289 resultados para acid sulphate soils


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Soluble organic matter derived from exotic Pinus vegetation forms stronger complexes with iron (Fe) than the soluble organic matter derived from most native Australian species. This has lead to concern about the environmental impacts related to the establishment of extensive exotic Pinus plantations in coastal southeast Queensland, Australia. It has been suggested that the Pinus plantations may enhance the solubility of Fe in soils by increasing the amount of organically complexed Fe. While this remains inconclusive, the environmental impacts of an increased flux of dissolved, organically complexed Fe from soils to the fluvial system and then to sensitive coastal ecosystems are potentially damaging. Previous work investigated a small number of samples, was largely laboratory based and had limited application to field conditions. These assessments lacked field-based studies, including the comparison of the soil water chemistry of sites associated with Pinus vegetation and undisturbed native vegetation. In addition, the main controls on the distribution and mobilisation of Fe in soils of this subtropical coastal region have not been determined. This information is required in order to better understand the relative significance of any Pinus enhanced solubility of Fe. The main aim of this thesis is to determine the controls on Fe distribution and mobilisation in soils and soil waters of a representative coastal catchment in southeast Queensland (Poona Creek catchment, Fraser Coast) and to test the effect of Pinus vegetation on the solubility and speciation of Fe. The thesis is structured around three individual papers. The first paper identifies the main processes responsible for the distribution and mobilisation of labile Fe in the study area and takes a catchment scale approach. Physicochemical attributes of 120 soil samples distributed throughout the catchment are analysed, and a new multivariate data analysis approach (Kohonen’s self organising maps) is used to identify the conditions associated with high labile Fe. The second paper establishes whether Fe nodules play a major role as an iron source in the catchment, by determining the genetic mechanism responsible for their formation. The nodules are a major pool of Fe in much of the region and previous studies have implied that they may be involved in redox-controlled mobilisation and redistribution of Fe. This is achieved by combining a detailed study of a ferric soil profile (morphology, mineralogy and micromorphology) with the distribution of Fe nodules on a catchment scale. The third component of the thesis tests whether the concentration and speciation of Fe in soil solutions from Pinus plantations differs significantly from native vegetation soil solutions. Microlysimeters are employed to collect unaltered, in situ soil water samples. The redox speciation of Fe is determined spectrophotometrically and the interaction between Fe and dissolved organic matter (DOM) is modelled with the Stockholm Humic Model. The thesis provides a better understanding of the controls on the distribution, concentration and speciation of Fe in the soils and soil waters of southeast Queensland. Reductive dissolution is the main mechanism by which mobilisation of Fe occurs in the study area. Labile Fe concentrations are low overall, particularly in the sandy soils of the coastal plain. However, high labile Fe is common in seasonally waterlogged and clay-rich soils which are exposed to fluctuating redox conditions and in organic-rich soils adjacent to streams. Clay-rich soils are most common in the upper parts of the catchment. Fe nodules were shown to have a negligible role in the redistribution of dissolved iron in the catchment. They are formed by the erosion, colluvial transport and chemical weathering of iron-rich sandstones. The ferric horizons, in which nodules are commonly concentrated, subsequently form through differential biological mixing of the soil. Whereas dissolution/ reprecipitation of the Fe cements is an important component of nodule formation, mobilised Fe reprecipitates locally. Dissolved Fe in the soil waters is almost entirely in the ferrous form. Vegetation type does not affect the concentration and speciation of Fe in soil waters, although Pinus DOM has greater acidic functional group site densities than DOM from native vegetation. Iron concentrations are highest in the high DOM soil waters collected from sandy podosols, where they are controlled by redox potential. Iron concentrations are low in soil solutions from clay and iron oxide rich soils, in spite of similar redox potentials. This is related to stronger sorption to the reactive clay and iron oxide mineral surfaces in these soils, which reduces the amount of DOM available for microbial metabolisation and reductive dissolution of Fe. Modelling suggests that Pinus DOM can significantly increase the amount of truly dissolved ferric iron remaining in solution in oxidising conditions. Thus, inputs of ferrous iron together with Pinus DOM to surface waters may reduce precipitation of hydrous ferric oxides and increase the flux of dissolved iron out of the catchment. Such inputs are most likely from the lower catchment, where podosols planted with Pinus are most widely distributed. Significant outcomes other than the main aims were also achieved. It is shown that mobilisation of Fe in podosols can occur as dissolved Fe(II) rather than as Fe(III)-organic complexes. This has implications for the large body of work which assumes that Fe(II) plays a minor role. Also, the first paper demonstrates that a data analysis approach based on Kohonen’s self organising maps can facilitate the interpretation of complex datasets and can help identify geochemical processes operating on a catchment scale.


