120 resultados para depth-of-focus


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Purpose Small field x-ray beam dosimetry is difficult due to a lack of lateral electronic equilibrium, source occlusion, high dose gradients and detector volume averaging. Currently there is no single definitive detector recommended for small field dosimetry. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of a new commercial synthetic diamond detector, namely the PTW 60019 microDiamond, for the dosimetry of small x-ray fields as used in stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). Methods Small field sizes were defined by BrainLAB circular cones (4 – 30 mm diameter) on a Novalis Trilogy linear accelerator and using the 6 MV SRS x-ray beam mode for all measurements. Percentage depth doses were measured and compared to an IBA SFD and a PTW 60012 E diode. Cross profiles were measured and compared to an IBA SFD diode. Field factors, Ω_(Q_clin,Q_msr)^(f_clin,f_msr ), were calculated by Monte Carlo methods using BEAMnrc and correction factors, k_(Q_clin,Q_msr)^(f_clin,f_msr ), were derived for the PTW 60019 microDiamond detector. Results For the small fields of 4 to 30 mm diameter, there were dose differences in the PDDs of up to 1.5% when compared to an IBA SFD and PTW 60012 E diode detector. For the cross profile measurements the penumbra values varied, depending upon the orientation of the detector. The field factors, Ω_(Q_clin,Q_msr)^(f_clin,f_msr ), were calculated for these field diameters at a depth of 1.4 cm in water and they were within 2.7% of published values for a similar linear accelerator. The corrections factors, k_(Q_clin,Q_msr)^(f_clin,f_msr ), were derived for the PTW 60019 microDiamond detector. Conclusions We conclude that the new PTW 60019 microDiamond detector is generally suitable for relative dosimetry in small 6 MV SRS beams for a Novalis Trilogy linear equipped with circular cones.


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Aim A new method of penumbral analysis is implemented which allows an unambiguous determination of field size and penumbra size and quality for small fields and other non-standard fields. Both source occlusion and lateral electronic disequilibrium will affect the size and shape of cross-axis profile penumbrae; each is examined in detail. Method A new method of penumbral analysis is implemented where the square of the derivative of the cross-axis profile is plotted. The resultant graph displays two peaks in the place of the two penumbrae. This allows a strong visualisation of the quality of a field penumbra, as well as a mathematically consistent method of determining field size (distance between the two peak’s maxima), and penumbra (full-widthtenth-maximum of peak). Cross-axis profiles were simulated in a water phantom at a depth of 5 cm using Monte Carlo modelling, for field sizes between 5 and 30 mm. The field size and penumbra size of each field was calculated using the method above, as well as traditional definitions set out in IEC976. The effect of source occlusion and lateral electronic disequilibrium on the penumbrae was isolated by repeating the simulations removing electron transport and using an electron spot size of 0 mm, respectively. Results All field sizes calculated using the traditional and proposed methods agreed within 0.2 mm. The penumbra size measured using the proposed method was systematically 1.8 mm larger than the traditional method at all field sizes. The size of the source had a larger effect on the size of the penumbra than did lateral electronic disequilibrium, particularly at very small field sizes. Conclusion Traditional methods of calculating field size and penumbra are proved to be mathematically adequate for small fields. However, the field size definition proposed in this study would be more robust amongst other nonstandard fields, such as flattening filter free. Source occlusion plays a bigger role than lateral electronic disequilibrium in small field penumbra size.


