217 resultados para Spectrum, Solar


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Polysulphone (PS) dosimetry has been a widely used technique for more than 30 years to quantify the erythemally effective UV dose received by anatomic sites (personal exposure). The calibration of PS dosimeters is an important issue as their spectral response is different from the erythemal action spectrum. It is performed exposing a set of PS dosimeters on a horizontal plane and measuring the UV doses received by dosimeters using calibrated spectroradiometers or radiometers. In this study, data collected during PS field campaigns (from 2004 to 2006), using horizontal and differently inclined dosimeters, were analyzed to provide some considerations on the transfer of the horizontal calibration to differently inclined dosimeters, as anatomic sites usually are. The role of sky conditions, of the angle of incidence between the sun and the normal to the slope, and of the type of surrounding surface on the calibration were investigated. It was concluded that PS horizontal calibrations apply to differently inclined dosimeters for incidence angles up to approximately 70 degrees and for surfaces excluding ones with high albedo. Caution should be used in the application of horizontal calibrations for cases of high-incidence angle and/or high albedo surfaces.


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A Poly (ethylene oxide) based polymer electrolyte impregnated with 2-Mercapto benzimidazole was comprehensively characterized by XRD, UV–visible spectroscopy, FTIR as well as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. It was found that the crystallization of PEO was dramatically reduced and the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte was increased 4.5 fold by addition of 2-Mercapto benzimidazole. UV–visible and FTIR spectroscopes indicated the formation of charge transfer complex between 2-Mercapto benzimidazole and iodine of the electrolyte. Dye-sensitized solar cells with the polymer electrolytes were assembled. It was found that both the photocurrent density and photovoltage were enhanced with respect to the DSC without 2-Mercapto benzimidazole, leading to a 60% increase of the performance of the cell.


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The influence of different electrolyte cations ((Li+, Na+, Mg2+, tetrabutyl ammonium (TBA+)) on the TiO2 conduction band energy (Ec) the effective electron lifetime (τn), and the effective electron diffusion coefficient (Dn) in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) was studied quantitatively. The separation between Ec and the redox Fermi level, EF,redox, was found to decrease as the charge/radius ratio of the cations increased. Ec in the Mg2+ electrolyte was found to be 170 meV lower than that in the Na+ electrolyte and 400 meV lower than that in the TBA+ electrolyte. Comparison of Dn and τn in the different electrolytes was carried out by using the trapped electron concentration as a measure of the energy difference between Ec and the quasi-Fermi level, nEF, under different illumination levels. Plots of Dn as a function of the trapped electron density, nt, were found to be relatively insensitive to the electrolyte cation, indicating that the density and energetic distribution of electron traps in TiO2 are similar in all of the electrolytes studied. By contrast, plots of τn versus nt for the different cations showed that the rate of electron back reaction is more than an order of magnitude faster in the TBA+ electrolyte compared with the Na+ and Li+ electrolytes. The electron diffusion lengths in the different electrolytes followed the sequence of Na+ > Li+ > Mg2+ > TBA+. The trends observed in the AM 1.5 current–voltage characteristics of the DSCs are rationalized on the basis of the conduction band shifts and changes in electron lifetime.


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The following types of experiments for a proposed Space Station Microgravity Particle Research Facility are described: (1) nucleation of refractory vapors at low pressure/high temperature; (2) coagulation of refractory grains; (3) optical properties of refractory grains; (4) mantle growth on refractory cores; (5) coagulation of core-mantle grains; (6) optical properties of core-mantle grains; (7) lightning strokes in the primitive solar nebula; and (8) separation of dust from a grain/gas mixture that interacts with a meter-sized planetesimal to determine if accretion occurs. The required capabilities and desired hardware for the facility are detailed.


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We propose a multi-layer spectrum sensing optimisation algorithm to maximise sensing efficiency by computing the optimal sensing and transmission durations for a fast changing, dynamic primary user. Dynamic primary user traffic is modelled as a random process, where the primary user changes states during both the sensing period and transmission period to reflect a more realistic scenario. Furthermore, we formulate joint constraints to correctly reflect interference to the primary user and lost opportunity of the secondary user during the transmission period. Finally, we implement a novel duty cycle based detector that is optimised with respect to PU traffic to accurately detect primary user activity during the sensing period. Simulation results show that unlike currently used detection models, the proposed algorithm can jointly optimise the sensing and transmission durations to simultaneously satisfy the optimisation constraints for the considered primary user traffic.


