147 resultados para acoustic ecology


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A self-consistent theory of ion-acoustic waves in dusty gas discharge plasmas is presented. The plasma is contaminated by fine dust particles with variable charge. The stationary state of the plasma and the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated accounting for ionization, recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dusts, as well as charging collisions with the dusts.


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A wave propagation in a complex dusty plasma with negative ions was considered. The relevant processes such as ionization, electron attachment, diffusion, positive-negative ion recombination, plasma particle collisions, as well as elastic Coulomb and inelastic dust-charging collisions were taken self-consistently. It was found that the equilibrium of the plasma as well as the propagation of ion waves were modified to various degrees by these effects.


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Negative ions and negatively charged micro- to nano-meter sized dust grains are ubiquitous in astrophysical as well as industrial processing plasmas. The negative ions can appear in electro-negative plasmas as a result of elementary processes such as dissociative or non-dissociative electron attachment to neutrals. They are usually rather small in number, and in general do not affect the overall plasma behavior. On the other hand, since the dust grains are almost always highly negative, even in small numbers they can take up a considerable proportion of the total negative charge in the system. The presence of dusts can affect the characteristics of most collective processes of the plasma since the charge balance in both the steady and dynamic states can be significantly altered. Another situation that often occurs is that the electron number density becomes small because of their absorption by the dust grains or the discharge walls. In this case the negative ions in the plasma can play a very important role. Here, a self-consistent theory of linear waves in complex laboratory plasmas containing dust grains and negative ions is presented. A comprehensive model for such plasmas including source and sink effects associated with the presence of dust grains and negative ions is introduced. The stationary state of the plasma as well as the dispersion and damping characteristics of the waves are investigated. All relevant processes, such as ionization, diffusion, electron attachment, negative-positive ion recombination, dust charge relaxation, and dissipation due to electron and ion elastic collisions with neutrals and dust particles, as well as charging collisions with the dusts, are taken into consideration.


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The current-driven dust ion-acoustic instability in a collisional dusty plasma is studied. The effects of dust-charge variation, electron and ion capture by the dust grains, as well as various dissipative mechanisms leading to the changes of the particles momenta, are taken into account. It is shown that the threshold for the excitation of the dust ion-acoustic waves can be high because of the large dissipation rate induced by the dusts. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.


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Acoustic recordings of the environment are an important aid to ecologists monitoring biodiversity and environmental health. However, rapid advances in recording technology, storage and computing make it possible to accumulate thousands of hours of recordings, of which, ecologists can only listen to a small fraction. The big-data challenge addressed in this paper is to visualize the content of long-duration audio recordings on multiple scales, from hours, days, months to years. The visualization should facilitate navigation and yield ecologically meaningful information. Our approach is to extract (at one minute resolution) acoustic indices which reflect content of ecological interest. An acoustic index is a statistic that summarizes some aspect of the distribution of acoustic energy in a recording. We combine indices to produce false-color images that reveal acoustic content and facilitate navigation through recordings that are months or even years in duration.


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Hypsipyla grandella and Hypsipyla robusta are serious pests of species of the subfamily Swietenioideae of the family Meliaceae in virtually every moist tropical region of the world. An international workshop reviewed the ecology and control of Hypsipyla shoot borers of Meliaceae, identified promising control methods, and set priorities for future research. The conclusions of the workshop are presented with specific recommendations for research in aspects of the taxonomy, biology, and ecology of Hypsipyla, and pest management options that use host plant resistance and chemical, biological, and silvicultural control


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Environmental monitoring has become increasingly important due to the significant impact of human activities and climate change on biodiversity. Environmental sound sources such as rain and insect vocalizations are a rich and underexploited source of information in environmental audio recordings. This paper is concerned with the classification of rain within acoustic sensor re-cordings. We present the novel application of a set of features for classifying environmental acoustics: acoustic entropy, the acoustic complexity index, spectral cover, and background noise. In order to improve the performance of the rain classification system we automatically classify segments of environmental recordings into the classes of heavy rain or non-rain. A decision tree classifier is experientially compared with other classifiers. The experimental results show that our system is effective in classifying segments of environmental audio recordings with an accuracy of 93% for the binary classification of heavy rain/non-rain.


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Background: Footwear remains a prime candidate for the prevention and rehabilitation of Achilles tendinopathy as it is thought to decrease tension in the tendon through elevation of the heel. However, evidence for this effect is equivocal. Purpose: This study used an acoustic transmission technique to investigate the effect of running shoes on Achilles tendon loading during barefoot and shod walking. Methods: Acoustic velocity was measured in the Achilles tendon of twelve recreationally–active males (age, 31±9 years; height, 1.78±0.06 m; weight, 81.0±16.9 kg) during barefoot and shod walking at matched self–selected speed (3.4±0.7 km/h). Standard running shoes incorporating a 10– mm heel offset were used. Vertical ground reaction force and spatiotemporal parameters were determined with an instrumented treadmill. Axial acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon was measured using a custom built ultrasonic device. All data were acquired at a rate of 100 Hz during 10s of steady–state walking. Statistical comparisons between barefoot and shod conditions were made using paired t–tests and repeated measure ANOVAs. Results: Acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon was highly reproducible and was typified by two maxima (P1, P2) and minima (M1, M2) during walking. Footwear resulted in a significant increase in step length, stance duration and peak vertical ground reaction force compared to barefoot walking. Peak acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon (P1, P2) was significantly higher with running shoes. Conclusions: Peak acoustic velocity in the Achilles tendon was higher with footwear, suggesting that standard running shoes with a 10–mm heel offset increase tensile load in the Achilles tendon. Although further research is required, these findings question the therapeutic role of standard running shoes in Achilles tendinopathy.


