151 resultados para computed tomography images


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There is a growing interest in the use of megavoltage cone-beam computed tomography (MV CBCT) data for radiotherapy treatment planning. To calculate accurate dose distributions, knowledge of the electron density (ED) of the tissues being irradiated is required. In the case of MV CBCT, it is necessary to determine a calibration-relating CT number to ED, utilizing the photon beam produced for MV CBCT. A number of different parameters can affect this calibration. This study was undertaken on the Siemens MV CBCT system, MVision, to evaluate the effect of the following parameters on the reconstructed CT pixel value to ED calibration: the number of monitor units (MUs) used (5, 8, 15 and 60 MUs), the image reconstruction filter (head and neck, and pelvis), reconstruction matrix size (256 by 256 and 512 by 512), and the addition of extra solid water surrounding the ED phantom. A Gammex electron density CT phantom containing EDs from 0.292 to 1.707 was imaged under each of these conditions. The linear relationship between MV CBCT pixel value and ED was demonstrated for all MU settings and over the range of EDs. Changes in MU number did not dramatically alter the MV CBCT ED calibration. The use of different reconstruction filters was found to affect the MV CBCT ED calibration, as was the addition of solid water surrounding the phantom. Dose distributions from treatment plans calculated with simulated image data from a 15 MU head and neck reconstruction filter MV CBCT image and a MV CBCT ED calibration curve from the image data parameters and a 15 MU pelvis reconstruction filter showed small and clinically insignificant differences. Thus, the use of a single MV CBCT ED calibration curve is unlikely to result in any clinical differences. However, to ensure minimal uncertainties in dose reporting, MV CBCT ED calibration measurements could be carried out using parameter-specific calibration measurements.


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Background: Recent clinical studies have demonstrated an emerging subgroup of head and neck cancers that are virally mediated. This disease appears to be a distinct clinical entity with patients presenting younger and with more advanced nodal disease, having lower tobacco and alcohol exposure and highly radiosensitive tumours. This means they are living longer, often with the debilitating functional side effects of treatment. The primary objective of this study was to determine how virally mediated nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal cancers respond to radiation therapy treatment. The aim was to determine risk categories and corresponding adaptive treatment management strategies to proactively manage these patients. Method/Results: 121 patients with virally mediated, node positive nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal cancer who received radiotherapy treatment with curative intent between 2005 and 2010 were studied. Relevant patient demographics including age, gender, diagnosis, TNM stage, pre-treatment nodal size and dose delivered was recorded. Each patient’s treatment plan was reviewed to determine if another computed tomography (re-CT) scan was performed and at what time point (dose/fraction) this occurred. The justification for this re-CT was determined using four categories: tumour and/or nodal regression, weight loss, both or other. Patients who underwent a re-CT were further investigated to determine whether a new plan was calculated. If a re-plan was performed, the dosimetric effect was quantified by comparing dose volume histograms of planning target volumes and critical structures from the actual treatment delivered and the original treatment plan. Preliminary results demonstrated that 25/121 (20.7%) patients required a re-CT and that these re-CTs were performed between fractions 20 to 25 of treatment. The justification for these re-CTs consisted of a combination of tumour and/or nodal regression and weight loss. 16/25 (13.2%) patients had a replan calculated. 9 (7.4%) of these replans were implemented clinically due to the resultant dosimetric effect calculated. The data collected from this assessment was statistically analysed to identify the major determining factors for patients to undergo a re-CT and/or replan. Specific factors identified included nodal size and timing of the required intervention (i.e. how when a plan is to be adapted). This data was used to generate specific risk profiles that will form the basis of a biologically guided adaptive treatment management strategy for virally mediated head and neck cancer. Conclusion: Preliminary data indicates that virally mediated head and neck cancers respond significantly during radiation treatment (tumour and/or nodal regression and weight loss). Implications of this response are the potential underdosing or overdosing of tumour and/or surrounding critical structures. This could lead to sub-optimal patient outcomes and compromised quality of life. Consequently, the development of adaptive treatment strategies that improve organ sparing for this patient group is important to ensure delivery of the prescribed dose to the tumour volume whilst minimizing the dose received to surrounding critical structures. This could reduce side effects and improve overall patient quality of life. The risk profiles and associated adaptive treatment approaches developed in this study will be tested prospectively in the clinical setting in Phase 2 of this investigation.


