150 resultados para Surgery, Operative.


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Abstract Study design: A prospective investigation of patients undergoing lumbar spine surgery. Objective: Is there a correlation between patient’s expectations before lumbar surgery, postoperative outcomes and satisfaction levels? Methods: A prospective study of 145 patients undergoing primary, single-level surgery for degenerative lumbar conditions was conducted. Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), back visual analogue scale (VAS) and leg VAS were assessed pre-operatively and at 6 weeks and 6 months post-surgery. Patients’ expectations were measured pre-operatively by asking them to score the level of pain and disability that would be least acceptable for them to undergo surgery and be satisfied. Satisfaction was assessed six weeks post-operatively with a Likert scale. Differences in patient expectations between actual and expected improvements were quantified. Results: Most patients had a clinically relevant improvement, but only about half achieved their expectation. Satisfaction did not correlate with pre-operative pain or disability, or with patient expectation of improvement. Instead, satisfaction correlated with positive outcomes. Conclusions Patient expectations have little bearing on final outcome and satisfaction.


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People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are at higher risk of malnutrition due to PD symptoms and pharmacotherapy side effects. Poorer outcomes are associated with higher amounts of weight loss (>5%) and lower levels of fat free mass. When pharmacotherapy is no longer effective for symptom control, deep-brain stimulation (DBS) surgery may be considered. People with PD scheduled for DBS surgery were recruited from a Brisbane neurological clinic (n=11 out of 16). The Scale for Outcomes of Parkinson’s disease –Autonomic (SCOPA-AUT), Modified Constipation Assessment Scale (MCAS), and a 3-day food diary were mailed to participants’ homes for completion prior to hospital admission. During admission, the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), weight, height and body composition were assessed. Mean(±s.d.) PD duration from diagnosis and time since occurrence of PD symptoms was 9.0(±8.0) and 12(±8.8) years, respectively. Five participants reported unintentional weight loss (average loss of 15.6%). PD duration but not years since symptom onset significantly predicted PG-SGA scores (β=4.2, t(8)=2.7, p<.05). Both were positively correlated with PG-SGA score (r = .667, r=.587). On average, participants classified as well-nourished (SGA-A) (n=4) were younger, had shorter disease durations, lower PG-SGA scores, higher body mass (BMI) and fat free mass (FFMI) indices when compared to malnourished participants (SGA-B) (n=7). They also reported fewer non-motor symptoms on the SCOPA-AUT and MCAS. Three participants had previously received dietetic advice but not in relation to PD. These findings demonstrate that malnutrition remains unrecognised and untreated in this group despite unintentional weight loss and a high prevalence of malnutrition.


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Objectives: People with Parkinson’s disease (PD) are at higher risk of malnutrition due to PD symptoms and pharmacotherapy side effects. When pharmacotherapy is no longer effective for symptom control, deep-brain stimulation (DBS) surgery may be considered. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status of people with PD who may be at higher risk of malnutrition related to unsatisfactory symptom management with optimised medical therapy. Design: This was an observational study using a convenience sample. Setting: Participants were seen during their hospital admission for their deep brain stimulation surgery. Participants: People with PD scheduled for DBS surgery were recruited from a Brisbane neurological clinic (n=15). Measurements: The Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA), weight, height and body composition were assessed to determine nutritional status. Results: Six participants (40%) were classified as moderately malnourished (SGA-B). Eight participants (53%) reported previous unintentional weight loss (average loss of 13.3%). On average, participants classified as well-nourished (SGA-A) were younger, had shorter disease durations, lower PG-SGA scores, higher body mass (BMI) and fat free mass indices (FFMI) when compared to malnourished participants (SGA-B). Five participants had previously received dietetic advice but only one in relation to unintentional weight loss. Conclusion: Malnutrition remains unrecognised and untreated in this group despite unintentional weight loss and presence of nutrition impact symptoms. Improving nutritional status prior to surgery may improve surgical outcomes.


