135 resultados para integrated shape and topology optimisation (IST)


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Sweden’s protest against the Vietnam War was given tangible form in 1969 through the decision to give economic aid to the Government of North Vietnam. The main outcome was an integrated pulp and paper mill in the Vinh Phu Province north-west of Hanoi. Known as Bai Bang after its location, the mill became the most costly, one of the longest lasting and the most controversial project in the history of Swedish development cooperation. In 1996 Bai Bang produced at its full capacity. Today the mill is exclusively managed and staffed by the Vietnamese and there are plans for future expansion. At the same time a substantial amount of money has been spent to reach these achievements. Looking back at the cumbersome history of the project the results are against many’s expectations. To learn more about the conditions for sustainable development Sida commissioned two studies of the Bai Bang project. Together they touch upon several important issues in development cooperation over a period of almost 30 years: the change of aid paradigms over time, the role of foreign policy in development cooperation, cultural obstacles, recipient responsibility versus donor led development etc. The two studies were commissioned by Sida’s Department for Evaluation and Internal Audit which is an independent department reporting directly to Sida’s Board of Directors. One study assesses the financial and economic viability of the pulp and paper mill and the broader development impact of the project in Vietnam. It has been carried out by the Centre for International Economics, an Australian private economic research agency. The other study analyses the decision-making processes that created and shaped the project over a period of two decades, and reflects on lessons from the project for development cooperation in general. This study has been carried out by the Chr. Michelsen Institute, a Norweigan independent research institution.


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This thesis is a comprehensive study of the synthesis of nanomaterials. It explores the synthetic methods on the control of the size, shape and phase of semiconductor nanocrystals. A number of important conclusions, including the mechanism behind crystal growth and the structure-relationship, have been drawn through the experimental and theoretical investigation. The synthesized nanocrystals have been tested for applications in gas sensing, photocatalysis and solar cells, which exhibit considerable commercialization potential.


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The galvanic replacement of isolated electrodeposited semiconducting CuTCNQ microstructures on a glassy carbon (GC) substrate with gold is investigated. It is found that anisotropic metal nanoparticles are formed which are not solely confined to the redox active sites on the semiconducting materials but are also observed on the GC substrate which occurs via a lateral charge propagation mechanism. We also demonstrate that this galvanic replacement approach can be used for the formation of isolated AgTCNQ/Au microwire composites which occurs via an analogous mechanism. The resultant MTCNQ/Au (M = Cu, Ag) composite materials are characterized by Raman, spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and investigated for their catalytic properties for the reduction of ferricyanide ions with thiosulphate ions in aqueous solution. Significantly it is demonstrated that gold loading, nanoparticle shape and in particular the MTCNQ–Au interface are important factors that influence the reaction rate. It is shown that there is a synergistic effect at the CuTCNQ/Au composite when compared to AgTCNQ/Au at similar gold loadings.


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Digital Human Models (DHM) have been used for over 25 years. They have evolved from simple drawing templates, which are nowadays still used in architecture, to complex and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) integrated design and analysis tools for various ergonomic tasks. DHM are most frequently used for applications in product design and production planning, with many successful implementations documented. DHM from other domains, as for example computer user interfaces, artificial intelligence, training and education, or the entertainment industry show that there is also an ongoing development towards a comprehensive understanding and holistic modeling of human behavior. While the development of DHM for the game sector has seen significant progress in recent years, advances of DHM in the area of ergonomics have been comparatively modest. As a consequence, we need to question if current DHM systems are fit for the design of future mobile work systems. So far it appears that DHM in Ergonomics are rather limited to some traditional applications. According to Dul et al. (2012), future characteristics of Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) can be assigned to six main trends: (1) global change of work systems, (2) cultural diversity, (3) ageing, (4) information and communication technology (ICT), (5) enhanced competiveness and the need for innovation, and; (6) sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Based on a literature review, we systematically investigate the capabilities of current ergonomic DHM systems versus the ‘Future of Ergonomics’ requirements. It is found that DHMs already provide broad functionality in support of trends (1) and (2), and more limited options in regards to trend (3). Today’s DHM provide access to a broad range of national and international databases for correct differentiation and characterization of anthropometry for global populations. Some DHM explicitly address social and cultural modeling of groups of people. In comparison, the trends of growing importance of ICT (4), the need for innovation (5) and sustainability (6) are addressed primarily from a hardware-oriented and engineering perspective and not reflected in DHM. This reflects a persistent separation between hardware design (engineering) and software design (information technology) in the view of DHM – a disconnection which needs to be urgently overcome in the era of software defined user interfaces and mobile devices. The design of a mobile ICT-device is discussed to exemplify the need for a comprehensive future DHM solution. Designing such mobile devices requires an approach that includes organizational aspects as well as technical and cognitive ergonomics. Multiple interrelationships between the different aspects result in a challenging setting for future DHM. In conclusion, the ‘Future of Ergonomics’ pose particular challenges for DHM in regards to the design of mobile work systems, and moreover mobile information access.