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Desalination processes to remove dissolved salts from seawater or brackish water includes common industrial scale processes such as reverse osmosis, thermal processes (i.e. multi-stage flash, multiple-effect distillation) and mechanical vapour compression. These processes are very energy intensive. The Institute for Future Environments (IFE) has evaluated various alternative processes to accomplish desalination using renewable or sustainable energy sources. A new process - a solar, thermally driven distillation system . based on the principles of a solar still – has been examined. This work presents an initial evaluation of the process.


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A solar thermal membrane distillation pilot plant was operated for over 70 days in field conditions. The pilot plant incorporated a single spiral wound permeate gap membrane distillation style of module. All energy used to operate the unit was supplied by solar hot water collectors and photovoltaic panels. The process was able to produce a distillate stream of product water with a conductivity less than 10 µS/cm. Feed water concentration varied from 2,400 µS/cm to 106,000 µS/cm. The process is expected to find application in the production of drinking water for remote island and arid regions without the consumption of electrical energy.


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The optimisation study of the fabrication of a compact TiO2 blocking layer (via Spray Pyrolysis Deposition) for poly (3-hexylthiopene) (P3HT) for Solid State Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (SDSCs) is reported. We used a novel spray TiO2 precursor solution composition obtained by adding acetylacetone to a conventional formulation (Diisopropoxytitanium bis (acetylacetonate) in ethanol). By Scanning Electron Microscopy a TiO2 layer with compact morphology and thickness of around 100 nmis shown. Through a Tafel plot analysis an enhancement of the device diode-like behaviour induced by the acetylacetone blocking layer respect to the conventional one is observed. Significantly, the device fabricatedwith the acetylacetone blocking layer shows an overall increment of the cell performance with respect to the cellwith the conventional one (DJsc/Jsc = +13.8%, DFF/FF = +39.7%, DPCE/PCE = +55.6%). A conversion efficiency optimumis found for 15 successive spray cycles where the diode-like behaviour of the acetylacetone blocking layer is more effective. Over three batches of cells (fabricated with P3HT and dye D35) an average conversion efficiency value of 3.9% (under a class A sun simulator with 1 sun A.M. 1.5 illumination conditions) was measured. From the best cell we fabricated a conversion efficiency value of 4.5% was extracted. This represents a significant increment with respect to previously reported values for P3HT/dye D35 based SDSCs.


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Pedagogical styles, methods, models, practices or strategies are valued for what they claim they can achieve. In recent times curriculum documents and governments have called for a range of teaching approaches to meet the variety of learner differences and allow students to make more independent decision making in physical education (Hardy and Mawer, 1999). One well known system of categorizing teaching styles is the Mosston and Ashworth’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles (2002). In Queensland, prior to 2005, no research had been conducted on the teaching styles used by teachers of Physical Education. However, many teachers self-reported that they employed a variety of teaching styles depending on the aims and content of the material to be taught (Cothran, et al., 2005). This research, for the first time, collected teacher’s self-reported use of teaching styles and through observations verify the styles that were being used to teach Senior Physical Education in Queensland. More specifically the aims of the research were to determine: a) What teaching styles teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland believe they use? i) Were they using a range of teaching styles? ii) Were teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland using teaching styles that the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004) required? b) If Mosston and Ashworth’s (2002) Spectrum of Teaching Styles were used to categorise styles observed during the teaching of Senior Physical Education did the styles being used provide opportunities for evaluating as described by the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004)? The research was conducted in two phases. Part A involved use of a questionnaire to determine the teaching styles Queensland teachers of Senior Physical Education reported using and how often they reported using them. The questionnaire was administered to 110 teachers throughout Queensland. The sample was determined from 346 schools teaching Senior Physical Education (in 2006) across the state of Queensland, Australia. 286 questionnaires were sent to 77 non-randomised schools. There were 66 male and 44 female respondents in the sample. A wide range of teaching styles were reportedly used by teachers of Senior Physical Education with Practice Style-Style B, Command Style-Style A and Divergent Discovery Style-Style H, the most reportedly used. The Self-Teaching Style-Style K was reportedly used the least by teachers involved in this study. From the respondents a group of teachers were identified to form the participants for Part B. Part B of the study involved observation of a group of volunteer participants (from those who had completed the questionnaire) who displayed many of the ‘typical’ characteristics, and a cross-section of backgrounds, of teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland. In the case of this study, the criteria used to select the group of teachers to be observed teaching were, teaching experience (number of years: 0-4, 5-10 and 11 years and over), gender, geographical location of schools (focused on Brisbane and near area for travel/access purposes), profile of the students at schools (girls, boys or co-educational), nature of school (Government or Private) and the physical activities being taught in a school (activities to reflect all the areas of physical activity outlined within the syllabus). A total of 27 questionnaire respondents from Part A indicated that they were willing to be observed teaching practical lessons. The respondents who volunteered to be involved in Part B of the study came from different regions across the state of Queensland and was not confined to the Brisbane metropolitan area or large cities. From the group of people who volunteered for Part B four came from outside Brisbane and 23 from the Brisbane area. The final observation group of nine participants included eight teachers from the Brisbane area and one from a rural area. The characteristics of the final group included three females and six males from private and public schools with a range of teaching experience in years and a range of physical activities. Four year 12 and five year 11 teachers and their classes were videoed on three occasions as they progressed through an eight – nine week unit of work. This resulted in 24 hours 48 minutes and 20 seconds (or 4465 observations) of video teaching data which was subsequently coded by several researchers (99% interobserver reliability) to determine the teaching styles employed by the participants. This research indicated that, based on Mosston and Ashworth’s (2002) Spectrum of Teaching Styles, teachers of Senior Physical Education in Queensland used predominantly one style to teach 27 observed lessons. This is in sharp contrast to the variety of styles 110 teachers self- reportedly used and in spite of the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004) suggesting a range of specific styles be used. These results are discussed in the context of the Queensland Senior Physical Education Syllabus (2004), teacher knowledge of teaching styles and high-stakes curriculum and external pressures such as national testing and the publication of data from schools in tabloid newspapers. The data and findings in this research provide a rationale for improving teacher knowledge regarding teaching styles and the need for a clear definition of terminology in syllabus documents. Careful examination of the effects that the publishing of school data may have on teaching styles is advised. This research not only collected teacher’s perceptions of the teaching styles they believed they used it also verified these claims through direct observations of the teachers while teaching. These findings are relevant to syllabus writers, teacher educators, policy makers within education and teachers.