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Determining the properties and integrity of subchondral bone in the developmental stages of osteoarthritis, especially in a form that can facilitate real-time characterization for diagnostic and decision-making purposes, is still a matter for research and development. This paper presents relationships between near infrared absorption spectra and properties of subchondral bone obtained from 3 models of osteoarthritic degeneration induced in laboratory rats via: (i) menisectomy (MSX); (ii) anterior cruciate ligament transaction (ACL); and (iii) intra-articular injection of mono-ido-acetate (1 mg) (MIA), in the right knee joint, with 12 rats per model group (N = 36). After 8 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and knee joints were collected. A custom-made diffuse reflectance NIR probe of diameter 5 mm was placed on the tibial surface and spectral data were acquired from each specimen in the wavenumber range 4000–12 500 cm− 1. After spectral acquisition, micro computed tomography (micro-CT) was performed on the samples and subchondral bone parameters namely: bone volume (BV) and bone mineral density (BMD) were extracted from the micro-CT data. Statistical correlation was then conducted between these parameters and regions of the near infrared spectra using multivariate techniques including principal component analysis (PCA), discriminant analysis (DA), and partial least squares (PLS) regression. Statistically significant linear correlations were found between the near infrared absorption spectra and subchondral bone BMD (R2 = 98.84%) and BV (R2 = 97.87%). In conclusion, near infrared spectroscopic probing can be used to detect, qualify and quantify changes in the composition of the subchondral bone, and could potentially assist in distinguishing healthy from OA bone as demonstrated with our laboratory rat models.


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Mesenchymal progenitor cells (MPCs) represent an attractive cell population for bone tissue engineering. Their special immunological characteristics suggest that MPCs may be used in an allogenic application. The objective of this study was to compare the regenerative potential of autologous vs. allogenic MPCs in an ovine critical-sized segmental defect model. Ovine MPCs were isolated from bone marrow aspirates, expanded and cultured with osteogenic media for two weeks before implantation. Autologous and allogenic transplantation was performed by using the cell-seeded scaffolds, unloaded scaffolds and the application of autologous bone grafts served as control groups (n=6). Bone healing was assessed twelve weeks after surgery by radiology, micro computed tomography, biomechanical testing and histology. Radiology, biomechanical testing and histology revealed no significant difference in bone formation between the autologous and allogenic group. Both cell groups showed more bone formation than the scaffold alone, whereas the biomechanical data showed no significant differences between the cell-groups and the unloaded scaffolds. The results of the study suggest that scaffold based bone tissue engineering using allogenic cells offers the potential for an off the shelf product. Therefore, the results of this study serve as an important baseline for the translation of the assessed concepts into clinical application.


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Melt electrospinning in a direct writing mode is a recent additive manufacturing approach to fabricate porous scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. In this study, we describe porous and cell-invasive poly (ε-caprolactone) scaffolds fabricated by combining melt electrospinning and a programmable x–y stage. Fibers were 7.5 ± 1.6 µm in diameter and separated by interfiber distances ranging from 8 to 133 µm, with an average of 46 ± 22 µm. Micro-computed tomography revealed that the resulting scaffolds had a highly porous (87%), three-dimensional structure. Due to the high porosity and interconnectivity of the scaffolds, a top-seeding method was adequate to achieve fibroblast penetration, with cells present throughout and underneath the scaffold. This was confirmed histologically, whereby a 3D fibroblast-scaffold construct with full cellular penetration was produced after 14 days in vitro. Immunohistochemistry was used to confirm the presence and even distribution of the key dermal extracellular matrix proteins, collagen type I and fibronectin. These results show that melt electrospinning in a direct writing mode can produce cell invasive scaffolds, using simple top-seeding approaches.