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Bleeding related wound complications cause significant morbidity in lower limb arthroplasty surgery. Patients who require therapeutic anticoagulation in the peri operative period are potentially at higher risk of these complications. This is a retrospective case control study reviewing all primary total hip replacements performed in a single center over a five year period and comparing outcomes of the patients on warfarin with a double-matched control group of patients not on warfarin. The warfarin group had significantly higher risk of deep joint infection (9% vs 2.2%), haematoma/ wound ooze (28% vs 4%) and superficial infection (13.5% vs 2.2%). Managing the total hip arthroplasty patient with therapeutic anticoagulation is a balance between the risk of thromboembolic disease and bleeding related complications. Improved understanding of this risk will better allow the patient to make an informed decision regarding their elective arthroplasty surgery.


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Endoscopic scoliosis correction plays an important part in the surgical options available for treating adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. However, there is a paucity of literature examining optimum methods of analgesia following this type of surgery. The role of intrapleural analgesia is examined and described. In this study, local anaesthetic administration via an intrapleural catheter was found to be a safe and effective method of analgesia following endoscopic scoliosis correction. Post-operative pain following anterior scoliosis correction can be reduced to ‘mild’ levels by combined analgesia regimes. Surgeons may wish to expand its use into open or minimally invasive anterior scoliosis correction or anterior releases.


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Background Failure to convey time-critical information to team members during surgery diminishes members’ perception of the dynamic information relevant to their task, and compromises shared situational awareness. This research reports the dialog around clinical decisions made by team members in the time-pressured and high-risk context of surgery, and the impact of these communications on shared situational awareness. Methods Fieldwork methods were used to capture the dynamic integration of individual and situational elements in surgery that provided the backdrop for clinical decisions. Nineteen semi structured interviews were performed with 24 participants from anaesthesia, surgery, and nursing in the operating rooms of a large metropolitan hospital in Queensland, Australia. Thematic analysis was used. Results: The domain “coordinating decisions in surgery” was generated from textual data. Within this domain, three themes illustrated the dialog of clinical decisions, i.e., synchronizing and strategizing actions, sharing local knowledge, and planning contingency decisions based on priority. Conclusion Strategies used to convey decisions that enhanced shared situational awareness included the use of “self-talk”, closed-loop communications, and “overhearing” conversations that occurred at the operating table. Behaviours’ that compromised a team’s shared situational awareness included tunnelling and fixating on one aspect of the situation.


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Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a three-dimensional spinal deformity involving the side-to-side curvature of the spine in the coronal plane and axial rotation of the vertebrae in the transverse plane. For patients with a severe or rapidly progressing deformity, corrective instrumented fusion surgery is performed. The wide choice of implants and large variability between patients make it difficult for surgeons to choose optimal treatment strategies. This paper describes the patient specific finite element modelling techniques employed and the results of preliminary analyses predicting the surgical outcomes for a series of AIS patients. This report highlights the importance of not only patient-specific anatomy and material parameters, but also patient-specific data for the clinical and physiological loading conditions experienced by the patient who has corrective scoliosis surgery.


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As a key department within a healthcare organisation, the operating room is a hazardous environment, where the consequences of errors are high, despite the relatively low rates of occurrence. Team performance in surgery is increasingly being considered crucial for a culture of safety. The aim of this study was to describe team communication and the ways it fostered or threatened safety culture in surgery. Ethnography was used, and involved a 6-month fieldwork period of observation and 19 interviews with 24 informants from nursing, anaesthesia and surgery. Data were collected during 2009 in the operating rooms of a tertiary care facility in Queensland, Australia. Through analysis of the textual data, three themes that exemplified teamwork culture in surgery were generated: ‘‘building shared understandings through open communication’’; ‘‘managing contextual stressors in a hierarchical environment’’ and ‘‘intermittent membership influences team performance’’. In creating a safety culture in a healthcare organisation, a team’s optimal performance relies on the open discussion of teamwork and team expectation, and significantly depends on how the organisational culture promotes such discussions.


