236 resultados para Graphics Processing Units


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This paper is a report of students' responses to instruction which was based on the use of concrete representations to solve linear equations. The sample consisted of 21 Grade 8 students from a middle-class suburban state secondary school with a reputation for high academic standards and innovative mathematics teaching. The students were interviewed before and after instruction. Interviews and classroom interactions were observed and videotaped. A qualitative analysis of the responses revealed that students did not use the materials in solving problems. The increased processing load caused by concrete representations is hypothesised as a reason.


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The impact of digital technology within the creative industries has brought with it a range of new opportunities for collaborative, cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary practice. Along with these opportunities has come the need to re-evaluate how we as educators approach teaching within this new digital culture. Within the field of animation, there has been a radical shift in the expectations of students, industry and educators as animation has become central to a range of new moving image practices. This paper interrogates the effectiveness of adopting a studio-based collaborative production project as a method for educating students within this new moving-image culture. The project was undertaken, as part of the Creative Industries Transitions to New Professional Environments program at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane Australia. A number of students studying across the Creative Industries Faculty and the Faculty of Science and Technology were invited to participate in the development of a 3D animated short film. The project offered students the opportunity to become actively involved in all stages of the creative process, allowing them to experience informal learning through collaborative professional practice. It is proposed that theoretical principles often associated with andragogy and constructivism can be used to design and deliver programs that address the emerging issues surrounding the teaching of this new moving image culture.


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Road surface macro-texture is an indicator used to determine the skid resistance levels in pavements. Existing methods of quantifying macro-texture include the sand patch test and the laser profilometer. These methods utilise the 3D information of the pavement surface to extract the average texture depth. Recently, interest in image processing techniques as a quantifier of macro-texture has arisen, mainly using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This paper reviews the FFT method, and then proposes two new methods, one using the autocorrelation function and the other using wavelets. The methods are tested on pictures obtained from a pavement surface extending more than 2km's. About 200 images were acquired from the surface at approx. 10m intervals from a height 80cm above ground. The results obtained from image analysis methods using the FFT, the autocorrelation function and wavelets are compared with sensor measured texture depth (SMTD) data obtained from the same paved surface. The results indicate that coefficients of determination (R2) exceeding 0.8 are obtained when up to 10% of outliers are removed.


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In a clinical setting, pain is reported either through patient self-report or via an observer. Such measures are problematic as they are: 1) subjective, and 2) give no specific timing information. Coding pain as a series of facial action units (AUs) can avoid these issues as it can be used to gain an objective measure of pain on a frame-by-frame basis. Using video data from patients with shoulder injuries, in this paper, we describe an active appearance model (AAM)-based system that can automatically detect the frames in video in which a patient is in pain. This pain data set highlights the many challenges associated with spontaneous emotion detection, particularly that of expression and head movement due to the patient's reaction to pain. In this paper, we show that the AAM can deal with these movements and can achieve significant improvements in both the AU and pain detection performance compared to the current-state-of-the-art approaches which utilize similarity-normalized appearance features only.


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This paper proposes a semi-supervised intelligent visual surveillance system to exploit the information from multi-camera networks for the monitoring of people and vehicles. Modules are proposed to perform critical surveillance tasks including: the management and calibration of cameras within a multi-camera network; tracking of objects across multiple views; recognition of people utilising biometrics and in particular soft-biometrics; the monitoring of crowds; and activity recognition. Recent advances in these computer vision modules and capability gaps in surveillance technology are also highlighted.


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A favorable product country of origin (e.g., an automobile made in Germany) is often considered an asset by marketers. Yet a challenge in today's competitive environment is how marketers of products from less favorably regarded countries can counter negative country of origin perceptions. Three studies investigate how mental imagery can be used to reduce the effects of negative country of origin stereotypes. Study 1 reveals that participants exposed to country of origin information exhibit automatic stereotype activation. Study 2 shows that self-focused counterstereotypical mental imagery (relative to other-focused mental imagery) significantly inhibits the automatic activation of negative country of origin stereotypes. Study 3 shows that this lessening of automatic negative associations persists when measured one day later. The results offer important implications for marketing theory and practice.


