151 resultados para Immune Tolerance -- immunology


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The graft-versus-myeloma (GVM) effect represents a powerful form of immune attack exerted by alloreactive T cells against multiple myeloma cells, which leads to clinical responses in multiple myeloma transplant recipients. Whether myeloma cells are themselves able to induce alloreactive T cells capable of the GVM effect is not defined. Using adoptive transfer of T naive cells into myeloma-bearing mice (established by transplantation of human RPMI8226-TGL myeloma cells into CD122(+) cell-depleted NOD/SCID hosts), we found that myeloma cells induced alloreactive T cells that suppressed myeloma growth and prolonged survival of T cell recipients. Myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in the myeloma-infiltrated bones exerted cytotoxic activity against resident myeloma cells, but limited activity against control myeloma cells obtained from myeloma-bearing mice that did not receive T naive cells. These myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells were derived through multiple CD8(+) T cell divisions and enriched in double-positive (DP) T cells coexpressing the CD8alphaalpha and CD4 coreceptors. MHC class I expression on myeloma cells and contact with T cells were required for CD8(+) T cell divisions and DP-T cell development. DP-T cells present in myeloma-infiltrated bones contained a higher proportion of cells expressing cytotoxic mediators IFN-gamma and/or perforin compared with single-positive CD8(+) T cells, acquired the capacity to degranulate as measured by CD107 expression, and contributed to an elevated perforin level seen in the myeloma-infiltrated bones. These observations suggest that myeloma-induced alloreactive T cells arising in myeloma-infiltrated bones are enriched with DP-T cells equipped with cytotoxic effector functions that are likely to be involved in the GVM effect.


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Salinity is a major threat to sustainable agriculture worldwide. Plant NHX exchangers play an important role in conferring salt tolerance under salinity stress. In this study, a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene VrNHX1 (Genbank Accession No. JN656211.1) from mungbean (Vigna radiata) was introduced into cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) by the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method. Polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot hybridization confirmed the stable integration of VrNHX1 into the cowpea genome. Comparative expression analysis by semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed higher expression of VrNHX1 in transgenic cowpea plants than wild-type. Under salt stress conditions, T2 transgenic 35S:VrNHX1 cowpea lines exhibited higher tolerance to 200 mM NaCl treatment than wild-type. Furthermore, T2 transgenic 35S:VrNHX1 lines maintained a higher K+/Na+ ratio in the aerial parts under salt stress and accumulated higher [Na+] in roots than wild-type. Physiological analysis revealed lower levels of lipid peroxidation, hydrogen peroxide and oxygen radical production but higher levels of relative water content and proline, ascorbate and chlorophyll contents in T2 transgenic 35S:VrNHX1 lines.


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Urinary tract infections (UTI) are among the most common infectious diseases of humans and are the most common nosocomial infections in the developed world. It is estimated that 40–50% of women and 5% of men will develop a UTI in their lifetime, and UTI accounts for more than 1 million hospitalizations and $1.6 billion in medical expenses each year in the USA. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the primary cause of UTI. This review presents an overview of recent discoveries related to the primary virulence factors of UPEC and major innate immune responses to infection of the lower urinary tract. New and emerging themes in UPEC research are discussed in the context of the interface between host and pathogen.


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Early transcriptional activation events that occur in bladder immediately following bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) are not well defined. In this study, we describe the whole bladder transcriptome of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) cystitis in mice using genome-wide expression profiling to define the transcriptome of innate immune activation stemming from UPEC colonization of the bladder. Bladder RNA from female C57BL/6 mice, analyzed using 1.0 ST-Affymetrix microarrays, revealed extensive activation of diverse sets of innate immune response genes, including those that encode multiple IL-family members, receptors, metabolic regulators, MAPK activators, and lymphocyte signaling molecules. These were among 1564 genes differentially regulated at 2 h postinfection, highlighting a rapid and broad innate immune response to bladder colonization. Integrative systems-level analyses using InnateDB (http://www.innatedb.com) bioinformatics and ingenuity pathway analysis identified multiple distinct biological pathways in the bladder transcriptome with extensive involvement of lymphocyte signaling, cell cycle alterations, cytoskeletal, and metabolic changes. A key regulator of IL activity identified in the transcriptome was IL-10, which was analyzed functionally to reveal marked exacerbation of cystitis in IL-10–deficient mice. Studies of clinical UTI revealed significantly elevated urinary IL-10 in patients with UPEC cystitis, indicating a role for IL-10 in the innate response to human UTI. The whole bladder transcriptome presented in this work provides new insight into the diversity of innate factors that determine UTI on a genome-wide scale and will be valuable for further data mining. Identification of protective roles for other elements in the transcriptome will provide critical new insight into the complex cascade of events that underpin UTI.


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This study evaluated the physiological tolerance times when wearing explosive and chemical (>35kg) personal protective equipment (PPE) in simulated environmental extremes across a range of differing work intensities. Twelve healthy males undertook nine trials which involved walking on a treadmill at 2.5, 4 and 5.5 km.h-1 in the following environmental conditions, 21, 30 and 37 °C wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). Participants exercised for 60 min or until volitional fatigue, core temperature reached 39 °C, or heart rate exceeded 90% of maximum. Tolerance time, core temperature, skin temperature, mean body temperature, heart rate and body mass loss were measured. Exercise time was reduced in the higher WBGT environments (WBGT37tolerance times are influenced by the external environment and workload, and that cardiovascular strain is the limiting factor to work tolerance when wearing this heavy multi layered PPE.


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This report describes the diagnostic features, clinical management and the issues associated with management of a young immunocompetent male who presented with a presumed left Herpes simplex immune stromal keratitis, and ten months later, a right immune stromal keratitis associated with Herpes zoster ophthalmicus.


