144 resultados para The Property Agents and Motor Dealers Act 2000


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The Business Process Management domain has evolved at a dramatic pace over the past two decades and the notion of the business process has become a ubiquitous part of the modern business enterprise. Most organizations now view their operations in terms of business processes and manage these business processes in the same way as other corporate assets. In recent years, an increasingly broad range of generic technology has become available for automating business processes. This is part of a growing trend in the software engineering field throughout the past 40 years, where aspects of functionality that are potentially reusable on a widespread basis have coalesced into generic software components. Figure 2.1 illustrates this trend and shows how software systems have evolved from the monolithic applications of the 1960s developed in their entirety often by a single development team to today’s offerings that are based on the integration of a range of generic technologies with only a small component of the application actually being developed from scratch. In the 1990s, generic functionality for the automation of business processes first became commercially available in the form of workflow technology and subsequently evolved in the broader field of business process management systems (BPMS). This technology alleviated the necessity to develop process support within applications from scratch and provided a variety of off-the-shelf options on which these requirements could be based. The demand for this technology was significant and it is estimated that by 2000 there were well over 200 distinct workflow offerings in the market, each with a distinct conceptual foundation. Anticipating the difficulties that would be experienced by organizations seeking to utilize and integrate distinct workflow offerings, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), an industry group formed to advance technology in this area, proposed a standard reference model for workflow technology with an express desire to seek a common platform for achieving workflow interoperation.


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Australian law similar to that of United States -- Australian law requires copyright must subsist in plaintiff's material and defendent's work must infringe plaintiff's copyright to find defendent liable for illegal copying -- subsistence -- infringement -- two cases that touch on 'look and feel' issue -- passing-off -- look and feel of computer program deserves protection


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United States copyright law -- two streams of computer copyright cases form basis for 'look and feel' litigation, literary work stream and audiovisual work stream -- literary work stream focuses on structure -- audiovisual work steam addresses appearance -- case studies


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The structures of the 1:1 hydrated proton-transfer compounds of isonipecotamide (piperidine-4-carboxamide) with oxalic acid, 4-carbamoylpiperidinium hydrogen oxalate dihydrate, C6H13N2O+·C2HO4-·2H2O, (I), and with adipic acid, bis­(4-car­bam­oylpiperidinium) adipate dihydrate, 2C6H13N2O+·C6H8O42-·2H2O, (II), are three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded constructs involving several different types of enlarged water-bridged cyclic associations. In the structure of (I), the oxalate monoanions give head-to-tail carb­oxy­lic acid O-HOcarboxyl hydrogen-bonding inter­actions, forming C(5) chain substructures which extend along a. The isonipecotamide cations also give parallel chain substructures through amide N-HO hydrogen bonds, the chains being linked across b and down c by alternating water bridges involving both carboxyl and amide O-atom acceptors and amide and piperidinium N-HOcarboxyl hydrogen bonds, generating cyclic R43(10) and R32(11) motifs. In the structure of (II), the asymmetric unit comprises a piperidinium cation, half an adipate dianion, which lies across a crystallographic inversion centre, and a solvent water mol­ecule. In the crystal structure, the two inversion-related cations are inter­linked through the two water mol­ecules, which act as acceptors in dual amide N-HOwater hydrogen bonds, to give a cyclic R42(8) association which is conjoined with an R44(12) motif. Further N-HOwater, water O-HOamide and piperidinium N-HOcarbox­yl hydrogen bonds give the overall three-dimensional structure. The structures reported here further demonstrate the utility of the isonipecotamide cation as a synthon for the generation of stable hydrogen-bonded structures. The presence of solvent water mol­ecules in these structures is largely responsible for the non-occurrence of the common hydrogen-bonded amide-amide dimer, promoting instead various expanded cyclic hydrogen-bonding motifs.