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Undergraduates working in teams can be a problematic endeavour, sometimes exacerbated for the student by poor prior experiences, a predisposition to an individual orientation of assessment, and simply the busyness that now typifies the life of a student. But effort in pedagogical design is worthwhile where team work is often a prerequisite in terms of graduate capabilities, robust learning, increased motivation, and indeed in terms of equipping individuals for emergent knowledge-age work practice, often epitomised by collaborative effort in both blended and virtual contexts. Through an iterative approach, based extensively on the established literature, we have developed a successful scaffold which is workable with a large cohort group (n >800), such that it affords students the lived experience of being a part of a learning network. Individuals within teams work together, to develop individual components that are subsequently aggregated and reified to an overall team knowledge artefact. We describe our case and propose a pedagogical model of scaffolding based on three perspectives: conceptual, rule-based and community-driven. This model provides designers with guidelines for producing and refining assessment tasks for team-based learning.


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We examine the impact of individual-specific information processing strategies (IPSs) on the inclusion/exclusion of attributes on the parameter estimates and behavioural outputs of models of discrete choice. Current practice assumes that individuals employ a homogenous IPS with regards to how they process attributes of stated choice (SC) experiments. We show how information collected exogenous of the SC experiment on whether respondents either ignored or considered each attribute may be used in the estimation process, and how such information provides outputs that are IPS segment specific. We contend that accounting the inclusion/exclusion of attributes will result in behaviourally richer population parameter estimates.


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In order to tackle the growth of air travelers in airports worldwide, it is important to simulate and understand passenger flows to predict future capacity constraints and levels of service. We discuss the ability of agent-based models to understand complicated pedestrian movement in built environments. In this paper we propose advanced passenger traits to enable more detailed modelling of behaviors in terminal buildings, particularly in the departure hall around the check-in facilities. To demonstrate the concepts, we perform a series of passenger agent simulations in a virtual airport terminal. In doing so, we generate a spatial distribution of passengers within the departure hall to ancillary facilities such as cafes, information kiosks and phone booths as well as common check-in facilities, and observe the effects this has on passenger check-in and departure hall dwell times, and facility utilization.


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Extraterritorial processing schemes are designed to prevent and deter access to statutory and judicial safeguards in the country responsible for the interception and transfer of asylum seekers to a third country. In line with this objective, they incorporate interdiction, transfer and processing practices and standards that are deliberately isolated from the national legal and institutional protections within either the intercepting state or the third country where processing occurs. Australia's recent disbandment of its extraterritorial processing centres in third countries highlights the fact that extraterritorial processing schemes have proven unworkable as a matter of international law, as they negate the national safeguards fundamental to the satisfaction of a state's protection obligations.


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Sigma-delta modulated systems have a number of very appealing properties and are, therefore, heavily used in analog to digital converters, amplifiers, and modulators. This paper presents new results which indicate that they may also have significant potential for general purpose arithmetic processing.