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Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is one of the most common manifestations of systemic atherosclerosis. It is estimated that 10-15% of the general population is affected by PAD, whereby the narrowed arteries lead to reduced blood flow to the extremeties - particularly the legs. While many people have mild or no systems with PAD, approximately one-third of people experience intermittent claudication (IC).


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Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 4th Edition is the most comprehensive go-to reference for essential information about all aspects of professional nursing care of patients. Using the nursing process as a framework for practice, the fourth edition has been extensively revised to reflect the rapid changing nature of nursing practice and the increasing focus on key nursing care priorities. Building on the strengths of the third Australian and New Zealand edition and incorporating relevant global nursing research and practice from the prominent US title Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9Th Edition, Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition is an essential resource for students seeking to understand the role of the professional nurse in the contemporary health environment.


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Background Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) technicians are often required to wear specialised clothing combinations that not only protect against the risk of explosion but also potential chemical contamination. This heavy (>35kg) and encapsulating ensemble is likely to increase physiological strain by increasing metabolic heat production and impairing heat dissipation. This study investigated the physiological tolerance times of two different chemical protective undergarments, commonly worn with EOD personal protective clothing, in a range of simulated environmental extremes and work intensities Methods Seven males performed eighteen trials wearing two ensembles. The trials involved walking on a treadmill at 2.5, 4 and 5.5 km.h-1 at each of the following environmental conditions, 21, 30 and 37°C wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). The trials were ceased if the participants’ core temperature reached 39°C, if heart rate exceeded 90% of maximum, if walking time reached 60 minutes or due to volitional fatigue. Results Physiological tolerance times ranged from 8 to 60 min and the duration (mean difference: 2.78 min, P>0.05) were similar in both ensembles. A significant effect for environment (21>30>37°C WBGT, P<0.05) and work intensity (2.5>4>5.5 km.h-1, P< 0.05) was observed in tolerance time. The majority of trials across both ensembles (101/126; 80.1%) were terminated due to participants achieving a heart rate equivalent to greater than 90% of their maximum. Conclusions Physiological tolerance times wearing these two chemical protective undergarments, worn underneath EOD personal protective clothing, were similar and predominantly limited by cardiovascular strain.


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IgA is an important mucosal antibody that can neutralize mucosal pathogens by either preventing attachment to epithelia (immune exclusion) or alternatively inhibit intraepithelial replication following transcytosis by the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR). Chlamydia trachomatis is a major human pathogen that initially targets the endocervical or urethral epithelium in women and men, respectively. As both tissues contain abundant SIgA we assessed the protection afforded by IgA targeting different chlamydial antigens expressed during the extra and intraepithelial stages of infection. We developed an in vitro model utilizing polarizing cells expressing the murine pIgR together with antigen-specific mouse IgA, and an in vivo model utilizing pIgR-/- mice. SIgA targeting the extraepithelial chlamydial antigen, the major outer membrane protein (MOMP), significantly reduced infection in vitro by 24 % and in vivo by 44 %. Conversely, pIgR-mediated delivery of IgA targeting the intraepithelial inclusion membrane protein A (IncA) bound to the inclusion but did not reduce infection in vitro or in vivo. Similarly, intraepithelial IgA targeting the secreted protease Chlamydia protease-like activity factor (CPAF) also failed to reduce infection. Together, these data suggest the importance of pIgR-mediated delivery of IgA targeting extra but not intraepithelial chlamydial antigens for protection against a genital tract infection.


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This study focuses on trying to understand why the range of experience with respect to HIV infection is so diverse, especially as regards to the latency period. The challenge is to determine what assumptions can be made about the nature of the experience of antigenic invasion and diversity that can be modelled, tested and argued plausibly. To investigate this, an agent-based approach is used to extract high-level behaviour which cannot be described analytically from the set of interaction rules at the cellular level. A prototype model encompasses local variation in baseline properties contributing to the individual disease experience and is included in a network which mimics the chain of lymphatic nodes. Dealing with massively multi-agent systems requires major computational efforts. However, parallelisation methods are a natural consequence and advantage of the multi-agent approach. These are implemented using the MPI library.


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In this paper we present an update on our novel visualization technologies based on cellular immune interaction from both large-scale spatial and temporal perspectives. We do so with a primary motive: to present a visually and behaviourally realistic environment to the community of experimental biologists and physicians such that their knowledge and expertise may be more readily integrated into the model creation and calibration process. Visualization aids understanding as we rely on visual perception to make crucial decisions. For example, with our initial model, we can visualize the dynamics of an idealized lymphatic compartment, with antigen presenting cells (APC) and cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) cells. The visualization technology presented here offers the researcher the ability to start, pause, zoom-in, zoom-out and navigate in 3-dimensions through an idealised lymphatic compartment.


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We develop a hybrid cellular automata model to describe the effect of the immune system and chemokines on a growing tumor. The hybrid cellular automata model consists of partial differential equations to model chemokine concentrations, and discrete cellular automata to model cell–cell interactions and changes. The computational implementation overlays these two components on the same spatial region. We present representative simulations of the model and show that increasing the number of immature dendritic cells (DCs) in the domain causes a decrease in the number of tumor cells. This result strongly supports the hypothesis that DCs can be used as a cancer treatment. Furthermore, we also use the hybrid cellular automata model to investigate the growth of a tumor in a number of computational “cancer patients.” Using these virtual patients, the model can explain that increasing the number of DCs in the domain causes longer “survival.” Not surprisingly, the model also reflects the fact that the parameter related to tumor division rate plays an important role in tumor metastasis.