220 resultados para Pest resistance


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Durability is a significant issue to focus on for newly developed structural lightweight cement composite (ULCC). This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the resistance of ULCC to water and chloride ion penetration. Chloride penetrability and sorptivity were evaluated for ULCC (unit weight about 1450 kg/m3) and compared with those of a normal weight concrete (NWC), a lightweight aggregate concrete (LWC), and an ultra lightweight composite with proprietary cementitious binder (DB) (unit weight about 1450 kg/m3) at similar compressive strength of about 60 MPa. Rapid chloride penetrability test, rapid migration test, water absorption (sorptivity) test, and water permeability test were conducted on these mixtures. Results indicate that ULCC and DB had comparable performance. Compared with control LWC and NWC at similar strength level, the ULCC and DB mixtures had higher resistance to chloride ion penetration, lower water absorption and virtually impermeable to water penetration.


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This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the effect of coarse and fine LWA in concrete on its water absorption and permeability, and resistance to chloride-ion penetration. In additions, LWC with lower unit weight of about 1300 kg/m3 but high resistance to water and chloride-ion penetration was developed and evaluated. The results indicate that the incorporation of coarse LWA in concrete increases water sorptivity and permeability slightly compared to NWC of similar w/c. The resistance of the sand-LWC to chloride-ion penetration depends on porosity of the coarse LWA. Fine LWA has more influence on the transport proper-ties of concrete than coarse LWA. Use of lightweight crushed sand <1.18 mm reduced the resistance of the LWC to water and chloride-ion penetration to some extent. With low w/cm and silica fume, low unit weight LWC (~1300 kg/m3) was produced with higher resistance to water and chloride ion penetration compared with concretes of higher unit weights.


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This PhD study has examined the population genetics of the Russian wheat aphid (RWA, Diuraphis noxia), one of the world’s most invasive agricultural pests, throughout its native and introduced global range. Firstly, this study investigated the geographic distribution of genetic diversity within and among RWA populations in western China. Analysis of mitochondrial data from 18 sites provided evidence for the long-term existence and expansion of RWAs in western China. The results refute the hypothesis that RWA is an exotic species only present in China since 1975. The estimated date of RWA expansion throughout western China coincides with the debut of wheat domestication and cultivation practices in western Asia in the Holocene. It is concluded that western China represents the limit of the far eastern native range of this species. Analysis of microsatellite data indicated high contemporary gene flow among northern populations in western China, while clear geographic isolation between northern and southern populations was identified across the Tianshan mountain range and extensive desert regions. Secondly, this study analyzed the worldwide pathway of invasion using both microsatellite and endosymbiont genetic data. Individual RWAs were obtained from native populations in Central Asia and the Middle East and invasive populations in Africa and the Americas. Results indicated two pathways of RWA invasion from 1) Syria in the Middle East to North Africa and 2) Turkey to South Africa, Mexico and then North and South America. Very little clone diversity was identified among invasive populations suggesting that a limited founder event occurred together with predominantly asexual reproduction and rapid population expansion. The most likely explanation for the rapid spread (within two years) from South Africa to the New World is by human movement, probably as a result of the transfer of wheat breeding material. Furthermore, the mitochondrial data revealed the presence of a universal haplotype and it is proposed that this haplotype is representative of a wheat associated super-clone that has gained dominance worldwide as a result of the widespread planting of domesticated wheat. Finally, this study examined salivary gland gene diversity to determine whether a functional basis for RWA invasiveness could be identified. Peroxidase DNA sequence data were obtained for a selection of worldwide RWA samples. Results demonstrated that most native populations were polymorphic while invasive populations were monomorphic, supporting previous conclusions relating to demographic founder effects in invasive populations. Purifying selection most likely explains the existence of a universal allele present in Middle Eastern populations, while balancing selection was evident in East Asian populations. Selection acting on the peroxidase gene may provide an allele-dependent advantage linked to the successful establishment of RWAs on wheat, and ultimately their invasion potential. In conclusion, this study is the most comprehensive molecular genetic investigation of RWA population genetics undertaken to date and provides significant insights into the source and pathway of global invasion and the potential existence of a wheat-adapted genotype that has colonised major wheat growing countries worldwide except for Australia. This research has major biosecurity implications for Australia’s grain industry.


