210 resultados para base sequence


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Nonlinear filter generators are common components used in the keystream generators for stream ciphers and more recently for authentication mechanisms. They consist of a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and a nonlinear Boolean function to mask the linearity of the LFSR output. Properties of the output of a nonlinear filter are not well studied. Anderson noted that the m-tuple output of a nonlinear filter with consecutive taps to the filter function is unevenly distributed. Current designs use taps which are not consecutive. We examine m-tuple outputs from nonlinear filter generators constructed using various LFSRs and Boolean functions for both consecutive and uneven (full positive difference sets where possible) tap positions. The investigation reveals that in both cases, the m-tuple output is not uniform. However, consecutive tap positions result in a more biased distribution than uneven tap positions, with some m-tuples not occurring at all. These biased distributions indicate a potential flaw that could be exploited for cryptanalysis


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The DNA of three biological variants, G1, Ic and G2, which originated from the same greenhouse isolate of rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), was cloned and sequenced. Comparison of the sequences revealed small differences in genome sizes. The variants were between 95 and 99% identical at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. Alignment of the three genome sequences with those of three published RTBV sequences (Phi-1, Phi-2 and Phi-3) revealed numerous nucleotide substitutions and some insertions and deletions. The published RTBV sequences originated from the same greenhouse isolate at IRRI 20, 11 and 9 years ago. All open reading frames (ORFs) and known functional domains were conserved across the six variants. The cysteine-rich region of ORF3 showed the greatest variation. When the six DNA sequences from IRRI were compared with that of an isolate from Malaysia (Serdang), similar changes were observed in the cysteine-rich region in addition to other nucleotide substitutions and deletions across the genome. The aligned nucleotide sequences of the IRRI variants and Serdang were used to analyse phylogenetic relationships by the bootstrapped parsimony, distance and maximum-likelihood methods. The isolates clustered in three groups: Serdang alone; Ic and G1; and Phi-1, Phi-2, Phi-3 and G2. The distribution of phylogenetically informative residues in the IRRI sequences shared with the Serdang sequence and the differing tree topologies for segments of the genome suggested that recombination, as well as substitutions and insertions or deletions, has played a role in the evolution of RTBV variants. The significance and implications of these evolutionary forces are discussed in comparison with badnaviruses and caulimoviruses.


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The complete nucleotide sequence of rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) strain Vt6, originally from Mindanao, the Philippines, with higher virulence to resistant rice cultivars, was determined and compared with the published sequence for the Philippine-type strain A (RTSV-A-Shen). It was reported that RTSV-A was not able to infect a rice resistant cultivar TKM 6 (10). RTSV-Vt6 and RTSV-A-Shen share 90% and 95% homology at nucleotide and amino-acid levels, respectively. The N-terminal leader sequence of RTSV-Vt6 contained a 39-amino acids-region (positions 65 to 103) which was totally different from that of RTSV-A-Shen; the difference resulted from frame shifting by nucleotide insertions and deletions. To confirm the amino-acid sequence differences of the leader polypeptide, the same region was cloned and sequenced using a newly obtained variant of RTSV-type 6, which had been collected in the field of IRRI, and seven field isolates from Mindanao, the Philippines. Since all the sequences of the target region are identical to that of the Vt6 leader polypeptide, the sequence difference in the leader region seems not to correlate with the virulence of Vt6.


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This chapter explores the role of the built environment in the creation, cultivation and acquisition of a knowledge base by people populating the urban landscape. It examines McDonald’s restaurants as a way to comprehend the relevance of the physical design in the diffusion of codified and tacit knowledge at an everyday level. Through an examination of space at a localised level, this chapter describes the synergies of space and the significance of this relationship in navigating the global landscape.


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This paper describes algorithms that can musically augment the realtime performance of electronic dance music by generating new musical material by morphing. Note sequence morphing involves the algorithmic generation of music that smoothly transitions between two existing musical segments. The potential of musical morphing in electronic dance music is outlined and previous research is summarised; including discussions of relevant music theoretic and algorithmic concepts. An outline and explanation is provided of a novel Markov morphing process that uses similarity measures to construct transition matrices. The paper reports on a ‘focus-concert’ study used to evaluate this morphing algorithm and to compare its output with performances from a professional DJ. Discussions of this trial include reflections on some of the aesthetic characteristics of note sequence morphing. The research suggests that the proposed morphing technique could be effectively used in some electronic dance music contexts.


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This study examined the effect that temporal order within the entrepreneurial discovery-exploitation process has on the outcomes of venture creation. Consistent with sequential theories of discovery-exploitation, the general flow of venture creation was found to be directed from discovery toward exploitation in a random sample of nascent ventures. However, venture creation attempts which specifically follow this sequence derive poor outcomes. Moreover, simultaneous discovery-exploitation was the most prevalent temporal order observed, and venture attempts that proceed in this manner more likely become operational. These findings suggest that venture creation is a multi-scale phenomenon that is at once directional in time, and simultaneously driven by symbiotically coupled discovery and exploitation.


