123 resultados para Adult stem-cells


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Stem cells (SC) are among the most promising cell sources for tissue engineering due to their ability to self-renew and differentiate, properties that underpin their clinical application in tissue regeneration. As such, control of SC fate is one of the most crucial issues that needs to be fully understood to realise their tremendous potential in regenerative biology. The use of functionalized nanostructured materials (NM) to control the microscale regulation of SC has offered a number of new features and opportunities for regulating SC. However, fabricating and modifying such NM to induce specific SC response still represent a significant scientific and technological challenge. Due to their versatility, plasmas are particularly attractive for the manufacturing and modification of tailored nanostructured surfaces for stem cell control. In this review, we briefly describe the biological role of SC and the mechanisms by which they are controlled and then highlight the benefits of using a range of nanomaterials to control the fate of SC. We then discuss how plasma nanoscience research can help produce/functionalise these NMs for more effective and specific interaction with SCs. The review concludes with a perspective on the advantages and challenges of research at the intersection between plasma physics, materials science, nanoscience, and SC biology.


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The routine cultivation of human corneal endothelial cells, with the view to treating patients with endothelial dysfunction, remains a challenging task. While progress in this field has been buoyed by the proposed existence of progenitor cells for the corneal endothelium at the corneal limbus, strategies for exploiting this concept remain unclear. In the course of evaluating methods for growing corneal endothelial cells, we have noted a case where remarkable growth was achieved using a serial explant culture technique. Over the course of 7 months, a single explant of corneal endothelium, acquired from cadaveric human tissue, was sequentially seeded into 7 culture plates and on each occasion produced a confluent cell monolayer. Sample cultures were confirmed as endothelial in origin by positive staining for glypican-4. On each occasion, small cells, closest to the tissue explant, developed into a highly compact layer with an almost homogenous structure. This layer was resistant to removal with trypsin and produced continuous cell outgrowth during multiple culture periods. The small cells gave rise to larger cells with phase-bright cell boundaries and prominent immunostaining for both nestin and telomerase. Nestin and telomerase were also strongly expressed in small cells immediately adjacent to the wound site, following transfer of the explant to another culture plate. These findings are consistent with the theory that progenitor cells for the corneal endothelium reside within the limbus and provide new insights into expected expression patterns for nestin and telomerase within the differentiation pathway.


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This thesis explored the different bone-forming potential of specific bone cells with differing embryological origin, on conventional culture platforms compared to 3D biocompatible scaffolds in vitro. Bone mesenchymal stem cells, mandibular osteoblasts and long bone osteoblasts from adult and juvenile sheep were compared in the study, as the embryological origin of the osteoblasts from the craniofacial and appendicular skeleton differs. The study demonstrated differing characteristics of the various cell types when cultured on the two different platforms compared and this may have an impact on future research into cell seeded tissue scaffolds to aid in vivo tissue regeneration.


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Chronic liver injury and inflammation lead to hepatic fibrosis, cirrhosis, and liver failure. Embryonic and mesenchymal stem cells have been shown to reduce experimental liver fibrosis but have potential limitations, including the formation of dysplastic precursors, tumors, and profibrogenic cells. Other stem-like cells may reduce hepatic inflammation and fibrosis without tumor and profibrogenic cell formation. To test this hypothesis we transplanted human amnion epithelial cells (hAEC), isolated from term delivered placenta, into immunocompetent C57/BL6 mice at week 2 of a 4-week regimen of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) exposure to induce liver fibrosis. Two weeks following hAEC infusion, intact cells expressing the human-specific markers inner mitochondrial membrane protein and human leukocyte antigen-G were found in mouse liver without evidence of host rejection of the transplanted cells. Human albumin, known to be produced by hAEC, was detected in sera of hAEC-treated mice. Human DNA was detected in mouse liver and also spleen, lungs, and heart of some animals. Following hAEC transplantation, CCl4-treated animals showed decreased serum ALT levels and reduced hepatocyte apoptosis, compared to controls. hAEC-treated mouse liver had lower TNF-α and IL-6 protein levels and higher IL-10 compared to animals given CCl4 alone. Compared to CCl4 controls, hAEC-treated mice showed fewer activated collagen-producing hepatic stellate cells and less fibrosis area and collagen content. Reduced hepatic TGF-β levels in conjunction with a twofold increase in the active form of the collagen-degrading enzyme matrix metalloproteinase-2 in hAEC-treated mice compared to CCl4 controls may account for the reduction in fibrosis. hAEC transplantation into immunocompetent mice leads to cell engraftment, reduced hepatocyte apoptosis, and decreased hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.


