271 resultados para 986.103


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The adequacy of the UV Index (UVI), a simple measure of ambient solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, has been questioned on the basis of recent scientific data on the importance of vitamin D for human health, the mutagenic capacity of radiation in the UVA wavelength, and limitations in the behavioral impact of the UVI as a public awareness tool. A working group convened by ICNIRP and WHO met to assess whether modifications of the UVI were warranted and to discuss ways of improving its effectiveness as a guide to healthy sun-protective behavior. A UV Index greater than 3 was confirmed as indicating ambient UV levels at which harmful sun exposure and sunburns could occur and hence as the threshold for promoting preventive messages. There is currently insufficient evidence about the quantitative relationship of sun exposure, vitamin D, and human health to include vitamin D considerations in sun protection recommendations. The role of UVA in sunlight-induced dermal immunosuppression and DNA damage was acknowledged, but the contribution of UVA to skin carcinogenesis could not be quantified precisely. As ambient UVA and UVB levels mostly vary in parallel in real life situations, any minor modification of the UVI weighting function with respect to UVA-induced skin cancer would not be expected to have a significant impact on the UV Index. Though it has been shown that the UV Index can raise awareness of the risk of UV radiation to some extent, the UVI does not appear to change attitudes to sun protection or behavior in the way it is presently used. Changes in the UVI itself were not warranted based on these findings, but rather research testing health behavior models, including the roles of self-efficacy and self-affirmation in relation to intention to use sun protection among different susceptible groups, should be carried out to develop more successful strategies toward improving sun protection behavior. Health Phys. 103(3):301-306; 2012


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A novel intelligent online demand side management system is proposed for peak load management in low-voltage distribution networks. This method uses low-cost controllers with low-bandwidth two-way communication installed in custumers’ premises and at distribution transformers to manage the peak load while maximising customer satisfaction. A multi-objective decision making process is proposed to select the load(s) to be delayed or controlled. The efficacy of the proposed control system is verified by simulation of three different feeder types.


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Selected chrysocolla mineral samples from different origins have been studied by using PXRD, SEM, EDX and XPS. The XRD patterns show that the chrysocolla mineral samples are non-diffracting and no other phases are present in the minerals, thus showing the chrysocolla samples are pure. SEM analyses show the chrysocolla surfaces are featureless. EDX analyses enable the formulae of the chrysocolla samples to be calculated. The thermal decomposition of the mineral chrysocolla has been studied using a combination of thermogravimetric analysis and derivative thermogravimetric analysis. Five thermal decomposition mass loss steps are observed for the chrysocolla from Arizona (a) at 125 ◦C with the loss of water, (b) at 340 ◦C with the loss of hydroxyl units, (c) at 468.5 ◦C with a further loss of hydroxyls, (d) at 821 ◦C with oxygen loss and (e) at 895 ◦C with a further loss of oxygen. The thermal analysis of the chrysocolla from Congo shows mass losses at 125, 275.3, 805.6 and 877.4 ◦C and for the Nevada chrysocolla, mass loss steps at 268, 333, 463, 786.0 and 817.7 ◦C are observed. The thermal analysis of spertiniite is very different from that of chrysocolla and thermally decomposes at around 160 ◦C. XPS shows that there are two different copper species present, one which is bonded to oxygen and one to a hydroxyl unit. The O 1s is broad and very symmetrical suggesting two O species of equal number. The bond energy of 102.9 eV for the Si 2p suggests that it is in the form of a silicate. The bond energy is much higher for silicas around ∼103.5 eV. The reported value for silica gel has Si 2p at 103.4 eV. The combination of TG, PXRD, EDX and XPS adds to our fundamental knowledge of the structure of chrysocolla.


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The Marquis de Sade was declared, “the fist commandment of art is ‘never to bore,’” and perhaps no other artist of his generation has embodied this sentiment more than Guillermo Gómez- Peña, the Mexican-born performance artist and cultural theorist living in San Francisco. Since the early 1980s Gómez-Peña, along with his performance troupe La Pocha Nostra, have been engaged in “reverse anthropology” staging “postcolonial” performances that foreground race and intervene in our cultural fears and desires by focusing on our obsession with the exotic. He deftly navigates the “post-multicultural” world – accelerated by globalization and nation branding – by using elaborate performative and interactive elements that expose (to the audience) their deeply embedded cultural stereotypes and desires for the other.