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PURPOSE. To evaluate the utility of blood cultures in the assessment of early postoperative fever in hip fracture patients with no other indicators of sepsis. METHODS. 101 blood cultures were drawn on postoperative days 0 to 5 to investigate 84 febrile episodes in 31 women and 30 men (mean age, 80 years) whose body temperature measured via the tympanic route was ≥38ºC. Culture results of these 61 patients were divided into culture-positive and culture-negative groups for comparison. RESULTS. Of the 101 blood cultures, only 2 were positive: one was obtained 5 days after dynamic hip screw fixation, and the other 4 days after hemiarthroplasty. Both blood cultures grew coagulase-negative staphylococcal species, which were deemed to be skin contaminants not requiring change of patient management. 44 of these patients were treated with oral or intravenous antibiotics for a period of time. CONCLUSION. The risk of bacteraemia in patients with postoperative fever but no other symptoms of infection is low. Routine procurement of blood cultures in such patients is ineffective and of limited utility.


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Background A large animal model is required for assessment of minimally invasive, tissue engineering based approaches to thoracic spine fusion, with relevance to deformity correction surgery for human adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Here we develop a novel open mini–thoracotomy approach in an ovine model of thoracic interbody fusion which allows assessment of various fusion constructs, with a focus on novel, tissue engineering based interventions. Methods The open mini-thoracotomy surgical approach was developed through a series of mock surgeries, and then applied in a live sheep study. Customized scaffolds were manufactured to conform with intervertebral disc space clearances required of the study. Twelve male Merino sheep aged 4 to 6 years and weighing 35 – 45 kg underwent the abovementioned procedure and were divided into two groups of six sheep at survival timelines of 6 and 12 months. Each sheep underwent a 3-level discectomy (T6/7, T8/9 and T10/11) with randomly allocated implantation of a different graft substitute at each of the three levels; (i) polycaprolactone (PCL) based scaffold plus 0.54μg rhBMP-2, (ii) PCL-based scaffold alone or (iii) autograft. The sheep were closely monitored post- operatively for signs of pain (i.e. gait abnormalities/ teeth gnawing/ social isolation). Fusion assessments were conducted post-sacrifice using Computed Tomography and hard-tissue histology. All scientific work was undertaken in accordance with the study protocol has been approved by the Institute's committee on animal research. Results. All twelve sheep were successfully operated on and reached the allotted survival timelines, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the surgical procedure and post-operative care. There were no significant complications and during the post-operative period the animals did not exhibit marked signs of distress according to the described assessment criteria. Computed Tomographic scanning demonstrated higher fusion grades in the rhBMP-2 plus PCL-based scaffold group in comparison to either PCL-based scaffold alone or autograft. These results were supported by histological evaluation of the respective groups. Conclusion. This novel open mini-thoracotomy surgical approach to the ovine thoracic spine represents a safe surgical method which can reproducibly form the platform for research into various spine tissue engineered constructs (TEC) and their fusion promoting properties.


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Introduction. Endoscopic anterior scoliosis correction has been employed recently as a less invasive and level-sparing approach compared with open surgical techniques. We have previously demonstrated that during the two-year post-operative period, there was a mean loss of rib hump correction by 1.4 degrees. The purpose of this study was to determine whether intra- or inter-vertebral rotational deformity during the post-operative period could account for the loss of rib hump correction. Materials and Methods. Ten consecutive patients diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis were treated with an endoscopic anterior scoliosis correction. Low-dose computed tomography scans of the instrumented segment were obtained post-operatively at 6 and 24 months following institutional ethical approval and patient consent. Three-dimensional multi-planar reconstruction software (Osirix Imaging Software, Pixmeo, Switzerland) was used to create axial slices of each vertebral level, corrected in both coronal and sagittal planes. Vertebral rotation was measured using Ho’s method for every available superior and inferior endplate at 6 and 24 months. Positive changes in rotation indicate a reduction and improvement in vertebral rotation. Intra-observer variability analysis was performed on a subgroup of images. Results. Mean change in rotation for vertebral endplates between 6 and 24 months post-operatively was -0.26˚ (range -3.5 to 4.9˚) within the fused segment and +1.26˚ (range -7.2 to 15.1˚) for the un-instrumented vertebrae above and below the fusion. Mean change in clinically measured rib hump for the 10 patients was -1.6˚ (range -3 to 0˚). The small change in rotation within the fused segment accounts for only 16.5% of the change in rib hump measured clinically whereas the change in rotation between the un-instrumented vertebrae above and below the construct accounts for 78.8%. There was no clear association between rib hump recurrence and intra- or inter-vertebral rotation in individual patients. Intra-rater variability was ± 3˚. Conclusions. Intra- and inter-vertebral rotation continues post-operatively both within the instrumented and un-instrumented segments of the immature spine. Rotation between the un-instrumented vertebrae above and below the fusion was +1.26˚, suggesting that the un-instrumented vertebrae improved and de-rotated slightly after surgery. This may play a role in rib hump recurrence, however this remains clinically insignificant.