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The majority of stem cell therapies for corneal repair are based upon the use of progenitor cells isolated from corneal tissue, but a growing body of literature suggests a role for mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) isolated from non-corneal tissues. While the mechanism of MSC action seems likely to involve their immuno-modulatory properties, claims have emerged of MSC transdifferentiation into corneal cells. Substantial differences in methodology and experimental outcomes, however, have prompted us to perform a systematic review of the published data. Key questions used in our analysis included; the choice of markers used to assess corneal cell phenotype, the techniques employed to detect these markers, adequate reporting of controls, and tracking of MSC when studied in vivo. Our search of the literature revealed 28 papers published since 2006, with half appearing since 2012. MSC cultures established from bone marrow and adipose tissue have been best studied (22 papers). Critically, only 11 studies employed appropriate markers of corneal cell phenotype, along with necessary controls. Ten out of these 11 papers, however, contained positive evidence of corneal cell marker expression by MSC. The clearest evidence is observed with respect to expression of markers for corneal stromal cells by MSC. In comparison, the evidence for MSC conversion into either corneal epithelial cells or corneal endothelial cells is often inconsistent or inconclusive. Our analysis clarifies this emerging body of literature and provides guidance for future studies of MSC differentiation within the cornea as well as other tissues.


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Limbal microvascular endothelial cells (L-MVEC) contribute to formation of the corneal-limbal stem cell niche and to neovascularization of diseased and injuries corneas. Nevertheless, despite these important roles in corneal health and disease, few attempts have been made to isolate L-MVEC with the view to studying their biology in vitro. We therefore explored the feasibility of generating primary cultures of L-MVEC from cadaveric human tissue. We commenced our study by evaluating growth conditions (MesenCult-XF system) that have been previously found to be associated with expression of the endothelial cell surface marker thrombomodulin/CD141, in crude cultures established from collagenase-digests of limbal stroma. The potential presence of L-MVEC in these cultures was examined by flow cytometry using a more specific marker for vascular endothelial cells, CD31/PECAM-1. These studies demonstrated that the presence of CD141 in crude cultures established using the MesenCult-XF system is unrelated to L-MVEC. Thus we subsequently explored the use of magnetic assisted cell sorting (MACS) for CD31 as a tool for generating cultures of L-MVEC, in conjunction with more traditional endothelial cell growth conditions. These conditions consisted of gelatin-coated tissue culture plastic and MCDB-131 medium supplemented with fetal bovine serum (10% v/v), D-glucose (10 mg/mL), epidermal growth factor (10 ng/mL), heparin (50 μg/mL), hydrocortisone (1 μg/mL) and basic fibroblast growth factor (10 ng/mL). Our studies revealed that use of endothelial growth conditions are insufficient to generate significant numbers of L-MVEC in primary cultures established from cadaveric corneal stroma. Nevertheless, through use of positive-MACS selection for CD31 we were able to routinely observe L-MVEC in cultures derived from collagenase-digests of limbal stroma. The presence of L-MVEC in these cultures was confirmed by immunostaining for von Willebrand factor (vWF) and by ingestion of acetylated low-density lipoprotein. Moreover, the vWF+ cells formed aligned cell-to-cell ‘trains’ when grown on Geltrex™. The purity of L-MVEC cultures was found to be unrelated to tissue donor age (32 to 80 years) or duration in eye bank corneal preservation medium prior to use (3 to 10 days in Optisol) (using multiple regression test). Optimal purity of L-MVEC cultures was achieved through use of two rounds of positive-MACS selection for CD31 (mean ± s.e.m, 65.0 ± 20.8%; p<0.05). We propose that human L-MVEC cultures generated through these techniques, in conjunction with other cell types, will provide a useful tool for exploring the mechanisms of blood vessel cell growth in vitro.