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Purpose: To determine whether neuroretinal function differs in healthy persons with and without common risk gene variants for age- related macular degeneration (AMD) and no ophthalmoscopic signs of AMD, and to compare those findings in persons with manifest early AMD. Methods and Participants: Neuroretinal function was assessed with the multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) (VERIS, Redwood City, CA,) in 32 participants (22 healthy persons with no clinical signs of AMD and 10 early AMD patients). The 22 healthy participants with no AMD were risk genotypes for either the CFH (rs380390) and/or ARMS2 (rs10490920). We used a slow flash mfERG paradigm (3 inserted frames) and a 103 hexagon stimulus array. Recordings were made with DTL electrodes; fixation and eye movements were monitored online. Trough N1 to peak P1 (N1P1) response densities and P1-implicit times (IT) were analysed in 5 concentric rings. Results: N1P1 response densities (mean ± SD) for concentric rings 1-3 were on average significantly higher in at-risk genotypes (ring 1: 17.97 nV/deg2 ± 1.9, ring 2: 11.7 nV/deg2 ±1.3, ring 3: 8.7 nV/deg2 ± 0.7) compared to those without risk (ring 1: 13.7 nV/deg2 ± 1.9, ring 2: 9.2 nV/deg2 ±0.8, ring 3: 7.3 nV/deg2 ± 1.1) and compared to persons with early AMD (ring 1: 15.3 nV/deg2 ± 4.8, ring 2: 9.1 nV/deg2 ±2.3, ring 3 nV/deg2: 7.3± 1.3) (p<0.5). The group implicit times, P1-ITs for ring 1 were on average delayed in the early AMD patients (36.4 ms ± 1.0) compared to healthy participants with (35.1 ms ± 1.1) or without risk genotypes (34.8 ms ±1.3), although these differences were not significant. Conclusion: Neuroretinal function in persons with normal fundi can be differentiated into subgroups based on their genetics. Increased neuroretinal activity in persons who carry AMD risk genotypes may be due to genetically determined subclinical inflammatory and/or histological changes in the retina. Assessment of neuroretinal function in healthy persons genetically susceptible to AMD may be a useful early biomarker before there is clinical manifestation of AMD.


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This paper reports on an action-learning project conducted within the first year criminal justice curriculum in an Australian university. The project was initiated after an audit of first year units and student feedback revealed that there were gaps in the curriculum that possibly were disadvantaging certain groups of students, including mature, international, queer and disabled students, rendering them invisible. Official (university controlled student surveys and other feedback mechanisms) and anecdotal feedback found that at least some students in these groups felt disenfranchised; that is, unable to relate to either the subject mater, other students, or the university setting itself. As a school in which social justice provides the context for learning about criminal justice, first year subject coordinators as a group came to recognise the need for embedding diversity in the curriculum.


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This paper reports on the implementation of a non-invasive electroencephalography-based brain-computer interface to control functions of a car in a driving simulator. The system is comprised of a Cleveland Medical Devices BioRadio 150 physiological signal recorder, a MATLAB-based BCI and an OKTAL SCANeR advanced driving experience simulator. The system utilizes steady-state visual-evoked potentials for the BCI paradigm, elicited by frequency-modulated high-power LEDs and recorded with the electrode placement of Oz-Fz with Fz as ground. A three-class online brain-computer interface was developed and interfaced with an advanced driving simulator to control functions of the car, including acceleration and steering. The findings are mainly exploratory but provide an indication of the feasibility and challenges of brain-controlled on-road cars for the future, in addition to a safe, simulated BCI driving environment to use as a foundation for research into overcoming these challenges.


