129 resultados para Trace form


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This thesis developed a new method for measuring extremely low amounts of organic and biological molecules, using Surface enhanced Raman Spectroscopy. This method has many potential applications, e.g. medical diagnosis, public health, food provenance, antidoping, forensics and homeland security. The method development used caffeine as the small molecule example, and erythropoietin (EPO) as the large molecule. This method is much more sensitive and specific than currently used methods; rapid, simple and cost effective. The method can be used to detect target molecules in beverages and biological fluids without the usual preparation steps.


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A significant number of privatizations utilized to operate and maintain critical networked infrastructures have failed to meet contractual expectations and the expectations of the community. The author carried out empirical research ex-ploring four urban water systems. This research revealed that of the four forms of privatization the alliance form was particularly suited to the stewardship of an ur-ban water system. The question then is whether these findings from urban water can be generalised to O&M of infrastructure generally. The answer is increasingly important as governments seek financial sustainability through reapplying the contestability strategy and outsource and privatise further services and activities. This paper first examines the issues encountered with O & M privatisations. Second the findings as to the stewardship achieved by the four case study water systems are unpacked with particular focus upon the alliance form. Third the key variables which were found to have distinct causal links to the stewardship-like behaviour of the private participants in the Alliance case study are described. Fourth the variables which may be crucial to the successful application of the alliance form to the broader range of infrastructures are separated out. Fifth this paper then sets the path for research into these crucial features of the alliance form.


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The surface enhanced Raman scattering effect has shown immense potential for detecting trace amounts of explosive vapor molecules. To date, efforts to produce a commercially available, reliable SERS sensor have been impeded by an inability to separate the electromagnetic enhancement produced by the metallic nanostructure from other signal enhancing effects. Here, we show a new Raman sensor that uses surface acoustic waves (SAWs) to produce controllable surface structures on gold films deposited on LiNbO3 substrates that modulate the Raman signal of a target compound (thiophenol) adsorbed on the films. We demonstrate that this sensor can dynamically control the Raman signal simply by changing the SAW’s amplitude, allowing the Raman signal enhancement factor to be directly measured with no variation in the concentration of the target compound. The physically adsorbed molecules can be removed from the sensor without physical cleaning or damage, making it possible to reuse it for real-time Raman detection.


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We explore the relationship between form and data as a design agenda and learning strategy for novice visual information designers. Our students are university seniors in digital, visual design but novices to information design, manipulation and interpretation. We describe design strategies developed to scaffold sophisticated aesthetic and conceptual engagement despite limited understanding of the domain of designing with information. These revolve around an open-ended design project where students created a physical design from data of their choosing and research. The accompanying learning strategies concern this relationship between data and form to investigate it materially, formally and through ideation. Exemplifying student works that cross media and design domains are described.


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Study Design Delphi panel and cohort study. Objective To develop and refine a condition-specific, patient-reported outcome measure, the Ankle Fracture Outcome of Rehabilitation Measure (A-FORM), and to examine its psychometric properties, including factor structure, reliability, and validity, by assessing item fit with the Rasch model. Background To our knowledge, there is no patient-reported outcome measure specific to ankle fracture with a robust content foundation. Methods A 2-stage research design was implemented. First, a Delphi panel that included patients and health professionals developed the items and refined the item wording. Second, a cohort study (n = 45) with 2 assessment points was conducted to permit preliminary maximum-likelihood exploratory factor analysis and Rasch analysis. Results The Delphi panel reached consensus on 53 potential items that were carried forward to the cohort phase. From the 2 time points, 81 questionnaires were completed and analyzed; 38 potential items were eliminated on account of greater than 10% missing data, factor loadings, and uniqueness. The 15 unidimensional items retained in the scale demonstrated appropriate person and item reliability after (and before) removal of 1 item (anxious about footwear) that had a higher-than-ideal outfit statistic (1.75). The “anxious about footwear” item was retained in the instrument, but only the 14 items with acceptable infit and outfit statistics (range, 0.5–1.5) were included in the summary score. Conclusion This investigation developed and refined the A-FORM (Version 1.0). The A-FORM items demonstrated favorable psychometric properties and are suitable for conversion to a single summary score. Further studies utilizing the A-FORM instrument are warranted. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2014;44(7):488–499. Epub 22 May 2014. doi:10.2519/jospt.2014.4980