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The ortho, meta and para anions of methyl benzoate may be made in the source of a mass spectrometer by the S(N)2(Si) reactions between HO- and methyl (o-, m-, and p-trimethylsilyl)benzoate respectively. All three anions lose CO upon collisional activation to form the ortho anion of anisole in the ratio ortho>>meta > para. The rearrangement process is charge directed through the ortho anion. Theoretical calculations at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)//HF/6-31+G(d) level of theory indicate that the conversion of the meta and para anions to the ortho anion prior to loss of CO involve 1,2-H transfer(s), rather than carbon scrambling of the methoxycarbonylphenyl anion. There are two mechanisms which can account for this rearrangement, viz. (A) cyclisation of the ortho anion centre to the carbonyl group of the ester to give a cyclic carbonyl system in which the incipient methoxide anion substitutes at one of the two equivalent ring carbons of the three membered ring to yield an intermediate which loses CO to give the ortho anion of anisole, and (B) an elimination reaction to give an intermediate benzyne-methoxycarbonyl anion complex in which the MeOCO- species acts as a MeO- donor, which then adds to benzyne to yield the ortho anion of anisole. Calculations at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p)//HF/6-31+G(d) level of theory indicate that (i) the barrier in the first step (the rate determining step) of process A is 87 kJ mol(-1) less than that for the synchronous benzyne process B, and (ii) there are more low frequency vibrations in the transition state for benzyne process B than for the corresponding transition state for process A. Stepwise process A has the lower barrier for the rate determining step, and the lower Arrhenius factor: we cannot differentiate between these two mechanisms on available evidence.


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Neutral NCN is made in a mass spectrometer by charge stripping of NCN-., while neutral dicyanocarbene NCCCN can be formed by neutralization of either the corresponding anionic and cationic species, NCCCN-. and NCCCN+.. Theoretical calculations at the RCCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory indicate that the (3)Sigma (-)(g) State of NCCCN is 18 kcal mol(-1) more stable than the (1)A(1) state. While the majority of neutrals formed from either NCCCN-. or NCCCN+. correspond to NCCCN, a proportion of the neutral NCCCN molecules have sufficient excess energy to effect rearrangement, as evidenced by a loss of atomic carbon in the neutralization reionization (NR) spectra of either NCCCN+. and NCCCN-.. C-13 labeling studies indicate that loss of carbon occurs statistically following or accompanied by scrambling of all three carbon atoms. A theoretical study at the B3LYP/6-31+G(d)//B3LYP/6-31+G(d) level of theory indicates that C loss is a consequence of the rearrangement sequence NCCCN --> CNCCN --> CNCNC and that C scrambling occurs within singlet CNCCN via the intermediacy of a four-membered C-2v-symmetrical transition structure.


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This paper examines the use of Twitter for long-term discussions around Australian politics, at national and state levels, tracking two hashtags during 2012: #auspol, denoting national political topics, and #wapol, which provides a case study of state politics (representing Western Australia). The long-term data collection provides the opportunity to analyse how the Twitter audience responds to Australian politics: which themes attract the most attention and which accounts act as focal points for these discussions. The paper highlights differences in the coverage of state and national politics. For #auspol, a small number of accounts are responsible for the majority of tweets, with politicians invoked but not directly contributing to the discussion. In contrast, #wapol stimulates a much lower level of tweeting. This example also demonstrates that, in addition to citizen accounts, traditional participants within political debate, such as politicians and journalists, are among the active contributors to state-oriented discussions on Twitter.


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This thesis advances the understanding of the impact of stigma on property values. A case study in Wellington, New Zealand, enabled hedonic modelling and an empirical analysis to determine the impact of the stigma from the high voltage transmission line structure and how long the stigma remained after removal. The results reveal a substantial difference between the discount applied to individual properties while the structure is in place, as compared to the overall increase in neighbourhood value once the structure, which created the stigma, is removed.


