapid motorisation has resulted in an increased road trauma burden, shouldered disproportionately among the population. Vulnerable road users (bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorcyclists) are of particular concern, representing 70% of all road-related fatalities [1]. Furthermore, those at greatest risk of sustaining a crash-related disability are: male, older, less educated, and earning a lower income [2] and residing in urban areas [3], with higher fatality rates in north-western poorer provinces [3]. Speeding is a key factor in road crashes in China [1, 4] and is one of two risk factors targeted in the Bloomberg Philanthropies-funded Global Road Safety Program operating in two Chinese cities over five year [5] to which the first author has provided expert advice. However, little evidence exists to help understand the factors underpinning speeding behaviour. Previous research conducted by the authors in Beijing and Hangzhou explored personal, social, and legal factors relating to speeding to assist in better understanding the motivations for non-compliance with speed limits. Qualitative and quantitative research findings indicated that speeding is relatively common, including self-reported travel speeds of greater than 30 km/hour above posted speed limits [6], and that the road safety laws and enforcement practices may, in some circumstances, contribute to this [7]. Normative factors were also evident; the role of friends, family members and driving instructors were influential. Additionally, using social networks to attempt to avoid detection and penalty was reported, thereby potentially reinforcing community perceptions that speeding is acceptable [8, 9]. The authors established strong collaborative links with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Zhejiang Police College to conduct this research. The first author has worked in both institutions for extended time periods and recognises that research must include an understanding of culturally-relevant issues if road safety is to improve in China. Future collaborations to assist in enhancing our understanding of such issues are welcomed. References [1] World Health Organization. (2009). Global status report on road safety: Time for action; Geneva. [2] Chen, H., Du, W., & Li, N. (2013). The socioeconomic inequality in traffic-related disability among Chinese adults: the application of concentration index. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 55(101-106). [3] Wang, S. Y., Li, Y. H., Chi, G. B., Xiao, S. Y., Ozanne-Smith, J., Stevenson, M., & Phillips, M. (2008). Injury-related fatalities in China: an under-recognised public-health problem. The Lancet (British edition), 372(9651), 1765-1773. [4] He, J., King, M. J., Watson, B., Rakotonirainy, A., & Fleiter, J. J. (2013). Speed enforcement in China: National, provincial and city initiatives and their success. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 282-288. [5] Bhalla, K., Li, Q., Duan, L., Wang, Y., Bishai, D., & Hyder, A. A. (2013). The prevalence of speeding and drink driving in two cities in China: a mid project evaluation of ongoing road safety interventions. Injury, 44, 49-56. doi:10.1016/S0020-1383(13)70213-4. [6] Fleiter, J. J., Watson, B., & Lennon, A. (2013). Awareness of risky behaviour among Chinese drivers. Peer-reviewed paper presented at 23rd Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, Montréal, Québec. [7] Fleiter, J. J., Watson, B., Lennon, A., King, M. J., & Shi, K. (2009). Speeding in Australia and China: A comparison of the influence of legal sanctions and enforcement practices on car drivers. Peer-reviewd paper presented at Australasian Road Safety Research Policing Education Conference, Sydney. [8] Fleiter, J. J., Watson, B., Lennon, A., King, M. J., & Shi, K. (2011). Social influences on drivers in China. Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 22(2), 29-36. [9] Fleiter, J. J., Watson, B., Guan, M. Q., Ding, J. Y., & Xu, C. (2013). Characteristics of Chinese Drivers Attending a Mandatory Training Course Following Licence Suspension. Peer-reviewed paper presented at Road Safety on Four Continents, Beijing, China.


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Australia faces an ongoing challenge recruiting professionals to staff essential human services in rural and remote communities. This paper identifies the private limits to the implicit service contract between professions and such client populations. These become evident in how private solutions to competing priorities within professional families inform their selective mobility and thus create the public problem for such communities. The paper reports on a survey of doctors, nurses, teachers and police with responsibility for school-aged children in Queensland that plumbed the strength of neoliberal values in their educational strategy and their commitment to the public good in career decisions. The quantitative analysis suggested that neoliberal values are not necessarily opposed to a commitment to the public good. However, the qualitative analysis of responses to hypothetical career opportunities in rural and remote communities drew out the multiple intertwined spatial and temporal limits to such public service, highlighting the priority given to educational strategy in these families’ deliberations. This private/public nexus poses a policy problem on multiple institutional fronts.