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One of the problems to be solved in attaining the full potentials of hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) applications is the limited availability of the cells. Growing HSCs in a bioreactor offers an alternative solution to this problem. Besides, it also offers the advantages of eliminating labour intensive process as well as the possible contamination involved in the periodic nutrient replenishments in the traditional T-flask stem cell cultivation. In spite of this, the optimization of HSC cultivation in a bioreactor has been barely explored. This manuscript discusses the development of a mathematical model to describe the dynamics in nutrient distribution and cell concentration of an ex vivo HSC cultivation in a microchannel perfusion bioreactor. The model was further used to optimize the cultivation by proposing three alternative feeding strategies in order to prevent the occurrence of nutrient limitation in the bioreactor. The evaluation of these strategies, the periodic step change increase in the inlet oxygen concentration, the periodic step change increase in the media inflow, and the feedback control of media inflow, shows that these strategies can successfully improve the cell yield of the bioreactor. In general, the developed model is useful for the design and optimization of bioreactor operation.


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This article considers the integral role played by patent law in respect of stem cell research. It highlights concerns about commercialization, access to essential medicines and bioethics. The article maintains that there is a fundamental ambiguity in the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) as to whether stem cell research is patentable subject matter. There is a need to revise the legislation in light of the establishment of the National Stem Cell Centre and the passing of the Research Involving Embryos Act 2002 (Cth). The article raises concerns about the strong patent protection secured by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and Geron Corporation in respect of stem cell research in the United States. It contends that a number of legal reforms could safeguard access to stem cell lines, and resulting drugs and therapies. Finally, this article explores how ethical concerns are addressed within the framework of the European Biotechnology Directive. It examines the decision of the European Patent Office in relation to the so-called Edinburgh patent, and the inquiry of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies into The Ethical Aspects of Patenting Involving Human Stem Cells.


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Silk fibroin provides a promising biomaterial for ocular tissue reconstruction including the damaged outer blood-retinal barrier of patients afflicted with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the function of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in vitro, when grown on fibroin membranes manufactured to a similar thickness as Bruch’s membrane (3 μm). Confluent cultures of RPE cells (ARPE-19) were established on fibroin membranes and maintained under conditions designed to promote maturation over 4 months. Control cultures were grown on polyester cell culture well inserts (Transwell). Cultures established on either material developed a cobblestoned morphology with partial pigmentation within 12 weeks. Immunocytochemistry at 16 weeks revealed a similar distribution pattern between cultures for F-actin, ZO-1, ezrin, cytokeratin pair 8/18, RPE-65 and Na+/K+-ATPase. Electron microscopy revealed that cultures grown on fibroin displayed a rounder apical surface with a more dense distribution of microvilli. Both cultures avidly ingested fluorescent microspheres coated with vitronectin and bovine serum albumin (BSA), but not controls coated with BSA alone. VEGF and PEDF were detected in the conditioned medium collected from above and below both membrane types. Levels of PEDF were significantly higher than for VEGF on both membranes and a trend was observed towards larger amounts of PEDF in apical compartments. These findings demonstrate that RPE cell functions on fibroin membranes are equivalent to those observed for standard test materials (polyester membranes). As such, these studies support advancement to studies of RPE cell implantation on fibroin membranes in a preclinical model.


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Since we still know very little about stem cells in their natural environment, it is useful to explore their dynamics through modelling and simulation, as well as experimentally. Most models of stem cell systems are based on deterministic differential equations that ignore the natural heterogeneity of stem cell populations. This is not appropriate at the level of individual cells and niches, when randomness is more likely to affect dynamics. In this paper, we introduce a fast stochastic method for simulating a metapopulation of stem cell niche lineages, that is, many sub-populations that together form a heterogeneous metapopulation, over time. By selecting the common limiting timestep, our method ensures that the entire metapopulation is simulated synchronously. This is important, as it allows us to introduce interactions between separate niche lineages, which would otherwise be impossible. We expand our method to enable the coupling of many lineages into niche groups, where differentiated cells are pooled within each niche group. Using this method, we explore the dynamics of the haematopoietic system from a demand control system perspective. We find that coupling together niche lineages allows the organism to regulate blood cell numbers as closely as possible to the homeostatic optimum. Furthermore, coupled lineages respond better than uncoupled ones to random perturbations, here the loss of some myeloid cells. This could imply that it is advantageous for an organism to connect together its niche lineages into groups. Our results suggest that a potential fruitful empirical direction will be to understand how stem cell descendants communicate with the niche and how cancer may arise as a result of a failure of such communication.


