139 resultados para Detection of a castaway, sonar, UUV, acoustic underwater ICARUS, upward looking


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The Escherichia coli mu operon was subcloned into a pKK233-2 vector containing rat glutathione S-transferase (GST) 5-5 cDNA and the plasmid thus obtained was introduced into Salmonella typhimurium TA1535. The newly developed strain S.typhimurium NM5004, was found to have 52-fold greater GST activity than the original umu strain S.typhimurium TA1535/pSK1002. We compared sensitivities of these two tester strains, NM5004 and TA1535/ pSK1002, for induction of umuC gene expression with several dihaloalkanes which are activated or inactivated by GST 5-5 activity. The induction of umuC gene expression by these chemicals was monitored by measuring the cellular P-galactosidase activity produced by umuC'lacZ fusion gene in these two tester strains. Ethylene dibromide, 1-bromo-2-chloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, and methylene dichloride induced umuC gene expression more strongly in the NM5004 strain than the original strain, 4-Nitroquinoline 1-oxide and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine were found to induce umuC gene expression to similar extents in both strains. In the case of 1-nitropyrene and 2-nitrofluorene, however, NM5004 strain showed weaker umuC gene expression responses than the original TA1535/ pSK1002 strain, 1,2-Epoxy-3-(4'-nitrophenoxy)propane, a known substrate for GST 5-5, was found to inhibit umuC induction caused by 1-bromo-2-chloroethane. These results indicate that this new tester NM5004 strain expressing a mammalian GST theta class enzyme may be useful for studies of environmental chemicals proposed to be activated or inactivated by GST activity.


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This article describes the detection of DNA mutations using novel Au-Ag coated GaN substrate as SERS (surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) diagnostic platform. Oligonucleotide sequences corresponding to the BCR-ABL (breakpoint cluster region-Abelson) gene responsible for development of chronic myelogenous leukemia were used as a model system to demonstrate the discrimination between the wild type and Met244Val mutations. The thiolated ssDNA (single-strand DNA) was immobilized on the SERS-active surface and then hybridized to a labeled target sequence from solution. An intense SERS signal of the reporter molecule MGITC was detected from the complementary target due to formation of double helix. The SERS signal was either not observed, or decreased dramatically for a negative control sample consisting of labeled DNA that was not complementary to the DNA probe. The results indicate that our SERS substrate offers an opportunity for the development of novel diagnostic assays.


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Early detection of plant transformation events is necessary for the rapid establishment and optimization of plant transformation protocols. We have assessed modified versions of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria as early reporters of plant transformation using a dissecting fluorescence microscope with appropriate filters. Gfp-expressing cells from four different plant species (sugarcane, maize, lettuce, and tobacco) were readily distinguished, following either Agrobacterium-mediated or particle bombardment-mediated transformation. The identification of gfp-expressing sugarcane cells allowed for the elimination of a high proportion of non-expressing explants and also enabled visual selection of dividing transgenic cells, an early step in the generation of transgenic organisms. The recovery of transgenic cell clusters was streamlined by the ability to visualize gfp-expressing tissues in vitro.


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Objective To evaluate the performance of China’s infectious disease automated alert and response system in the detection of outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth (HFM) disease. Methods We estimated size, duration and delay in reporting HFM disease outbreaks from cases notified between 1 May 2008 and 30 April 2010 and between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012, before and after automatic alert and response included HFM disease. Sensitivity, specificity and timeliness of detection of aberrations in the incidence of HFM disease outbreaks were estimated by comparing automated detections to observations of public health staff. Findings The alert and response system recorded 106 005 aberrations in the incidence of HFM disease between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2012 – a mean of 5.6 aberrations per 100 days in each county that reported HFM disease. The response system had a sensitivity of 92.7% and a specificity of 95.0%. The mean delay between the reporting of the first case of an outbreak and detection of that outbreak by the response system was 2.1 days. Between the first and second study periods, the mean size of an HFM disease outbreak decreased from 19.4 to 15.8 cases and the mean interval between the onset and initial reporting of such an outbreak to the public health emergency reporting system decreased from 10.0 to 9.1 days. Conclusion The automated alert and response system shows good sensitivity in the detection of HFM disease outbreaks and appears to be relatively rapid. Continued use of this system should allow more effective prevention and limitation of such outbreaks in China.


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The lack of adequate disease surveillance systems in Ebola-affected areas has both reduced the ability to respond locally and has increased global risk. There is a need to improve disease surveillance in vulnerable regions, and digital surveillance could present a viable approach.