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The technique of photo-CELIV (charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage) is one of the more straightforward and popular approaches to measure the faster carrier mobility in measurement geometries that are relevant for operational solar cells and other optoelectronic devices. It has been used to demonstrate a time-dependent photocarrier mobility in pristine polymers, attributed to energetic relaxation within the density of states. Conversely, in solar cell blends, the presence or absence of such energetic relaxation on transport timescales remains under debate. We developed a complete numerical model and performed photo-CELIV experiments on the model high efficiency organic solar cell blend poly[3,6-dithiophene-2-yl-2,5-di(2-octyldodecyl)-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrrole-1,4-dione-alt-naphthalene] (PDPP-TNT):[6,6]-phenyl-C71-butyric-acid-methyl-ester (PC70BM). In the studied solar cells a constant, time-independent mobility on the scale relevant to charge extraction was observed, where thermalisation of photocarriers occurs on time scales much shorter than the transit time. Therefore, photocarrier relaxation effects are insignificant for charge transport in these efficient photovoltaic devices.


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This article explores the issue of income of bankrupts from the historical, theoretical and legislative viewpoints. After setting out the foundation for our present law, the article reviews the current statistics on the use of the existing legislative income contribution regime and analyses the jurisprudence which has made the notion of after-acquired income - and the ability of bankrupts to invest it - opaque. The article then canvasses the ‘can pay, should pay’ notion of income contributions by bankrupts together with the current debate on ‘making them pay’.


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The positive relationship between household income and child health is well documented in the child health literature but the precise mechanisms via which income generates better health and whether the income gradient is increasing in child age are not well understood. This paper presents new Australian evidence on the child health–income gradient. We use data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), which involved two waves of data collection for children born between March 2003 and February 2004 (B-Cohort: 0–3 years), and between March 1999 and February 2000 (K-Cohort: 4–7 years). This data set allows us to test the robustness of some of the findings of the influential studies of Case et al. [Case, A., Lubotsky, D., Paxson, C., 2002. Economic status and health in childhood: the origins of the gradient. The American Economic Review 92 (5) 1308–1344] and Currie and Stabile [Currie, J., Stabile, M., 2003. Socioeconomic status and child health: why is the relationship stronger for older children. The American Economic Review 93 (5) 1813–1823], and a recent study by Currie et al. [Currie, A., Shields, M.A., Price, S.W., 2007. The child health/family income gradient: evidence from England. Journal of Health Economics 26 (2) 213–232]. The richness of the LSAC data set also allows us to conduct further exploration of the determinants of child health. Our results reveal an increasing income gradient by child age using similar covariates to Case et al. [Case, A., Lubotsky, D., Paxson, C., 2002. Economic status and health in childhood: the origins of the gradient. The American Economic Review 92 (5) 1308–1344]. However, the income gradient disappears if we include a rich set of controls. Our results indicate that parental health and, in particular, the mother's health plays a significant role, reducing the income coefficient to zero; suggesting an underlying mechanism that can explain the observed relationship between child health and family income. Overall, our results for Australian children are similar to those produced by Propper et al. [Propper, C., Rigg, J., Burgess, S., 2007. Child health: evidence on the roles of family income and maternal mental health from a UK birth cohort. Health Economics 16 (11) 1245–1269] on their British child cohort.


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In this paper, we investigate the effect of mobility constraints on epidemic broad-cast mechanisms in DTNs (Delay-Tolerant Networks). Major factors affecting epidemic broadcast performances are its forwarding algorithm and node mobility. The impact of forwarding algorithm and node mobility on epidemic broadcast mechanisms has been actively studied in the literature, but those studies use generally unconstrained mobility models. The objective of this paper is therefore to quantitatively investigate the effect of mobility constraints on epidemic broadcast mechanisms. We evaluate the performances of P-BCAST (PUSH-based BroadCast), SA-BCAST (Self-Adaptive BroadCast), and HP-BCAST (History-based P-BCAST) with a random waypoint mobility model with mobility constraints.