141 resultados para Solution of mathematical problems


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This paper is a report of students' responses to instruction which was based on the use of concrete representations to solve linear equations. The sample consisted of 21 Grade 8 students from a middle-class suburban state secondary school with a reputation for high academic standards and innovative mathematics teaching. The students were interviewed before and after instruction. Interviews and classroom interactions were observed and videotaped. A qualitative analysis of the responses revealed that students did not use the materials in solving problems. The increased processing load caused by concrete representations is hypothesised as a reason.


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Three recent papers published in Chemical Engineering Journal studied the solution of a model of diffusion and nonlinear reaction using three different methods. Two of these studies obtained series solutions using specialized mathematical methods, known as the Adomian decomposition method and the homotopy analysis method. Subsequently it was shown that the solution of the same particular model could be written in terms of a transcendental function called Gauss’ hypergeometric function. These three previous approaches focused on one particular reactive transport model. This particular model ignored advective transport and considered one specific reaction term only. Here we generalize these previous approaches and develop an exact analytical solution for a general class of steady state reactive transport models that incorporate (i) combined advective and diffusive transport, and (ii) any sufficiently differentiable reaction term R(C). The new solution is a convergent Maclaurin series. The Maclaurin series solution can be derived without any specialized mathematical methods nor does it necessarily involve the computation of any transcendental function. Applying the Maclaurin series solution to certain case studies shows that the previously published solutions are particular cases of the more general solution outlined here. We also demonstrate the accuracy of the Maclaurin series solution by comparing with numerical solutions for particular cases.


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Maps are used to represent three-dimensional space and are integral to a range of everyday experiences. They are increasingly used in mathematics, being prominent both in school curricula and as a form of assessing students understanding of mathematics ideas. In order to successfully interpret maps, students need to be able to understand that maps: represent space, have their own perspective and scale, and their own set of symbols and texts. Despite the fact that maps have an increased prevalence in society and school, there is evidence to suggest that students have difficulty interpreting maps. This study investigated 43 primary-aged students’ (aged 9-12 years) verbal and gestural behaviours as they engaged with and solved map tasks. Within a multiliteracies framework that focuses on spatial, visual, linguistic, and gestural elements, the study investigated how students interpret map tasks. Specifically, the study sought to understand students’ skills and approaches used to solving map tasks and the gestural behaviours they utilised as they engaged with map tasks. The investigation was undertaken using the Knowledge Discovery in Data (KDD) design. The design of this study capitalised on existing research data to carry out a more detailed analysis of students’ interpretation of map tasks. Video data from an existing data set was reorganised according to two distinct episodes—Task Solution and Task Explanation—and analysed within the multiliteracies framework. Content Analysis was used with these data and through anticipatory data reduction techniques, patterns of behaviour were identified in relation to each specific map task by looking at task solution, task correctness and gesture use. The findings of this study revealed that students had a relatively sound understanding of general mapping knowledge such as identifying landmarks, using keys, compass points and coordinates. However, their understanding of mathematical concepts pertinent to map tasks including location, direction, and movement were less developed. Successful students were able to interpret the map tasks and apply relevant mathematical understanding to navigate the spatial demands of the map tasks while the unsuccessful students were only able to interpret and understand basic map conventions. In terms of their gesture use, the more difficult the task, the more likely students were to exhibit gestural behaviours to solve the task. The most common form of gestural behaviour was deictic, that is a pointing gesture. Deictic gestures not only aided the students capacity to explain how they solved the map tasks but they were also a tool which assisted them to navigate and monitor their spatial movements when solving the tasks. There were a number of implications for theory, learning and teaching, and test and curriculum design arising from the study. From a theoretical perspective, the findings of the study suggest that gesturing is an important element of multimodal engagement in mapping tasks. In terms of teaching and learning, implications include the need for students to utilise gesturing techniques when first faced with new or novel map tasks. As students become more proficient in solving such tasks, they should be encouraged to move beyond a reliance on such gesture use in order to progress to more sophisticated understandings of map tasks. Additionally, teachers need to provide students with opportunities to interpret and attend to multiple modes of information when interpreting map tasks.


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We present a spatiotemporal mathematical model of chlamydial infection, host immune response and spatial movement of infectious particles. The re- sulting partial differential equations model both the dynamics of the infection and changes in infection profile observed spatially along the length of the host genital tract. This model advances previous chlamydia modelling by incorporating spatial change, which we also demonstrate to be essential when the timescale for movement of infectious particles is equal to, or shorter than, the developmental cycle timescale. Numerical solutions and model analysis are carried out, and we present a hypothesis regarding the potential for treatment and prevention of infection by increasing chlamydial particle motility.