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Recent experimental evidence has shown that learning occurs in the host selection behaviour of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), one of the world‘s most important agricultural pests. This paper discusses how the occurrence of learning changes our understanding of the host selection behaviour of this polyphagous moth. Host preferences determined from previous laboratory studies may be vastly different from preferences exhibited by moths in the field, where the abundance of particular hosts may be more likely to determine host preference. In support of this prediction, a number of field studies have shown that the ‘attractiveness’ of different hosts for H. armigera oviposition may depend on the relative abundance of these host species. Insect learning may play a fundamental role in the design and application of present and future integrated pest management strategies such as the use of host volatiles, trap crops and resistant crop varieties for monitoring and controlling this important pest species


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Cotton growing landscapes in Australia have been dominated by dual-toxin transgenic Bt varieties since 2004. The cotton crop has thus effectively become a sink for the main target pest, Helicoverpa armigera. Theory predicts that there should be strong selection on female moths to avoid laying on such plants. We assessed oviposition, collected from two cotton-growing regions, by female moths when given a choice of tobacco, cotton and cabbage. Earlier work in the 1980s and 1990s on populations from the same geographic locations indicated these hosts were on average ranked as high, mid and low preference plants, respectively, and that host rankings had a heritable component. In the present study, we found no change in the relative ranking of hosts by females, with most eggs being laid on tobacco, then cotton and least on cabbage. As in earlier work, some females laid most eggs on cotton and aspects of oviposition behaviour had a heritable component. Certainly, cotton is not avoided as a host, and the implications of these finding for managing resistance to Bt cotton are discussed.