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Small-angle and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering (SANS and USANS), low-pressure adsorption (N2 and CO2), and high-pressure mercury intrusion measurements were performed on a suite of North American shale reservoir samples providing the first ever comparison of all these techniques for characterizing the complex pore structure of shales. The techniques were used to gain insight into the nature of the pore structure including pore geometry, pore size distribution and accessible versus inaccessible porosity. Reservoir samples for analysis were taken from currently-active shale gas plays including the Barnett, Marcellus, Haynesville, Eagle Ford, Woodford, Muskwa, and Duvernay shales. Low-pressure adsorption revealed strong differences in BET surface area and pore volumes for the sample suite, consistent with variability in composition of the samples. The combination of CO2 and N2 adsorption data allowed pore size distributions to be created for micro–meso–macroporosity up to a limit of �1000 Å. Pore size distributions are either uni- or multi-modal. The adsorption-derived pore size distributions for some samples are inconsistent with mercury intrusion data, likely owing to a combination of grain compression during high-pressure intrusion, and the fact that mercury intrusion yields information about pore throat rather than pore body distributions. SANS/USANS scattering data indicate a fractal geometry (power-law scattering) for a wide range of pore sizes and provide evidence that nanometer-scale spatial ordering occurs in lower mesopore–micropore range for some samples, which may be associated with inter-layer spacing in clay minerals. SANS/USANS pore radius distributions were converted to pore volume distributions for direct comparison with adsorption data. For the overlap region between the two methods, the agreement is quite good. Accessible porosity in the pore size (radius) range 5 nm–10 lm was determined for a Barnett shale sample using the contrast matching method with pressurized deuterated methane fluid. The results demonstrate that accessible porosity is pore-size dependent.


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Plumbogummite PbAl3(PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 is a mineral of environmental significance and is a member of the alunite-jarosite supergroup. The molecular structure of the mineral has been investigated by Raman spectroscopy. The spectra of different plumbogummite specimens differ although there are many common features. The Raman spectra prove the spectral profile consisting of overlapping bands and shoulders. Raman bands and shoulders observed at 971, 980, 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China sample) and 913, 981, 996 and 1026 cm−1 (Czech sample) are assigned to the ν1 symmetric stretching modes of the (PO4)3−, at 1002 and 1023 cm−1 (China) and 996 and 1026 cm−1 to the ν1 symmetric stretching vibrations of the (O3POH)2− units, and those at 1057, 1106 and 1182 (China) and at 1102, 1104 and 1179 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν3 (PO4)3− and ν3 (PO3) antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Raman bands and shoulders at 634, 613 and 579 cm−1 (China) and 611 and 596 cm−1 (Czech) are attributed to the ν4 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations and those at 507, 494 and 464 cm−1 (China) and 505 and 464 cm−1 (Czech) to the ν2 (δ) (PO4)3− bending vibrations. The Raman spectrum of the OH stretching region is complex. Raman bands and shoulders are identified at 2824, 3121, 3249, 3372, 3479 and 3602 cm−1 for plumbogummite from China, and at 3077, 3227, 3362, 3480, 3518 and 3601 cm−1 for the Czech Republic sample. These bands are assigned to the ν OH stretching modes of water molecules and hydrogen ions. Approximate O–H⋯O hydrogen bond lengths inferred from the Raman spectra vary in the range >3.2–2.62 Å (China) and >3.2–2.67 Å (Czech). The minority presence of some carbonate ions in the plumbogummite (China sample) is connected with distinctive intensity increasing of the Raman band at 1106 cm−1, in which may participate the ν1 (CO3)2− symmetric stretching vibration overlapped with phosphate stretching vibrations.


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Henmilite is a triclinic mineral with the crystal structure consisting of isolated B(OH)4 tetrahedra, planar Cu(OH)4 groups and Ca(OH)3 polyhedra. The structure can also be viewed as having dimers of Ca polyhedra connected to each other through 2B(OH) tetrahedra to form chains parallel to the C axis. The structure of the mineral has been assessed by the combination of Raman and infrared spectra. Raman bands at 902, 922, 951, and 984 cm−1 and infrared bands at 912, 955 and 998 cm−1 are assigned to stretching vibrations of tetragonal boron. The Raman band at 758 cm−1 is assigned to the symmetric stretching mode of tetrahedral boron. The series of bands in the 400–600 cm−1 region are due to the out-of-plane bending modes of tetrahedral boron. Two very sharp Raman bands are observed at 3559 and 3609 cm−1. Two infrared bands are found at 3558 and 3607 cm−1. These bands are assigned to the OH stretching vibrations of the OH units in henmilite. A series of Raman bands are observed at 3195, 3269, 3328, 3396, 3424 and 3501 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching modes. Infrared spectroscopy also identified water and OH units in the henmilite structure. It is proposed that water is involved in the structure of henmilite. Hydrogen bond distances based upon the OH stretching vibrations using a Libowitzky equation were calculated. The number and variation of water hydrogen bond distances are important for the stability off the mineral.