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The health system is one sector dealing with very large amount of complex data. Many healthcare organisations struggle to utilise these volumes of health data effectively and efficiently. Therefore, there is a need for very effective system to capture, collate and distribute this health data. There are number of technologies have been identified to integrate data from different sources. Data warehousing is one technology can be used to manage clinical data in the healthcare. This paper addresses how data warehousing assist to improve cardiac surgery decision making. This research used the cardiac surgery unit at the Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) as the case study. In order to deal with other units efficiently, it is important to integrate disparate data to a single point interrogation. We propose implementing a data warehouse for the cardiac surgery unit at TPCH. The data warehouse prototype developed using SAS enterprise data integration studio 4.2 and data was analysed using SAS enterprise edition 4.3. This improves access to integrated clinical and financial data with, improved framing of data to the clinical context, giving potentially better informed decision making for both improved management and patient care.


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Background Thoracoscopic anterior scoliosis instrumentation is a safe and viable surgical option for corrective fusion of progressive adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and has been performed at our centre on 205 patients since 2000. However, there is a paucity of literature reporting on or examining optimum methods of analgesia following this type of surgery. A retrospective study was designed to present the authors’ technique for delivering intermittent local anaesthetic boluses via an intrapleural catheter following thoracoscopic scoliosis surgery; report the pain levels that may be expected and any adverse effects associated with the use of intrapleural analgesia, as part of a combined postoperative analgesia regime. Methods Records for 32 patients who underwent thoracoscopic anterior correction for AIS were reviewed. All patients received an intrapleural catheter inserted during surgery, in addition to patient-controlled opiate analgesia and oral analgesia. After surgery, patients received a bolus of 0.25% bupivacaine every four hours via the intrapleural catheter. Patient’s perceptions of their pain control was measured using the visual analogue pain scale scores which were recorded before and after local anaesthetic administration and the quantity and time of day that any other analgesia was taken, were also recorded. Results 28 female and four male patients (mean age 14.5 ± 1.5 years) had a total of 230 boluses of local anaesthetic administered in the 96 hour period following surgery. Pain scores significantly decreased following the administration of a bolus (p < 0.0001), with the mean pain score decreasing from 3.66 to 1.83. The quantity of opiates via patient-controlled analgesia after surgery decreased steadily between successive 24 hours intervals after an initial increase in the second 24 hour period when patients were mobilised. One intrapleural catheter required early removal due to leakage; there were no other associated complications with the intermittent intrapleural analgesia method. Conclusions Local anaesthetic administration via an intrapleural catheter is a safe and effective method of analgesia following thoracoscopic anterior scoliosis correction. Post-operative pain following anterior thoracic scoliosis surgery can be reduced to ‘mild’ levels by combined analgesia regimes. Keywords: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; Thoracoscopic anterior spinal fusion; Anterior fusion; Intrapleural analgesia; Endoscopic anterior surgery; Pain relief; Scoliosis surgery


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Background: Achieving soft tissue balance is an operative goal in total knee arthroplasty. This randomised, prospective study compared computer navigation to conventional techniques in achieving soft tissue balance. Methods: Forty one consecutive knee arthroplasties were randomised to either a non-navigated or navigated group. In the non-navigated group, balancing was carried out using surgeon judgement. In the navigated group, balancing was carried out using navigation software. In both groups, the navigation software was used as a measuring tool. Results: Balancing of the mediolateral extension gap was superior in the navigation group (p=0.001). No significant difference was found between the two groups in balancing the mediolateral flexion gap or in achieving equal flexion and extension gaps. Conclusions: Computer navigation offered little advantage over experienced surgeon judgement in achieving soft tissue balance in knee replacement. However, the method employed in the navigated group did provide a reproducible and objective assessment of flexion and extension gaps and may therefore benefit surgeons in training.