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Bananas (Musa sp) are one of the most important food crops in the world and provide a staple food and source of income in many households especially in Africa. Diseases are a major constraint to production with bunchy top, caused by Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) generally considered the most important virus disease of bananas worldwide. Of the fungal diseases, Fusarium wilt, caused by the Fusarium oxysporum f.sp cubense (Foc), and black Sigatoka, caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis, are arguably two of the most important and cause significant yield losses. The low fertility of commercially important banana cultivars has hampered efforts to generate disease resistance using conventional breeding. Possible alternative strategies to generate or increase disease resistance are through genetic engineering or by manipulation of the innate plant defence mechanisms, namely systemic acquired resistance (SAR). The first research component of this thesis describes attempts to generate BBTV-resistant banana plants using a genetic modification approach. The second research component of the thesis focused on the identification of a potential marker gene associated with SAR in banana plants and a comparison of the expression levels of the marker gene in response to biotic and abiotic stresses, and chemical inducers. Previous research at QUT CTCB showed that replication of BBTV DNA components in banana embryogenic cell suspensions (ECS) was abolished following co-bombardment with 1.1mers of mutated BBTV DNA-R. BBTV DNA-R encodes the master replication protein (Rep) and is the only viral protein essential for BBTV replication. In this study, ECS of banana were stably transformed with the same constructs, each containing a different mutation in BBTV DNA-R, namely H41G, Y79F and K187M, to examine the effect on virus replication in stably transformed plants. Cells were also transformed with a construct containing a native BBTV Rep. A total of 16, 16, 11 and five lines of stably transformed banana plants containing the Y79F, H41G, K187M and native Rep constructs, respectively, were generated. Of these, up to nine replicates from Y79F lines, four H41G lines, seven K187M lines and three native Rep lines were inoculated with BBTV by exposure to viruliferous aphids in two separate experiments. At least one replicate from each of the nine Y79F lines developed typical bunchy top symptoms and all tested positive for BBTV using PCR. Of the four H41G lines tested, at least one replicate from three of the lines showed symptoms of bunchy top and tested positive using PCR. However, none of the five replicates of one H41G line (H41G-3) developed symptoms of bunchy top and none of the plants tested positive for BBTV using PCR. Of the seven K187M lines, at least one replicate of all lines except one (K187M-1) developed symptoms of bunchy top and tested positive for BBTV. Importantly, none of the four replicates of line K187M-1 showed symptoms or tested positive for BBTV. At least one replicate from each of the three native Rep lines developed symptoms and tested positive for BBTV. The H41G-3 and K187M-1 lines possibly represent the first transgenic banana plants generated using a mutated Rep strategy. The second research component of this thesis focused on the identification of SAR-associated genes in banana and their expression levels in response to biotic and abiotic stresses and chemical inducers. The impetus for this research was the observation that tissue-cultured (TC) banana plants were more susceptible to Fusarium wilt disease (and possibly bunchy top disease) than plants grown from field-derived suckers, possibly due to decreased levels of SAR gene expression in the former. In this study, the pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR-1) gene was identified as a potential marker for SAR gene expression in banana. A quantitative real-time PCR assay was developed and optimised in order to determine the expression of PR-1, with polyubiquitin (Ubi-1) found to be the most suitable reference gene to enable relative quantification. The levels of PR-1 expression were subsequently compared in Lady Finger and Cavendish (cv. Williams) banana plants grown under three different environmental conditions, namely in the field, the glass house and in tissue-culture. PR-1 was shown to be expressed in both cultivars growing under different conditions. While PR-1 expression was highest in the field grown bananas and lowest in the TC bananas in Lady Finger cultivar, this was not the case in the Cavendish cultivar with glass house plants exhibiting the lowest PR-1 expression compared with tissue culture and field grown plants. The important outcomes of this work were the establishment of a qPCR-based assay to monitor PR-1 expression levels in banana and a preliminary assessment of the baseline PR-1 expression levels in two banana cultivars under three different growing conditions. After establishing the baseline PR-1 expression levels in Cavendish bananas, a study was done to determine whether PR-1 levels could be increased in these plants by exposure to known banana pathogens and non-pathogens, and a known chemical inducer of SAR. Cavendish banana plants were exposed to pathogenic Foc subtropical race 4 (FocSR4) and non-pathogenic Foc race 1 (Foc1), as well as two putative inducers of resistance, Fusarium lycopersici (Fol) and the chemical, acibenzolar-S-methyl (BION®). Tissue culture bananas were acclimatised under either glass house (TCS) or field (TCH) conditions and treatments were carried out in a randomised complete block design. PR-1 expression was determined using qPCR for both TCS and TCH samples for the period 12-72h post-exposure. Treatment of TCH plants using Foc1 and FocSR4 resulted in 120 and 80 times higher PR-1 expression than baseline levels, respectively. For TCS plants treated with Foc1, PR-1 expression was 30 times higher than baseline levels at 12h post-exposure, while TCS plants treated with FocSR4 showed the highest PR-1 expression (20 times higher than baseline levels) at 72h post-exposure. Interestingly, when TCS plants were treated with Fol there was a marked increase of PR-1 expression at 12 h and 48 h following treatment which was 4 and 8 times higher than the levels observed when TCS plants were treated with Foc1 and FocSR4, respectively. In contrast, when TCH plants were treated with Fol only a slight increase in PR-1 expression was observed at 12 h, which eventually returned to baseline levels. Exposure of both TCS and TCH plants to BION® resulted in no effect on PR-1 expression levels at any time-point. The major outcome of the SAR study was that the glass house acclimatised tissue culture bananas exhibited lower PR-1 gene expression compared to field acclimatised tissue culture plants and the identification of Fol as a good candidate for SAR induction in banana plants exhibiting low PR-1 levels. A number of outcomes that foster understanding of both pathogen-derived and plant innate resistance strategies in order to potentially improve banana resistance to diseases were explored in this study and include identification of potential inducers of systemic acquired resistance and a promising mutated Rep approach for BBTV resistance. The work presented in this thesis is the first report on the generation of potential BBTV resistant bananas using the mutated Rep approach. In addition, this is the first report on the status of SAR in banana grown under different conditions of exposure to the biotic and abiotic environment. Further, a robust qPCR assay for the study of gene expression using banana leaf samples was developed and a potential inducer of SAR in tissue culture bananas identified which could be harnessed to increase resistance in tissue culture bananas.