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Background: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a deformity of the spine, which may 34 require surgical correction by attaching a rod to the patient’s spine using screws 35 implanted in the vertebral bodies. Surgeons achieve an intra-operative reduction in the 36 deformity by applying compressive forces across the intervertebral disc spaces while 37 they secure the rod to the vertebra. We were interested to understand how the 38 deformity correction is influenced by increasing magnitudes of surgical corrective forces 39 and what tissue level stresses are predicted at the vertebral endplates due to the 40 surgical correction. 41 Methods: Patient-specific finite element models of the osseoligamentous spine and 42 ribcage of eight AIS patients who underwent single rod anterior scoliosis surgery were 43 created using pre-operative computed tomography (CT) scans. The surgically altered 44 spine, including titanium rod and vertebral screws, was simulated. The models were 45 analysed using data for intra-operatively measured compressive forces – three load 46 profiles representing the mean and upper and lower standard deviation of this data 47 were analysed. Data for the clinically observed deformity correction (Cobb angle) were 48 compared with the model-predicted correction and the model results investigated to 49 better understand the influence of increased compressive forces on the biomechanics of 50 the instrumented joints. 51 Results: The predicted corrected Cobb angle for seven of the eight FE models were 52 within the 5° clinical Cobb measurement variability for at least one of the force profiles. 53 The largest portion of overall correction was predicted at or near the apical 54 intervertebral disc for all load profiles. Model predictions for four of the eight patients 55 showed endplate-to-endplate contact was occurring on adjacent endplates of one or 56 more intervertebral disc spaces in the instrumented curve following the surgical loading 57 steps. 58 Conclusion: This study demonstrated there is a direct relationship between intra-59 operative joint compressive forces and the degree of deformity correction achieved. The 60 majority of the deformity correction will occur at or in adjacent spinal levels to the apex 61 of the deformity. This study highlighted the importance of the intervertebral disc space 62 anatomy in governing the coronal plane deformity correction and the limit of this 63 correction will be when bone-to-bone contact of the opposing vertebral endplates 64 occurs.


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Background A large animal model is required for assessment of minimally invasive, tissue engineering based approaches to thoracic spine fusion, with relevance to deformity correction surgery for human adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Here we develop a novel open mini–thoracotomy approach in an ovine model of thoracic interbody fusion which allows assessment of various fusion constructs, with a focus on novel, tissue engineering based interventions. Methods The open mini-thoracotomy surgical approach was developed through a series of mock surgeries, and then applied in a live sheep study. Customized scaffolds were manufactured to conform with intervertebral disc space clearances required of the study. Twelve male Merino sheep aged 4 to 6 years and weighing 35 – 45 kg underwent the abovementioned procedure and were divided into two groups of six sheep at survival timelines of 6 and 12 months. Each sheep underwent a 3-level discectomy (T6/7, T8/9 and T10/11) with randomly allocated implantation of a different graft substitute at each of the three levels; (i) polycaprolactone (PCL) based scaffold plus 0.54μg rhBMP-2, (ii) PCL-based scaffold alone or (iii) autograft. The sheep were closely monitored post- operatively for signs of pain (i.e. gait abnormalities/ teeth gnawing/ social isolation). Fusion assessments were conducted post-sacrifice using Computed Tomography and hard-tissue histology. All scientific work was undertaken in accordance with the study protocol has been approved by the Institute's committee on animal research. Results. All twelve sheep were successfully operated on and reached the allotted survival timelines, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the surgical procedure and post-operative care. There were no significant complications and during the post-operative period the animals did not exhibit marked signs of distress according to the described assessment criteria. Computed Tomographic scanning demonstrated higher fusion grades in the rhBMP-2 plus PCL-based scaffold group in comparison to either PCL-based scaffold alone or autograft. These results were supported by histological evaluation of the respective groups. Conclusion. This novel open mini-thoracotomy surgical approach to the ovine thoracic spine represents a safe surgical method which can reproducibly form the platform for research into various spine tissue engineered constructs (TEC) and their fusion promoting properties.


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Ultrasound has been examined previously as an alternative readout method for irradiated polymer gel dosimeters, with authors reporting varying dose response to ultrasound transmission measurements. In this current work we extend previous work to measure the broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) response of irradiated PAGAT gel dosimeters, using a novel ultrasound computed tomography system.