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Driven by information accessibility-on-demand provided by the internet, education modes are changing from a teacher-led approach focused on content delivery and assessible outcomes, to a learner-based approach encouraging self-directed, peer-tutored, and cooperative learning. New pedagogies are required to extend learning beyond the classroom and traditional subject areas such as contemporary arts, in alignment with the cross disciplinary priorities of the Australian Curriculum and values of the International Baccalaureate Organisation. This research explores how partnerships with universities and cultural organisations are implicated in the generation of these new forms of pedagogy and contribute to the field of educational research within the context of Education Queensland’s Framework For Gifted Education. In particular, this paper explores a new pedagogical framework for highly capable year five to nine Queensland state school students at the intersection of arts, design and the sciences, which has arisen from an explicit secondary/ tertiary partnership between the Queensland University of Technology Creative Industries Faculty and Precincts and the Queensland Academies Young Scholars Program. The Young Scholars Program offers experiences in the International Baccalaureate and Australian Curriculum contexts to enhance outcomes via global understanding, unique industry partnerships and 21st century pedagogical innovation based not on 'content' but tacit/experiential learning concepts including immersive, creative, intellectual and social strategies. These strategies for highly capable students are centred around authentic opportunities, primary resources, transdisciplinary learning and relationships with likeminded peers including tertiary arts, design and STEM educators and students, professionals and researchers. The presentation details case studies which are hands-on real time workshops involving inquiry based challenges in the arts, design and sciences, mathematics, history, creative writing and other disciplines, with content drawn from collections from public institutions, academic research and tertiary pedagogy. Both programs implicate student collaboration and creative production as methodology/data capture for ongoing action research, in alignment with the Framework For Gifted Education’s emphasis on evidence-based practices. They also challenge gifted students “to continue their development through curricular activities that require depth of study, complexity of thinking, fast pace of learning, high-level skills development and/or creative and critical thinking (e.g. through independent investigations, tiered tasks, diverse real-world applications, mentors)”(Education Queensland, 2011:3). This presentation highlights the strengths of the ongoing collaboration between QUT Creative industries Faculty and Queensland Academies, which not only provides successful extra curricular activities for gifted students towards a place in the International Baccalaureate Program, but also provides mentoring opportunities for tertiary students in their field of endeavor to assist with their own learning, and unique research opportunities for the Faculty as it focuses on excellence in arts, design and creative education and research. Education Queensland.(2011). Framework For Gifted Education Revised Edition 2011 (accessed Nov 19 2011)


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Taking cues from the fragility and grace enfolded within Asian cuisine, this paper explores recent experimentation of an edible rice paper veil. The veil fashions a 'secondary skin', what Jeffery Schnapp the author of 'The Fabric of Modern Times', calls an "object for prosthetic shelf extension...bearing a uniquely intimate and direct relation to the human body" (Schnapp, 1997:197). The process reveals a layered material mutable to moisture and humidity, changing its elastic state in relation to body and surroundings. The moving, breathing, sweating surface of the body further modifies both veil and bodily experience drawing forth deeper emotional responses. The implications here offer a reciprocal affect, a revealing, where new materiality evokes the threshold to a new sensible being, one aware of the depth of material consciousness and inter-corporeal engagement, and which extends the relations between thinking and being of Heidegger and Shklovsky's seminal works.


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Social marketers and governments have often targeted hard to reach or vulnerable groups (Gordon et al., 2006) such as young adults and low income earners. Past research has shown that low-income earners are often at risk of poor health outcomes and diminished lifestyle (Hampson et al., 2009; Scott et al., 2012). Young adults (aged 18 to 35) are in a transition phase of their life where lifestyle preferences are still being formed and are thus a useful target for long-term sustainable change. An area of focus for all levels of government is the use of energy with an aim to reduce consumption. There is little research to date that combines both of these groups and in particular in the context of household energy usage. Research into financially disadvantaged consumers is challenging the notion that that low income consumer purchasing and usage of products and services is based upon economic status (Sharma et al., 2012). Prior research shows higher income earners view items such as televisions and computers as necessities rather than non-essential (Karlsson et al., 2004). Consistent with this is growing evidence that low income earners purchase non-essential, energy intensive electronic appliances such as multiple big screen TV sets and additional refrigerators. With this in mind, there is a need for knowledge about how psychological and economic factors influence the energy consumption habits (e.g. appliances on standby power, leaving appliances turned on, running multiple devices at one time) of low income earners. Thus, our study sought to address the research question of: What are the factors that influence young adult low-income earners energy habits?