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Indicators of mitochondrial function were studied in two different cell culture models of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum-II (CDDP) resistance: the intrinsically resistant human ovarian cancer cell line CI-80-13S, and resistant clones (HeLa-S1a and HeLa-S1b) generated by stable expression of the serine protease inhibitor—plasminogen activator inhibitor type-2 (PAI-2), in the human cervical cancer cell line HeLa. In both models, CDDP resistance was associated with sensitivity to killing by adriamycin, etoposide, auranofin, bis[1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane]gold(I) chloride {[Au(DPPE)2]Cl}, CdCl2 and the mitochondrial inhibitors rhodamine-123 (Rhl23), dequalinium chloride (DeCH), tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP), and ethidium bromide (EtBr) and with lower constitutive levels of ATP. Unlike the HeLa clones, CI-80-13S cells were additionally sensitive to chloramphenicol, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP+), rotenone, thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), and antimycin A, and showed poor reduction of 1-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT), suggesting a deficiency in NADH dehydrogenase and/or succinate dehydrogenase activities. Total platinum uptake and DNA-bound platinum were slightly lower in CI-80-13S than in sensitive cells. The HeLa-S1a and HeLa-S1b clones, on the other hand, showed poor reduction of triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC), indicative of low cytochrome c oxidase activity. Total platinum uptake by HeLa-S1a was similar to HeLa, but DNA-bound platinum was much lower than for the parent cell line. The mitochondria of CI-80-13S and HeLa-S1a showed altered morphology and were fewer in number than those of JAM and HeLa. In both models, CDDP resistance was associated with less platinum accumulation and with mitochondrial and membrane defects, brought about one case with expression of a protease inhibitor which is implicated in tumor progression. Such markers may identify tumors suitable for treatment with gold phosphine complexes or other mitochondrial inhibitors.


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Background: Developing sampling strategies to target biological pests such as insects in stored grain is inherently difficult owing to species biology and behavioural characteristics. The design of robust sampling programmes should be based on an underlying statistical distribution that is sufficiently flexible to capture variations in the spatial distribution of the target species. Results: Comparisons are made of the accuracy of four probability-of-detection sampling models - the negative binomial model,1 the Poisson model,1 the double logarithmic model2 and the compound model3 - for detection of insects over a broad range of insect densities. Although the double log and negative binomial models performed well under specific conditions, it is shown that, of the four models examined, the compound model performed the best over a broad range of insect spatial distributions and densities. In particular, this model predicted well the number of samples required when insect density was high and clumped within experimental storages. Conclusions: This paper reinforces the need for effective sampling programs designed to detect insects over a broad range of spatial distributions. The compound model is robust over a broad range of insect densities and leads to substantial improvement in detection probabilities within highly variable systems such as grain storage.


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Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Bactrocera papayae Drew & Hancock, Bactrocera philippinensis Drew & Hancock, and Bactrocera carambolae Drew & Hancock are pest members within the B. dorsalis species complex of tropical fruit flies. The species status of these taxa is unclear and this confounds quarantine, pest management, and general research. Mating studies carried out under uniform experimental conditions are required as part of resolving their species limits. These four taxa were collected from the wild and established as laboratory cultures for which we subsequently determined levels of prezygotic compatibility, assessed by field cage mating trials for all pair-wise combinations. We demonstrate random mating among all pair-wise combinations involving B. dorsalis, B. papayae, and B. philippinensis. B. carambolae was relatively incompatible with each of these species as evidenced by nonrandom mating for all crosses. Reasons for incompatibility involving B. carambolae remain unclear; however, we observed differences in the location of couples in the field cage for some comparisons. Alongside other factors such as pheromone composition or other courtship signals, this may lead to reduced interspecific mating compatibility with B. carambolae. These data add to evidence that B. dorsalis, B. papayae, and B. philippinensis represent the same biological species, while B. carambolae remains sufficiently different to maintain its current taxonomic identity. This poses significant implications for this group's systematics, impacting on pest management, and international trade.