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An investigation into the spatial distribution of road traffic noise levels on a balcony is conducted. A balcony constructed to a special acoustic design due to its elevation above an 8 lane motorway is selected for detailed measurements. The as-constructed balcony design includes solid parapets, side walls, ceiling shields and highly absorptive material placed on the ceiling. Road traffic noise measurements are conducted spatially using a five channel acoustic analyzer, where four microphones are located at various positions within the balcony space and one microphone placed outside the parapet at a reference position. Spatial distributions in both vertical and horizontal planes are measured. A theoretical model and prediction configuration is presented that assesses the acoustic performance of the balcony under existing traffic flow conditions. The prediction model implements a combined direct path, specular reflection path and diffuse reflection path utilizing image source and radiosity techniques. Results obtained from the prediction model are presented and compared to the measurement results. The predictions are found to correlate well with measurements with some minor differences that are explained. It is determined that the prediction methodology is acceptable to assess a wider range of street and balcony configuration scenarios.


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Monitoring the environment with acoustic sensors is an effective method for understanding changes in ecosystems. Through extensive monitoring, large-scale, ecologically relevant, datasets can be produced that can inform environmental policy. The collection of acoustic sensor data is a solved problem; the current challenge is the management and analysis of raw audio data to produce useful datasets for ecologists. This paper presents the applied research we use to analyze big acoustic datasets. Its core contribution is the presentation of practical large-scale acoustic data analysis methodologies. We describe details of the data workflows we use to provide both citizen scientists and researchers practical access to large volumes of ecoacoustic data. Finally, we propose a work in progress large-scale architecture for analysis driven by a hybrid cloud-and-local production-grade website.


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This paper considers the epistemological life cycle of the camera lens in documentary practices. The 19th century industrial economies that manufactured and commercialised the camera lens have engendered political and economic contingencies on documentary practices to sustain a hegemonic and singular interpretive epistemology. Colonial documentary practices are considered from the viewpoint of manipulative hegemonic practices - all of which use the interpretive epistemology of the camera lens to capitalise a viewpoint which is singular and possesses the power to sustain its own status and economic privilege. I suggest that decolonising documentary practices can be nurtured in what Boaventura de Sousa Santos proposes as an 'ecology of knowledges' (Andreotti, Ahenakew, & Cooper 2011) - a way of including the epistemologies of cultures beyond the 'abyssal' (Santos), outside the limits of epistemological dominance. If an 'epistemicide' (Santos) of indigenous knowledges in the dominant limits has occurred then in an ecology of knowledges the limits become limitless and what were once invisible knowledges, come into their own ontological and epistemological being: as free agents and on their own terms. In an ecology of knowledges, ignorance and blindness may still exist but are not privileged. The decolonisation of documentary practices inevitably destabilises prevailing historicities and initiates ways for equal privilege to exist between multiple epistemologies.


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We recorded echolocation calls from 14 sympatric species of bat in Britain. Once digitised, one temporal and four spectral features were measured from each call. The frequency-time course of each call was approximated by fitting eight mathematical functions, and the goodness of fit, represented by the mean-squared error, was calculated. Measurements were taken using an automated process that extracted a single call from background noise and measured all variables without intervention. Two species of Rhinolophus were easily identified from call duration and spectral measurements. For the remaining 12 species, discriminant function analysis and multilayer back-propagation perceptrons were used to classify calls to species level. Analyses were carried out with and without the inclusion of curve-fitting data to evaluate its usefulness in distinguishing among species. Discriminant function analysis achieved an overall correct classification rate of 79% with curve-fitting data included, while an artificial neural network achieved 87%. The removal of curve-fitting data improved the performance of the discriminant function analysis by 2 %, while the performance of a perceptron decreased by 2 %. However, an increase in correct identification rates when curve-fitting information was included was not found for all species. The use of a hierarchical classification system, whereby calls were first classified to genus level and then to species level, had little effect on correct classification rates by discriminant function analysis but did improve rates achieved by perceptrons. This is the first published study to use artificial neural networks to classify the echolocation calls of bats to species level. Our findings are discussed in terms of recent advances in recording and analysis technologies, and are related to factors causing convergence and divergence of echolocation call design in bats.


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Feedforward inhibition deficits have been consistently demonstrated in a range of neuropsychiatric conditions using prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle eye-blink reflex when assessing sensorimotor gating. While PPI can be recorded in acutely decerebrated rats, behavioural, pharmacological and psychophysiological studies suggest the involvement of a complex neural network extending from brainstem nuclei to higher order cortical areas. The current functional magnetic resonance imaging study investigated the neural network underlying PPI and its association with electromyographically (EMG) recorded PPI of the acoustic startle eye-blink reflex in 16 healthy volunteers. A sparse imaging design was employed to model signal changes in blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) responses to acoustic startle probes that were preceded by a prepulse at 120 ms or 480 ms stimulus onset asynchrony or without prepulse. Sensorimotor gating was EMG confirmed for the 120-ms prepulse condition, while startle responses in the 480-ms prepulse condition did not differ from startle alone. Multiple regression analysis of BOLD contrasts identified activation in pons, thalamus, caudate nuclei, left angular gyrus and bilaterally in anterior cingulate, associated with EMGrecorded sensorimotor gating. Planned contrasts confirmed increased pons activation for startle alone vs 120-ms prepulse condition, while increased anterior superior frontal gyrus activation was confirmed for the reverse contrast. Our findings are consistent with a primary pontine circuitry of sensorimotor gating that interconnects with inferior parietal, superior temporal, frontal and prefrontal cortices via thalamus and striatum. PPI processes in the prefrontal, frontal and superior temporal cortex were functionally distinct from sensorimotor gating.