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In this paper, we report on the findings of an exploratory study into the experience of students as they learn first year engineering mathematics. Here we define engineering as the application of mathematics and sciences to the building and design of projects for the use of society (Kirschenman and Brenner 2010)d. Qualitative and quantitative data on students' views of the relevance of their mathematics study to their engineering studies and future careers in engineering was collected. The students described using a range of mathematics techniques (mathematics skills developed, mathematics concepts applied to engineering and skills developed relevant for engineering) for various usages (as a subject of study, a tool for other subjects or a tool for real world problems). We found a number of themes relating to the design of mathematics engineering curriculum emerged from the data. These included the relevance of mathematics within different engineering majors, the relevance of mathematics to future studies, the relevance of learning mathematical rigour, and the effectiveness of problem solving tasks in conveying the relevance of mathematics more effectively than other forms of assessment. We make recommendations for the design of engineering mathematics curriculum based on our findings.


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We present a mass-conservative vertex-centred finite volume method for efficiently solving the mixed form of Richards’ equation in heterogeneous porous media. The spatial discretisation is particularly well-suited to heterogeneous media because it produces consistent flux approximations at quadrature points where material properties are continuous. Combined with the method of lines, the spatial discretisation gives a set of differential algebraic equations amenable to solution using higher-order implicit solvers. We investigate the solution of the mixed form using a Jacobian-free inexact Newton solver, which requires the solution of an extra variable for each node in the mesh compared to the pressure-head form. By exploiting the structure of the Jacobian for the mixed form, the size of the preconditioner is reduced to that for the pressure-head form, and there is minimal computational overhead for solving the mixed form. The proposed formulation is tested on two challenging test problems. The solutions from the new formulation offer conservation of mass at least one order of magnitude more accurate than a pressure head formulation, and the higher-order temporal integration significantly improves both the mass balance and computational efficiency of the solution.


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Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimation provides a solution to the complex integration problems that are faced in the Bayesian analysis of statistical problems. The implementation of MCMC algorithms is, however, code intensive and time consuming. We have developed a Python package, which is called PyMCMC, that aids in the construction of MCMC samplers and helps to substantially reduce the likelihood of coding error, as well as aid in the minimisation of repetitive code. PyMCMC contains classes for Gibbs, Metropolis Hastings, independent Metropolis Hastings, random walk Metropolis Hastings, orientational bias Monte Carlo and slice samplers as well as specific modules for common models such as a module for Bayesian regression analysis. PyMCMC is straightforward to optimise, taking advantage of the Python libraries Numpy and Scipy, as well as being readily extensible with C or Fortran.


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A model for drug diffusion from a spherical polymeric drug delivery device is considered. The model contains two key features. The first is that solvent diffuses into the polymer, which then transitions from a glassy to a rubbery state. The interface between the two states of polymer is modelled as a moving boundary, whose speed is governed by a kinetic law; the same moving boundary problem arises in the one-phase limit of a Stefan problem with kinetic undercooling. The second feature is that drug diffuses only through the rubbery region, with a nonlinear diffusion coefficient that depends on the concentration of solvent. We analyse the model using both formal asymptotics and numerical computation, the latter by applying a front-fixing scheme with a finite volume method. Previous results are extended and comparisons are made with linear models that work well under certain parameter regimes. Finally, a model for a multi-layered drug delivery device is suggested, which allows for more flexible control of drug release.


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Recently, an analysis of the response curve of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor and its application to cancer therapy was described in [T. Alarcón, and K. Page, J. R. Soc. Lond. Interface 4, 283–304 (2007)]. The analysis is significantly extended here by demonstrating that an alternative computational strategy, namely the Krylov FSP algorithm for the direct solution of the chemical master equation, is feasible for the study of the receptor model. The new method allows us to further investigate the hypothesis of symmetry in the stochastic fluctuations of the response. Also, by augmenting the original model with a single reversible reaction we formulate a plausible mechanism capable of realizing a bimodal response, which is reported experimentally but which is not exhibited by the original model. The significance of these findings for mechanisms of tumour resistance to antiangiogenic therapy is discussed.


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In practice, parallel-machine job-shop scheduling (PMJSS) is very useful in the development of standard modelling approaches and generic solution techniques for many real-world scheduling problems. In this paper, based on the analysis of structural properties in an extended disjunctive graph model, a hybrid shifting bottleneck procedure (HSBP) algorithm combined with Tabu Search metaheuristic algorithm is developed to deal with the PMJSS problem. The original-version SBP algorithm for the job-shop scheduling (JSS) has been significantly improved to solve the PMJSS problem with four novelties: i) a topological-sequence algorithm is proposed to decompose the PMJSS problem into a set of single-machine scheduling (SMS) and/or parallel-machine scheduling (PMS) subproblems; ii) a modified Carlier algorithm based on the proposed lemmas and the proofs is developed to solve the SMS subproblem; iii) the Jackson rule is extended to solve the PMS subproblem; iv) a Tabu Search metaheuristic algorithm is embedded under the framework of SBP to optimise the JSS and PMJSS cases. The computational experiments show that the proposed HSBP is very efficient in solving the JSS and PMJSS problems.