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The story of Australian cinema is often told as one of brave and often futile struggle by passionate and talented filmmakers to tell Australian stories against the backdrop of an industry dominated locally as well as globally by Hollywood and its agents. In theses narratives international interests are often cast as the villains in the valiant struggle for national filmic self-expression. But such a focus on the national aspects of Australian cinema elides the depth of the international aspect of Australian cinema. A legend has grown around the last decade of the nineteenth century as a time of intense artistic and political activity when a national sensibility welled in writing, poetry and painting. Film too played a part in creating and sharing a vision of a nation, but from the earliest days film also linked Australia to the world.


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The phase relations have been investigated experimentally at 200 and 500 MPa as a function of water activity for one of the least evolved (Indian Batt Rhyolite) and of a more evolved rhyolite composition (Cougar Point Tuff XV) from the 12·8-8·1 Ma Bruneau-Jarbidge eruptive center of the Yellowstone hotspot. Particular priority was given to accurate determination of the water content of the quenched glasses using infrared spectroscopic techniques. Comparison of the composition of natural and experimentally synthesized phases confirms that high temperatures (>900°C) and extremely low melt water contents (<1·5 wt % H₂O) are required to reproduce the natural mineral assemblages. In melts containing 0·5-1·5 wt % H₂O, the liquidus phase is clinopyroxene (excluding Fe-Ti oxides, which are strongly dependent on fO₂), and the liquidus temperature of the more evolved Cougar Point Tuff sample (BJR; 940-1000°C) is at least 30°C lower than that of the Indian Batt Rhyolite lava sample (IBR2; 970-1030°C). For the composition BJR, the comparison of the compositions of the natural and experimental glasses indicates a pre-eruptive temperature of at least 900°C. The composition of clinopyroxene and pigeonite pairs can be reproduced only for water contents below 1·5 wt % H₂O at 900°C, or lower water contents if the temperature is higher. For the composition IBR2, a minimum temperature of 920°C is necessary to reproduce the main phases at 200 and 500 MPa. At 200 MPa, the pre-eruptive water content of the melt is constrained in the range 0·7-1·3 wt % at 950°C and 0·3-1·0 wt % at 1000°C. At 500 MPa, the pre-eruptive temperatures are slightly higher (by 30-50°C) for the same ranges of water concentration. The experimental results are used to explore possible proxies to constrain the depth of magma storage. The crystallization sequence of tectosilicates is strongly dependent on pressure between 200 and 500 MPa. In addition, the normative Qtz-Ab-Or contents of glasses quenched from melts coexisting with quartz, sanidine and plagioclase depend on pressure and melt water content, assuming that the normative Qtz and Ab/Or content of such melts is mainly dependent on pressure and water activity, respectively. The combination of results from the phase equilibria and from the composition of glasses indicates that the depth of magma storage for the IBR2 and BJR compositions may be in the range 300-400 MPa (13 km) and 200-300 MPa (10 km), respectively.


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Past research on early internationalising firms often examined factors and motivations potentially influencing internationalisation activities separately. The purpose of this paper was to investigate a set of indicators and their interplay with each other. Firstly, the impact of (a) international potential in the form of the depth and diversity of international experience and network contacts was investigated. Secondly, it was examined to what extent (b) motivational factors and (c) firm stages affect the relationship between international potential and internationalisation activities. This paper used longitudinal data from the Comprehensive Australian Study of Entrepreneurial Emergence (CAUSEE). Results suggest that the international potential of a new venture as a whole is a significant determinant of subsequent internationalisation activities. However, having a diverse international experience from a variety of foreign countries appears to be more beneficial than a long-lasting experience from only a limited number of foreign countries. Furthermore, analyses showed that the interplay of high growth ambitions and the depth of international experience positively affect internationalisation activities. Opportunity or necessity driven entrepreneurship, however, neither exaggerate nor weaken the positive relationship between international potentials and internationalisation activities. Similarly, no moderation by firm stages was found.