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Rare earth element geochemistry in carbonate rocks is utilized increasingly for studying both modern oceans and palaeoceanography, with additional applications for investigating water–rock interactions in groundwater and carbonate diagenesis. However, the study of rare earth element geochemistry in ancient rocks requires the preservation of their distribution patterns through subsequent diagenesis. The subjects of this study, Pleistocene scleractinian coral skeletons from Windley Key, Florida, have undergone partial to complete neomorphism from aragonite to calcite in a meteoric setting; they allow direct comparison of rare earth element distributions in original coral skeleton and in neomorphic calcite. Neomorphism occurred in a vadose setting along a thin film, with degradation of organic matter playing an initial role in controlling the morphology of the diagenetic front. As expected, minor element concentrations vary significantly between skeletal aragonite and neomorphic calcite, with Sr, Ba and U decreasing in concentration and Mn increasing in concentration in the calcite, suggesting that neomorphism took place in an open system. However, rare earth elements were largely retained during neomorphism, with precipitating cements taking up excess rare earth elements released from dissolved carbonates from higher in the karst system. Preserved rare earth element patterns in the stabilized calcite closely reflect the original rare earth element patterns of the corals and associated reef carbonates. However, minor increases in light rare earth element depletion and negative Ce anomalies may reflect shallow oxidized groundwater processes, whereas decreasing light rare earth element depletion may reflect mixing of rare earth elements from associated microbialites or contamination from insoluble residues. Regardless of these minor disturbances, the results indicate that rare earth elements, unlike many minor elements, behave very conservatively during meteoric diagenesis. As the meteoric transformation of aragonite to calcite is a near worst case scenario for survival of original marine trace element distributions, this study suggests that original rare earth element patterns may commonly be preserved in ancient limestones, thus providing support for the use of ancient marine limestones as proxies for marine rare earth element geochemistry.


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Recently, a polymorphism was identified in exon 25 of the factor V gene that is possibly a functional candidate for the HR2 haplotype. This haplotype is characterized by a single base substitution named R2 (A4070G) in the B domain of the protein. A mutation (A6755G; 2194Asp→Gly) located near the C terminus has been hypothesized to influence protein folding and glycosylation, and might be responsible for the shift in factor V isoform (FV1 / FV2) ratio. This study investigated the prevalence of these two factor V HR2 haplotype polymorphisms in a cohort of normal blood donors, patients with osteoarthritis and women with complications during pregnancy, and in families of factor V Leiden individuals. A high allele frequency for the two polymorphisms was found in the blood donor group (6.2% R2, 5.6% A6755G). No significant difference in allele frequency was observed in the clinical groups (obstetric complications and osteoarthritis, 4.1-4.9% for the two polymorphisms) when compared with that of healthy blood donors. We confirm that the factor V A6755G polymorphism shows strong linkage to the R2 allele, although it is not exclusively inherited with the exon 13 A4070G variant and can occur independently. © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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We have previously reported the use of a novel mini-sequencing protocol for detection of the factor V Leiden variant, the first nucleotide change (FNC) technology. This technology is based on a single nucleotide extension of a primer, which is hybridized immediately adjacent to the site of mutation. The extended nucleotide that carries a reporter molecule (fluorescein) has the power to discriminate the genotype at the site of mutation. More recently, the prothrombin 20210 and thermolabile methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) 677 variants have been identified as possible risk factors associated with thrombophilia. This study describes the use of the FNC technology in a combined assay to detect factor V, prothrombin and MTHFR variants in a population of Australian blood donors, and describes the objective numerical methodology used to determine genotype cut-off values for each genetic variation. Using FNC to test 500 normal blood donors, the incidence of Factor V Leiden was 3.6% (all heterozygous), that of prothrombin 20210 was 2.8% (all heterozygous) and that of MTHFR was 10% (homozygous). The combined FNC technology offers a simple, rapid, automatable DNA-based test for the detection of these three important mutations that are associated with familial thrombophilia. (C) 2000 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


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Background Invasive species pose a significant threat to global economies, agriculture and biodiversity. Despite progress towards understanding the ecological factors associated with plant invasions, limited genomic resources have made it difficult to elucidate the evolutionary and genetic factors responsible for invasiveness. This study presents the first expressed sequence tag (EST) collection for Senecio madagascariensis, a globally invasive plant species. Methods We used pyrosequencing of one normalized and two subtractive libraries, derived from one native and one invasive population, to generate an EST collection. ESTs were assembled into contigs, annotated by BLAST comparison with the NCBI non-redundant protein database and assigned gene ontology (GO) terms from the Plant GO Slim ontologies. Key Results Assembly of the 221 746 sequence reads resulted in 12 442 contigs. Over 50 % (6183) of 12 442 contigs showed significant homology to proteins in the NCBI database, representing approx. 4800 independent transcripts. The molecular transducer GO term was significantly over-represented in the native (South African) subtractive library compared with the invasive (Australian) library. Based on NCBI BLAST hits and literature searches, 40 % of the molecular transducer genes identified in the South African subtractive library are likely to be involved in response to biotic stimuli, such as fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens. Conclusions This EST collection is the first representation of the S. madagascariensis transcriptome and provides an important resource for the discovery of candidate genes associated with plant invasiveness. The over-representation of molecular transducer genes associated with defence responses in the native subtractive library provides preliminary support for aspects of the enemy release and evolution of increased competitive ability hypotheses in this successful invasive. This study highlights the contribution of next-generation sequencing to better understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying ecological hypotheses that are important in successful plant invasions.