124 resultados para Nonsense mutation


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OBJECTIVE: The fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family of signaling molecules has been associated with chemoresistance and poor prognosis in a number of cancer types, including lung, breast, ovarian, prostate, and head and neck carcinomas. Given the identification of activating mutations in the FGF receptor 2 (FGFR2) receptor tyrosine kinase in a subset of endometrial tumors, agents with activity against FGFRs are currently being tested in clinical trials for recurrent and progressive endometrial cancer. Here, we evaluated the effect of FGFR inhibition on the in vitro efficacy of chemotherapy in endometrial cancer cell lines. METHODS: Human endometrial cancer cell lines with wild-type or activating FGFR2 mutations were used to determine any synergism with concurrent use of the pan-FGFR inhibitor, PD173074, and the chemotherapeutics, doxorubicin and paclitaxel, on cell proliferation and apoptosis. RESULTS: FGFR2 mutation status did not alter sensitivity to either chemotherapeutic agent alone. The combination of PD173074 with paclitaxel or doxorubicin showed synergistic activity in the 3 FGFR2 mutant cell lines evaluated. In addition, although nonmutant cell lines were resistant to FGFR inhibition alone, the addition of PD173074 potentiated the cytostatic effect of paclitaxel and doxorubicin in a subset of FGFR2 wild-type endometrial cancer cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: Together these data suggest a potential therapeutic benefit to combining an FGFR inhibitor with standard chemotherapeutic agents in endometrial cancer therapy particularly in patients with FGFR2 mutation positive tumors.