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Background Over the past decade, molecular imaging has played a key role in the progression of drug delivery platforms from concept to commercialisation. Of the molecular imaging techniques commonly utilised, positron emission tomography (PET) can yield a breadth of information not easily accessible by other methodologies and when combined with other complementary imaging modalities, is a powerful tool for pre- and clinical development of therapeutics. However, very little research has focussed on the information available from complimentary imaging modalities. This paper reports on the data-rich methodologies of contrast enhanced PET/CT and PET/MRI for probing efficacy of polymer drug delivery platforms. Results The information available from an ExiTron nano 6000 contrast enhanced PET/CT and a gadolinium (Gd) enhanced PET/MRI image of a 64Cu labeled HBP in the same mouse was qualitatively compared. Conclusions Gd contrast enhanced PET/MRI offers a powerful methodology for investigating the distribution of polymer drug delivery platforms in vivo and throughout a tumour volume. Furthermore, information about depth of penetration away from primary blood vessels can be gleaned, potentially leading to development of more efficacious delivery vehicles for clinical use.


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Recent research suggests that aggressive driving may be influenced by driver perceptions of their interactions with other drivers in terms of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ behaviour. Drivers appear to take a moral standpoint on ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ driving behaviour. However, ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in the context of road use is not defined solely by legislation, but includes informal rules that are sometimes termed ‘driving etiquette’. Driving etiquette has implications for road safety and public safety since breaches of both formal and informal rules may result in moral judgement of others and subsequent behaviours designed to punish the ‘offender’ or ‘teach them a lesson’. This paper outlines qualitative research that was undertaken with drivers to explore their understanding of driving etiquette and how they reacted to other drivers’ observance or violation of their understanding. The aim was to develop an explanatory framework within which the relationships between driving etiquette and aggressive driving could be understood, specifically moral judgement of other drivers and punishment of their transgression of driving etiquette. Thematic analysis of focus groups (n=10) generated three main themes: (1) courtesy and reciprocity, and the notion of two-way responsibility, with examples of how expectations of courteous behaviour vary according to the traffic interaction; (2) acknowledgement and shared social experience: ‘giving the wave’; and (3) responses to breaches of the expectations/informal rules. The themes are discussed in terms of their roles in an explanatory framework of the informal rules of etiquette and how interactions between drivers can reinforce or weaken a driver’s understanding of driver etiquette and potentially lead to driving aggression.


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Over hundreds of generations, indigenous groups around the world have passed down their traditional landscape associations, a number of which are intangible and therefore unquantifiable. Yet, these associative relationships with nature have been, and continue to be, pivotal in cultural evolution. Determining the authenticity of intangible landscape associations has caused much controversy, and in recent decades, indigenous groups have begun seeking protection of their places of significance. In response, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Committee (WHC) developed a criterion that intended to assist in the identification and protection of cultural landscapes. The WHC has therefore become the global authority responsible for determining the authenticity of cultural landscapes, including those with intangible associations rather than material cultural evidence. However, even with the support of the United Nations, UNESCO and the WHC, it is unlikely that every tangible cultural landscape will be sufficiently recognised and protected. Therefore, this research paper explores the effectiveness of current approaches to gauging authenticity in instances where multiple landscapes are valued according to similar characteristics. Further, this work studies the inherent relationship between the indigenous Maori population of the South Island of New Zealand, in particular Kai Tahi peoples, and their significant landscape features, as a means of considering the breadth and depth of historic intangible associations. In light of these findings, this research challenges the appropriateness of the term 'authenticity' when analysing not only the subjective, but more pressingly, the intangible. It therefore questions the role of empirical data in demonstrating authenticity, while recognising that a prolific list of such intangible cultural landscapes has the potential to diminish integrity. This, this paper addresses an urgent need for increased social research in this area, namely in identifying cultural landscape protection methods that empower all local indigenous communities, not just those which are the most critically acclaimed.