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Problem Queensland has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, even after wide-ranging public programs promoting sun safety awareness. To-date, public awareness campaigns on the dangers of excessive sun exposure have been highly successful. For adolescents, however, where a significant amount of lifetime sun exposure occurs, perilous exposure still ensues, despite awareness of the risks. New frontier approaches are required to target this key audience cluster, for this significant national problem. Approach For the majority of adolescents, being part of a collective norm defines their visual, attitudinal and behavioural actions and fashion has been validated as one of the most powerful forces that can form, shape and bolster these norms. Considering clothing is the easiest method to limit the amount of skin exposed to UV, fashion (in its many subtle, yet influential guises) is proposed as an avenue to advance positive sun safe practices for adolescents. Through an action-led methodology, this research explores the potential of fashion, as one of the key parts of a complex equation, to be a prime driver to facilitate sun safety for adolescents. Findings This paper advocates that fashion, as distinguishable from clothing, has the potential to positively influence sun protective behaviour. The findings go further and recommend the use of fashion as a stealth driver for sun safety advancement, for adolescents in particular, via shifts in norms of beauty and targeted generational communication strategies. This frontier approach has the potential to significantly reduce risky sun exposure in adolescence.


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This chapter approaches integrated advertising as a practice that is continuous with advertising history, rather than a phenomenon associated with new technologies. Competition for technology-enabled audiences in expanding media and entertainment markets is nonetheless an important factor in the turn to integrated advertising and marketing strategies in recent years. While integrated advertising provides solutions for advertisers, it is problematic for media consumers because it is not always distinguishable from surrounding program content and clearly identifiable as advertising. It creates opportunities for advertisers to fly below the radar of citizen and consumer awareness of commercial and political influences in media content, and for this reason has been constrained by regulation. Media regulators have come to play an important role in striking a balance between public and private interests in commercial media by setting and adjudicating the limits of integrated advertising practices. This chapter looks at how broadcasting regulators have responded to the challenges of regulating integrated advertising in commercial radio in three different territories (United States, United Kingdom and Australia). It draws attention to the ways in which integrated advertising simultaneously drives innovation in media genres and forms, as well as de-regulation of the influence exercised by advertisers in commercial media content.


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Addressing the Crew Scheduling Problem (CSP) in transportation systems can be too complex to capture all details. The designed models usually ignore or simplify features which are difficult to formulate. This paper proposes an alternative formulation using a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) approach to the problem. The optimisation model integrates the two phases of pairing generation and pairing optimisation by simultaneously sequencing trips into feasible duties and minimising total elapsed time of any duty. Crew scheduling constraints in which the crew have to return to their home depot at the end of the shift are included in the model. The flexibility of this model comes in the inclusion of the time interval of relief opportunities, allowing the crew to be relieved during a finite time interval. This will enhance the robustness of the schedule and provide a better representation of real-world conditions.


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CIB is developing a priority theme, now termed Improving Construction and Use through Integrated Design & Delivery Solutions (IDDS). The IDDS working group for this theme adopted the following definition: Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions use collaborative work processes and enhanced skills, with integrated data, information, and knowledge management to minimize structural and process inefficiencies and to enhance the value delivered during design, build, and operation, and across projects. The design, construction, and commissioning sectors have been repeatedly analysed as inefficient and may or may not be quite as bad as portrayed; however, there is unquestionably significant scope for IDDS to improve the delivery of value to clients, stakeholders (including occupants), and society in general, simultaneously driving down cost and time to deliver operational constructed facilities. Although various initiatives developed from computer‐aided design and manufacturing technologies, lean construction, modularization, prefabrication and integrated project delivery are currently being adopted by some sectors and specialisations in construction; IDDS provides the vision for a more holistic future transformation. Successful use of IDDS requires improvements in work processes, technology, and people’s capabilities to span the entire construction lifecycle from conception through design, construction, commissioning, operation, refurbishment/ retrofit and recycling, and considering the building’s interaction with its environment. This vision extends beyond new buildings to encompass modifications and upgrades, particularly those aimed at improved local and area sustainability goals. IDDS will facilitate greater flexibility of design options, work packaging strategies and collaboration with suppliers and trades, which will be essential to meet evolving sustainability targets. As knowledge capture and reuse become prevalent, IDDS best practice should become the norm, rather than the exception.


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Biotechnology and nanotechnology both intersect with other technologies in ways that open new possibilities for further technological progress. The potential for increased convergence between technological fields highlights the need for regulatory frameworks to be integrated, flexible and responsive. Within a federal legal system such as Australia’s, there is a need to ensure that we adopt a coordinated national approach to the crafting of regulatory solutions. In addition, there is a need for global cooperation in the development of international standards and regulatory harmonisation. Finally, this article considers the role that law plays in negotiating risk in relation to new technologies.