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Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) is a G protein coupled receptor (GPCR) that is activated by proteolytic cleavage of its amino terminal domain by trypsin-like serine proteases. Cleavage of this receptor exposes a neoepitope, termed the tethered ligand (TL), which binds intramolecularly within the receptor to stimulate signal transduction via coupled G proteins. PAR2-mediated signal transduction is also experimentally stimulated by hexapeptides (agonist peptides; APs) that are homologous to the TL sequence. Due to the irreversible nature of PAR2 proteolysis, downstream signal transduction is tightly regulated. Following activation, PAR2 is rapidly uncoupled from downstream signalling by the post-translational modifications phosphorylation and ubiquination which facilitate interactions with â- arrestin. This scaffolding protein couples PAR2 to the internalisation machinery initiating its desensitisation and trafficking through the early and late endosomes followed by receptor degradation. PAR2 is widely expressed in mammalian tissues with key roles for this receptor in cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and musculoskeletal systems. This receptor has also been linked to pathological states with aberrant expression and signalling noted in several cancers. In prostate cancer, PAR2 signalling induces migration and proliferation of tumour derived cell lines, while elevated receptor expression has been noted in malignant tissues. Importantly, a role for this receptor has also been suggested in prostate cancer bone metastasis as coexpression of PAR2 and a proteolytic activator has been demonstrated by immunohistochemical analysis. Based on these data, the primary focus of this project has been on two aspects of PAR2 biology. The first is characterisation of cellular mechanisms that regulate PAR2 signalling and trafficking. The second aspect is the role of this receptor in prostate cancer bone metastasis. In addition, to permit these studies, it was first necessary to evaluate the specificity of the commercially available anti-PAR2 antibodies SAM11, C17, N19 and H99. The evaluation of the four commercially available antibodies was assessed using four techniques: immunoprecipitation; Western blot analysis; immunofluorescence; and flow cytometry. These approaches demonstrated that three of the antibodies efficiently detect ectopically expressed PAR2 by each of these techniques. A significant finding from this study was that N19 was the only antibody able to specifically detect N-glycosylated endogenous PAR2 by Western blot analysis. This analysis was performed on lysates from prostate cancer derived cell lines and tissue derived from wildtype and PAR2 knockout mice. Importantly, further evaluation demonstrated that this antibody also efficiently detects endogenous PAR2 at the cell surface by flow cytometry. The anti-PAR2 antibody N19 was used to explore the in vitro role of palmitoylation, the post-translational addition of palmitate, in PAR2 signalling, trafficking, cell surface expression and desensitization. Significantly, use of the palmitoylation inhibitor 2-bromopalmitate indicated that palmitate addition is important in trafficking of PAR2 endogenously expressed by prostate cancer cell lines. This was supported by palmitate labelling experiments using two approaches which showed that PAR2 stably expressed by CHO cells is palmitoylated and that palmitoylation occurs on cysteine 361. Another key finding from this study is that palmitoylation is required for optimal PAR2 signalling as Ca2+ flux assays indicated that in response to trypsin agonism, palmitoylation deficient PAR2 is ~9 fold less potent than wildtype receptor with a reduction of about 33% in the maximum signal induced via the mutant receptor. Confocal microscopy, flow cytometry and cell surface biotinylation analyses demonstrated that palmitoylation is required for efficient cell surface expression of PAR2. Importantly, this study also identified that palmitoylation of this receptor within the Golgi apparatus is required for efficient agonist-induced rab11amediated trafficking of PAR2 to the cell surface. Interestingly, palmitoylation is also required for receptor desensitization, as agonist-induced â-arrestin recruitment and receptor degradation were markedly reduced in CHO-PAR2-C361A cells compared with CHO-PAR2 cells. Collectively, these data provide new insights on the life cycle of PAR2 and demonstrate that palmitoylation is critical for efficient signalling, trafficking, cell surface localization and degradation of this receptor. This project also evaluated PAR2 residues involved in ligand docking. Although the extracellular loop (ECL)2 of PAR2 is known to be required for agonist-induced signal transduction, the binding pocket for receptor agonists remains to be determined. In silico homology modelling, based on a crystal structure for the prototypical GPCR rhodopsin, and ligand docking were performed to identify PAR2 transmembrane (TM) amino acids potentially involved in agonist binding. These methods identified 12 candidate residues that were mutated to examine the binding site of the PAR2 TL, revealed by trypsin cleavage, as well as of the soluble ligands 2f-LIGRLO-NH2 and GB110, which are both structurally based on the AP SLIGRLNH2. Ligand binding was evaluated from the impact of the mutated residues on PAR2-mediated calcium mobilisation. An important finding from these experiments was that mutation of residues Y156 and Y326 significantly reduced 2f-LIGRLO-NH2 and GB110 agonist activity. L307 was also important for GB110 activity. Intriguingly, mutation of PAR2 residues did not alter trypsin-induced signalling to the same extent as for the soluble agonists. The reason for this difference remains to be further examined by in silico and in vitro experimentation and, potentially, crystal structure studies. However, these findings identified the importance of TM domains in PAR2 ligand docking and will enhance the design of both PAR2 agonists and potentially agents to inhibit signalling (antagonists). The potential importance of PAR2 in prostate cancer bone metastasis was examined using a mouse model. In patients, prostate cancer bone metastases cause bone growth by disrupting bone homeostasis. In an attempt to mimic prostate cancer growth in bone, PAR2 responsive 22Rv1 prostate cancer cells, which form mixed osteoblastic and osteolytic lesions, were injected into the proximal aspect of mouse tibiae. A role for PAR2 was assessed by treating these mice with the recently developed PAR2 antagonist GB88. As controls, animals bearing intra-tibial tumours were also treated with vehicle (olive oil) or the prostate cancer chemotherapeutic docetaxel. The effect of these treatments on bone was examined radiographically and by micro-CT. Consistent with previous studies, 22Rv1 tumours caused osteoblastic periosteal spicule formation and concurrent osteolytic bone loss. Significantly, blockade of PAR2 signalling reduced the osteoblastic and osteolytic phenotype of 22Rv1 tumours in bone. No bone defects were detected in mice treated with docetaxel. These qualitative data will be followed in the future by quantitative micro-CT analysis as well as histology and histomorphometry analysis of already collected tissues. Nonetheless, these preliminary experiments highlight a potential role for PAR2 in prostate cancer growth in bone. In summary, in vitro studies have defined mechanisms regulating PAR2 activation, downstream signalling and trafficking and in vivo studies point to a potential role for this receptor in prostate cancer bone metastasis. The outcomes of this project are that a greater understanding of the biology of PAR2 may lead to the development of strategies to modulate the function of this receptor in disease.