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We initially described a rat chamber model with an inserted arteriovenous pedicle which spontaneously generates 3-dimensional vascularized connective tissue (Tanaka Y et al., Br J Plast Surg 2000; 53: 51-7). More recently we have developed a murine chamber model containing reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel®) and FGF-2 that generates vascularized adipose tissue in vivo (Cronin K et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; in press). We have extended this work to assess the cellular and matrix requirements for the Matrigel®- induced neo-adipogenesis. We found that chambers sealed to host fat were unable to grow new adipose tissue. In these chambers the Matrigel® became vascularized with maximal outgrowth of vessels extending to the periphery at 6 weeks. A small amount of adipose tissue was found adjacent to the vessels, most likely arising from periadventitial adipose tissue. In contrast, chambers open to interaction with endogenous adipose tissue showed abundant new fat, and partial exposure to adjacent adipose tissue clearly showed neo-adipogenesis only in this area. Addition of small amounts of free fat to the closed chamber containing Matrigel® was able to induce neo-adipogenesis. Addition of small pieces of human fat also caused neo-adipogenesis in immunocompromised (SCID) mice. Also, we found Matrigel® to induce adipogenesis of Lac-Z-tagged (Rosa-26) murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, and cells similar to these have been isolated from human adipose tissue. Given that Matrigel® is a mouse product and cannot be used in humans, we have started investigating alternative matrix scaffolds for adipogenesis such as the PDA-approved PLGA, collagen and purified components derived from Matrigel®, such as laminin-1. The optimal conditions for adipogenesis with these matrices are still being elucidated. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a precursor cell source inside the chamber is essential for the generation of vascularized adipose tissue in vivo. This technique offers unique potential for the reconstruction of soft tissue defects and may enable the generation of site-specific tissue using the correct microenvironment.


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This article deals with cases where borrowers of loans for business or investment claimed their lender had engaged in asset lending which amounted to unconscionable conduct under the equitable doctrine or under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 2001 (Cth). The article reviews recent cases, seeking to identify the key factors influencing a conclusion of, or against, unconscionable conduct. The article examines the practice of lending through intermediaries and how the application of agency law can insulate lenders from the wrongful conduct of intermediaries. The article explains the gap in the current position and discusses possible law reform which may remedy that.


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This submission addresses the Youth Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 the objectives of which are to: 1. Permit repeat offenders’ identifying information to be published and open the Children’s Court for youth justice matters involving repeat offenders; 2. Create a new offence where a child commits a further offence while on bail; 3. Permit childhood findings of guilt for which no conviction was recorded to be admissible in court when sentencing a person for an adult offence; 4. Provide for the automatic transfer from detention to adult corrective services facilities of 17 year olds who have six months or more left to serve in detention; 5. Provide that, in sentencing any adult or child for an offence punishable by imprisonment, the court must not have regard to any principle, whether under statute or at law, that a sentence of imprisonment (in the case of an adult) or detention (in the case of a child) should only be imposed as a last resort; 6. Allow children who have absconded from Sentenced Youth Boot Camps to be arrested and brought before a court for resentencing without first being given a warning; and 7. Make a technical amendment to the Youth Justice Act 1992.


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The Land Sales Act 1984 regulates “off the plan” sales in Queensland in conjunction with several provisions in the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997. Together the Acts regulate sales in both unit developments and housing estates. From 2010 to 2013 the Queensland Government undertook a comprehensive review of the Land Sales Act 1984 to identify opportunities to modernise and improve the legislation. Significant changes were recommended by the Review to align the Land Sales Act 1984 (LSA) with current surveying and conveyancing practice and to overcome a number of practical issues faced by developers under the current legislation. A significant outcome of the review is the removal of provisions related to off the plan community title sales from the LSA to the Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 (BCCMA) and the Building Units and Group Titles Act 1980 (BUGTA). This article examines the Land Sales and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2014 due to commence in November 2014.


