375 resultados para Robust Stochastic Optimization


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When the supply voltages are balanced and sinusoidal, load compensation can give both unity power factor (UPF) and perfect harmonic cancellation (PHC) source currents. But under distorted supply voltages, achieving both UPF and PHC currents are not possible and contradictory to each other. Hence there should be an optimal performance between these two important compensation goals. This paper presents an optimal control algorithm for load compensation under unbalanced and distorted supply voltages. In this algorithm source currents are compensated for reactive, imbalance components and harmonic distortions set by the limits. By satisfying the harmonic distortion limits and power balance, this algorithm gives the source currents which will provide the maximum achievable power factor. The detailed simulation results using MATLAB are presented to support the performance of the proposed optimal control algorithm.


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Value Management (VM) has been proven to provide a structured framework, together with other supporting tools and techniques, that facilitate effective decision-making in many types of projects, thus achieving ‘best value’ for clients. One of the major success factors of VM in achieving better project objectives for clients is through the provision of beneficial input by multi-disciplinary team members being involved in critical decision-making discussions during the early stage of construction projects. This paper describes a doctoral research proposal based on the application of VM in design and build construction projects, especially focusing on the design stage. The research aims to study the effects of implementing VM in design and build construction projects, in particular how well the methodology addresses issues related to cost overruns resulting from poor coordination and overlooking of critical constructability issues amongst team members in construction projects in Malaysia. It is proposed that through contractors’ early involvement during the design stage, combined with the use of the VM methodology, particularly as a decision-making tool, better optimization of construction cost can be achieved, thus promoting more efficient and effective constructability. The main methods used in this research involve a thorough literature study, semi-structured interviews, and a survey of major stakeholders, a detailed case study and a VM workshop and focus group discussions involving construction professionals in order to explore and possibly develop a framework and a specific methodology for the facilitating successful application of VM within design and build construction projects.


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In this paper we propose a new method for utilising phase information by complementing it with traditional magnitude-only spectral subtraction speech enhancement through Complex Spectrum Subtraction (CSS). The proposed approach has the following advantages over traditional magnitude-only spectral subtraction: (a) it introduces complementary information to the enhancement algorithm; (b) it reduces the total number of algorithmic parameters, and; (c) is designed for improving clean speech magnitude spectra and is therefore suitable for both automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech perception applications. Oracle-based ASR experiments verify this approach, showing an average of 20% relative word accuracy improvements when accurate estimates of the phase spectrum are available. Based on sinusoidal analysis and assuming stationarity between observations (which is shown to be better approximated as the frame rate is increased), this paper also proposes a novel method for acquiring the phase information called Phase Estimation via Delay Projection (PEDEP). Further oracle ASR experiments validate the potential for the proposed PEDEP technique in ideal conditions. Realistic implementation of CSS with PEDEP shows performance comparable to state of the art spectral subtraction techniques in a range of 15-20 dB signal-to-noise ratio environments. These results clearly demonstrate the potential for using phase spectra in spectral subtractive enhancement applications, and at the same time highlight the need for deriving more accurate phase estimates in a wider range of noise conditions.


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This paper describes the optimization of conductor size and the voltage regulator location & magnitude of long rural distribution lines. The optimization minimizes the lifetime cost of the lines, including capital costs and losses while observing voltage drop and operational constraints using a Genetic Algorithm (GA). The GA optimization is applied to a real Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) network in regional Queensland and results are presented.


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Symmetric multi-processor (SMP) systems, or multiple-CPU servers, are suitable for implementing parallel algorithms because they employ dedicated communication devices to enhance the inter-processor communication bandwidth, so that a better performance can be obtained. However, the cost for a multiple-CPU server is high and therefore, the server is usually shared among many users. The work-load due to other users will certainly affect the performance of the parallel programs so it is desirable to derive a method to optimize parallel programs under different loading conditions. In this paper, we present a simple method, which can be applied in SPMD type parallel programs, to improve the speedup by controlling the number of threads within the programs.


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Online scheduling in the Operating Theatre Department is a dynamic process that deals with both elective and emergency patients. Each business day begins with an elective schedule determined in advance based on a mastery surgery schedule. Throughout the course of the day however, disruptions to this baseline schedule occur due to variations in treatment time, emergency arrivals, equipment failure and resource unavailability. An innovative robust reactive surgery assignment model is developed for the operating theatre department. Following the completion of each surgery, the schedule is re-solved taking into account any disruptions in order to minimise cancellations of pre-planned patients and maximise throughput of emergency cases. The single theatre case is solved and future work on the computationally more complex multiple theatre case under resource constraints is discussed.


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This paper demonstrates the application of a robust form of pose estimation and scene reconstruction using data from camera images. We demonstrate results that suggest the ability of the algorithm to rival methods of RANSAC based pose estimation polished by bundle adjustment in terms of solution robustness, speed and accuracy, even when given poor initialisations. Our simulated results show the behaviour of the algorithm in a number of novel simulated scenarios reflective of real world cases that show the ability of the algorithm to handle large observation noise and difficult reconstruction scenes. These results have a number of implications for the vision and robotics community, and show that the application of visual motion estimation on robotic platforms in an online fashion is approaching real-world feasibility.


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A special transmit polarization signalling scheme is presented to alleviate the power reduction as a result of polarization mismatch from random antenna orientations. This is particularly useful for hand held mobile terminals typically equipped with only a single linearly polarized antenna, since the average signal power is desensitized against receiver orientations. Numerical simulations also show adequate robustness against incorrect channel estimations.


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An autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is expected to operate in an ocean in the presence of poorly known disturbance forces and moments. The uncertainties of the environment makes it difficult to apply open-loop control scheme for the motion planning of the vehicle. The objective of this paper is to develop a robust feedback trajectory tracking control scheme for an AUV that can track a prescribed trajectory amidst such disturbances. We solve a general problem of feedback trajectory tracking of an AUV in SE(3). The feedback control scheme is derived using Lyapunov-type analysis. The results obtained from numerical simulations confirm the asymptotic tracking properties of the feedback control law. We apply the feedback control scheme to different mission scenarios, with the disturbances being initial errors in the state of the AUV.


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This paper presents a method of voice activity detection (VAD) suitable for high noise scenarios, based on the fusion of two complementary systems. The first system uses a proposed non-Gaussianity score (NGS) feature based on normal probability testing. The second system employs a histogram distance score (HDS) feature that detects changes in the signal through conducting a template-based similarity measure between adjacent frames. The decision outputs by the two systems are then merged using an open-by-reconstruction fusion stage. Accuracy of the proposed method was compared to several baseline VAD methods on a database created using real recordings of a variety of high-noise environments.


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This paper presents a method of voice activity detection (VAD) for high noise scenarios, using a noise robust voiced speech detection feature. The developed method is based on the fusion of two systems. The first system utilises the maximum peak of the normalised time-domain autocorrelation function (MaxPeak). The second zone system uses a novel combination of cross-correlation and zero-crossing rate of the normalised autocorrelation to approximate a measure of signal pitch and periodicity (CrossCorr) that is hypothesised to be noise robust. The score outputs by the two systems are then merged using weighted sum fusion to create the proposed autocorrelation zero-crossing rate (AZR) VAD. Accuracy of AZR was compared to state of the art and standardised VAD methods and was shown to outperform the best performing system with an average relative improvement of 24.8% in half-total error rate (HTER) on the QUT-NOISE-TIMIT database created using real recordings from high-noise environments.