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BACKGROUND: Melanoma is the most lethal form of skin cancer, but recent advances in molecularly targeted agents against the Ras/Raf/MAPK pathway demonstrate promise as effective therapies. Despite these advances, resistance remains an issue, as illustrated recently by the clinical experience with vemurafenib. Such acquired resistance appears to be the result of parallel pathway activation, such as PI3K, to overcome single-agent inhibition. In this report, we describe the cytotoxicity and anti-tumour activity of the novel MEK inhibitor, E6201, in a broad panel of melanoma cell lines (n = 31) of known mutational profile in vitro and in vivo. We further test the effectiveness of combining E6201 with an inhibitor of PI3K (LY294002) in overcoming resistance in these cell lines. RESULTS: The majority of melanoma cell lines were either sensitive (IC50 < 500 nM, 24/31) or hypersensitive (IC50 < 100 nM, 18/31) to E6201. This sensitivity correlated with wildtype PTEN and mutant BRAF status, whereas mutant RAS and PI3K pathway activation were associated with resistance. Although MEK inhibitors predominantly exert a cytostatic effect, E6201 elicited a potent cytocidal effect on most of the sensitive lines studied, as evidenced by Annexin positivity and cell death ELISA. Conversely, E6201 did not induce cell death in the two resistant melanoma cell lines tested. E6201 inhibited xenograft tumour growth in all four melanoma cell lines studied to varying degrees, but a more pronounced anti-tumour effect was observed for cell lines that previously demonstrated a cytocidal response in vitro. In vitro combination studies of E6201 and LY294002 showed synergism in all six melanoma cell lines tested, as defined by a mean combination index < 1. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that E6201 elicits a predominantly cytocidal effect in vitro and in vivo in melanoma cells of diverse mutational background. Resistance to E6201 was associated with disruption of PTEN and activation of downstream PI3K signalling. In keeping with these data we demonstrate that co-inhibition of MAPK and PI3K is effective in overcoming resistance inherent in melanoma.


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Background. Recent reports have indicated that single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) viruses in the taxonomic families Geminiviridae, Parvoviridae and Anellovirus may be evolving at rates of ∼10-4 substitutions per site per year (subs/site/year). These evolution rates are similar to those of RNA viruses and are surprisingly high given that ssDNA virus replication involves host DNA polymerases with fidelities approximately 10 000 times greater than those of error-prone viral RNA polymerases. Although high ssDNA virus evolution rates were first suggested in evolution experiments involving the geminivirus maize streak virus (MSV), the evolution rate of this virus has never been accurately measured. Also, questions regarding both the mechanistic basis and adaptive value of high geminivirus mutation rates remain unanswered. Results. We determined the short-term evolution rate of MSV using full genome analysis of virus populations initiated from cloned genomes. Three wild type viruses and three defective artificial chimaeric viruses were maintained in planta for up to five years and displayed evolution rates of between 7.4 × 10-4 and 7.9 × 10-4 subs/site/year. Conclusion. These MSV evolution rates are within the ranges observed for other ssDNA viruses and RNA viruses. Although no obvious evidence of positive selection was detected, the uneven distribution of mutations within the defective virus genomes suggests that some of the changes may have been adaptive. We also observed inter-strand nucleotide substitution imbalances that are consistent with a recent proposal that high mutation rates in geminiviruses (and possibly ssDNA viruses in general) may be due to mutagenic processes acting specifically on ssDNA molecules. © 2008 Walt et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Background. Despite the demonstration that geminiviruses, like many other single stranded DNA viruses, are evolving at rates similar to those of RNA viruses, a recent study has suggested that grass-infecting species in the genus Mastrevirus may have co-diverged with their hosts over millions of years. This "co-divergence hypothesis" requires that long-term mastrevirus substitution rates be at least 100,000-fold lower than their basal mutation rates and 10,000-fold lower than their observable short-term substitution rates. The credibility of this hypothesis, therefore, hinges on the testable claim that negative selection during mastrevirus evolution is so potent that it effectively purges 99.999% of all mutations that occur. Results. We have conducted long-term evolution experiments lasting between 6 and 32 years, where we have determined substitution rates of between 2 and 3 × 10 -4substitutions/site/year for the mastreviruses Maize streak virus (MSV) and Sugarcane streak Réunion virus (SSRV). We further show that mutation biases are similar for different geminivirus genera, suggesting that mutational processes that drive high basal mutation rates are conserved across the family. Rather than displaying signs of extremely severe negative selection as implied by the co-divergence hypothesis, our evolution experiments indicate that MSV and SSRV are predominantly evolving under neutral genetic drift. Conclusion. The absence of strong negative selection signals within our evolution experiments and the uniformly high geminivirus substitution rates that we and others have reported suggest that mastreviruses cannot have co-diverged with their hosts. © 2009 Harkins et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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We used in vivo (biological), in silico (computational structure prediction), and in vitro (model sequence folding) analyses of single-stranded DNA sequences to show that nucleic acid folding conservation is the selective principle behind a high-frequency single-nucleotide reversion observed in a three-nucleotide mutated motif of the Maize streak virus replication associated protein (Rep) gene. In silico and in vitro studies showed that the three-nucleotide mutation adversely affected Rep nucleic acid folding, and that the single-nucleotide reversion [C(601)A] restored wild-type-like folding. In vivo support came from infecting maize with mutant viruses: those with Rep genes containing nucleotide changes predicted to restore a wild-type-like fold [A(601)/G(601)] preferentially accumulated over those predicted to fold differently [C(601)/T(601)], which frequently reverted to A(601) and displaced the original population. We propose that the selection of native nucleic acid folding is an epigenetic effect, which might have broad implications in the evolution of plants and their viruses.


