271 resultados para Scavenger receptor BI


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Our understanding of the mechanisms of action of GH and its receptor, the GHR, has advanced significantly in the last decade and has provided some important surprises. It is now clear that the GH-GHR axis activates a number of inter-related signalling pathways, not all of which are dependent on the intracellular tyrosine kinase, JAK2 as originally postulated. JAK2-independent pathways, mediated via the Src family kinases, together with a number of negative regulators of GH signalling and emerging cross-talk mechanisms with other growth factor receptors, provide a complex array of mechanisms that are capable of fine-tuning responses to GH in a cell context dependent manner. Additionally, it is also now clear that GH and the GHR can translocate to the nucleus of target cells and initiate, as yet not well defined, nuclear responses. Continued emphasis on elucidation of these complex mechanisms is critical to provide further insights into the diverse physiological and pathophysiological effects of GH.


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Since the discovery of the first receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) proteins in the late 1970s and early 1980s, many scientists have explored the functions of these important cell signaling molecules. The finding that these proteins are often deregulated or mutated in diseases such as cancers and diabetes, together with their potential as clinical therapeutic targets, has further highlighted the necessity for understanding the signaling functions of these important proteins. The mechanisms of RTK regulation and function have been recently reviewed by Lemmon & Schlessinger (2010) but in this review we instead focus on the results of several recent studies that show receptor tyrosine kinases can function from subcellular localisations, including in particular the nucleus, in addition to their classical plasma membrane location. Nuclear localisation of receptor tyrosine kinases has been demonstrated to be important for normal cell function but is also believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of several human diseases.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands, the ephrins, regulate the development and maintenance of multiple organs but little is known about their potential role within the cornea. The purpose of this study was to perform a thorough investigation of Eph/ephrin expression within the human cornea including the limbal stem cell niche. Initially, immunohistochemistry was performed on human donor eyes to determine the spatial distribution of Eph receptors and ephrins in the cornea and limbus. Patterns of Eph/ephrin gene expression in (1) immortalised human corneal endothelial (B4G12) or corneal epithelial (HCE-T) cell lines, and (2) primary cultures of epithelial or stromal cells established from the corneal limbus of cadaveric eye tissue were then assessed by reverse transcription (RT) PCR. Limbal epithelial or stromal cells from primary cultures were also assessed for evidence of Eph/ephrin-reactivity by immunofluorescence. Immunoreactivity for ephrinA1 and EphB4 was detected in the corneal endothelium of donor eyes. EphB4 was also consistently detected in the limbal and corneal epithelium and in cells located in the stroma of the peripheral cornea. Expression of multiple Eph/ephrin genes was detected in immortalised corneal epithelial and endothelial cell lines. Evidence of Eph/ephrin gene expression was also demonstrated in primary cultures of human limbal stromal (EphB4, B6; ephrinA5) and epithelial cells (EphA1, A2; ephrinA5, B2) using both RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. The expression of Eph receptors and ephrins within the human cornea and limbus is much wider than previously appreciated and suggests multiple potential roles for these molecules in the maintenance of normal corneal architecture.


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Bi-2212 tapes are prepared by a combination of dip-coating and partial melt processing. We investigate the effect of re-melting of those tapes by partial melting followed by slow cooling on the structure and superconducting properties. Microstructural studies of re-melted samples show that they have the same overall composition as partially melted tapes. However, the fractional volumes of the secondary phases differ and the amounts and distribution of the secondary phases have a significant effect on the critical current. Critical current of Bi-2212/Ag tapes strongly depends on the maximum processing temperature. Initial J(c)'s of the tapes, which are partially melted, then slowly solidified at optimum conditions and finally post-annealed in an inert atmosphere, are up to 10.4 x 10(3) A/cm(2). It is found that the maximum processing temperature at initial partial melting has an influence on the optimum re-heat treatment conditions for the tapes. Re-melted tapes processed at optimum conditions recover superconducting properties after post-annealing in an inert atmosphere: the J(c) values of the tapes are about 80-110% of initial J(c)'s of those tapes.


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Superconducting composite Bi-2212/Ag tapes and their joints are fabricated by a combination of dip-coating and partial melt processing. The heat treated tapes have a critical current (Ic) between 8 and 26A, depending on tape thickness and the number of Bi-2212 layers. Current transmissions between 80% and 100% have been achieved through the joints of tapes. Different types of HTS joints of Bi-2212/Ag laminated tapes are made and their transport properties during winding operations are investigated. Irreversible strain values (ε irrev) for laminated tapes and their joints are determined and it is found that the degradation of Ic during tape bending depends on the type of joint.


