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Digital learning has come a long way from the days of simple 'if-then' queries. It is now enabled by countless innovations that support knowledge sharing, openness, flexibility, and independent inquiry. Set against an evolutionary context this study investigated innovations that directly support human inquiry. Specifically, it identified five activities that together are defined as the 'why dimension' – asking, learning, understanding, knowing, and explaining why. Findings highlight deficiencies in mainstream search-based approaches to inquiry, which tend to privilege the retrieval of information as distinct from explanation. Instrumental to sense-making, the 'why dimension' provides a conceptual framework for development of 'sense-making technologies'.


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A growing interest is seen for designing intelligent environments that support personally meaningful, sociable and rich everyday experiences. In this paper we describe an intelligent, large screen display called Panorama that is aimed at supporting and enhancing social awareness within an academic work environment. Panorama is not intended to provide instrumental or other productivity related information. Rather, the goal of Panorama is to enhance social awareness by providing interpersonal and rich information related to co-workers and their everyday interactions in the department. A two-phase assessment of Panorama showed to promote curiosity and interest in exploring different activities in the environment.


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Objective To test a conceptual model linking parental physical activity orientations, parental support for physical activity, and children's self-efficacy perceptions with physical activity participation. Participants and setting The sample consisted of 380 students in grades 7 through 12 (mean age, 14.0±1.6 years) and their parents. Data collection took place during the fall of 1996. Main outcome measures Parents completed a questionnaire assessing their physical activity habits, enjoyment of physical activity, beliefs regarding the importance of physical activity, and supportive behaviors for their child's physical activity. Students completed a 46-item inventory assessing physical activity during the previous 7 days and a 5-item physical activity self-efficacy scale. The model was tested via observed variable path analysis using structural equation modeling techniques (AMOS 4.0). Results An initial model, in which parent physical activity orientations predicted child physical activity via parental support and child self-efficacy, did not provide an acceptable fit to the data. Inclusion of a direct path from parental support to child physical activity and deletion of a nonsignificant path from parental physical activity to child physical activity significantly improved model fit. Standardized path coefficients for the revised model ranged from 0.17 to 0.24, and all were significant at the p<0.0001 level. Conclusions Parental support was an important correlate of youth physical activity, acting directly or indirectly through its influence on self-efficacy. Physical activity interventions targeted at youth should include and evaluate the efficacy of individual-level and community-level strategies to increase parents’ capacity to provide instrumental and motivational support for their children's physical activity.


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Ozone-induced dissociation (OzID) exploits the gas-phase reaction between mass-selected lipid ions and ozone vapor to determine the position(s) of unsaturation In this contribution, we describe the modification of a tandem linear ion-trap mass spectrometer specifically for OzID analyses wherein ozone vapor is supplied to the collision cell This instrumental configuration provides spatial separation between mass-selection, the ozonolysis reaction, and mass-analysis steps in the OzID process and thus delivers significant enhancements in speed and sensitivity (ca 30-fold) These improvements allow spectra revealing the double-bond position(s) within unsaturated lipids to be acquired within 1 s significantly enhancing the utility of OzID in high-throughput lipidomic protocols The stable ozone concentration afforded by this modified instrument also allows direct comparison of relative reactivity of isomeric lipids and reveals reactivity trends related to (1) double-bond position, (2) substitution position on the glycerol backbone, and (3) stereochemistry For cis- and trans-isomers, differences were also observed in the branching ratio of product ions arising from the gas-phase ozonolysis reaction, suggesting that relative ion abundances could be exploited as markers for double-bond geometry Additional activation energy applied to mass-selected lipid ions during injection into the collision cell (with ozone present) was found to yield spectra containing both OzID and classical-CID fragment ions This combination CID-OzID acquisition on an ostensibly simple monounsaturated phosphatidylcholine within a cow brain lipid extract provided evidence for up to four structurally distinct phospholipids differing in both double-bond position and sn-substitution U Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2010, 21, 1989-1999) (C) 2010 American Society for Mass Spectrometry


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In vitro analyses of basement membrane invasiveness employing Matrigel (a murine tumor extract rich in basement membrane components) have been performed on human breast cancer model systems. Constitutive invasiveness of different human breast cancer (HBC) cell lines has been examined as well as regulation by steroid hormones, growth factors, and oncogenes. Carcinoma cells exhibiting a mesenchymal-like phenotype (vimentin expression, lack of cell border associated uvomorulin) show dramatically increased motility, invasiveness, and metastatic potential in nude mice. These findings support the hypothesis that epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like events may be instrumental in the metastatic progression of human breast cancer. The MCF-7 subline MCF-7ADR appears to have undergone such a transition. The importance of such a transition may be reflected in the emergence of vimentin expression as an indicator of poor prognosis in HBC. Matrix degradation and laminin recognition are highlighted as potential targets for antimetastatic therapy, and analyses of laminin attachment and the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family in HBC cell lines are summarized. Matrigel-based assays have proved useful in the study of the molecular mechanisms of basement membrane invasiveness, their regulation in HBC cells, and their potential as targets for antimetastatic therapy.