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High mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) is a chromatin protein which can be released extracellularly, eliciting a pro-inflammatory response and promoting tissue repair process. This study aimed to examine the expression and distribution of HMGB1 and its receptor RAGE in inflamed dental pulp tissues, and to assess its effects on proliferation, migration and cytoskeleton of cultured human dental pulp cells (DPCs). Our data demonstrated that cytoplasmic expression of HMGB1 was observed in inflamed pulp tissues, while HMGB1 expression was confined in the nuclei in healthy dental pulp. The mRNA expression of HMGB1 and RAGE were significantly increased in inflamed pulps. In in vitro cultured DPCs, expression of HMGB1 in both protein and mRNA level was up-regulated after treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Exogenous HMGB1 enhanced DPCs migration in a dose-dependent manner and induced the reorganization of f-actin in DPCs. Our results suggests that HMGB1 are not only involved in the process of dental pulp inflammation, but also play an important role in the recruitment of dental pulp stem cells, promoting pulp repair and regeneration.


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Prostate cancer frequently metastasizes to bone, which becomes incurable; yet how cancer cells manage to migrate and grow inside the bone remains unknown. In this study I have discovered that both bone and fat cells within the bone marrow actively promote the survival and expansion of prostate cancer cells, and have subsequently developed approaches that can effectively inhibit these processes. Therefore, my work offers opportunities for the development of new prognostic and therapeutic approaches against metastatic prostate cancer and have the potential for improving the treatment outcome of the patients.


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Objective: An imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption is thought to underlie the pathogenesis of reduced bone mass in osteoporosis. Bone resorption is carried out by osteoclasts, which are formed from marrow-derived cells that circulate in the monocyte fraction. Ihe aim of this study was to determine the role of osteoclast formation in the pathogenesis of bone loss in osteoporosis. Methods: The proportion of circulating osteoclast precursors and their relative sensitivity to the osteoclastogenic effects of M-CSF, 1,25(OH)2D3 and RANKL were assessed in primary osteoporosis patients and normal controls. Results: Although there was no difference in the number of circulating osteoclast precursors in osteoporosis patients and normal controls, osteoclasts formed from osteoporosis patients exhibited substantially increased resorptive activity relative to normal controls. Although no increased sensitivity to the osteoclastogenic effects of 1,25(OH)2D3 or M-CSF was noted, increased bone resorption was found in osteoporosis peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures to which these factors were added. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that osteoclast functional activity rather than formation is increased in primary involutional osteoporosis and that dexamethasone acts to increase osteoclast formation.


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Ample evidence supports that prostate tumor metastasis originates from a rare population of cancer cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs). Unfortunately, little is known about the identity of these cells, making it difficult to target the metastatic prostate tumor. Here, for the first time, we report the identification of a rare population of prostate cancer cells that express the Tie-2 protein. We found that this Tie-2High population exists mainly in prostate cancer cell lines that are capable of metastasizing to the bone. These cells not only express a higher level of CSC markers but also demonstrate enhanced resistance to the chemotherapeutic drug Cabazitaxel. In addition, knockdown of the expression of the Tie-2 ligand angiopoietin (Ang-1) led to suppression of CSC markers, suggesting that the Ang-1/Tie-2 signaling pathway functions as an autocrine loop for the maintenance of prostate CSCs. More importantly, we found that Tie-2High prostate cancer cells are more adhesive than the Tie-2Low population to both osteoblasts and endothelial cells. Moreover, only the Tie-2High, but not the Tie-2Low cells developed tumor metastasis in vivo when injected at a low number. Taken together, our data suggest that Tie-2 may play an important role during the development of prostate tumor metastasis.


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Obesity has long been linked with prostate cancer progression, although the underlying mechanism is still largely unknown. Here, we report that adipocytes promote the enrichment of prostate cancer stem cells (CSCs) through a vicious cycle of autocrine amplification. In the presence of adipocytes, prostate cancer cells actively secrete the peptide hormone cholecystokinin (CCK), which not only stimulates prostate CSC self-renewal, but also induces cathepsin B (CTSB) production of the adipocytes. In return, CTSB facilitates further CCK secretion by the cancer cells. More importantly, inactivation of CCK receptor not only suppresses CTSB secretion by the adipocytes, but also synergizes the inhibitory effect of CTSB inhibitor on adipocyte-promoted prostate CSC self-renewal. In summary, we have uncovered a novel mechanism underlying the mutual interplay between adipocytes and prostate CSCs, which may help explaining the role of adipocytes in prostate cancer progression and provide opportunities for effective intervention.