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Bactrocera dorsalis sensu stricto, B. papayae, B. philippinensis and B. carambolae are serious pest fruit fly species of the B. dorsalis complex that predominantly occur in south-east Asia and the Pacific. Identifying molecular diagnostics has proven problematic for these four taxa, a situation that cofounds biosecurity and quarantine efforts and which may be the result of at least some of these taxa representing the same biological species. We therefore conducted a phylogenetic study of these four species (and closely related outgroup taxa) based on the individuals collected from a wide geographic range; sequencing six loci (cox1, nad4-3′, CAD, period, ITS1, ITS2) for approximately 20 individuals from each of 16 sample sites. Data were analysed within maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic frameworks for individual loci and concatenated data sets for which we applied multiple monophyly and species delimitation tests. Species monophyly was measured by clade support, posterior probability or bootstrap resampling for Bayesian and likelihood analyses respectively, Rosenberg's reciprocal monophyly measure, P(AB), Rodrigo's (P(RD)) and the genealogical sorting index, gsi. We specifically tested whether there was phylogenetic support for the four 'ingroup' pest species using a data set of multiple individuals sampled from a number of populations. Based on our combined data set, Bactrocera carambolae emerges as a distinct monophyletic clade, whereas B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae and B. philippinensis are unresolved. These data add to the growing body of evidence that B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae and B. philippinensis are the same biological species, which poses consequences for quarantine, trade and pest management.


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This study compared virulence and antibiotic resistance traits in clinical and environmental E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates. E. faecalis isolates harboured a broader spectrum of virulence determinants compared to E. faecium isolates. The virulence traits Cyl-A, Cyl-B, Cyl-M, gel-E and esp were tested and environmental isolates predominantly harboured gel-E (80% of E. faecalis and 31.9% of E. faecium) whereas esp was more prevalent in clinical isolates (67.79% of E. faecalis and 70.37 % of E. faecium). E. faecalis and E. faecium isolated from water had different antibiotic resistance patterns compared to those isolated from clinical samples. Linozolid resistance was not observed in any isolates tested and vancomycin resistance was observed only in clinical isolates. Resistance to other antibiotics (tetracycline, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and ampicillin) was detected in both clinical and water isolates. Clinical isolates were more resistant to all the antibiotics tested compared to water isolates. Multi-drug resistance was more prevalent in clinical isolates (71.18% of E. faecalis and 70.3 % of E. faecium) compared to water isolates (only 5.66 % E. faecium). tet L and tet M genes were predominantly identified in tetracycline-resistant isolates. All water and clinical isolates resistant to ciprofloxacin and ampicillin contained mutations in the gyrA, parC and pbp5 genes. A significant correlation was found between the presence of virulence determinants and antibiotic resistance in all the isolates tested in this study (p<0.05). The presence of antibiotic resistant enterococci, together with associated virulence traits, in surface recreational water could be a public health risk.


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We present an electrochemical exfoliation method to produce controlled thickness graphene flakes by ultrasound assistance. Bilayer graphene flakes are dominant in the final product by using sonication during the electrochemical exfoliation process, while without sonication the product contains a larger percentage of four-layer graphene flakes. Graphene sheets prepared by using the two procedures are processed into films to measure their respective sheet resistance and optical transmittance. Solid-state electrolyte supercapacitors are made using the two types of graphene films. Our study reveals that films with a higher content of multilayer graphene flakes are more conductive, and their resistance is more easily reduced by thermal annealing, making them suitable as transparent conducting films. The film with higher content of bilayer graphene flakes shows instead higher capacitance when used as electrode in a supercapacitor.


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Quantity and timing of protein ingestion are major factors regulating myofibrillar protein synthesis (MPS). However, the effect of specific ingestion patterns on MPS throughout a 12 h period is unknown. We determined how different distributions of protein feeding during 12 h recovery after resistance exercise affects anabolic responses in skeletal muscle. Twenty-four healthy trained males were assigned to three groups (n = 8/group) and undertook a bout of resistance exercise followed by ingestion of 80 g of whey protein throughout 12 h recovery in one of the following protocols: 8 × 10 g every 1.5 h (PULSE); 4 × 20 g every 3 h (intermediate: INT); or 2 × 40 g every 6 h (BOLUS). Muscle biopsies were obtained at rest and after 1, 4, 6, 7 and 12 h post exercise. Resting and post-exercise MPS (l-[ring-(13)C6] phenylalanine), and muscle mRNA abundance and cell signalling were assessed. All ingestion protocols increased MPS above rest throughout 1-12 h recovery (88-148%, P < 0.02), but INT elicited greater MPS than PULSE and BOLUS (31-48%, P < 0.02). In general signalling showed a BOLUS>INT>PULSE hierarchy in magnitude of phosphorylation. MuRF-1 and SLC38A2 mRNA were differentially expressed with BOLUS. In conclusion, 20 g of whey protein consumed every 3 h was superior to either PULSE or BOLUS feeding patterns for stimulating MPS throughout the day. This study provides novel information on the effect of modulating the distribution of protein intake on anabolic responses in skeletal muscle and has the potential to maximize outcomes of resistance training for attaining peak muscle mass.