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The last time a peer-reviewed volume on the future of mental health facilities was produced was in 1959, following a symposium organised by the American Psychological Association. The consensus was easy enough to follow and still resonates today: the best spaces to treat psychiatric illness will be in smaller, less restrictive units that offer more privacy and allow greater personalisation of space – possibly a converted hotel (Goshen, 1959). In some way, all those ideals have come to pass. An ideal typology was never established, but even so, units have shrunk from thousands of beds to units that typically house no more than 50 patients. Patients are generally more independent and are free to wander (within a unit) as they please. But the trend toward smaller and freer is reversing. This change is not driven by a desire to find the ideal building nor better models of care, but by growing concerns about budgets, self-harm and psychiatric violence. This issue of the Facilities comes at a time when the healthcare design is increasingly dominated by codes, statutes and guidelines. But the articles herein are a call to stop and think. We are not at the point where guidelines can be helpful, because they do not embody any depth of knowledge nor wisdom. These articles are intended to inject some new research on psychiatric/environmental interactions and also to remind planners and managers that guidelines might not tackle a core misunderstanding: fear-management about patient safety and the safety of society is not the purpose of the psychiatric facility. It is purpose is to create spaces that are suitable for improving the well-being of the mentally ill.


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Airport runway pavement always subjected to huge impact loading due to the hard landing of aircraft on the pavement surface. Therefore runway pavements should have sufficient impact resistance capability to avoid damage causing by hard impact like surface deflection in downward or penetration since the repair works is cumbersome within the operating condition of airport and also increases the service life cost of the pavement structure. Several research works have been carried out on airport runway pavement to measure the present condition of pavement and also to predict future performance of it. However, most of the works are confined by pavement response under moving aircraft loading. Nevertheless, no comprehensive research work is yet conducted to identify the controlling factors which might have significant effect in changing the common pavements damage like surface penetration depth under impact of aircraft. Therefore, a 3D FE study is conducted to determine some effective factors in controlling the top surface penetration depth of runway pavement. Among the exterior factors, mass of the impactor, velocity of the impactor, impact angle and boundary conditions are selected and as interior factors, thickness of the runway pavement, compressive strength and density of materials used in the runway pavement are selected.


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- Objectives Preschool-aged children spend substantial amounts of time engaged in screen-based activities. As parents have considerable control over their child's health behaviours during the younger years, it is important to understand those influences that guide parents' decisions about their child's screen time behaviours. - Design A prospective design with two waves of data collection, 1 week apart, was adopted. - Methods Parents (n = 207) completed a Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)-based questionnaire, with the addition of parental role construction (i.e., parents' expectations and beliefs of responsibility for their child's behaviour) and past behaviour. A number of underlying beliefs identified in a prior pilot study were also assessed. - Results The model explained 77% (with past behaviour accounting for 5%) of the variance in intention and 50% (with past behaviour accounting for 3%) of the variance in parental decisions to limit child screen time. Attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control, parental role construction, and past behaviour predicted intentions, and intentions and past behaviour predicted follow-up behaviour. Underlying screen time beliefs (e.g., increased parental distress, pressure from friends, inconvenience) were also identified as guiding parents' decisions. - Conclusion Results support the TPB and highlight the importance of beliefs for understanding parental decisions for children's screen time behaviours, as well as the addition of parental role construction. This formative research provides necessary depth of understanding of sedentary lifestyle behaviours in young children which can be adopted in future interventions to test the efficacy of the TPB mechanisms in changing parental behaviour for their child's health.


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The present paper describes the development and evaluation of a standardized multi-component therapist training program in guided respiration mindfulness therapy (GRMT). GMRT is a manual-based, experimental clinical intervention involving concentrated focus on sustained self-regulation of breathing, application of mindfulness to emergent somatic experience and relaxation. Therapists (n = 61) new to the approach attended a 2-day experiential workshop and were evaluated pre-post workshop for change in intervention knowledge, as well as change in mindfulness. These trainees also participated in post-workshop focus group sessions to explore perception of the intervention. A subset of 40 therapists participated in a second training component, and 14 of these were rated for competent delivery of the intervention during participation in a clinical trial. During training, therapists personally received the treatment giving the opportunity to assess treatment session (n = 283) impact on sense of wellbeing. Results indicated a brief focused training program can equip therapists with basic knowledge and skills required to deliver the standardized manual-based treatment. Qualitative analysis of focus group sessions showed that therapists endorsed the intervention for clinical use and found it personally beneficial. This research provides a foundation for further evaluation of clinical effectiveness of the intervention.