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This review article discusses form-based planning an din details analise the following books: Stepehn Marshall (2012) Urban Coding and Planning (Routledge, New York, USA, 272pp. pISBN 1135689202). Emily Talen (2012) City Rules: How Regulations Affects Urban Form (Island Press, Washington DC, USA, 254 pp. ISBN 9781597266925). Richard Tomlinson (2012) Australia’s Unintended Cities: the Impact of Housing on Urban Development (CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia, 194pp. ISBN 9780643103771). The history of the city has been written and rewritten many times: the seminal works of Benevolo (1980) and Mumford (1989) reconstruct how settlements, particularly their urban form, have changed over centuries. Rowe and Koetter (1978), Kostof (1991, 1992), Krier (2003), and Rossi and Eisenmann (1982) address instead the components that shape the urban environment: the architect can aggregate and manipulate squares, streets, parks and public buildings to control urban design. Generally these studies aim to reveal the secret of the traditional city in contraposition to the contemporary townscape characterized by planning and zoning, which are generally regarded as problematic and sterile (Woodward, 2013). The ‘secret rules’ that have shaped our cities have a bearing on the relationship of spaces, mixed uses, public environments and walkability (Walters, 2011)...


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Provenance studies of iron-age pottery specimens originating from the Mngeni river area in South Africa was carried out by applying XRF spectrometry. A total of sixteen major and trace elements were analysed in a batch of 107 potsherds, excavated from four different archaeological sites in the aforementioned area. A multivariate statistical programme Correspondence Analysis was used in this study to obtain the relevant clustering patterns according to the similarity of the elemental distributions. Differences and similarities in the clusters obtained for the majors and trace elements are discussed.


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Weblog of participatory arts Community interactive art project with Cerebral Palsy League. Regional Arts Development grant, Queensland Government. Awarded June 2012. This project has involved exploring and visualising participants’ movements through their drawings and co-designing an interactive, visualisation artwork based on these gestures and images.


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Mapping the Unmappable? the Choreography Shared Material on Dying through the Lens of the Technogenetic Dancer. If choreographic movement is a trace, which is already behind at the moment of its appearance, the impulses that move the dancer could be understood to reside in the virtual. Whether they are the internalized instructions of the choreographer, the inscriptions of concepts on the dancing body which shape how the dancer moves, or movement material that has been incorporated over time, this gestalt is somewhat mapped before is materialized. Erin Manning describes the moment before it manifests as the preacceleration of the movement, when the potentialities of the gesture collapse and stabilize into form. This form is transient, appearing as a trace that is dissolving as soon as it appears. In her critique of some approaches to collaborations between dance and technology she describes technology as a prosthetic that constrains the dancer's movement by inducing this collapse into stability and thus limiting the potentiality of the technogenetic body of the dancer. Thus the technology becomes the focus rather than the sophisticated sensorial skills of the dancer in movement. Using this challenge as a provocation, I have explored methods for mapping a choreographed phrase of movement from the piece entitled Shared Material on Dying by Irish choreographer, Liz Roche. I will explore the virtual space before this dance is materialized, through the frame of a technogenetic body. I will uncover, through phenomenological enquiry, the constituent elements that are embedded in this virtual map, that is, the associations, sensations and spatio-temporal reference points that have been incorporated over time. The purpose is to point to possible directions in mapping the virtual dance space and to understand choreographed movements not just in terms of their material trace but also in terms of the associations, sensations and perceptions that give a specific choreography its identity. This undertaking has relevance for archiving dance. This presentation will involve danced choreography alongside documented material to explore multiple perspectives on the piece and the experience of dancing it.


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Pavlovian fear conditioning is an evolutionary conserved and extensively studied form of associative learning and memory. In mammals, the lateral amygdala (LA) is an essential locus for Pavlovian fear learning and memory. Despite significant progress unraveling the cellular mechanisms responsible for fear conditioning, very little is known about the anatomical organization of neurons encoding fear conditioning in the LA. One key question is how fear conditioning to different sensory stimuli is organized in LA neuronal ensembles. Here we show that Pavlovian fear conditioning, formed through either the auditory or visual sensory modality, activates a similar density of LA neurons expressing a learning-induced phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (p-ERK1/2). While the size of the neuron population specific to either memory was similar, the anatomical distribution differed. Several discrete sites in the LA contained a small but significant number of p-ERK1/2-expressing neurons specific to either sensory modality. The sites were anatomically localized to different levels of the longitudinal plane and were independent of both memory strength and the relative size of the activated neuronal population, suggesting some portion of the memory trace for auditory and visually cued fear conditioning is allocated differently in the LA. Presenting the visual stimulus by itself did not activate the same p-ERK1/2 neuron density or pattern, confirming the novelty of light alone cannot account for the specific pattern of activated neurons after visual fear conditioning. Together, these findings reveal an anatomical distribution of visual and auditory fear conditioning at the level of neuronal ensembles in the LA.