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Vibrational spectroscopy has been used to assess the structure of kotoite a borate mineral of magnesium which is isostructural with jimboite. The mineral is orthorhombic with point group: 2/m 2/m 2/m. The mineral has the potential as a new memory insulator material. The mineral has been characterised by a combination of Raman and infrared spectroscopy. The Raman spectrum is dominated by a very intense band at 835 cm−1, assigned to the symmetric stretching mode of tetrahedral boron. Raman bands at 919, 985 and 1015 cm−1 are attributed to the antisymmetric stretching modes of tetrahedral boron. Kotoite is strictly an hydrous borate mineral. An intense Raman band observed at 3559 cm−1 is attributed to the stretching vibration of hydroxyl units, more likely to be associated with the borate mineral hydroxyborate. The lack of observation of water bending modes proves the absence of water in the kotoite structure.


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The objective of this work is to analyze ludlamite (Fe,Mn,Mg)3(PO4)2⋅4H2O from Boa Vista mine, Galiléia, Brazil and to assess the molecular structure of the mineral. The phosphate mineral ludlamite has been characterized by EMP-WDS, Raman and infrared spectroscopic measurements. The mineral is shown to be a ferrous phosphate with some minor substitution of Mg and Mn. Raman bands at 917 and 950 cm−1 are assigned to the symmetric stretching mode of and units. Raman bands at 548, 564, 599 and 634 cm−1 are assigned to the ν4 bending modes. Raman bands at 2605, 2730, 2896 and 3190 cm−1 and infrared bands at 2623, 2838, 3136 and 3185 cm−1 are attributed to water stretching vibrations. By using a Libowitzky empirical function, hydrogen bond distances are calculated from the OH stretching wavenumbers. Strong hydrogen bonds in the structure of ludlamite are observed as determined by their hydrogen bond distances. The application of infrared and Raman spectroscopy to the study of ludlamite enables the molecular structure of the pegmatite mineral ludlamite to be assessed.


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The mineral tooeleite Fe6(AsO3)4SO4(OH)4�4H2O is secondary ferric arsenite sulphate mineral which has environmental significance for arsenic remediation because of its high stability in the regolith. The mineral has been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) and Raman spectroscopy. The XRD result indicates tooeleite can form more crystalline solids in an acid environment than in an alkaline environment. Infrared spectroscopy identifies moderately intense band at 773 cm�1 assigned to AsO3� 3 symmetric stretching vibration. Raman spectroscopy identifies three bands at 803, 758 and 661 cm�1 assigned to the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching vibrations of AsO3� 3 and As-OH stretching vibration respectively. In addition, the infrared bands observed at 1116, 1040, 1090, 981 and 616 cm�1, are assigned to the m3, m1 and m4 modes of SO2� 4 . The same bands are observed at 1287, 1085, 983 and 604 cm�1 in the Raman spectrum. As3d band at binding energy of 44.05 eV in XPS confirms arsenic valence of tooeleite is +3. These characteristic bands in the IR and Raman spectra provide useful basis for identifying the mineral tooeleite.


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The mineral creedite is a fluorinated hydroxy hydrated sulphate of aluminium and calcium of formula Ca3Al2SO4(F,OH)·2H2O. The mineral has been studied by a combination of electron probe analysis to determine the molecular formula of the mineral and the structure assessed by vibrational spectroscopy. The spectroscopy of creedite may be compared with that of the alums. The Raman spectrum of creedite is characterised by an intense sharp band at 986 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν1 (Ag) symmetric stretching mode. Multiple bands of creedite in the antisymmetric stretching region support the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the sulphate anion. Multiple bands are also observed in the bending region with the three bands at 601, 629 and 663 cm−1 assigned to the View the MathML source ν4 (Ag) bending modes. The observation of multiple bands at 440, 457 and 483 cm−1 attributed to the View the MathML source ν2 (Bg) bending modes supports the concept that the symmetry of the sulphate is reduced by coordination to the water bonded to the Al3+ in the creedite structure. The splitting of the ν2, ν3 and ν4 modes is attributed to the reduction of symmetry of the SO4 and it is proposed that the sulphate coordinates to water in the hydrated aluminium in bidentate chelation.