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Different types of HTS joints of Bi-2212/Ag tapes and laminates, which are fabricated by dip-coating and partial-melt processes, have been investigated. All joints are prepared using green single and laminated tapes and according to the scheme: coating-joining-processing. The heat treated tapes have critical current (Ic) between 7 and 27 A, depending on tape thickness and the number of Bi-2212 ceramic layers in laminated tapes. It is found that the current transport properties of joints depend on the type of laminate, joint configuration and joint treatment, Ic losses in joints of Bi-2212 tapes and laminates are attributed to defects in their structure, such as pores, secondary phases and misalignment of Bi-2212 grains near the Ag edges. By optimizing joint configuration, current transmission up to 100% is achieved for both single tapes and laminated tapes.


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Superconducting Bi-2212 tapes and laminates are fabricated by a combination of dip-coating and partial melt processing. The heat treated tapes have critical current densities (Jc) up to 11 kAcm -2. We investigate the degradation of critical current (Ic) during bending experiments for both single tapes and tapes with laminate structure. Although degradation of Ic is observed in both forms, the characteristics of the degradation differ. It is determined that laminated tapes perform better than single tapes when critical current is measured against bending radius, and laminated tapes tolerate a higher strain for a given reduction in critical current. It is found that increasing the number of Bi-2212 layers increases the total Ic of the laminated tape, but degradation of critical current is more pronounced during bending because of the increased total thickness of the laminate structure. It is also found that addition of silver to the Bi-2212 layers reduces critical current degradation during bending for both tapes and laminates.


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Superconducting thick films of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy (Bi-2212) on single-crystalline (100) MgO substrates have been prepared using a doctor-blade technique and a partial-melt process. It is found that the phase composition and the amount of Ag addition to the paste affect the structure and superconducting properties of the partially melted thick films. The optimum heat treatment schedule for obtaining high Jc has been determined for each paste. The heat treatment ensures attainment of high purity for the crystalline Bi-2212 phase and high orientation of Bi-2212 crystals, in which the c-axis is perpendicular to the substrate. The highest Tc, obtained by resistivity measurement, is 92.2 K. The best value for Jct (transport) of these thick films, measured at 77 K in self-field, is 8 × 10 3 Acm -2.


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The structure and composition of reaction products between Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-oxide (BSCCO) thick films and alumina substrates have been characterized using a combination of electron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX). Sr and Ca are found to be the most reactive cations with alumina. Sr4Al6O12SO4 is formed between the alumina substrates and BSCCO thick films prepared from paste with composition close to Bi-2212 (and Bi-2212 + 10 wt.% Ag). For paste with composition close to Bi(Pb)-2223 + 20 wt.% Ag, a new phase with f.c.c. structure, lattice parameter about a = 24.5 A and approximate composition Al3Sr2CaBi2CuOx has been identified in the interface region. Understanding and control of these reactions is essential for growth of high quality BSCCO thick films on alumina. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The microstructure of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-oxide (BSCCO) thick films on alumina substrates has been characterized using a combination of X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy of sections across the film/substrate interface and energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry. A reaction layer formed between the BSCCO films and the alumina substrates. This chemical interaction is largely responsible for off-stoichiometry of the films and is more significant after partial melting of the films. A new phase with fee structure, lattice parameter a = 2.45 nm and approximate composition Al3Sr2CaBi2CuOx has been identified as reaction product between BSCCO and Al2O3.


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Population-wide associations between loci due to linkage disequilibrium can be used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) with high resolution. However, spurious associations between markers and QTL can also arise as a consequence of population stratification. Statistical methods that cannot differentiate between loci associations due to linkage disequilibria from those caused in other ways can render false-positive results. The transmission-disequilibrium test (TDT) is a robust test for detecting QTL. The TDT exploits within-family associations that are not affected by population stratification. However, some TDTs are formulated in a rigid-form, with reduced potential applications. In this study we generalize TDT using mixed linear models to allow greater statistical flexibility. Allelic effects are estimated with two independent parameters: one exploiting the robust within-family information and the other the potentially biased between-family information. A significant difference between these two parameters can be used as evidence for spurious association. This methodology was then used to test the effects of the fourth melanocortin receptor (MC4R) on production traits in the pig. The new analyses supported the previously reported results; i.e., the studied polymorphism is either causal of in very strong linkage disequilibrium with the causal mutation, and provided no evidence for spurious association.