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A facile and sensitive surface-enhanced Raman scattering substrate was prepared by controlled potentiostatic deposition of a closely packed single layer of gold nanostructures (AuNS) over a flat gold (pAu) platform. The nanometer scale inter-particle distance between the particles resulted in high population of ‘hot spots’ which enormously enhanced the scattered Raman photons. A renewed methodology was followed to precisely quantify the SERS substrate enhancement factor (SSEF) and it was estimated to be (2.2 ± 0.17) × 105. The reproducibility of the SERS signal acquired by the developed substrate was tested by establishing the relative standard deviation (RSD) of 150 repeated measurements from various locations on the substrate surface. A low RSD of 4.37 confirmed the homogeneity of the developed substrate. The sensitivity of pAu/AuNS was proven by determining 100 fM 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) comfortably. As a proof of concept on the potential of the new pAu/AuNS substrate in field analysis, TNT in soil and water matrices was selectively detected after forming a Meisenheimer complex with cysteamine.


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We report rapid and ultra-sensitive detection system for 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) using unmodified gold nanoparticles and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). First, Meisenheimer complex has been formed in aqueous solution between TNT and cysteamine in less than 15 min of mixing. The complex formation is confirmed by the development of a pink colour and a new UV–vis absorption band around 520 nm. Second, the developed Meisenheimer complex is spontaneously self-assembled onto unmodified gold nanoparticles through a stable Au–S bond between the cysteamine moiety and the gold surface. The developed mono layer of cysteamine-TNT is then screened by SERS to detect and quantify TNT. Our experimental results demonstrate that the SERS-based assay provide an ultra-sensitive approach for the detection of TNT down to 22.7 ng/L. The unambiguous fingerprint identification of TNT by SERS represents a key advantage for our proposed method. The new method provides high selectivity towards TNT over 2,4 DNT and picric acid. Therefore it satisfies the practical requirements for the rapid screening of TNT in real life samples where the interim 24-h average allowable concentration of TNT in waste water is 0.04 mg/L.


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Wind energy, being the fastest growing renewable energy source in the present world, requires a large number of wind turbines to transform wind energy into electricity. One factor driving the cost of this energy is the reliable operation of these turbines. Therefore, it is a growing requirement within the wind farm community, to monitor the operation of the wind turbines on a continuous basis so that a possible fault can be detected ahead of time. As the wind turbine operates in an environment of constantly changing wind speed, it is a challenging task to design a fault detection technique which can accommodate the stochastic operational behavior of the turbines. Addressing this issue, this paper proposes a novel fault detection criterion which is robust against operational uncertainty, as well as having the ability to quantify severity level specifically of the drivetrain abnormality within an operating wind turbine. A benchmark model of wind turbine has been utilized to simulate drivetrain fault condition and effectiveness of the proposed technique has been tested accordingly. From the simulation result it can be concluded that the proposed criterion exhibits consistent performance for drivetrain faults for varying wind speed and has linear relationship with the fault severity level.


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Erythropoietin (EPO), a glycoprotein hormone of ∼34 kDa, is an important hematopoietic growth factor, mainly produced in the kidney and controls the number of red blood cells circulating in the blood stream. Sensitive and rapid recombinant human EPO (rHuEPO) detection tools that improve on the current laborious EPO detection techniques are in high demand for both clinical and sports industry. A sensitive aptamer-functionalized biosensor (aptasensor) has been developed by controlled growth of gold nanostructures (AuNS) over a gold substrate (pAu/AuNS). The aptasensor selectively binds to rHuEPO and, therefore, was used to extract and detect the drug from horse plasma by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Due to the nanogap separation between the nanostructures, the high population and distribution of hot spots on the pAu/AuNS substrate surface, strong signal enhancement was acquired. By using wide area illumination (WAI) setting for the Raman detection, a low RSD of 4.92% over 150 SERS measurements was achieved. The significant reproducibility of the new biosensor addresses the serious problem of SERS signal inconsistency that hampers the use of the technique in the field. The WAI setting is compatible with handheld Raman devices. Therefore, the new aptasensor can be used for the selective extraction of rHuEPO from biological fluids and subsequently screened with handheld Raman spectrometer for SERS based in-field protein detection.


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Increasing worldwide terrorist attacks involving explosives presents a growing need for a rapid and ranged explosive detection method that can safely be deployed in the field. Stand-off Raman spectroscopy shows great promise; however, the radiant exposures of lasers required for adequate signal generation are often much greater than what is safe for the eye or the skin, restricting use of the technique to un-populated areas. Here, by determining the safe exposure levels for lasers typically used in Raman spectroscopy, optimal parameter values are identified, which produce the largest possible detection range using power densities that do not exceed the eye-safe limit. It is shown that safe ultraviolet pulse energies can be more than three orders of magnitude greater than equivalent safe visible pulse energies. Coupling this to the 16-fold increase in Raman signal obtained in the ultraviolet at 266 nm over that at 532 nm results in a 131 times larger detection range for the eye-safe 266-nm system over an equivalent eye-safe 532-nm laser system. For the Raman system described here, this translates to a maximum range of 42 m for detecting Teflon with a 266-nm laser emitting a 100-mm diameter beam of 23.5-mJ nanosecond pulses.