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Background The pattern of protein intake following exercise may impact whole-body protein turnover and net protein retention. We determined the effects of different protein feeding strategies on protein metabolism in resistance-trained young men. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to ingest either 80g of whey protein as 8x10g every 1.5h (PULSE; n=8), 4x20g every 3h (intermediate, INT; n=7), or 2x40g every 6h (BOLUS; n=8) after an acute bout of bilateral knee extension exercise (4x10 repetitions at 80% maximal strength). Whole-body protein turnover (Q), synthesis (S), breakdown (B), and net balance (NB) were measured throughout 12h of recovery by a bolus ingestion of [ 15N]glycine with urinary [15N]ammonia enrichment as the collected end-product. Results PULSE Q rates were greater than BOLUS (?19%, P<0.05) with a trend towards being greater than INT (?9%, P=0.08). Rates of S were 32% and 19% greater and rates of B were 51% and 57% greater for PULSE as compared to INT and BOLUS, respectively (P<0.05), with no difference between INT and BOLUS. There were no statistical differences in NB between groups (P=0.23); however, magnitude-based inferential statistics revealed likely small (mean effect90%CI; 0.590.87) and moderate (0.800.91) increases in NB for PULSE and INT compared to BOLUS and possible small increase (0.421.00) for INT vs. PULSE. Conclusion We conclude that the pattern of ingested protein, and not only the total daily amount, can impact whole-body protein metabolism. Individuals aiming to maximize NB would likely benefit from repeated ingestion of moderate amounts of protein (?20g) at regular intervals (?3h) throughout the day.


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PURPOSE We have previously shown that the aminoacidemia caused by the consumption of a rapidly digested protein after resistance exercise enhances muscle protein synthesis (MPS) more than the amino acid (AA) profile associated with a slowly digested protein. Here, we investigated whether differential feeding patterns of a whey protein mixture commencing before exercise affect postexercise intracellular signaling and MPS. METHODS Twelve resistance-trained males performed leg resistance exercise 45 min after commencing each of three volume-matched nutrition protocols: placebo (PLAC, artificially sweetened water), BOLUS (25 g of whey protein + 5 g of leucine dissolved in artificially sweetened water; 1× 500 mL), or PULSE (15× 33-mL aliquots of BOLUS drink every 15 min). RESULTS The preexercise rise in plasma AA concentration with PULSE was attenuated compared with BOLUS (P < 0.05); this effect was reversed after exercise, with two-fold greater leucine concentrations in PULSE compared with BOLUS (P < 0.05). One-hour postexercise, phosphorylation of p70 S6K and rpS6 was increased above baseline with BOLUS and PULSE, but not PLAC (P < 0.05); furthermore, PULSE > BOLUS (P < 0.05). MPS throughout 5 h of recovery was higher with protein ingestion compared with PLAC (0.037 ± 0.007), with no differences between BOLUS or PULSE (0.085 ± 0.013 vs. 0.095 ± 0.010%•h, respectively, P = 0.56). CONCLUSIONS Manipulation of aminoacidemia before resistance exercise via different patterns of intake of protein altered plasma AA profiles and postexercise intracellular signaling. However, there was no difference in the enhancement of the muscle protein synthetic response after exercise. Protein sources producing a slow AA release, when consumed before resistance exercise in sufficient amounts, are as effective as rapidly digested proteins in promoting postexercise MPS.