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Particulate matter is common in our environment and has been linked to human health problems particularly in the ultrafine size range. A range of chemical species have been associated with particulate matter and of special concern are the hazardous chemicals that can accentuate health problems. If the sources of such particles can be identified then strategies can be developed for the reduction of air pollution and consequently, the improvement of the quality of life. In this investigation, particle number size distribution data and the concentrations of chemical species were obtained at two sites in Brisbane, Australia. Source apportionment was used to determine the sources (or factors) responsible for the particle size distribution data. The apportionment was performed by Positive Matrix Factorisation (PMF) and Principal Component Analysis/Absolute Principal Component Scores (PCA/APCS), and the results were compared with information from the gaseous chemical composition analysis. Although PCA/APCS resolved more sources, the results of the PMF analysis appear to be more reliable. Six common sources identified by both methods include: traffic 1, traffic 2, local traffic, biomass burning, and two unassigned factors. Thus motor vehicle related activities had the most impact on the data with the average contribution from nearly all sources to the measured concentrations higher during peak traffic hours and weekdays. Further analyses incorporated the meteorological measurements into the PMF results to determine the direction of the sources relative to the measurement sites, and this indicated that traffic on the nearby road and intersection was responsible for most of the factors. The described methodology which utilised a combination of three types of data related to particulate matter to determine the sources could assist future development of particle emission control and reduction strategies.


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The reason why a sustained high concentration of insulin induces laminitis in horses remains unclear. Cell proliferation occurs in the lamellae during insulin-induced laminitis and in other species high concentrations of insulin can activate receptors for the powerful cell mitogen, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1. The first aim of this study was to determine if IGF-1 receptors (IGF-1R) are activated in the hoof during insulin-induced laminitis. Gene expression for IGF-1R and the insulin receptor (InsR) was measured using qRT-PCR, in lamellar tissue from control horses and from horses undergoing a prolonged euglycaemic, hyperinsulinaemic clamp (p-EHC), during the mid-developmental (24 h) and acute (46 h) phases of insulin-induced laminitis. Gene expression for both receptors was decreased 13–32-fold (P < 0.05) at both time-points in the insulin-treated horses. A second aim was to determine if the down-regulation of the receptor genes could be accounted for by an increase in circulating IGF-1. Serum IGF-1 was measured at 0, 10, 25 and 46 h post-treatment in horses given a p-EHC for approximately 46 h, and in matched controls administered a balanced, electrolyte solution. There was no increase in serum IGF-1 concentrations during the p-EHC, consistent with down-regulation of both receptors by insulin. Stimulation of the IGF-1R by insulin may lead to inappropriate lamellar epidermal cell proliferation and lamellar weakening, a potential mechanism for hyperinsulinaemic laminitis. Targeting this receptor may provide insights into the pathogenesis or identify a novel therapy for hyperinsulinaemic laminitis.


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Intense exercise stimulates the systemic release of a variety of factors that alter neutrophil surface receptor expression and functional activity. These alterations may influence resistance to infection after intense exercise. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of exercise intensity on neutrophil receptor expression, degranulation (measured by plasma and intracellular myeloperoxidase concentrations), and respiratory burst activity. Ten well-trained male runners ran on a treadmill for 60 min at 60% [moderate-intensity exercise (MI)] and 85% maximal oxygen consumption [high-intensity exercise (HI)]. Blood was drawn immediately before and after exercise and at 1 h postexercise. Immediately after HI, the expression of the neutrophil receptor CD16 was significantly below preexercise values (P < 0.01), whereas MI significantly reduced CD35 expression below preexercise values (P < 0.05). One hour after exercise at both intensities, there was a significant decline in CD11b expression (P < 0.05) and a further decrease in CD16 expression compared with preexercise values (P < 0.01). CD16 expression was lower 1 h after HI than 1 h after MI (P < 0.01). Immediately after HI, intracellular myeloperoxidase concentration was less than preexercise values (P < 0.01), whereas plasma myeloperoxidase concentration was greater (P < 0.01), indicating that HI stimulated neutrophil degranulation. Plasma myeloperoxidase concentration was higher immediately after HI than after MI (P < 0.01). Neutrophil respiratory burst activity increased after HI (P < 0.01). In summary, both MI and HI reduced neutrophil surface receptor expression. Although CD16 expression was reduced to a greater extent after HI, this reduction did not impair neutrophil degranulation and respiratory burst activity.