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Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) have attracted much recent interest in cancer research as a potential biomarker and as a means of studying the process of metastasis. It has long been understood that metastasis is a hallmark of malignancy, and conceptual theories on the basis of metastasis from the nineteenth century foretold the existence of a tumour "seed" which is capable of establishing discrete tumours in the "soil" of distant organs. This prescient "seed and soil" hypothesis accurately predicted the existence of CTCs; microscopic tumour fragments in the blood, at least some of which are capable of forming metastases. However, it is only in recent years that reliable, reproducible methods of CTC detection and analysis have been developed. To date, the majority of studies have employed the CellSearch™ system (Veridex LLC), which is an immunomagnetic purification method. Other promising techniques include microfluidic filters, isolation of tumour cells by size using microporous polycarbonate filters and flow cytometry-based approaches. While many challenges still exist, the detection of CTCs in blood is becoming increasingly feasible, giving rise to some tantalizing questions about the use of CTCs as a potential biomarker. CTC enumeration has been used to guide prognosis in patients with metastatic disease, and to act as a surrogate marker for disease response during therapy. Other possible uses for CTC detection include prognostication in early stage patients, identifying patients requiring adjuvant therapy, or in surveillance, for the detection of relapsing disease. Another exciting possible use for CTC detection assays is the molecular and genetic characterization of CTCs to act as a "liquid biopsy" representative of the primary tumour. Indeed it has already been demonstrated that it is possible to detect HER2, KRAS and EGFR mutation status in breast, colon and lung cancer CTCs respectively. In the course of this review, we shall discuss the biology of CTCs and their role in metastagenesis, the most commonly used techniques for their detection and the evidence to date of their clinical utility, with particular reference to lung cancer.


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Purpose: The recognition of breast cancer as a spectrum tumor in Lynch syndrome remains controversial. The aim of this study was to explore features of breast cancers arising in Lynch syndrome families. Experimental Design: This observational study involved 107 cases of breast cancer identified from the Colorectal Cancer Family Registry (Colon CFR) from 90 families in which (a) both breast and colon cancer co-occurred, (b) families met either modified Amsterdam criteria, or had at least one early-onset (<50 years) colorectal cancer, and (c) breast tissue was available within the biospecimen repository for mismatch repair (MMR) testing. Eligibility criteria for enrollment in the Colon CFR are available online. Breast cancers were reviewed by one pathologist. Tumor sections were stained for MLH1, PMS2, MSH2, and MSH6, and underwent microsatellite instability testing. Results: Breast cancer arose in 35 mutation carriers, and of these, 18 (51%) showed immunohistochemical absence of MMR protein corresponding to the MMR gene mutation segregating the family. MMR-deficient breast cancers were more likely to be poorly differentiated (P = 0.005) with a high mitotic index (P = 0.002), steroid hormone receptor–negative (estrogen receptor, P = 0.031; progesterone receptor, P = 0.022), and to have peritumoral lymphocytes (P = 0.015), confluent necrosis (P = 0.002), and growth in solid sheets (P < 0.001) similar to their colorectal counterparts. No difference in age of onset was noted between the MMR-deficient and MMR-intact groups. Conclusions: MMR deficiency was identified in 51% of breast cancers arising in known mutation carriers. Breast cancer therefore may represent a valid tissue option for the detection of MMR deficiency in which spectrum tumors are lacking