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This study investigates the impact of polystyrene sodium sulfonate (PolyNaSS) grafting onto the osseo-integration of a polyethylene terephthalate artificial ligament (Ligament Advanced Reinforcement System, LARS™) used for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). The performance of grafted and non-grafted ligaments was assessed in vitro by culturing human osteoblasts under osteogenic induction and this demonstrated that the surface modification was capable of up-regulating the secretion of ALP and induced higher level of mineralisation as measured 6 weeks post-seeding by Micro-Computed Tomography. Grafted and non-grafted LARS™ were subsequently implanted in an ovine model for ACL reconstruction and the ligament-to-bone interface was evaluated by histology and biomechanical testings 3 and 12 months post-implantation. The grafted ligaments exhibited more frequent direct ligament-to-bone contact and bone formation in the core of the ligament at the later time point than the non-grafted specimens, the grafting also significantly reduced the fibrous encapsulation of the ligament 12 months post-implantation. However, this improved osseo-integration was not translated into a significant increase in the biomechanical pull-out loads. These results provide evidences that PolyNaSS grafting improved the osseo-integration of the artificial ligament within the bone tunnels. This might positively influence the outcome of the surgical reconstructions, as higher ligament stability is believed to limit micro-movement and therefore permits earlier and enhanced healing.


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Thalidomide is an anti-angiogenic agent currently used to treat patients with malignant cachexia or multiple myeloma. Lenalidomide (CC-5013) is an immunomodulatory thalidomide analogue licensed in the United States of America (USA) for the treatment of a subtype of myelodysplastic syndrome. This two-centre, open-label phase I study evaluated dose-limiting toxicities in 55 patients with malignant solid tumours refractory to standard chemotherapies. Lenalidomide capsules were consumed once daily for 12 weeks according to one of the following three schedules: (I) 25 mg daily for the first 7 d, the daily dose increased by 25 mg each week up to a maximum daily dose of 150 mg; (II) 25 mg daily for 21 d followed by a 7-d rest period, the 4-week cycle repeated for 3 cycles; (III) 10 mg daily continuously. Twenty-six patients completed the study period. Two patients experienced a grade 3 hypersensitivity rash. Four patients in cohort I and 4 patients in cohort II suffered grade 3 or 4 neutropaenia. In 2 patients with predisposing medical factors, grade 3 cardiac dysrhythmia was recorded. Grade 1 neurotoxicity was detected in 6 patients. One complete and two partial radiological responses were measured by computed tomography scanning; 8 patients had stable disease after 12 weeks of treatment. Fifteen patients remained on treatment as named patients; 1 with metastatic melanoma remains in clinical remission 3.5 years from trial entry. This study indicates the tolerability and potential clinical efficacy of lenalidomide in patients with advanced solid tumours who have previously received multi-modality treatment. Depending on the extent of myelosuppressive pre-treatment, dose schedules (II) or (III) are advocated for large-scale trials of long-term administration. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study investigates the variability in response of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs). Examining the source of sensitivity variations in these dosimeters allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the Landauer nanoDots and their potential for current and future applications. In this work, OSLDs were scanned with a MicroCT scanner to determine potential sources for the variation in relative sensitivity across a selection of Landauer nanoDot dosimeters. Specifically, the correlation between a dosimeters relative sensitivity and the loading density of Al2O3:C powder was determined. When extrapolating the sensitive volume's radiodensity from the CT data, it was shown that there is a non-uniform distribution in crystal growth. It was calculated that a 0.05% change in the nominal volume of the chip produces a 1% change in the overall response. Additionally, the ‘true’ volume of an OSLD's sensitive material is, on average, 18% less than that which has been reported in literature, mainly due to the presence of air cavities in the material's structure. This work demonstrated that the amount of sensitive material is approximately linked to the total correction factor.


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Software to create individualised finite element (FE) models of the osseoligamentous spine using pre-operative computed tomography (CT) data-sets for spinal surgery patients has recently been developed. This study presents a geometric sensitivity analysis of this software to assess the effect of intra-observer variability in user-selected anatomical landmarks. User-selected landmarks on the osseous anatomy were defined from CT data-sets for three scoliosis patients and these landmarks were used to reconstruct patient-specific anatomy of the spine and ribcage using parametric descriptions. The intra-observer errors in landmark co-ordinates for these anatomical landmarks were calculated. FE models of the spine and ribcage were created using the reconstructed anatomy for each patient and these models were analysed for a loadcase simulating clinical flexibility assessment. The intra-observer error in the anatomical measurements was low in comparison to the initial dimensions, with the exception of the angular measurements for disc wedge and zygapophyseal joint (z-joint) orientation and disc height. This variability suggested that CT resolution may influence such angular measurements, particularly for small anatomical features, such as the z-joints, and may also affect disc height. The results of the FE analysis showed low variation in the model predictions for spinal curvature with the mean intra-observer variability substantially less than the accepted error in clinical measurement. These findings demonstrate that intra-observer variability in landmark point selection has minimal effect on the subsequent FE predictions for a clinical loadcase.