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Two unique test systems were designed and built to allow the effects of varied gravity (high, normal, reduced) during synthesis of titanium sol–gels to be studied. A centrifuge capable of providing high gravity environments of up to 70 g for extended periods while applying a 100 mbar vacuum and a temperature of 40–50 °C to the reaction chambers was developed. The second system was used in the QUT Microgravity Drop Tower Facility also provided the same thermal and vacuum conditions used in the centrifuge, but was required to operate autonomously during free fall. Through the use of post synthesis instrumental characterization, it was found that increased gravity levels during synthesis, had the greatest effect on the final products. Samples produced in reduced and normal gravity appeared to form amorphous gels containing very small particles with moderate surface areas. Whereas crystalline anatase (TiO2), was found to form in samples synthesized above 5 g with significant increases in crystallinity, particle size and surface area observed when samples were produced at gravity levels up to 70 g. It is proposed that for samples produced in higher gravity, an increased concentration gradient of water is forms at the bottom of the reacting film due to forced convection. The particles formed in higher gravity diffuse downward toward this excess of water, which favors the condensation reaction of remaining sol–gel precursors with the particles promoting increased particle growth. Due to the removal of downward convection in reduced gravity, particle growth due to condensation reaction processes are physically hindered hydrolysis reactions favored instead. Another significant finding from this work was that anatase could be produced at relatively low temperatures of 40–50 °C instead of the conventional method of calcination above 450 °C solely through sol–gel synthesis at higher gravity levels.


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Self-reported health status measures are generally used to analyse Social Security Disability Insurance's (SSDI) application and award decisions as well as the relationship between its generosity and labour force participation. Due to endogeneity and measurement error, the use of self-reported health and disability indicators as explanatory variables in economic models is problematic. We employ county-level aggregate data, instrumental variables and spatial econometric techniques to analyse the determinants of variation in SSDI rates and explicitly account for the endogeneity and measurement error of the self-reported disability measure. Two surprising results are found. First, it is shown that measurement error is the dominating source of the bias and that the main source of measurement error is sampling error. Second, results suggest that there may be synergies for applying for SSDI when the disabled population is larger. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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Transportation construction is substantially different from other construction fields due to widespread use of unit price bidding and competitive contract awarding. Thus, the potential for change orders has been the main source of unbalanced bidding for contractors, which can be described as substantial increases in work quantity or reasonable changes to the initial design provided by the State Highway Agencies (SHAs). It is important to understand the causes of the change orders as cost related issues are the main reason for contract disputes. We have analyzed a large dataset from a major SHA to identify project related and environmental factors that affect the change order costs. The results of the study can be instrumental in assessing the increased costs associated with change orders and better management measures can be taken to mitigate their effects.


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"This work forms part of a much larger collaborative album project in progress between Tim Bruniges, Julian Knowles and David Trumpmanis which explores the intersections between traditional rock instrumentation and analogue and digital media. All of the creative team are performers, composers and producers. The material for the album was thus generated by a series of in studio improvisations and performances with each collaborator assuming a range of different and alternating roles – guitars, electronics, drums, percussion, bass, keyboards production. Thematically the work explores the intersection of instrumental (post) rock, ambient music, and historical electro-acoustic tape composition traditions. Over the past 10 years, musical practice has become increasingly hybrid, with the traditional boundaries between genre becoming progressively eroded. At the same time, digital tools have replaced many of the major analogue technologies that dominated music production and performance in the 20th century. The disappearance of analogue media in mainstream musical practice has had a profound effect on the sonic characteristics of contemporary music and the gestural basis for its production. Despite the increasing power of digital technologies, a small but dedicated group of practitioners has continued to prize and use analogue technology for its unique sounds and the non-linearity of the media, aestheticising its inherent limitations and flaws. At the most radical end of this spectrum lie glitch and lo-fi musical forms, seen in part as reactions to the clinical nature of digital media and the perceived lack of character associated with its transparency. Such developments have also problematised the traditional relationships between media and genre, where specific techniques and their associated sounds have become genre markers. Tristate is an investigation into this emerging set of dialogues between analogue and digital media across composition, production and performance. It employs analogue tape loops in performance, where a tape machine ‘performer’ records and hand manipulates loops of an electric guitar performer on ‘destroyed’ tape stock (intentionally damaged tape), processing the output of this analogue system in the digital domain with contemporary sound processors. In doing so it investigates how the most extreme sonic signatures of analogue media – tape dropout and noise – can be employed alongside contemporary digital sound gestures in both compositional and performance contexts and how the extremes of the two media signatures can brought together both compositionally and performatively. In respect of genre, the work established strategies for merging compositional techniques from the early musique concrete tradition of the 1940s with late 60s popular music experimentalism and the laptop glitch electronica movement of the early 2000s. Lastly, the work explores how analogue recording studio technologies can be used as performance tools, thus illuminating and foregrounding the performative/gestural dimensions of traditional analogue studio tools in use."