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Previous studies have enabled exact prediction of probabilities of identity-by-descent (IBD) in randommating populations for a few loci (up to four or so), with extension to more using approximate regression methods. Here we present a precise predictor of multiple-locus IBD using simple formulas based on exact results for two loci. In particular, the probability of non-IBD X ABC at each of ordered loci A, B, and C can be well approximated by XABC = XABXBC/XB and generalizes to X123. . .k = X12X23. . .Xk-1,k/ Xk-2, where X is the probability of non-IBD at each locus. Predictions from this chain rule are very precise with population bottlenecks and migration, but are rather poorer in the presence of mutation. From these coefficients, the probabilities of multilocus IBD and non-IBD can also be computed for genomic regions as functions of population size, time, and map distances. An approximate but simple recurrence formula is also developed, which generally is less accurate than the chain rule but is more robust with mutation. Used together with the chain rule it leads to explicit equations for non-IBD in a region. The results can be applied to detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) by computing the probability of IBD at candidate loci in terms of identity-by-state at neighboring markers.


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Population-wide associations between loci due to linkage disequilibrium can be used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) with high resolution. However, spurious associations between markers and QTL can also arise as a consequence of population stratification. Statistical methods that cannot differentiate between loci associations due to linkage disequilibria from those caused in other ways can render false-positive results. The transmission-disequilibrium test (TDT) is a robust test for detecting QTL. The TDT exploits within-family associations that are not affected by population stratification. However, some TDTs are formulated in a rigid-form, with reduced potential applications. In this study we generalize TDT using mixed linear models to allow greater statistical flexibility. Allelic effects are estimated with two independent parameters: one exploiting the robust within-family information and the other the potentially biased between-family information. A significant difference between these two parameters can be used as evidence for spurious association. This methodology was then used to test the effects of the fourth melanocortin receptor (MC4R) on production traits in the pig. The new analyses supported the previously reported results; i.e., the studied polymorphism is either causal of in very strong linkage disequilibrium with the causal mutation, and provided no evidence for spurious association.


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Purpose: UC is a disease of the entire urothelium, characterized by multiplicity and multifocality. The clonal relationship among multiple UCs has implications regarding adjuvant chemotherapy. It has been investigated in studies of chromosomal alteration and single gene mutation. However, these genetic changes can occur in unrelated tumors under similar carcinogenic selection pressures. Tumors with high MSI have numerous DNA mutations, of which many provide no selection benefit. While these tumors represent an ideal model for studying UC clonality, their low frequency has prevented their previous investigation. Materials and Methods: We investigated 32 upper and lower urinary tract UCs with high MSI and 4 nonUC primary cancers in 9 patients. We used the high frequency and specificity of individual DNA mutations in these tumors (MSI at 17 loci) and the early timing of epigenetic events (methylation of 7 gene promoters) to investigate tumor clonality. Results: Molecular alterations varied among tumors from different primary organs but they appeared related in the UCs of all 9 patients. While 7 patients had a high degree of concordance among UCs, in 2 the UCs shared only a few similar alterations. Genetic and epigenetic abnormalities were frequently found in normal urothelial samples. Conclusions: Multiple UCs in each patient appeared to arise from a single clone. The molecular order of tumor development varied from the timing of clinical presentation and suggested that residual malignant cells persist in the urinary tract despite apparent curative surgery. These cells lead to subsequent tumor relapse and new methods are required to detect and eradicate them.


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We sought to identify fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2) kinase domain mutations that confer resistance to the pan-FGFR inhibitor, dovitinib, and explore the mechanism of action of the drug-resistant mutations. We cultured BaF3 cells overexpressing FGFR2 in high concentrations of dovitinib and identified fourteen dovitinib-resistant mutations, including the N550K mutation observed in 25% of FGFR2mutant endometrial cancers (EC). Structural and biochemical in vitro kinase analyses, together with BaF3 proliferation assays, showed that the resistance mutations elevate the intrinsic kinase activity of FGFR2. BaF3 lines were used to assess the ability of each mutation to confer cross-resistance to PD173074 and ponatinib. Unlike PD173074, ponatinib effectively inhibited all the dovitinib-resistant FGFR2 mutants except the V565I gatekeeper mutation, suggesting ponatinib but not dovitinib targets the active conformation of FGFR2 kinase. EC cell lines expressing wild-type FGFR2 were relatively resistant to all inhibitors. Whereas EC cell lines expressing mutated FGFR2 showed differential sensitivity. Within the FGFR2mutant cell lines, 3/7 showed marked resistance to PD173074 and relative resistance to dovitinib and ponatinib. This suggests that alternative mechanisms distinct from kinase domain mutations are responsible for intrinsic resistance in these three EC lines. Finally, overexpression of FGFR2N550K in JHUEM-2 cells (FGFR2C383R) conferred resistance (~5 fold) to PD173074, providing independent data that FGFR2N550K can be associated with drug resistance. Biochemical in vitro kinase analyses also shows ponatinib is more effective than dovitinib at inhibiting FGFR2N550K. We propose tumors harboring mutationally activated FGFRs should be treated with FGFR inhibitors that specifically bind the active kinase.