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Signal Processing (SP) is a subject of central importance in engineering and the applied sciences. Signals are information-bearing functions, and SP deals with the analysis and processing of signals (by dedicated systems) to extract or modify information. Signal processing is necessary because signals normally contain information that is not readily usable or understandable, or which might be disturbed by unwanted sources such as noise. Although many signals are non-electrical, it is common to convert them into electrical signals for processing. Most natural signals (such as acoustic and biomedical signals) are continuous functions of time, with these signals being referred to as analog signals. Prior to the onset of digital computers, Analog Signal Processing (ASP) and analog systems were the only tool to deal with analog signals. Although ASP and analog systems are still widely used, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and digital systems are attracting more attention, due in large part to the significant advantages of digital systems over the analog counterparts. These advantages include superiority in performance,s peed, reliability, efficiency of storage, size and cost. In addition, DSP can solve problems that cannot be solved using ASP, like the spectral analysis of multicomonent signals, adaptive filtering, and operations at very low frequencies. Following the recent developments in engineering which occurred in the 1980's and 1990's, DSP became one of the world's fastest growing industries. Since that time DSP has not only impacted on traditional areas of electrical engineering, but has had far reaching effects on other domains that deal with information such as economics, meteorology, seismology, bioengineering, oceanology, communications, astronomy, radar engineering, control engineering and various other applications. This book is based on the Lecture Notes of Associate Professor Zahir M. Hussain at RMIT University (Melbourne, 2001-2009), the research of Dr. Amin Z. Sadik (at QUT & RMIT, 2005-2008), and the Note of Professor Peter O'Shea at Queensland University of Technology. Part I of the book addresses the representation of analog and digital signals and systems in the time domain and in the frequency domain. The core topics covered are convolution, transforms (Fourier, Laplace, Z. Discrete-time Fourier, and Discrete Fourier), filters, and random signal analysis. There is also a treatment of some important applications of DSP, including signal detection in noise, radar range estimation, banking and financial applications, and audio effects production. Design and implementation of digital systems (such as integrators, differentiators, resonators and oscillators are also considered, along with the design of conventional digital filters. Part I is suitable for an elementary course in DSP. Part II (which is suitable for an advanced signal processing course), considers selected signal processing systems and techniques. Core topics covered are the Hilbert transformer, binary signal transmission, phase-locked loops, sigma-delta modulation, noise shaping, quantization, adaptive filters, and non-stationary signal analysis. Part III presents some selected advanced DSP topics. We hope that this book will contribute to the advancement of engineering education and that it will serve as a general reference book on digital signal processing.


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Stem cells have attracted tremendous interest in recent times due to their promise in providing innovative new treatments for a great range of currently debilitating diseases. This is due to their potential ability to regenerate and repair damaged tissue, and hence restore lost body function, in a manner beyond the body's usual healing process. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells or bone marrow stromal cells are one type of adult stem cells that are of particular interest. Since they are derived from a living human adult donor, they do not have the ethical issues associated with the use of human embryonic stem cells. They are also able to be taken from a patient or other donors with relative ease and then grown readily in the laboratory for clinical application. Despite the attractive properties of bone marrow stromal cells, there is presently no quick and easy way to determine the quality of a sample of such cells. Presently, a sample must be grown for weeks and subject to various time-consuming assays, under the direction of an expert cell biologist, to determine whether it will be useful. Hence there is a great need for innovative new ways to assess the quality of cell cultures for research and potential clinical application. The research presented in this thesis investigates the use of computerised image processing and pattern recognition techniques to provide a quicker and simpler method for the quality assessment of bone marrow stromal cell cultures. In particular, aim of this work is to find out whether it is possible, through the use of image processing and pattern recognition techniques, to predict the growth potential of a culture of human bone marrow stromal cells at early stages, before it is readily apparent to a human observer. With the above aim in mind, a computerised system was developed to classify the quality of bone marrow stromal cell cultures based on phase contrast microscopy images. Our system was trained and tested on mixed images of both healthy and unhealthy bone marrow stromal cell samples taken from three different patients. This system, when presented with 44 previously unseen bone marrow stromal cell culture images, outperformed human experts in the ability to correctly classify healthy and unhealthy cultures. The system correctly classified the health status of an image 88% of the time compared to an average of 72% of the time for human experts. Extensive training and testing of the system on a set of 139 normal sized images and 567 smaller image tiles showed an average performance of 86% and 85% correct classifications, respectively. The contributions of this thesis include demonstrating the applicability and potential of computerised image processing and pattern recognition techniques to the task of quality assessment of bone marrow stromal cell cultures. As part of this system, an image normalisation method has been suggested and a new segmentation algorithm has been developed for locating cell regions of irregularly shaped cells in phase contrast images. Importantly, we have validated the efficacy of both the normalisation and segmentation method, by demonstrating that both methods quantitatively improve the classification performance of subsequent pattern recognition algorithms, in discriminating between cell cultures of differing health status. We have shown that the quality of a cell culture of bone marrow stromal cells may be assessed without the need to either segment individual cells or to use time-lapse imaging. Finally, we have proposed a set of features, that when extracted from the cell regions of segmented input images, can be used to train current state of the art pattern recognition systems to predict the quality of bone marrow stromal cell cultures earlier and more consistently than human experts.