368 resultados para American Chemical Society


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Tailor-made water-soluble macromolecules, including a glycopolymer, obtained by living/controlled RAFT-mediated polymerization are demonstrated to react in water with diene-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol)s without pre- or post-functionalization steps or the need for a catalyst at ambient temperature. As previously observed in organic solvents, hetero-Diels-Alder (HDA) conjugations reached quantitative conversion within minutes when cyclopentadienyl moieties were involved. However, while catalysts and elevated temperatures were previously necessary for open-chain diene conjugation, additive-free HDA cycloadditions occur in water within a few hours at ambient temperature. Experimental evidence for efficient conjugations is provided via unambiguous ESI-MS, UV/vis, NMR, and SEC data.


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An increasing number of researchers have hypothesized that ozone may be involved in the particle formation processes that occur during printing, however no studies have investigated this further. In the current study, this hypothesis was tested in a chamber study by adding supplemental ozone to the chamber after a print job without measurable ozone emissions. Subsequent particle number concentration and size distribution measurements showed that new particles were formed minutes after the addition of ozone. The results demonstrated that ozone did react with printer-generated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to form secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). The hypothesis was further confirmed by the observation of correlations among VOCs, ozone, and particles concentrations during a print job with measurable ozone emissions. The potential particle precursors were identified by a number of furnace tests, which suggested that squalene and styrene were the most likely SOA precursors with respect to ozone. Overall, this study significantly improved scientific understanding of the formation mechanisms of printer-generated particles, and highlighted the possible SOA formation potential of unsaturated nonterpene organic compounds by ozone-initiated reactions in the indoor environment. © 2011 American Chemical Society.


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Despite broad application, few silicone-based surfactants of known structure or, therefore, surfactancy have been prepared because of an absence of selective routes and instability of silicones to acid and base. Herein the synthesis of a library of explicit silicone-poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) materials is reported. Pure silicone fragments were generated by the B(C(6)F(5))(3)-catalyzed condensation of alkoxysilanes and vinyl-functionalized hydrosilanes. The resulting pure products were coupled to thiol-terminated PEG materials using photogenerated radicals under anaerobic conditions.


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Alternative fuels and injection technologies are a necessary component of particulate emission reduction strategies for compression ignition engines. Consequently, this study undertakes a physicochemical characterization of diesel particulate matter (DPM) for engines equipped with alternative injection technologies (direct injection and common rail) and alternative fuels (ultra low sulfur diesel, a 20% biodiesel blend, and a synthetic diesel). Particle physical properties were addressed by measuring particle number size distributions, and particle chemical properties were addressed by measuring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and reactive oxygen species (ROS). Particle volatility was determined by passing the polydisperse size distribution through a thermodenuder set to 300 °C. The results from this study, conducted over a four point test cycle, showed that both fuel type and injection technology have an impact on particle emissions, but injection technology was the more important factor. Significant particle number emission (54%–84%) reductions were achieved at half load operation (1% increase–43% decrease at full load) with the common rail injection system; however, the particles had a significantly higher PAH fraction (by a factor of 2 to 4) and ROS concentrations (by a factor of 6 to 16) both expressed on a test-cycle averaged basis. The results of this study have significant implications for the health effects of DPM emissions from both direct injection and common rail engines utilizing various alternative fuels.


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Abstract: The radical pair that results from photolysis of adenosylcob(II1)alamin (AdoCbl"') undergoes primary geminate recombination with a first-order rate constant of 1 x lo9 s-l. In contrast, methylcob(II1)alamin (CH3Cbl"') and aristeromicylcob(II1)alamin (AriCblII', the carbocyclic analogue of AdoCbl"' in which the ribofuranose ring oxygen has been replaced with a methylene group) does not undergo primary geminate recombination. The ribofwanose group enables a high rate of geminate recombination in the [Ado' Cbl"'] radical pair. This may be due to a stereoelectronic (p-anomeric) effect that maintains a pyramidal geometry at the 5'-carbon of the 5'-deoxyadenosyl radical, or it may be due to hindered rotation about the C4t-C5, bond such that /?-elimination to the olefin is prevented. Recombination in the geminate singlet radical pair is in competition with diffusive escape to form a solvent-separated radical pair. Hyperfine coupling from Co" promotes intersystem crossing to the triplet radical pair (Chagovetz, A. M.; Grissom, C. B. J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1993, 115, 12152). Recombination of the [CH3' Cbl"] radical pair is not prevented by a lack of intersystem crossing, as neither unlabeled or I3C-labeled CH3Cbl"' undergoes geminate recombination. There is only a small difference in the rate of diffusive recombination in the solvent cage for AdoCbl"', AriCbl"', and CH3Cbl"' following photolysis: 2.01 x 10" s-l, 2.20 x lo4 s-l, and 1.16 x lo4 s-l. The rate of diffusive recombination is limited by productive collisions and not by radical geometry or intersystem crossing. The CF3' radical that results from photolysis of (trifluoromethyl)cob(III)alamin (CF3Cbl"') maintains its pyramidal geometry and undergoes faster diffusive recombination in the solvent cage at 51 x lo4 s-l. The C-Co bond dissociation enthalpy in AriCbl"' is 37 f 1.4 kcaymol. The profound difference in geminate recombination rates for AdoCbl"' and CH3Cbl"' is consistent with their different biological roles as enzymatic cofactors: AdoCbl"' is an initiator of radical chain chemistry in the active site, whereas CH3Cbl"' is a methyl group donor in an S~2-type process.