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Through a combinatorial approach involving experimental measurement and plasma modelling, it is shown that a high degree of control over diamond-like nanocarbon film sp3/sp2 ratio (and hence film properties) may be exercised, starting at the level of electrons (through modification of the plasma electron energy distribution function). Hydrogenated amorphous carbon nanoparticle films with high percentages of diamond-like bonds are grown using a middle-frequency (2 MHz) inductively coupled Ar + CH4 plasma. The sp3 fractions measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy in the thin films are explained qualitatively using sp3/sp2 ratios 1) derived from calculated sp3 and sp2 hybridized precursor species densities in a global plasma discharge model and 2) measured experimentally. It is shown that at high discharge power and lower CH4 concentrations, the sp3/sp2 fraction is higher. Our results suggest that a combination of predictive modeling and experimental studies is instrumental to achieve deterministically grown made-to-order diamond-like nanocarbons suitable for a variety of applications spanning from nano-magnetic resonance imaging to spin-flip quantum information devices. This deterministic approach can be extended to graphene, carbon nanotips, nanodiamond and other nanocarbon materials for a variety of applications


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Multiscale hybrid simulations that bridge the nine-order-of-magnitude spatial gap between the macroscopic plasma nanotools and microscopic surface processes on nanostructured solids are described. Two specific examples of carbon nanotip-like and semiconductor quantum dot nanopatterns are considered. These simulations are instrumental in developing physical principles of nanoscale assembly processes on solid surfaces exposed to low-temperature plasmas.


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The world of Construction is changing, so too are the expectations of stakeholders regarding strategies for adapting existing resources (people, equipment and finances), processes and tools to the evolving needs of the industry. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a data-rich, digital approach for representing building information required for design and construction. BIM tools play a crucial role and are instrumental to current approaches, by industry stakeholders, aimed at harnessing the power of a single information repository for improved project delivery and maintenance. Yet, building specifications - which document information on material quality, and workmanship requirements - remain distinctly separate from model information typically represented in BIM models. BIM adoption for building design, construction and maintenance is an industry-wide strategy aimed at addressing such concerns about information fragmentation. However, to effectively reduce inefficiencies due to fragmentation, BIM models require crucial building information contained in specifications. This paper profiles some specification tools which have been used in industry as a means of bridging the BIM-Specifications divide. We analyse the distinction between current attempts at integrating BIM and specifications and our approach which utilizes rich specification information embedded within objects in a product library as a method for improving the quality of information contained in BIM objects at various levels of model development.


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In design studio, sketching or visual thinking is part of processes that assist students to achieve final design solutions. At QUT’s First and Third Year industrial design studio classes we engage in a variety of teaching pedagogies from which we identify ‘Concept Bombs’ as an instrumental in the development of students’ visual thinking and reflective design process, and also as a vehicle to foster positive student engagement. Our ‘formula’: Concept Bombs are 20 minute design tasks focusing on rapid development of initial concept designs and free-hand sketching. Our experience and surveys tell us that students value intensive studio activities especially when combined with timely assessment and feedback. While conventional longer-duration design projects are essential for allowing students to engage with the full depth and complexity of the design process, short and intensive design activities introduce variety to the learning experience and enhance student engagement. This paper presents a comparative analysis of First and Third Year students’ Concept Bomb sketches to describe the types of design knowledge embedded in them, a discussion of limitations and opportunities of this pedagogical technique, as well as considerations for future development of studio based tasks of this kind as design pedagogies in the midst of current university education trends.


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This study determined factors which influenced Canadian provincial (state) politicians when making funding decisions for public libraries. Using the case study methodology, Canadian provincial/state-level funding for public libraries in the 2009-2010 fiscal year was examined. The data were analyzed to determine whether Cialdini’s theory of influence and specifically any of the six tactics of influence (i.e., commitment and consistency, authority, liking, social proof, scarcity, and reciprocity) were instrumental in these budgetary decision-making processes. Findings show the principles of “authority,” “consistency and commitment,” and “liking” were relevant, and that “liking” was especially important to these decisions.


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Australian Environmental Law: Norms, Principles and Rules, 3rd Edition provides a detailed examination of the fundamental concepts and principles of the environmental legal system in Australia. This new edition updates relevant State, Territory and Commonwealth legislation and case law and expands on the themes set out in the 2nd edition, namely:the origins and contexts of environmental governance; the movement toward ecologically sustainable development; the relevance and function of ecologically sustainable development today in the legal system; and the range of instrumental rules supporting environmental governance. The 3rd edition in particular expands upon the range of instrumental rules by analysing through the case law the emerging sets of rules of competence and limitation on the one hand and the emerging sets of purposive, deliberative, methodological, strategic, liability and market rules on the other hand. This thematic and principled approach adopted in Australian Environmental Law: Norms, Principles and Rules, 3rd Edition presents the reader with coverage of the important issues surrounding this area of the law in a clear and concise way.