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This research deals with an innovative methodology for optimising the coal train scheduling problem. Based on our previously published work, generic solution techniques are developed by utilising a “toolbox” of standard well-solved standard scheduling problems. According to our analysis, the coal train scheduling problem can be basically modelled a Blocking Parallel-Machine Job-Shop Scheduling (BPMJSS) problem with some minor constraints. To construct the feasible train schedules, an innovative constructive algorithm called the SLEK algorithm is proposed. To optimise the train schedule, a three-stage hybrid algorithm called the SLEK-BIH-TS algorithm is developed based on the definition of a sophisticated neighbourhood structure under the mechanism of the Best-Insertion-Heuristic (BIH) algorithm and Tabu Search (TS) metaheuristic algorithm. A case study is performed for optimising a complex real-world coal rail system in Australia. A method to calculate the lower bound of the makespan is proposed to evaluate results. The results indicate that the proposed methodology is promising to find the optimal or near-optimal feasible train timetables of a coal rail system under network and terminal capacity constraints.


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For the shop scheduling problems such as flow-shop, job-shop, open-shop, mixed-shop, and group-shop, most research focuses on optimizing the makespan under static conditions and does not take into consideration dynamic disturbances such as machine breakdown and new job arrivals. We regard the shop scheduling problem under static conditions as the static shop scheduling problem, while the shop scheduling problem with dynamic disturbances as the dynamic shop scheduling problem. In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the dynamic shop scheduling problem when machine breakdown and new job arrivals occur, and present a framework to model the dynamic shop scheduling problem as a static group-shop-type scheduling problem. Using the proposed framework, we apply a metaheuristic proposed for solving the static shop scheduling problem to a number of dynamic shop scheduling benchmark problems. The results show that the metaheuristic methodology which has been successfully applied to the static shop scheduling problems can also be applied to solve the dynamic shop scheduling problem efficiently.


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In this paper, we propose three meta-heuristic algorithms for the permutation flowshop (PFS) and the general flowshop (GFS) problems. Two different neighborhood structures are used for these two types of flowshop problem. For the PFS problem, an insertion neighborhood structure is used, while for the GFS problem, a critical-path neighborhood structure is adopted. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms, two sets of problem instances are tested against the algorithms for both types of flowshop problems. The computational results show that the proposed meta-heuristic algorithms with insertion neighborhood for the PFS problem perform slightly better than the corresponding algorithms with critical-path neighborhood for the GFS problem. But in terms of computation time, the GFS algorithms are faster than the corresponding PFS algorithms.


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The growth of solid tumours beyond a critical size is dependent upon angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from an existing vasculature. Tumours may remain dormant at microscopic sizes for some years before switching to a mode in which growth of a supportive vasculature is initiated. The new blood vessels supply nutrients, oxygen, and access to routes by which tumour cells may travel to other sites within the host (metastasize). In recent decades an abundance of biological research has focused on tumour-induced angiogenesis in the hope that treatments targeted at the vasculature may result in a stabilisation or regression of the disease: a tantalizing prospect. The complex and fascinating process of angiogenesis has also attracted the interest of researchers in the field of mathematical biology, a discipline that is, for mathematics, relatively new. The challenge in mathematical biology is to produce a model that captures the essential elements and critical dependencies of a biological system. Such a model may ultimately be used as a predictive tool. In this thesis we examine a number of aspects of tumour-induced angiogenesis, focusing on growth of the neovasculature external to the tumour. Firstly we present a one-dimensional continuum model of tumour-induced angiogenesis in which elements of the immune system or other tumour-cytotoxins are delivered via the newly formed vessels. This model, based on observations from experiments by Judah Folkman et al., is able to show regression of the tumour for some parameter regimes. The modelling highlights a number of interesting aspects of the process that may be characterised further in the laboratory. The next model we present examines the initiation positions of blood vessel sprouts on an existing vessel, in a two-dimensional domain. This model hypothesises that a simple feedback inhibition mechanism may be used to describe the spacing of these sprouts with the inhibitor being produced by breakdown of the existing vessel's basement membrane. Finally, we have developed a stochastic model of blood vessel growth and anastomosis in three dimensions. The model has been implemented in C++, includes an openGL interface, and uses a novel algorithm for calculating proximity of the line segments representing a growing vessel. This choice of programming language and graphics interface allows for near-simultaneous calculation and visualisation of blood vessel networks using a contemporary personal computer. In addition the visualised results may be transformed interactively, and drop-down menus facilitate changes in the parameter values. Visualisation of results is of vital importance in the communication of mathematical information to a wide audience, and we aim to incorporate this philosophy in the thesis. As biological research further uncovers the intriguing processes involved in tumourinduced angiogenesis, we conclude with a comment from mathematical biologist Jim Murray, Mathematical biology is : : : the most exciting modern application of mathematics.