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With one in every 100 children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), it is highly likely that you may have a child with this diagnosis in your group from year to year.


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Background Vitamin D has a range of biological effects including antiproliferative functions that are mediated through its receptors, encoded by the VDR gene. Objectives We investigated polymorphisms within the VDR gene for association with solar keratosis (SK), a biomarker for skin cancer, and examined interactions with skin phenotype. Methods Among participants of the community-based Nambour Skin Cancer Study, we genotyped 190 people with SKs and 190 without for ApaI, TaqI and FokI polymorphisms. Results We found a significant difference in genotype frequencies of the TaqI polymorphism between affected and unaffected populations (P = 0Æ008). The TT ⁄tt genotype group was associated with a twofold increase in odds of being affected by one or more SK. Individuals with fair skin and the TT ⁄tt genotype had about a sevenfold increase, whereas fair-skinned people with the Tt genotype had a fourfold increase in odds of being affected by SK. Individuals with the TT ⁄tt genotype who were prone to burn and not tan on acute sun exposure had about a sixfold increase in odds of SK. Fair-skinned people with VDR-Apa AA ⁄aa genotypes had about an eightfold increase in odds of being affected by SK compared with a fivefold increase in individuals with the Aa genotype and fair skin. Conclusions The trend for homozygote genotypes to increase the odds of SK suggests that intermediate VDR activity is important in protection or that the heterodimer formed by a heterozygous genotype may have an altered binding potential. Overall, these analyses indicate that VDR may be important in SK development.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify chromosomal copy numbers of frequent genetic aberrations within squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) and solar keratoses (SKs), and provide further evidence to support or challenge current dogma concerning the relationship between these lesions. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of genetic aberrations in DNA from SK and SCC biopsy specimens by comparative genomic hybridization. SETTING: University-based research laboratory in Queensland, Australia. PATIENTS: Twenty-two biopsy specimens from patients with diagnosed SKs (n = 7), cutaneous SCCs (n = 10), or adjoining lesions (n = 5). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Identification of frequent genetic aberrations both specific to SK and SCC and shared by these lesions to investigate their clonal relationship. RESULTS: Shared genomic imbalances were identified in SK and SCC. Frequent gains were located at chromosome arms 3q, 17q, 4p, 14q, Xq, 5p, 9q, 8q, 17p, and 20q, whereas shared regional losses were observed at 9p, 3p, 13q, 17p, 11p, 8q, and 18p. Significant loss of 18q was observed only in SCC lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that numerous chromosomal aberrations are shared by the 2 lesions, suggesting a clonal relationship between SK and SCC. Additionally, the genomic loss of 18q may be a significant event in SK progression to SCC. Finally, the type and frequency of aberrations suggests a common mode of tumorigenesis in SCC-derived tumors.