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Large, osseous, segmental defects heal poorly. Muscle has a propensity to form bone when exposed to an osteogenic stimulus such as that provided by transfer and expression of cDNA encoding bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). The present study evaluated the ability of genetically modified, autologous muscle to heal large cranial defects in rats. Autologous grafts (8 mm � 2 mm) were punched from the biceps femoris muscle and transduced intraoperatively with recombinant adenovirus vector containing human BMP-2 or green fluorescent protein cDNA. While the muscle biopsies were incubating with the vector, a central parietal 8 mm defect was surgically created in the calvarium of the same animal. The gene-activated muscle graft was then implanted into the cranial defect. After 8 weeks, crania were examined radiographically, histologically, and by micro-computed tomography and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Although none of the defects were completely healed in this time, muscle grafts expressing BMP-2 deposited more than twice as much new bone as controls. Histology confirmed the anatomical integrity of the newly formed bone, which was comparable in thickness and mineral density to the original cranial bone. This study confirms the in vivo osteogenic properties of genetically modified muscle and suggests novel strategies for healing bone. � 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 30:1095–1102, 2012


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In vivo osteochondral defect models predominantly consist of small animals, such as rabbits. Although they have an advantage of low cost and manageability, their joints are smaller and more easily healed compared with larger animals or humans. We hypothesized that osteochondral cores from large animals can be implanted subcutaneously in rats to create an ectopic osteochondral defect model for routine and high-throughput screening of multiphasic scaffold designs and/or tissue-engineered constructs (TECs). Bovine osteochondral plugs with 4 mm diameter osteochondral defect were fitted with novel multiphasic osteochondral grafts composed of chondrocyte-seeded alginate gels and osteoblast-seeded polycaprolactone scaffolds, prior to being implanted in rats subcutaneously with bone morphogenic protein-7. After 12 weeks of in vivo implantation, histological and micro-computed tomography analyses demonstrated that TECs are susceptible to mineralization. Additionally, there was limited bone formation in the scaffold. These results suggest that the current model requires optimization to facilitate robust bone regeneration and vascular infiltration into the defect site. Taken together, this study provides a proof-of-concept for a high-throughput osteochondral defect model. With further optimization, the presented hybrid in vivo model may address the growing need for a cost-effective way to screen osteochondral repair strategies before moving to large animal preclinical trials.


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Introduction Well-designed biodegradable scaffolds in combination with bone growth factors offer a valuable alternative to the current gold standard autograft in spinal fusion surgery Yong et al. (2013). Here we report on 6- vs 12- month data set evaluating the longitudinal performance of a CaP coated polycaprolactone (PCL) scaffold loaded with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within a large preclinical animal model. Methods Twelve sheep underwent a 3-level (T6/7, T8/9 and T10/11) discectomy with randomly allocated implantation of a different graft substitute at each of the three levels; (i) calcium phosphate (CaP) coated polycaprolactone based scaffold plus 0.54µg rhBMP-2, (ii) CaP coated PCL- based scaffold alone or (iii) autograft (mulched rib head). Fusion assessments were performed via high resolution clinical computed tomography and histological evaluation were undertaken at six (n=6) and twelve (n=6) months post-surgery using the Sucato grading system (Sucato et al. 2004). Results The computed tomography fusion grades of the 6- and 12- months in the rhBMP-2 plus PCL- based scaffold group were 1.9 and 2.1 respectively, in the autograft group 1.9 and 1.3 respectively, and in the scaffold alone group 0.9 and 1.17 respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the fusion scores between 6- and 12- month for the rhBMP plus PCL- based scaffold or PCL – based scaffold alone group however there was a significant reduction in scores in the autograft group. These scores were seen to correlate with histological evaluations of the respective groups. Conclusions The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of scaffold-based delivery of rhBMP-2 in promoting higher fusion grades at 6- and 12- months in comparison to the scaffold alone or autograft group within the same time frame. Fusion grades achieved at six months using PCL+rhBMP-2 are not significantly increased at twelve months post-surgery.