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A series of solid strong acid catalysts were synthesised from fibrous ZrO2/Al2O3 core and shell nanocomposites. In this series, the zirconium molar percentage was varied from 2 % to 50 %. The ZrO2/Al2O3 nanocomposites and their solid strong acid counterparts were characterised by a variety of techniques including 27Al magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR), scanned electronic microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Nitrogen adsorption and infrared emission spectroscopy (IES). NMR results show that the interaction between zirconia species and alumina strongly correlates with pentacoordinated aluminium sites. This can also be detected by the change in binding energy of the 3d electrons of the zirconium. The acidity of the obtained solid acids was tested by using them as catalysts for the benzolyation of toluene. It was found that a sample with a 50 % zirconium molar percentage possessed the highest surface acidity equalling that of pristine sulfated zirconia despite the reduced mass of zirconia.


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The in vitro and in vivo degradation properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by two different technologies - thermally induced phase separation (TIPS), and solvent casting and particulate leaching (SCPL) were compared. Over 6 weeks, in vitro degradation produced changes in SCPL scaffold dimension, mass, internal architecture and mechanical properties. TIPS scaffolds produced far less changes in these parameters providing significant advantages over SCPL. In vivo results were based on a microsurgically created arteriovenous (AV) loop sandwiched between two TIPS scaffolds placed in a polycarbonate chamber under rat groin skin. Histologically, a predominant foreign body giant cell response and reduced vascularity was evident in tissue ingrowth between 2 and 8 weeks in TIPS scaffolds. Tissue death occurred at 8 weeks in the smallest pores. Morphometric comparison of TIPS and SCPL scaffolds indicated slightly better tissue ingrowth but greater loss of scaffold structure in SCPL scaffolds. Although advantageous in vitro, large surface area:volume ratios and varying pore sizes in PLGA TIPS scaffolds mean that effective in vivo (AV loop) utilization will only be achieved if the foreign body response can be significantly reduced so as to allow successful vascularisation, and hence sustained tissue growth, in pores less than 300 μm. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the title co-crystalline adduct of the drug Dapsone with 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid, C~12~H~12~N~2~O~2~S . C~7~H~4~N~4~O~6~, the dihedral angle between the two aromatic rings of the Dapsone molecule is 75.4(2)deg. and those between these rings and that of the 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid are 64.5(2) and 68.4(2)deg. A strong inter-species carboxylic acid O-H---N(amine) hydrogen-bond is found, which together with intermolecular amine N-H...O hydrogen-bonding associations with carboxyl, nitro and sulfone O-atom acceptors as well as weak pi-pi interactions between one of the Dapsone phenyl rings and the 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid ring [minimum ring centroid separation 3.774(2)Ang.], give a two-dimensional network structure.


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The two minerals borickyite and delvauxite CaFe3+4(PO4,SO4)2(OH)8•4-6H2O have the same formula. Are the minerals identical or different? The minerals borickyite and delvauxite have been characterised by Raman spectroscopy. The minerals are related to the minerals diadochite and destinezite. Both minerals are amorphous. Delvauxite appears to vary in crystallinity from amorphous to semi-crystalline. The minerals are often X-ray non-diffracting. The minerals are found in soils and may be described as ‘colloidal’ minerals. Vibrational spectroscopy enables an assessment of the molecular structure of borickyite and delvauxite. Bands are assigned to phosphate and sulphate stretching and bending modes. Multiple water bending and stretching modes imply that non-equivalent water molecules in the structure exist with different hydrogen bond strengths. The two minerals show differing spectra and must be considered as different minerals.


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In the asymmetric unit of the title co-crystal, C12H14N4O2S . C7H5NO4 there are two independent but conformationally similar heterodimers, which are formed through intermolecular N-H...O(carboxy) and carboxyl O-H...N hydrogen-bond pairs, giving a cyclic motif [graph set R2/2(8)]. The dihedral angles between the rings in the sulfonamide molecules are 78.77(8) and 82.33(9)deg. while the dihedral angles between the ring and the CO2H group in the acids are 2.19(9) and 7.02(10)deg. A two-dimensional structure parallel to the ab plane is generated from the heterodimer units through hydrogen-bonding associations between NH2 and sulfone groups. Between neighbouring two-dimensional arrays there are two types of aromatic pi-pi stacking interactions involving either one of the pyrimidine rings and a 4-nitrobenzoic acid molecule [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.5886(9)A] or two acid molecules [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.7236(10)A].