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Nowadays, the emergence of resistance to the current available chemotherapeutic drugs by cancer cells makes the development of new agents imperative. The skin secretion of amphibians is a natural rich source of antimicrobial peptides (AMP), and researchers have shown that some of these wide spectrum molecules are also toxic to cancer cells. The aim of this study was to verify a putative anticancer activity of the AMP pentadactylin isolated for the first time from the skin secretion of the frog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus and also to study its cytotoxic mechanism to the murine melanoma cell line B16F10. The results have shown that pentadactylin reduces the cell viability of B16F10 cells in a dose-dependent manner. It was also cytotoxic to normal human fibroblast cells; nevertheless, pentadactylin was more potent in the first case. The studies of action mechanism revealed that pentadactylin causes cell morphology alterations (e.g., round shape and shrinkage morphology), membrane disruption, DNA fragmentation, cell cycle arrest at the S phase, and alteration of mitochondrial membrane potential, suggesting that B16F10 cells die by apoptosis. The exact mechanism that causes reduction of cell viability and cytotoxicity after treatment with pentadactylin is still unknown. In conclusion, as cancer cells become resilient to death, it is worthwhile the discovery of new drugs such as pentadactylin that induces apoptosis.


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The results of studies on the growth of high-aspect nanostructures in low-temperature non-equilibrium plasmas of reactive gas mixtures with or without hydrogen are presented. The results suggest that the hydrogen in the reactive plasma strongly affects the length of the nanostructures. This phenomenon is explained in terms of selective hydrogen passivation of the lateral and top surfaces of the surface-supported nanostructures. The theoretical model describes the effect of the atomic hydrogen passivation on the nanostructure shape and predicts the critical hydrogen coverage of the lateral surfaces necessary to achieve the nanostructure growth with the pre-determined shape. Our results demonstrate that the use of a strongly non-equilibrium plasma is very effective in significantly improving the shape control of quasi-one-dimensional single-crystalline nanostructures.


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Conventional catalyzed thermal CVD of carbon microcoils commonly suffers from poor control of the coil shape and morphology and rarely reaches the nanoscale size range. This article reports on an unconventional Ni-P alloy-catalyzed, high-throughput, highly reproducible CVD of ultra-long carbon coil-like micro- and nano-structures using acetylene precursor at relatively low process temperatures. Helical carbon microcoils with consistently uniform, circular cross-sections and a high degree of crystallinity have been synthesized at 750 °C. A further reduction of the temperature to 650 °C led to the growth of ultra-long (up to several mm) wave-like carbon nanofibers made of two nanowires with the diameters in the 100-200 nm range. The results of the XRD and Raman analysis reveal that the nanofibers feature only a slightly more disordered structure compared to the microcoils. Our results suggest that morphology and structure of the carbon coil-like micro- and nano-structures can be tailored by the appropriate alloying of the catalyst and the choice of the CVD process parameters.


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Large number of rooftop Photovoltaics (PVs) have turned traditional passive networks into active networks with intermittent and bidirectional power flow. A community based distribution network grid reinforcement process is proposed to address technical challenges associated with large integration of rooftop PVs. Probabilistic estimation of intermittent PV generation is considered. Depending on the network parameters such as the R/X ratio of distribution feeder, either reactive control from PVs or coordinated control of PVs and Battery Energy Storage (BES) has been proposed. Determination of BES capacity is one of the significant outcomes from the proposed method and several factors such as variation in PV installed capacity as well as participation from community members are analyzed. The proposed approach is convenient for the community members providing them flexibility of managing their integrated PV and BES systems


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Building healthcare resilience is an important step towards creating more resilient communities to better cope with future disasters. To date, however, there appears to be little literature on how the concept of healthcare resilience should be defined and operationalized with a conceptual framework. This article aims to build a comprehensive healthcare disaster management approach guided by the concept of resilience. Methods: Google and major health electronic databases were searched to retrieve critical relevant publications. A total of 61 related publications were included, to provide a comprehensive overview of theories and definitions relevant to disaster resilience. Results and Discussions: Resilience is an inherent and adaptive capacity to cope with future uncertainty, through multiple strategies with all hazards approaches, in an attempt to achieve a positive outcome with linkage and cooperation. Healthcare resilience can be defined as the capability of healthcare organisations to resist, absorb, and respond to the shock of disasters while maintaining the most essential functions, then recover to their original state or adapt to a new state. It can be assessed by criteria, namely: robustness, redundancy, resourcefulness; and a complex of key dimensions, namely: vulnerability and safety, disaster resources and preparedness, continuity of essential health services, recovery and adaptation. Conclusions: This new concept places healthcare organisations’ disaster capabilities, management tasks, activities and disaster outcomes together into a comprehensive whole view, using an integrated approach and establishing achievable goals.


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This thesis is a study in narratology that examines the pre-theoretical ideas that underlie the study of narrative and time. The thesis explores how the lemniscate can be transported from geometry to narrative in order to structure a non-linear story that breaks the rules of causality and chronology by coupling physical movement through space with the backward pull of memory. The findings offer new possibilities for understanding the nexus between shape and story and for recording non-linear narratives that are marked by simultaneity, counterpoint, and reversal.