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What is ‘best practice’ when it comes to managing intellectual property rights in participatory media content? As commercial media and entertainment business models have increasingly come to rely upon the networked productivity of end-users (Banks and Humphreys 2008) this question has been framed as a problem of creative labour made all the more precarious by changing employment patterns and work cultures of knowledge-intensive societies and globalising economies (Banks, Gill and Taylor 2014). This paper considers how the problems of ownership are addressed in non-commercial, community-based arts and media contexts. Problems of labour are also manifest in these contexts (for example, reliance on volunteer labour and uncertain economic reward for creative excellence). Nonetheless, managing intellectual property rights in collaborative creative works that are created in community media and arts contexts is no less challenging or complex than in commercial contexts. This paper takes as its focus a particular participatory media practice known as ‘digital storytelling’. The digital storytelling method, formalised by the Centre for Digital Storytelling (CDS) from the mid-1990s, has been internationally adopted and adapted for use in an open-ended variety of community arts, education, health and allied services settings (Hartley and McWilliam 2009; Lambert 2013; Lundby 2008; Thumin 2012). It provides a useful point of departure for thinking about a range of collaborative media production practices that seek to address participation ‘gaps’ (Jenkins 2006). However the outputs of these activities, including digital stories, cannot be fully understood or accurately described as user-generated content. For this reason, digital storytelling is taken here to belong to a category of participatory media activity that has been described as ‘co-creative’ media (Spurgeon 2013) in order to improve understanding of the conditions of mediated and mediatized participation (Couldry 2008). This paper reports on a survey of the actual copyrighting practices of cultural institutions and community-based media arts practitioners that work with digital storytelling and similar participatory content creation methods. This survey finds that although there is a preference for Creative Commons licensing a great variety of approaches are taken to managing intellectual property rights in co-creative media. These range from the use of Creative Commons licences (for example, Lambert 2013, p.193) to retention of full copyrights by storytellers, to retention of certain rights by facilitating organisations (for example, broadcast rights by community radio stations and public service broadcasters), and a range of other shared rights arrangements between professional creative practitioners, the individual storytellers and communities with which they collaborate, media outlets, exhibitors and funders. This paper also considers how aesthetic and ethical considerations shape responses to questions of intellectual property rights in community media arts contexts. For example, embedded in the CDS digital storytelling method is ‘a critique of power and the numerous ways that rank is unconsciously expressed in engagements between classes, races and gender’ (Lambert 117). The CDS method privileges the interests of the storyteller and, through a transformative workshop process, aims to generate original individual stories that, in turn, reflect self-awareness of ‘how much the way we live is scripted by history, by social and cultural norms, by our own unique journey through a contradictory, and at times hostile, world’ (Lambert 118). Such a critical approach is characteristic of co-creative media practices. It extends to a heightened awareness of the risks of ‘story theft’ and the challenges of ownership and informs ideas of ‘best practice’ amongst creative practitioners, teaching artists and community media producers, along with commitments to achieving equitable solutions for all participants in co-creative media practice (for example, Lyons-Reid and Kuddell nd.). Yet, there is surprisingly little written about the challenges of managing intellectual property produced in co-creative media activities. A dialogic sense of ownership in stories has been identified as an indicator of successful digital storytelling practice (Hayes and Matusov 2005) and is helpful to grounding the more abstract claims of empowerment for social participation that are associated with co-creative methods. Contrary to the ‘change from below’ philosophy that underpins much thinking about co-creative media, however, discussions of intellectual property usually focus on how methods such as digital storytelling contribute to the formation of copyright law-compliant subjects, particularly when used in educational settings (for example, Ohler nd.). This also exposes the reliance of co-creative methods on the creative assets storytellers (rather than on the copyrighted materials of the media cultures of storytellers) as a pragmatic response to the constraints that intellectual property right laws impose on the entire category of participatory media. At the level of practical politics, it also becomes apparent that co-creative media practitioners and storytellers located in copyright jurisdictions governed by ‘fair use’ principles have much greater creative flexibility than those located in jurisdictions governed by ‘fair dealing’ principles.


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This chapter analyses the copyright law framework needed to ensure open access to outputs of the Australian academic and research sector such as journal articles and theses. It overviews the new knowledge landscape, the principles of copyright law, the concept of open access to knowledge, the recently developed open content models of copyright licensing and the challenges faced in providing greater access to knowledge and research outputs.


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Blood metaphors abound in everyday social discourse among both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. However, ‘Aboriginal blood talk’, more specifically, is located within a contradictory and contested space in terms of the meanings and values that can be attributed to it by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. In the colonial context, blood talk operated as a tool of oppression for Aboriginal people via blood quantum discourses, yet today, Aboriginal people draw upon notions of blood, namely bloodlines, in articulating their identities. This paper juxtaposes contemporary Aboriginal blood talk as expressed by Aboriginal people against colonial blood talk and critically examines the ongoing political and intellectual governance regarding the validity of this talk in articulating Aboriginalities.