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This study examined the potential for Fe mobilization and greenhouse gas (GHG, e.g. CO2, and CH4) evolution in SEQ soils associated with a range of plantation forestry practices and water-logged conditions. Intact, 30-cm-deep soil cores collected from representative sites were saturated and incubated for 35 days in the laboratory, with leachate and headspace gas samples periodically collected. Minimal Fe dissolution was observed in well-drained sand soils associated with mature, first-rotation Pinus and organic Fe complexation, whereas progressive Fe dissolution occurred over 14 days in clear-felled and replanted Pinus soils with low organic matter and non-crystalline Fe fractions. Both CO2 and CH4 effluxes were relatively lower in clear-felled and replanted soils compared with mature, first-rotation Pinus soils, despite the lack of statistically significant variations in total GHG effluxes associated with different forestry practices. Fe dissolution and GHG evolution in low-lying, water-logged soils adjacent to riparian and estuarine, native-vegetation buffer zones were impacted by mineral and physical soil properties. Highest levels of dissolved Fe and GHG effluxes resulted from saturation of riparian loam soils with high Fe and clay content, as well as abundant organic material and Fe-metabolizing bacteria. Results indicate Pinus forestry practices such as clear-felling and replanting may elevate Fe mobilization while decreasing CO2 and CH4 emissions from well-drained, SEQ plantation soils upon heavy flooding. Prolonged water-logging accelerates bacterially mediated Fe cycling in low-lying, clay-rich soils, leading to substantial Fe dissolution, organic matter mineralization, and CH4 production in riparian native-vegetation buffer zones.


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The structures of the cyclic imides cis-2-(2-fluorophenyl)-3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydroisoindole-1,3-dione, C14H14FNO2, (I), and cis-2-(4-fluorophenyl)-3a,4,5,6,7,7a-hexahydroisoindoline-1,3-dione, C14H14FNO2, (III), and the open-chain amide acid rac-cis-2-[(3-fluorophenyl)carbamoyl]cyclohexane-1-carboxylic acid, C14H16FNO3, (II), are reported. Cyclic imides (I) and (III) are conformationally similar, with comparable ring rotations about the imide N-Car bond [the dihedral angles between the benzene ring and the five-membered isoindole ring are 55.40 (8)° for (I) and 51.83 (7)° for (III)]. There are no formal intermolecular hydrogen bonds involved in the crystal packing of either (I) or (III). With the acid (II), in which the meta-related F-atom substituent is rotationally disordered (0.784:0.216), the amide group lies slightly out of the benzene plane [the interplanar dihedral angle is 39.7 (1)°]. Intermolecular amide-carboxyl N-HO hydrogen-bonding interactions between centrosymmetrically related molecules form stacks extending down b, and these are linked across c by carboxyl-amide O-HO hydrogen bonds, giving two-dimensional layered structures which lie in the (011) plane. The structures reported here represent examples of compounds analogous to the phthalimides or phthalanilic acids and have little precedence in the crystallographic literature.


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The structure of the 1:1 brucinium salt of cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid, 2,3-dimethoxy-10-oxostrychnidinium (1R,2S)-2-carboxycyclohexane-1-carboxylate dihydrate, has revealed the resolved (1R,2S) enantiomer of the acid. Crystals of the compound are orthorhombic, space group P212121, with unit cell dimensions a = 8.1955(3), b = 12.4034(3), c = 29.9073(9)Å, and Z = 4. The asymmetric unit comprises the brucinium cation, the hydrogen cis-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylate cation, in which the carboxylate group is disordered over two sites (58, 42%), and two water molecules of solvation, one of which is occupies two 50% occupancy sites. The classic undulating brucinium cation substructures are present with the anion and the water molecules occupying the interstitial cavities and are hydrogen-bonded to them in a two-dimensional network structure.


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Utilizing a mono-specific antiserum produced in rabbits to hog kidney aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), the enzyme was localized in rat kidney by immunoperoxidase staining. AADC was located predominantly in the proximal convoluted tubules; there was also weak staining in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts. An increase in dietary potassium or sodium intake produced no change in density or distribution of AADC staining in kidney. An assay of AADC enzyme activity showed no difference in cortex or medulla with chronic potassium loading. A change in distribution or activity of renal AADC does not explain the postulated dopaminergic modulation of renal function that occurs with potassium or sodium loading.


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This article reports on the cleavage of lignin ß-aryl ether bonds in sugarcane bagasse by the ionic liquid (IL) trihexyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride [P66614] Cl, in the presence of catalytic amounts of mineral acid fca. 0.4%). The deligniflcation process of bagasse was studied over a range of temperatures (120°C to 150°C) by monitoring the production of ß-ketones (indicative of cleavage of ß-aryl ethers) using FTIR spectroscopy and by compositional analysis of the undissolved fractions. Maximum deligniflcation was obtained at 150°C, with 52% of lignin removed from the original lignin content of bagasse. No deligniflcation was observed in the absence of acid, which suggests that the reaction is acid catalyzed with the IL solubilizing the lignin fragments. The rate of deligniflcation was significantly higher at 150°C, suggesting that crossing the glass transition temperature of lignin effects greater freedom of rotation about the propanoid carbon-carbon bonds and leads to increased cleavage of ß-aryl ethers. An attempt has been made to propose a probable mechanism of deligniflcation of bagasse with the phosphonuim IL. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.