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Solar keratoses affect approximately 50% of Australian Caucasians aged over 40 y. Solar keratoses can undergo malignant transformation into squamous cell carcinoma followed by possible metastasis and are risk factors for basal cell carcinoma, melanoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. The glutathione-S-transferase genes play a part in detoxification of carcinogens and mutagens, including some produced by ultraviolet radiation. This study examined the role of glutathione-S-transferase M1, T1, P1, and Z1 gene polymorphisms in susceptibility to solar keratoses development. Using DNA samples from volunteers involved in the Nambour Skin Cancer Prevention Trial, allele and genotype frequencies were determined using polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme digestion. No significant differences were detected in glutathione-S-transferase P1 and glutathione-S-transferase Z1 allele or genotype frequencies; however, a significant association between glutathione-S-transferase M1 genotypes and solar keratoses development was detected (p=0.003) with null individuals having an approximate 2-fold increase in risk for solar keratoses development (odds ratio: 2.1; confidence interval: 1.3-3.5) and a significantly higher increase in risk in conjunction with high outdoor exposure (odds ratio: 3.4; confidence interval: 1.9-6.3). Also, a difference in glutathione-S-transferase T1 genotype frequencies was detected (p=0.039), although considering that multiple testing was undertaken, this was found not to be significant. Fair skin and inability to tan were found to be highly significant risk factors for solar keratoses development with odds ratios of 18.5 (confidence interval: 5.7-59.9) and 7.4 (confidence interval: 2.6-21.0), respectively. Overall, glutathione-S-transferase M1 conferred a significant increase in risk of solar keratoses development, particularly in the presence of high outdoor exposure and synergistically with known phenotypic risk factors of fair skin and inability to tan.


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The presence of somatostatin receptors (SSTR1-5) in tumour cells indicates a potential for somatostatin to bind and suppress growth, as well as allowing for therapeutic treatment with somatostatin analogues. The genes for SSTR1 and SSTR2 have been shown to contain dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms. We have performed association studies on breast cancer and solar keratosis populations to determine whether these genes play a role in the development of these conditions. Results showed that there was no significant difference between SSTR1 and SSTR2 polymorphism frequencies in the tested breast cancer population (P = 0.59 and P = 0.54, respectively) nor the solar keratosis population (P = 0.10 and P = 0.883, respectively) as compared to unaffected populations. Hence, these studies do not support a role for these receptor genes in either breast cancer or solar keratosis lesions.


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Solar keratoses (SKs) are induced by exposure to UV radiation and are capable of undergoing transformation to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).1 The two main factors influencing the occurrence of SK are the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight and the total duration of solar exposure. These factors are responsible for the high incidence of SK in Australia. Although the influence of genetic factors is not defined, there is evidence that the gene encoding the enzyme, glutathione S-transferase, may be implicated in cancer predisposition and therefore SK. Glutathione S-transferase Mu-1 (GSTM1) is an isoenzyme involved in the detoxification of carcinogens. The GSTM1 protein is completely absent in approximately 50% of white persons. This absence is caused by a homozygous gene deletion on chromosome 1p resulting in a null genotype.2 Katoh3 showed that the frequency of the GSTM1 null genotype was significantly higher in 85 patients with urothelial cancer (61.2%; p < 0.05), suggesting that the null genotype may increase cancer susceptibility. This finding was supported by Lafuente et al.4 who found evidence that persons who lack the GSTM1 gene have approximately twice the chance of experiencing malignant melanoma. Further research in the United Kingdom found that patients with two or more skin tumors of different types, basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and SCC, had a significantly higher frequency of GSTM1 null genotypes than controls (71%; p = 0.033). However the GSTM1 genotype in patients with only SCC was not excessive in this population.5 Persons residing in northern Australia have the highest incidence of nonmelanoma skin cancer (SCC and BCC) in the world6 and receive far greater solar exposure than persons residing in the United Kingdom. It is possible that the GSTM1 null genotype may affect susceptibility to SK, which may act as SCC precursors, in Australians exposed to these high levels of solar radiation.