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We performed an integrated genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic characterization of 373 endometrial carcinomas using array- and sequencing-based technologies. Uterine serous tumours and ∼25% of high-grade endometrioid tumours had extensive copy number alterations, few DNA methylation changes, low oestrogen receptor/progesterone receptor levels, and frequent TP53 mutations. Most endometrioid tumours had few copy number alterations or TP53 mutations, but frequent mutations in PTEN, CTNNB1, PIK3CA, ARID1A and KRAS and novel mutations in the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex gene ARID5B. A subset of endometrioid tumours that we identified had a markedly increased transversion mutation frequency and newly identified hotspot mutations in POLE. Our results classified endometrial cancers into four categories: POLE ultramutated, microsatellite instability hypermutated, copy-number low, and copy-number high. Uterine serous carcinomas share genomic features with ovarian serous and basal-like breast carcinomas. We demonstrated that the genomic features of endometrial carcinomas permit a reclassification that may affect post-surgical adjuvant treatment for women with aggressive tumours.


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Objective: To compare proteins related to Alzheimer disease ( AD) in the frontal cortex and cerebellum of subjects with early-onset AD (EOAD) with or without presenilin 1 (PS1) mutations with sporadic late-onset AD ( LOAD) and nondemented control subjects. Methods: Immunohistochemistry, immunoblot analysis, and ELISA were used to detect and assess protein levels in brain. Results: In EOAD and to a lesser extent in LOAD, there was increased amyloid beta (Abeta) deposition (by immunohistochemistry), increased soluble Abeta (by immunoblot analysis), and specific increases in Abeta(40) and Abeta(42) ( by ELISA) in the frontal cortex and, in some cases, in the cerebellum. Surprisingly, immunoblot analysis revealed reduced levels of PS1 in many of the subjects with EOAD with or without PS1 mutations. In those PS1 mutation-bearing subjects with the highest Abeta, PS1 was barely, if at all, detectable. This decrease in PS1 was specific and not attributable solely to neuronal loss because amyloid precursor protein (APP) and the PS1-interacting protein beta-catenin levels were unchanged. Conclusions: This study shows that in the frontal cortex and cerebellum from Alzheimer disease patients harboring certain presenilin 1 mutations, high levels of amyloid beta are associated with low levels of presenilin 1. The study provides the premise for further investigation of mechanisms underlying the downregulation of presenilin 1, which may have considerable pathogenic and therapeutic relevance.


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Our task is to consider the evolving perspectives around curriculum documented in the Theory Into Practice (TIP) corpus to date. The 50 years in question, 1962–2012, account for approximately half the history of mass institutionalized schooling. Over this time, the upper age of compulsory schooling has crept up, stretching the school curriculum's reach, purpose, and clientele. These years also span remarkable changes in the social fabric, challenging deep senses of the nature and shelf-life of knowledge, whose knowledge counts, what science can and cannot deliver, and the very purpose of education. The school curriculum is a key social site where these challenges have to be addressed in a very practical sense, through a design on the future implemented within the resources and politics of the present. The task's metaphor of ‘evolution’ may invoke a sense of gradual cumulative improvement, but equally connotes mutation, hybridization, extinction, survival of the fittest, and environmental pressures. Viewed in this way, curriculum theory and practice cannot be isolated and studied in laboratory conditions—there is nothing natural, neutral, or self-evident about what knowledge gets selected into the curriculum. Rather, the process of selection unfolds as a series of messy, politically contaminated, lived experiments; thus curriculum studies require field work in dynamic open systems. We subscribe to Raymond Williams' approach to social change, which he argues is not absolute and abrupt, one set of ideas neatly replacing the other. For Williams, newly emergent ideas have to compete against the dominant mindset and residual ideas “still active in the cultural process'” (Williams, 1977, p. 122). This means ongoing debates. For these reasons, we join Schubert (1992) in advocating “continuous reconceptualising of the flow of experience” (p. 238) by both researchers and practitioners.