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Purpose To investigate the effects of the relatively selective GABAAOr receptor antagonist (1,2,5,6-tetrahydropyridin-4-yl) methylphosphinic acid (TPMPA) on form-deprivation myopia (FDM) in guinea pigs. Methods A diffuser was applied monocularly to 30 guinea pigs from day 10 to 21. The animals were randomized to one of five treatment groups. The deprived eye received daily sub-conjunctival injections of 100 μl TPMPA at a concentration of (i) 0.03 %, ( ii) 0.3 %, or (iii) 1 %, a fourth group (iv) received saline injections, and another (v) no injections. The fellow eye was left untreated. An additional group received no treatment to either eye. Prior to and at the end of the treatment period, refraction and ocular biometry were performed. Results Visual deprivation produced relative myopia in all groups (treated versus untreated eyes, P < 0.05). The amount of myopia was significantly affected by the drug treatment (one-way ANOVA, P < 0.0001); myopia was less in deprived eyes receiving either 0.3 % or 1 % TPMPA (saline = −4.38 ± 0.57D, 0.3 % TPMPA = −3.00 ± 0.48D, P < 0.01; 1 % TPMPA = −0.88 ± 0.51D, P < 0.001). The degree of axial elongation was correspondingly less (saline = 0.13 ± 0.02 mm, 0.3 % TPMPA = 0.09 ± 0.01 mm, P < 0.01, 1 % TPMPA = 0.02 ± 0.01 mm, P < 0.001) as was the VC elongation (saline = 0.08 ± 0.01 mm, 0.3 % TPMPA = 0.05 ± 0.01 mm, P < 0.01, 1 % TPMPA = 0.01 ± 0.01 mm; P < 0.001). ACD and LT were not affected (one-way ANOVA, P > 0.05). One percent TPMPA was more effective at inhibiting myopia than 0.3 % (P < 0.01), and 0.03 % did not appreciably inhibit the myopia (0.03 % TPMPA versus saline, P > 0.05). Conclusions Sub-conjunctival injections of TPMPA inhibit FDM in guinea pig models in a dose-dependent manner.


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Det har nu gått mer än tio år sedan en student vid Northeastern University i USA lanserade den första fildelningstjänsten som blev framgångsrik bland den breda allmänheten (e.g. Alderman 2001). Lanseringen av tjänsten, som kallades Napster, ses ofta som inledningen på ett av de mest dramatiska decennierna i musikbranschens historia. En lång rad internetbaserade tjänster som följt i Napsters spår har gjort det möjligt att sprida musik till miljontals användare utan att upphovsmän och rättighetsinnehavare fått någon ersättning. Katt-och-råtta-leken mellan lagstiftning och teknik har varit intensiv och har utvecklats till ett av decenniets allra hetaste diskussionsämnen bland politiker och ledarskribenter. Försäljningen av inspelad musik har sjunkit dramatiskt och musikbranschen har tvingats ifrågasätta många väletablerade sanningar. Det här kapitlet belyser ett antal fundamentala aspekter av denna förändring och utforskar några av den ”nya” musikbranschens viktigaste karaktäristika. Under den tid som musikbranschen har beforskats har vanligtvis betoningen legat på fonogrammen, det vill säga den del av branschen som rör produktion och konsumtion av inspelad musik. På grund av branschens förändrade struktur kommer dock det här kapitlet att vidga perspektivet en smula och även inkludera musikbranschens andra delar som exempelvis konserter och förlagsverksamhet...


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Urban morphology as a field of study has developed primarily in Europe and North America, and more recently emerging as a recurrent topic in China and South America. As a counterpoint to this centric view, the ISUF 2013 conference explored aspects of ‘urban form at the edge’. In particular the conference examined ‘off centre areas’ such as India, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and Australasia which require innovative approaches to the study of traditional, as well as post-colonial and contemporary, morphologies. Broader interpretations of urban form at the edge focus on minor centres and suburbia, with their developing and transilient character; edge cities and regional centres; and new technologies and approaches that are developing alongside established methods, tools and theories of urban morphology...