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Complexes of the type \[M(phen)3](PF6)2 (M = Ni(II), Fe(II), Ru(II) and phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) were found to co-crystallize to form molecular alloys (solid solutions of molecules) with general formula \[MAxMB1–x(phen)3](PF6)2·0.5H2O in which the relative concentrations of the metal complexes in the crystals closely match those in the crystallizing solution. Consequently, the composition of the co-crystals can be accurately predicted and controlled by modulating the relative concentrations of the metal complexes in the crystallizing solution. Although they are chemically and structurally similar, complexes of the type \[M(bipy)3](PF6)2 (M = Ni(II), Fe(II), Ru(II) and bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine) display markedly different behavior upon co-crystallization. In this case, the resulting co-crystals of general formula \[MAxMB1–x(bipy)3](PF6)2 have relative concentrations of the constituent complexes that are markedly different from the relative concentrations of the complexes initially present in the crystallizing solution. For example, when the nickel and iron complexes are co-crystallized from a solution containing a 50:50 ratio of each, the result is the formation of some crystals with a higher proportion of iron and others with a higher proportion of nickel. The relative concentrations of the metal complexes in the crystals can vary from those in the crystallizing solutions by as much as 15%. This result was observed for a range of combinations of metal complexes (Ni/Fe, Ni/Ru, and Fe/Ru) and a range of starting concentrations in the crystallizing solutions (90:10 through to 10:90 in 10% increments). To explain this remarkable result, we introduce the concept of “supramolecular selection”, which is a process driven by molecular recognition that leads to the partially selective aggregation of like molecules during crystallization.


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In the past few years, remarkable progress has been made in unveiling novel and unique optical properties of strongly coupled plasmonic nanostructures. However, application of such plasmonic nanostructures in biomedicine remains challenging due to the lack of facile and robust assembly methods for producing stable nanostructures. Previous attempts to achieve plasmonic nano-assemblies using molecular ligands were limited due to the lack of flexibility that could be exercised in forming them. Here, we report the utilization of tailor-made hyperbranched polymers (HBP) as linkers to assemble gold nanoparticles (NPs) into nano-assemblies. The ease and flexibility in tuning the particle size and number of branch ends of a HBP makes it an ideal candidate as a linker, as opposed to DNA, small organic molecules and linear or dendrimeric polymers. We report a strong correlation of polymer (HBP) concentration with the size of the hybrid nano-assemblies and “hot-spot” density. We have shown that such solutions of stable HBP-gold nano-assemblies can be barcoded with various Raman tags to provide improved surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) compared with non-aggregated NP systems. These Raman barcoded hybrid nano-assemblies, with further optimization of NP shape, size and “hot-spot” density, may find application as diagnostic tools in nanomedicine.


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The Analytical Electron Microscope (AEM), with which secondary X-ray emission from a thin (<150nm), electron-transparent material is measured, has rapidly become a versatile instrument for qualitative and quantitative elemental analyses of many materials, including minerals. With due regard for sources of error in experimental procedures, it is possible to obtain high spatial resolution (~20nm diameter) and precise elemental analyses (~3% to 5% relative) from many silicate minerals. In addition, by utilizing the orientational dependence of X-ray emission for certain multi-substituted crystal structures, site occupancies for individual elements within a unit cell can be determined though with lower spatial resolution. The relative ease with which many of these compositional data may be obtained depends in part on the nature of the sample, but, in general, is comparable to other solid state analytical techniques such as X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analysis. However, the improvement in spatial resolution obtained with the AEM (up to two orders of magnitude in analysis diameter) significantly enhances interpretation of fine-grained assemblages in many terrestrial or extraterrestrial rocks.


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We present experimental results that demonstrate that the wavelength of the fundamental localised surface plasmon resonance for spherical gold nanoparticles on glass can be predicted using a simple, one line analytical formula derived from the electrostatic eigenmode method. This allows the role of the substrate in lifting mode degeneracies to be determined, and the role of local environment refractive indices on the plasmon resonance to be investigated. The effect of adding silica to the casting solution in minimizing nanopaticle agglomeration is also discussed.